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farce here.
Today is Fourth of July, So happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans.
As you can see, this isn't my typical setup.
And no, this isn't the new house that I mentioned in last video.
It's just off the beach here in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and this is where we spending the next day or two.
But yesterday, on a community post, I asked you all to ask any questions.
This is 100 K Q and A video.
For those of you who don't know, we just hit 100,000 describes recently.
Appreciate it.
Last night I asked you to leave any questions in a community post for me for this 100 k Q and a video.
So let's go through some of those What tips will you give me and the people who want to start a career as a programmer?
Is that a good choice?
A lot of the tips that I have to give made videos about, so just check out some of those videos on my channel.
But to give a brief answer, make sure that it's something that you want to do.
Don't just say Oh I could make a lot of money doing that and do it because you won't last long.
I mean, you can try to do it, but if you realize you don't really like it that much, then you're not gonna last very long.
You're not gonna enjoy what you do every single day.
Plus, you need to think about the lifestyle that you have.
You're gonna be sitting at a desk for 6 to 8 hours every single day.
Is that something that you're open to?
To me, those were the few most important things to take into consideration cause you got to make sure that you want to do the work.
Otherwise, what does it matter?
I could give you all the programming tips in the world if you don't care.
Do you find it hard to focus on programming for a long period of time?
What ways do you combat this?
I do find it hard to focus on programming for a long time, depending on the particular problem.
Sometimes out dive into a problem, and I'm just working it through.
And the next thing I know, it's like 23 hours later.
But more often than not, I have to do.
I think it's called the Pomodoro Technique, or however you pronounce it where you work for a set amount of time.
You take a break for set amount of time, so I'd like to go on my walks.
If you've seen any some of my videos, like the data like videos.
You see that?
So I'll work for maybe an hour, maybe 45 minutes, something along those lines, depending on the day and depending on the task.
And then I'll take a five minute break and go grab some water or go grab some snacks or I'll take even longer, maybe like 15 to 20 minute break, and I'll take a lap or two around the building.
I try not to think about the problem when I'm on those brakes.
I know other people will actually try to think about the problem.
What not?
But I tryto just not think about anything that has to do it work.
Just go on my walk day dream.
If you will just look around whatever and then I'll come back and I'll get back into How do you get maintained in shape and programming?
Do you read books do you code something's or how?
Well, for me now, of course, you know, that's what I do every single day.
And I think that's a good way to do is make sure you do work every single day.
Doesn't have to be writing actual code.
It could be trying to fix a bug, actually, a partnership with this company that hadn't really told you all about called daily coding problem dot com slash forest.
That's the girl that you were gonna use.
You want to support me is completely free, and it's into a coding problem every single day.
Hence the term that the name of it daily coding problem.
It's pretty cool it, since you an email every single day with a new coding problem for you to dio.
And then if you want the solutions, that's where they're up.
Cell is.
That's where you can spend $9 per month or $8 per month.
If you use my permit code.
Farce is just my name, and then they'll send you the solutions along with those coding problems.
Take that out like I said, like the top of description.
What's your advice for a 15 year old who's trying to be a game play programmers?
What does that mean?
Like a game developer, I would say Take a look at the game engines, make your job, especially breaking into it as easy as possible.
A lot of these games that are made, they're made on top of a game engine now.
Fortnight, The biggest game that is out right now is built on top of one really injured.
Now Epicgames created the Unreal Engine, and they created Fortnight.
On top of that, I'm sure they did more than just use the unreal engine.
But use like Unity Engine or the Unreal Engine or any of these other game development engines.
And start to learn that instead of trying to figure out how to make your own graphics trying to do all the physics that is behind game development, make your job is easiest possible.
How does having an online presence like you to affect you when seeking and maintaining jobs in the cops?
I feel so for me.
I've had the same job for over a year.
I got it right after I graduated from college last May, and, of course I was trying to secure this job for that whole entire spring semester.
So from anywhere between January and May, I went from January 13th.
I had 4000 subscribers and then in April April 3rd at 10,000 in June 15th 18,000.
So I mean, if they if they searched my name on Google, I think I would have come up.
But it's not like, not like now where I have 100,000 subscribers, which is quite a bit more than 10 doubts describes at the time.
So I don't think it helped or didn't help.
I didn't say anything about my YouTube channel.
I kind of always kept those two things separate.
Now, of course, they merged into one.
But I do think that if I wanted to use my YouTube channel than maybe would help, considering it is in the sulfur development realm.
Paul just making random videos about woodworking.
