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  • What are you doing for way?

  • Mile cruise and uber.

  • Yeah.

  • So what we've done it scale is built the data platform for a I.

  • So a eyes really built on top of data.

  • And these algorithms require billions and billions of examples of labeled data to be able to perform in a safe, reliable way.

  • So this 22 year old interviewed me for a full time position and rejected me.

  • Just kidding.

  • He was 19 when he interviewed me and rejected me.

  • That was three years ago, and that was a senior up Waterloo.

  • Well, in my defense, they never actually explicitly rejected me.

  • They just go sit me after the interview.

  • I'm sure you didn't.

  • Emails later.

  • Let's take a look at their old website.

  • This company used to be called scale a p I.

  • And it wasn't focused only on labeling trading data.

  • They built an A P I for human labor.

  • We're gonna go back to August 2016 huh?

  • I don't think that's it.

  • Okay, that's more like it.

  • So kind of like taskrabbit, but with without the in person stuff.

  • So, like, phone surveys, transcription e commerce, tagging some categorization, outsourcing bitch work Essentially now they only focus on categorization, a k a labeling for model training.

  • So refined bitch work.

  • Scare was funded by a Lucy Grow and Alexander Wang.

  • Even his name looks like a startup.

  • Anyways, back then there were only two co founders and they were looking to hire their first engineer.

  • So I applied.

  • Here's the e mail exchange we had loose equal I she matched with on tinder year ago.

  • She didn't respond to me, but But then again, my opening message wasn't that great.

  • So apparently my resume stood out because I did a lot of different roles.

  • So that's good.

  • As a start up, we look for someone who can wear many hats.

  • Well, that's good.

  • They quickly hit me up with a take home project.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Well, I mean, it's too late now.

  • The project asked me to create post end points for them so they're customers can send an imitation box, requests a K, sent images and then we or scale a P.

  • I will have their contractors drop boxes around whatever they want and then send them back to the customers, where they will probably use it for some machine learning.

  • model or something.

  • So this project just focuses on this part, and the U I for the scale contractors to actually draw the box is actually, I think I still have the coat for this.

  • Let me whip it out.

  • All right, So here's what I built so that the contractors can use to drop boxes.

  • All right, let's send it some requests.

  • So he received hers.

  • Four images or four request.

  • I'm sending.

  • All right, and then we'll see this.

  • And here you go.

  • So you could see now that you have a few requests, and here you see a picture of, ah, a few cows.

  • And here it says you have to annotate baby cow and big cow.

  • And then the instructions that says draw box around each baby cow and big cow.

  • So that's cool.

  • So I think it's pretty simple.

  • You just, you know, draw them, baby.

  • Cal, Baby cow, baby cow.

  • Oh, no.

  • That's not a baby cow.

  • So, you know, you could exit out, switched a big cow and then annotate the big cow.

  • Then you can also reset it.

  • You could also say it's broken feather, it's broken.

  • And then there's also the urgency here.

  • He could also sort by urgency if you want.

  • So here you go.

  • You have urgency.

  • Short urgency, sort by date.

  • You can also click another one if you don't want to do this one right now.

  • Ah, yeah, I think that's pretty much it.

  • So let me just Cal Tate, this big cow, baby cow, baby cow and then mama cow.

  • This will be saved in the database and scented a customer and the customer receive received these things, and then you just submit and then you submit it.

  • And then here's another example.

  • Um, I think this is a picture of a K pop group called No.

  • Okay, I I know it's black Pink.

  • I know.

  • Blocking.

  • So here it says, draw box around the best black pink member, and then the objects is like my biased.

  • Okay, let's see.

  • Okay.

  • Um, uncle Okay.

  • And then, uh, are you serious?

  • All right.

  • So I think you get the point.

  • And, um, they also told me to use the mean stack.

  • Um, if I can, But to be honest, I wasn't much of a front end guy, so I ended up using the men stack.

  • You know, very patriarch of me, um, had some angular, but it was clear that I wasn't really using the framework, right.

  • But, I mean, they said they loved it, though.

  • Um, but I have a feeling they didn't look at the source code until later on when they ghosted me.

  • So no hard feelings, though.

  • I mean, I goes myself, too.

  • I would have been a trash employee was popping.

  • Guys, Here's a day in the life of an early start employees.

  • So here's me coding right now.

  • So they invited me for an interview and the Alexander to CEO interviewed me.

  • We just chatted, and then he asked me an algorithm question.

  • The question was fine.

  • Median and data stream question.

  • He had to give me a hint for me to solve it, so that probably didn't help my chances.

  • And unfortunately, he didn't respond to me after the interview.

  • And then, as you can see, here's my last desperate attempt after a month.

  • I know.

What are you doing for way?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

22歳の社長に断られました (I Got Rejected By A 22-Year Old CEO)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日