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  • What is that guy's forest here?

  • And I think now more than ever is an appropriate time for me to talk about Programmer Burner, which has a lot to do with why I was development has kind of been missing from this channel.

  • Wait a second before we get started.

  • As I was editing this video kind of realized that I forgot something.

  • I forgot to integrate that Tomas is the one who kind of brought this to my attention.

  • I've been experiencing program burnout as well, and you'll see why, and I'll explain everything and tell you stories in this video.

  • But Tomas Santiago, mom a day not sure for pronounce your last name correctly if I didn't apologize kind of shared his experience of the comment on one my previous videos about his own programmer burnout.

  • How is spreading himself too thin?

  • And that really encouraged me to make this video because I've been going through the same thing recently, and I want to let everybody know that it's not uncommon you're not alone when it comes to program or burn out.

  • If you're feeling unmotivated, there's probably a reason not because you're not cut out to be a programmer, but because it's just it just happens.

  • It's simple is that it just happens to 99% of us, and I'm gonna put Tomas is coming up on the screen now.

  • So pause it if you want to read through that.

  • Holmes, I comment.

  • I basically told you the summary of it, how it's his programmer burnout story, and I'm gonna take it off the screen.

  • And now we're gonna get back to our regularly scheduled program.

  • Enjoy.

  • So programmer burnout.

  • It's really appropriate for me to talk about it right now, because these past, like, six months, essentially the past two semesters have been hectic, but the past, like two or three months, have been especially hectic this semester in school.

  • I'm currently working on two four hours Asleep is not enough sleep for anybody, which is why I need my coffee.

  • So, as I was saying this semester, I've been building two injured applications, one of which, being an augmented reality application, integrating tensorflow machine learning things of that nature.

  • I'll discuss more about it with you guys in the future, but right now I'm in a group of nine total people.

  • Maybe there's like seven or eight Now a few people didn't make it all go through the semester, but a big group developing this injured application.

  • So that's one thing going on.

  • Second Android application is a social media style application where I actually discussed in a previous video.

  • It's called Pizza Topper.

  • Well, I think I've told you about how we had four people in that group, and then it got narrowed down to two people because nobody in the group was doing anything except for me.

  • Well, guess what?

  • In that group of two, nobody was doing any of the work except for me, and I was really stressed out approaching like the midterm demo like, That's kind of what we had to do with Demo.

  • Our Midway application, basically, and I had to stay up like for two consecutive nights, maybe getting like a three hour nap somewhere in there and creating building like the rest of this application.

  • Whereas I thought my partner was going to kind of participate that that's kind of how we divided the skills.

  • But I wasn't hearing any communication, so I kind of expected that was going to do.

  • All of it is just a horrible time.

  • I actually asked my professor with the partner in the room to go so low.

  • So now what started off as a four person group ended up as a one person group, and that social media style at Pizza Topper is part of my mobile app development course.

  • We're learning Android development, and I'm also working on another assignment, which is the third assignment, where we essentially are creating a smaller application to kind of learn some of the basics within android development.

  • Essentially, the assignments are to focus on one thing or another, maybe a few things at once, and integrate it into like a little application.

  • Doesn't have to be fancy just has to get done and don't even get me started on CS 4 17 which is computational methods and software.

  • Essentially, I'm writing numerical algorithms and integrating those into the job our steeples bus applications well, not integrating.

  • I'm creating the applications surrounded, you know, based on these America algorithms, it's basically where linear algebra meets programming fun, right?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • And I also have a theoretical computer science course where I'm not even gonna get into that.

  • Just know that if you're interested in pursuing a computer science degree.

  • Math, please.

  • A huge role, not just in the math classes.

  • I'll talk more about that in another video.

  • Actually want to make a video about kind of conquering math as a computer science student?

  • But we'll get to that probably in the next week or two.

  • So subscribe.

  • If you're interested, anything like that.

  • And then that's only what's going on in school.

  • I'm also trying to, you know, do you tube induced a few other things like I'm setting up my Twitter account?

  • I've been, you know, getting my profile picture together, getting the panels together, getting my station over here, set up properly, already got on my WiFi and whatnot, our Internet set up.

  • And then I have look, look, a cool little mic stand back there and I have a Web came up there.

  • It's not facing out because I haven't been using it yet, so I don't really want it facing at me, you know, because hackers put over on twitch that TV slash forced night Lincoln down.

  • Description below.