I don't think that would help me with, uh with getting a softer development job, you see, So since it's related, maybe it would help.
But I haven't had experience with from your perspective what are The big difference is someone with a C S.
C s bachelors or masters to someone that went to a boot camp.
I'm a chemical engineering major and I don't enjoy my career.
It all on I've always enjoyed coding.
Vehbi, eh?
I'm working towards the pre Rex to get into grad school for M s and self engineer.
Now, I don't know about boot camp, but something I've been told one particular person who owned this soft development company, their best programmers were strictly self taught.
And I say strictly self taught because it doesn't matter if you're a boot camp or you're a computer science major Salter Engineering Major, You're gonna be teaching yourself a lot of things.
I don't know if you've seen a Joshua Flukes.
Most one of most recent videos about tutorial Hell, he got it says the same thing that you're always gonna be self tall as a programmer because you're not just gonna be able to go to class and then teach everything you gotta do.
You gotta put in the work.
Like in my last video.
I talked about how you go to class maybe an hour a day before that hour a day.
You're working on a 568 hours a day for homework for that class.
All that stuff is you teaching yourself, maybe asking your professor a few questions in office hours or an e mail but yourself yourself talk.
But I digress.
Trying to get at is the fact that it's purely self talk.
People at this particular company that I was talking about tend to be better programmers than those who have a computer science degree.
Having a bachelors are masters in computer science will open a lot more doors for you, but I always personally believe that your portfolio is going to be something that that knocks down the doors well, because it shows that you can actually do the work.
Then the interview process will expose you if you can't actually do the work as well.
And it just you knowing your stuff.
It's gonna be a lot better in the long term than having a piece of paper sheepskin that says, Yeah, I graduated for computer science.
In most cases, take take what I say with a grain of salt.
I'm only one person.
Any advice for an aspiring YouTuber who wants to build a brand around salt for engineering to start uploading videos about your experiences and it's all for engineer.
What software do you use to screen records from the same person I use O.
Your snap Don't have one.
I do have an instagram and Twitter that I really don't use that much, but they're always linked in the description below.
How important was your G P A.
In your job search?
It wasn't at all.
It wasn't important whatsoever in my job search in any of my internships or co ops throughout school.
Anything in the computer science field by GP didn't matter.
It wasn't good enough in my opinion toe list on my resume, so I didn't and no one ever asked me about any updates on the new business you're working on.
How is it going so far?
So with that, I think I mentioned it a couple of videos ago.
That course keeps getting pushed back.
That's just my nature toe.
Be late with things, but sometime in August, hopefully early August.
But I'm working with a lot of different people trying to get things together, so it's not strictly on me.
In terms of the timeline, it's on me as well as a few other entities.
If you will, but other than that, it's going well.
It's just, you know, it takes a little bit of time for those of you who were wondering who know about it or maybe even don't know about it, it has really nothing to do with program.
I wanted to do something that was a little bit different, but in a way, in a way, it is still related to it.
But I'll announce more about it once everything is maybe in a couple weeks.
When do you start coding or getting interested in technology?
You know, honestly, I didn't really start coding until I was 19 years old for computer science student who just finished the first year.
What would be the best way to make money from the field?
So, like like right now, I would say, Get an internship there pretty well, paying internships, and I'll just be straight up about it.
How much I made from my co op at Norfolk Southern, cause it's public record.
So is there for two semesters.
Once technically as a junior in college and one as a senior in college and as a junior, I got paid $3000 per month as a senior, I made $3300 per month, and if I'm not mistaken as a sophomore, you would make $2700 per month.
And if they had the option for a freshman to be some type of coop and turn there, I'm sure that will be $2400 per month, $300 for every year increase.
Sure, there are other options, but that's where you get a little bit more creative, in my opinion, an internship that pays because as a computer science student, you should be getting paid internships.
Think that is the best for short term money as well as long term money.
Because of more internships you get, they're at school.
The more money you make throughout school, the more experience you gain throughout school in preparation for your full time job once you graduate.
And those are the questions for today.
If you left a question, I didn't get around to it.
I apologize.
There were quite a bit, and I'm trying to make sure this video gets consolidated and whatnot today.
Gotta go down to the beach soon.
This morning actually had to rescue a boat from the bay, take it back to their dock and then come back on over.
So it's a little bit delayed, but I don't mind helping somebody else, especially if they're stranded in the middle of the day.
But hope you all enjoyed it.
If you did give it a big thumbs up.
Considers describing if you aren't already until next time, guys, have a good one, okay?