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you under the truth.
For me, it's what's popping.
Hey, guys.
So this interview is split into three parts.
If you're new to this channel, you probably came here for Part one now for part two and three.
This is for my subscribers.
For people who care about Sunday, not a lot of people do.
But for some of you, here is the chance to get to know her.
And yet it's pretty fun.
And, uh, I hope you guys learn something, and I hope you guys have fun watching this video.
What's popping, guys?
Welcome to another tech show, where we give tips and tricks on how to land a successful cure intact.
You're just leaving.
So today, as you can see, we have a special guest on me, everyone, and send me not the K pop star.
Unfortunately, just they just saw for engineer.
But, you know, it's it's better than nothing.
Today we're gonna talk about we're just gonna talk about some means journey on how she got to suffering and it was highly requested.
So, you know.
And she was also requested to be on my videos.
That's why I asked her here because she thanked me, so.
All right, carry on.
Let's see.
Oh, so so?
So before we begin short bullet questions.
Mac or PC?
Nice iPhone or Android?
I felt easy.
Favorite language.
Very favorite programming language.
I like my two favorite editor.
Oh, who?
No, no, that's wrong.
So I used to use them a lot.
I think.
Like coffee or tea.
Nice hints.
Or Lacroix?
Why do you look so much like sparkling did him?
All right.
So let's talk about your journey to the soft engineering.
Where'd you go to high school?
I went to school in China.
Wait, Are true Korean?
So I was born in Korea and other until another elementary school.
And then I want to be Jane for So wait.
So why did you think it was a combination off dance?
Or as well as my mom wanted to give me a better education by sending me.
So did you do any CS classes?
So wait.
When was my school didn't happen?
Oh, really?
My mind either.
So, but like most apparently most American schools and then when I know what you would do after.
After highschool I came to the U.
What is this?
Never Sanford.
I've never heard of it.
What is it?
Yeah, just like school in California called.
Is it good for anything like that?
Is it?
I heard it was okay for I heard its allies average.
It's like Waterloo.
But United States.
How did you get mostly applied locations?
Did you have to do us a piece insurance?
What was their S A.
T score?
23 doesn't mean all right?
So at Stanford.
Your study.
And then But Stanford was, like, the only time that you first learned.
Yes, I actually did not know how to call at all for Stanford.
So yeah, my first CS class waas a job because I wasn't a job classes, programming fundamentals.
I was hot in some form of job.
So that was your first course.
Very first exposure to And then I guess you feel Yeah.
I really like a professor who thought the classes because effort places all of their celebrity professors into there so that everyone will get on it, and then they get hooked on.
So then I'm guessing just four CS classes more, more do any internships?
Yeah, I did.
Two at a time.
One at a p.
And I didn't want to.
So a B T Would you do Entities offered here on a link tonight.
So you did both.
Like what you like.
They're really different.
I mean, I'm gonna cheer right now, so I was really troll engineering, but, um, they're really different.
PM is much less technical.
Several I've had was pretty on a very technical and engineering.
It's, like all coding sense.
Now you're an engineer and the engineer I work mostly on.
So do you ever think about trying like West or Android?
Or do you, like, back and say I think I wanna be really solid and before I expand, but I'm definitely interested in Did you get good grades in school?
I did.
What college?
I would say college.
Did you get like, grace?
And you think that matters for for getting higher for internships in college, I would say I get good grades, but it does not really matter.
Okay, So nothing.
So what matters more is like your experience.
So what about like your first internship?
Because I'm guessing you didn't have any experience before.
I guess if you're a freshman and looking for very first internship, you need to show everything you can in order to prove yourself.
So GPS would help.
But again, it's only a freshman GPS.
So loves me that much, but it's better than a really.
So did you study a lot for the great God like Like, where you just studying all day, like at school?
Or did you do a lot of extracurriculars?
I was often along different student groups, so I think it was a healthy balance of studying and also meeting people, especially near you have to meet you people.