  • If you're interested, I'm doing Q and A videos while I play Fortnight, so a lot of people have asked me for Q and A videos.

  • That's gonna be the platform I also like today for diversifying, not just hold everything on YouTube, but also kind of girl following over onto which is, well, so give me fall over there.

  • I really appreciate it.

  • I'm not only mentioning this to plug my twist channel, although I am plugging my twist channel mentioning this because all this has to do with programmer burnout.

  • It's just my specific case with all these programs and applications that I'm building in school along with, like I said, everything else that I have going on in my life, You know, everyone has everything a stuff going on in their life.

  • But that has really just burn me out from programming.

  • I haven't really been able to work on my own.

  • I was application except for a few days out of the month.

  • So, yes, it has been getting done, you know, a little bit along the way, but it's not as much as I'd like to.

  • That's because all of my programming time is allotted to Andhra Development or just anything with school, any school programming.

  • That's where my programming time is allotted I still want to have time to myself, and I still want to have time for y'all in order to make these YouTube videos.

  • And I've also been looking a bit more into programmer burnout per se.

  • And a lot of people have been saying like 4 to 5 years.

  • It's kind of the time where, let's say, in someone's career they kind of get burnt out with doing the same job over and over and over again.

  • Maybe you're working on different features, but that's kind of like where programmer burnout sets in.

  • And although I haven't been in the workforce for 4 to 5 years, I have been programming for 4 to 5 years.

  • That's when I started with all of this going on and me, you know, not being able to focus on one emphasis.

  • I was development.

  • For example, I have to focus on android development, standalone Java development, see post post development python development, python with artificial intelligence and machine learning development than learning all the framers technologies around that.

  • It's so just burns you out.

  • What this does in our for back to Tomas is comment from earlier in the video.

  • It spreads.

  • You're so thin that it just burns you out.

  • It makes you not enjoy programming as much as you did.

  • You know, when you're getting into programming, you have all of these hopes and dreams.

  • And you think about one day create this application in this application.

  • Or maybe one day I'll go work at space sex or, you know, work for human must go over it, tests later, Solar city or wherever you really want to work, whether that's NASA or Facebook or Google, and then it just kind of diminishes and diminishes and diminishes.

  • And for me, I think that's really like computer science.

  • My school at this point in my career and my school career, that is it's really just burn me out and I'm completely over it just spread me too thin.

  • I mean, I understand that school is where you learn how to learn, and you need to essentially build a foundation.

  • Because if you learn this, this, this, this and that, you really learn how to learn a new language.

  • So you start off with job or you start off with C plus plus, and then you're able to learn job.

  • Then you're able to learn swift.

  • You're able to learn Python, and that's kind of like the idea behind school.

  • I mean, computer science isn't just programming is actually more so.

  • Computer theory, then programming.

  • But you use programming to implement that computer theory.

  • If that makes sense, you know, in computer science program, I don't know if it does, but school is spreading me too thin.

  • You may be spreading yourself too thin.

  • You may be interested in Web development, and then when it's it's time to, you know, get over that hump once it gets, like, really to the difficult part, you're readyto get over that hump.

  • But you don't see that you're about to hop over that hump.

  • You switch over to Iowa's development or you switch over to Java programming or artificial intelligence programming, and then that keeps happening.

  • You learn the basics of that language of that framework of that technology, and then once you're about to essentially breakthrough, as they say, you switch, you switch, you switch, and you don't really find yourself being an expert or at least being able to complete a full program that you want to create on your own in a timely manner.

  • you're sitting there with the basics of what developed.

  • You're sitting there with the basics.

  • Violence of element.

  • You're sitting there with the basics of python development, but you're not excel ing.

  • That's what we call a jack of all trades.

  • And if you know if you follow me on Instagram, you will see him.

  • My description on Instagram Jack of all trades Master of none.

  • That's true right now.

  • Unfortunately, I'm not proud of it.

  • I just thought was kind of funny, So I included in my little bio up there on Instagram.

  • But that's like kind of what I'm going through right now.

  • It's just everything is just spread too thin.

  • I'm building so many different skills up to like this level when a reality.

  • I should be focusing on one, maybe two skills and booting you up to this level so I could be a professional, an expert at that.

  • In all honesty, I've been looking into jobs as I'm, you know, closing out of my computer science degree more so on the data analyst works, systems analysts, worker or work that has minimal coding.

  • And you want to know why?

  • Because I don't want to have programmer burn out.