That's like obstruction years for so I don't know you that I don't know You Okay?
Funny story.
So I live in the dorm and our dorm was next to a club like a pretty ration clerk.
Yeah, it was it was called pills or something.
Because I lived at Lori.
People from or allude you would understand, but yeah, and every every Wednesday night, and I would be just like you are like I mean, I was a loner.
I have friends, but just I didn't like to go out.
It's anti.
Have you done anything you like?
Side projects?
Because I heard you.
Experience is better than grades, you know, they care of experience.
Lots of introduce I projects.
And those help?
I didn't really decide projects, but I worked part time at a horse startup, but those it was just truly for experienced.
It wasn't like I was getting paid or anything, so it was almost like a side project, so I was just going for them.
So what did you do?
Is mostly development as well as Rome mapping.
Because startup, you don't really have separate roles like one person.
That's everything.
So how do you even, like, applied for jobs?
Did you have a career fairs or did you, like, apply just on the website?
So I did it through multiple channels.
I want to prefers because Sanford, off your affairs I just applied online.
Also got referrals when you got you know, your internships.
Did you study for downplay?
How did your studies for now for interviews?
Yeah, You definitely have to say for them.
I don't think just taking classes enough for quoting interviews.
At least unless you have a class in college that cater specifically towards interviewing skills.
Um, I think one book that everyone recommends, and they recommended for a good reason.
It's cracking the coding interview.
They have all the basics.
They have the solutions for questions as well.
So it's pretty Ortho to three threat.
And then afterwards I just went online when Ali co Packer rank those things so that you can actually practice like portable PM here use I was also in a group called Stanford Consulting.
So I have done some consulting interviews before, and although they are pretty different, it does help to have some consulting destination, that type of background and then having okay, I know why I didn't get the job now for context.
I just want to put this out there.
Oh, like I didn't over before.
I just never know.
But like before, I remember I actually applied for the lengthen role as a PM same year.
I did not get it.
So in some ways we crossed paths and she took away my only on to his role to become a PM fine.
Instead, I want Thio you still working for Microsoft as a How are you in high school where you like nerdy time or like that, Not that nerdy type, you know.
Very cool.
No, I I didn't put Colton.
I just had heard time and not what?
Um I saw this nerdy nerds.
You know what?
I, like exempted.
You join clubs that robotics or mobile blondes like that.
What kind of clothes you're actually, I was on Lee in, like, music related calls.
So I wasn't in any economic clogs I considered myself because I did study a lot.
So what?
I wasn't like, I don't know What's the definition of a typical nerd who really doesn't.
So I just think me e I get cool.
So what about now?
What do you do outside of work after our long work hours?
So if I don't want to socialize, just watch TV create from no reality show.
Which Korean dramas you?
Recently I've been watching this really intense one just called political.
It's like money.
Flower translates in life for us.
Really intense story of how the super rich family fights for their heritage.
It is a love story.
Or is it?
Oh, there's a lot of love story and decided.
But it's a lot of intensity.
So if you weren't software engineer, what do you think you would have done instead?
Be realistic?
I think I would have either gone for either consulting or baking.
What if it What if you could do whatever you want?
Everything pays the same.
Whatever I want.
Everything taste the same, but you can't see.
Like I want to travel.
Blogger Travel blogger number That that makes sense.
You troubled water.
Our food critic.
A food critic?
Just because he paid to eat.
Yeah, right.
Oh, yeah.
Have you ever written something about food?
Well, you have.
Well, I don't share with us, but you.
But you do, right?
But mostly when I'm not really.
You know what?
I'm not really happy with it.
Were, like, really happy with it.
I should find my help.
It's all one.
It's like there's no reason to rate good.
Are you remember?
You know, I know.
I don't think so.
What about?
Okay, so now you know, you grass off engineering.
Do you see yourself doing this for a while?