  • I want to be able to come home.

  • And if I want to work on my IOST application, I can and I will because I haven't been programming at work all day.

  • I'll be working all day, but I won't be writing code.

  • I wouldn't be trying to debug or figure out what's going on with my program.

  • I will be doing all of that data analyst systems analyst type work.

  • So I have more motivation to work on my own projects because after all, most of you know that I plan to work for myself.

  • I actually kind of have this goal in mind where one year.

  • I don't know if I should say this in case any employer is potential players watching me, but I would love I'm gonna say it anyway.

  • I would love to be able.

  • I hope that after one year, working at whatever job I get after school, I have the option toe leave that job and come work for myself full time, whether that be building IOS applications from myself and YouTube and twitch and all these other ventures that I'm trying to dive into, and I'm only gonna be able to make that possible.

  • If I don't burn out, if I'm able to come home and work on my own projects, my IOS applications in order to build those applications into a business, my own android applications, if I want to go that route as well.

  • Or maybe even, you know, if I'm able to build up this YouTube channel, my twist channel and whatever else I choose to die, vent to and essentially generate enough revenue, whereas I can be working for myself, I may even reach out to you guys and hire some of you guys to build APS for me.

  • I may be too busy with YouTube and twitch and maybe doing a little bit of Iowa's development.

  • Or maybe I want to be a project manager in order to run the IOC application that I've built.

  • And then I can bring on an android developer because maybe that may not be my favorite thing to do, or I can bring on someone who does Web development or Web application development and things of that nature.

  • So there's just this is what's going on in my mind right now, and I'm really getting scared from this whole programmer burnout thing, and I don't want that happen to me.

  • So I'm doing my best to avoid that situation, which is why I'm so excited that I'll be graduating in May.

  • I actually do have a few other classes I'll be taking this summer and later in the fall, but it's only like one or two classes, so it's not that big of a deal.

  • Or at least I'm hoping that it's not that big of a deal.

  • I just want you guys to know that I don't care of your one year into it or if you're five years into it or 20 years into it.

  • Programmer burnout Israel.

  • You just have to go.

  • I don't know.

  • I'm gonna share my experience with you guys.

  • Hopefully, all this works out well.

  • But in my mind and what I've read and kind of my understanding of why I'm being Burt tell, you know, trying to reverse engineer.

  • Why, why I'm being burnt out.

  • My conclusion being stepped back, figure out what you really want to focus on and focus on that.

  • And I've actually had this mindset for the past, like, nine months or so when I really started toe kind of feel this way, and I just haven't been able to do that because of school.

  • School is kind of what spreading me thin.

  • So once I'm able to get out, I do my best to be able to work on my own software applications myself.

  • And although I hope nobody singing this, I'm sure there's somebody out there that is thinking, Why don't you just stop playing video games and focus on I was development or stop doing this or stop doing that and focus on your own IOS application.

  • That's because of of this burn out, because I'm working on this android application, that android application, these smaller android applications, my in numerical algorithm applications and all this other stuff going on that I need a little bit of time to myself any a limited time to do fun activities.

  • I have fun hanging out with my fiance.

  • Mr.

  • My wife will be in about 34 days.

  • I believe so.

  • I have fun hanging out.

  • My fans have fun hanging out my friends, but I also need a little bit of time to myself, so I need toe be able to sit back and play a little bit of video games, and that's just kind of how I don't want to see this.

  • Ah, decompress.

  • That's how I decompress.

  • That's how I just can't replace that with Iowa's application development Two years ago, I could one year ago I could, and I'm not trying to make getting excuses.

  • It's just that that's how I'm feeling right now.

  • And if I did any more programming, I would probably lose my mind.

  • So just know that you're not alone.

  • If you're feeling burnout, just take a step back.

  • Reverse engineer.

  • Why you feel that you're burning out?

  • Explain yourself too thin.

  • Most likely that's the case.

  • Otherwise, you know, maybe just take a break from programming for a couple of months and come back into it.

  • You'll be reinvigorated.

  • Then you'll be ready to roll in whatever application you're working on.

  • Or maybe it will be a better idea to work on a new application because maybe you've lost interest in that old application.

  • So that's just my two cents on programmer burnout.

  • Hope you guys enjoyed this video till next time.

What is that guy's forest here?


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A2 初級

プログラマーの燃え尽きはリアル!? (Programmer Burnout is REAL!)

  • 3 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日