Like, what's your five year plan?
if I were to stay in engineering, I would shit for becoming an inferior manager.
Otherwise, I think I would want to, uh, playing more of a particle.
Now, I guess we're gonna do now is that we had a lot of viewers question.
And in case you don't know, I have a discord channel, and that is where everyone asked the questions.
Discord Channel is on the description below.
If you want to join that.
This core channels really cool.
We talk about random stuff.
It's a great community.
Yes, some of these questions, you know, very career related.
Some of them less so.
1st 1 career related.
What was your A P m internship?
Like, you know, quick answer.
My MPM did.
I liked it.
I liked it a lot.
A lot of I met a lot of new people, which was the best part.
A lot of working professionals and a complete different experience.
I was very different from Cody.
This one less career oriented.
If you were a convincing Germans crushed a datum.
What qualities of his would you bring up first?
If I have any?
If you haven't, um mmm.
On a scale to 1 to 10.
How annoying is Joma?
Oh, wow.
Thanks more.
Actually, I'll be nicer.
You watch enemy.
I used to know which ones I used to.
I didn't watch anime eyes to read the books.
I read, like, one piece narrowed.
Oh, classic.
Do you think Joma is secretly gay?
100% gay?
Yeah, maybe like 0.1% out.
But I'm I'm pretty confident.
Any low key talent, Bobby?
Any Loki Taliban hobby, And you locate our hobby?
Uh, hobby, I You don't need to force it.
If you have no talent, it's fine.
Just go for the nice question.
Doesn't like to do.
I'd like to bleed off.
I like thio really track saying, e.
I like to make a whole big nice nice.
All right.
If you were to start a YouTube channel, what kind of videos would you want to make?
I don't want to make cattle videos like lifestyle type of videos.
When I travel, I want film one of her.
I'm eating Theo.
Tara wants to be Oh, so I see your big lover of food.
Explains the figure.
All right, So is these Are you all right.
What were your first impression of Jola?
My first impression of them.
Honestly, I thought it was really annoying.
There's a reason for so the first time I met Sonny, I thought she was really bitchy, who be honest and the reason why it's because we're on the same team and everyone scattered for lunch and I would usually no cracks.
You tell some nice stories.
Everyone would laugh, except for something she would have that bitch face that you see all the time in the startup.
That was why I cast her, to be honest.
So that was it.
God damn it.
Why can't I like?
I understand.
I need to crack her, right?
So then I just started talking anymore.
Hey, what's going on at that China cracker?
And then maybe that's why giving these stupid jokes They're good, I think.
Laughing out of politeness.
Yeah, nothing.
I was pretending to laugh, but you'll be flying first impressions.
She's fine, too.
So I guess this is kind of similar, But what is drama like at work?
I guess we could talk about what I am like now works hard on his videos this troop so I don't know about work, but he's working hard on something.
So there's this time when Joel say next to me and he was like, having a lot of code.
So I thought, Wow, this guy's, like, actually working this time Appear over what you're working at.
And I saw him just writing a lot of html college.
Clearly they assigned still write, like, Okay, you're clearly not working on your really work.
You're making your website.
I was making my merch shop.
Yeah, just that one time.
You feel like you're actually working like I was literally distantly earphones on me?
Yeah, Some like high.
So apparently I have 2% Korean viewership.
I'm one of them.
Yeah, 2% Koreans.
And then one of them said, Say something to commune fence.
You know, in Korea maybe, um, cool Korean fans know key.
Mark came a little quality video.
Honey, what human criminal for goggle eyed little thoughts, More family.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
It's a key.
Mark came a little quality video.
Honey, what human criminal for goggle eyed little thoughts were working for me.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
All right, so that's about it.
That's it for now.
I just want to say thank you so much for watching this video.
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Oh, fine.
It's like Follow me on my instagram.
It's Jerome Opa.
Thank you.
Thanks for watching me.
I see.
No, especially not a scratch, okay?