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Hey, guys, Benjamin's back here.
Thanks for tuning in S O.
I'm just doing a quick portfolio review for Ah, sear.
I believe that's how you pronounce it.
I'm gonna do just the desktop and the mobile version of it.
Just give my first impressions on the overall responsiveness.
Some of the animations, the font, the layout, etcetera, etcetera.
Um, I think I'm also going to go ahead and reviews his social media presence as well, just as a little added bonus.
You know, hopefully he appreciates that.
Uh, yeah, he had reached out to me on Twitter.
I introduced him to the code career dot Borg discord community, which you could just get to you by going to code career dot org's slash discord.
And in there he got some decent feedback from one of our admits Alex hands who also be getting a little bit of feedback for me.
So anyway, without further to do, let's go diving.
So the first right off the bat, he has a nice introductions.
That's hi, I'm Naseer.
Uh, let's see.
Que dig that, um I love performance as much as expert.
And I tried to be my best to create you ex rich performance websites and Web apps.
Okay, Um, I suppose the only thing I see here is if, um, if you're gonna be in the Serie is going to to, um you know, capital case were like each letter of each word is capitalized, Then I would ideally apply that rule to anything that's four letters or more.
So would capitalize much and capitalize.
Um, personally, though I think I would prefer in on my own website just have everything, you know, standard case.
So you just have, like, the eyes capitalized.
And then all of the other letters under here are lower keys.
I feel like that adds a better contrast between the header here and then the sub header or description.
Because this is quite a bit of text.
Kind of regard it as a description.
Um, inside.
I just kind of like to see that contrast personally, but some overall.
It looks like you have a nice nifty animation here when you go and hover over that.
Take that and it looks like it comes as a pop up.
All right?
I like the pop up.
The fonts is nice.
The overall lay up here.
It's great, Alec.
Separation of colors.
I think that innovation.
That's good.
I'll see you around my CV.
Find out more about me.
All right.
Just a quick look in this, Okay?
Ah, kit Going back?
Um, well, one thing I might recommend is keep these.
Well, excuse me.
On second thought, I do actually like the color difference.
The foot are here and the button, because it does cause the button stay up for stand out.
I was initially going to recommends keeping these the same color, but I like what you did there.
Um, I think the one thing I would recommend is maybe changing this far, playing with it just a little bit, maybe making it a little bit brighter.
Um, you know, a little bit more of like, a white ish color.
Um, just to make your key details stand out.
But at the same time, I also understand that you want your core focus to be the user clicking on the dappled button.
So I don't know.
I think there's there's a balance there.
You just strike the balance pretty well, huh?
I suppose whichever way you're leaning like if you if you I want to make that information where parents that then I would make it a bird a brighter color.
If you want to make it a little bit less distracting and really focus in on the download button, then it would make the front there, uh, down here a little bit smaller, Uh, maybe keep it the same color, you know, just then.
That way it's not as, um, predominant.
It's not pulling as much attention away from the download button.
Excuse me.
If that's the key focus that you want to have but overall to dig it.
All right, so let's close that out.
Um, now this is Ah, nice large.
Check up.
Give me a nice large chunk of text.
Can't speak tonight.
Um, personally, I kind of like to break things up a little bit.
So if you have, like, say, three you need before sentence is, um I would break that up in the same prepared rats for personally.
I'm a fan of 1 to 2 sentences per paragraph.
Just because for readability, people love to kind of skin things, and it just it makes it easy around the eye.
You know, there's much less reader fatigue, but overall.
Looks good.
Um, I think again on this, I would follow the, you know, a very similar capitalized case as your description or sub header here, you know, try to keep this capital case.
So each letter of a larger ward is capitalized, and then keep this lower case with the exception of the start of every sentence.
Um, yeah, because it's just it looks really veered to the I, um, to the eye to see, uh, you know, like you looking with developer capitalized.
But then there's I think this is lower case that floater case.
That's lower case, um, but then comes back to these being upper case.
Um, just looks a little strange at first glance.
So that's one thing I think I would address, um, again, love the animation that won't be going to click that cool.
And that brings you right, Twitter.
Ah, all right.
And your skill set again.
Probably the same feet back in terms of, uh, you know, breaking this out, making it look a little bit more beautiful.
Um, when the two sentences per paragraph again.
Same thing with the text, you know, staying consistent with the capital case set up that you have or Lorik a set up?
Um, another thing you could do.
So I do actually, like the overall readability this, like, just peppering in or we're putting in your skill sets in text.
I like that.
I like the dotting that you use for the underlining.
Maybe though I would right, like a paragraph or so about your steals, Like, right here and then Kind of, like, lists of your skills like one, too, You know, like, uh, under that sound like it's still heater.
That's good here.
And just kind of break it up so that they're, like, separate, you know, works.
Um and, you know, maybe even at a and icon, too.
Some of these skills, like CS that sass, Babel, Redox, react.
Those all have their own logos and icons for lives.
But, you know, overall looks good.
Take a look at your work.
So that's just scrolls down to there at the bottom.
Just gonna stroll back up to the about me.
Um, yes, same thing it recommended with previous text.
Uh, see, now this this looks okay to the eye because, you know, this is a couple of sentences.
I think that looks decent.
And it looks like you were her consistent about the, um, the capitalization on this as well.
So this you have his capital case and that you have a lower case That looks good.
Um, friend in the back end.
Like the graphics, uh, would probably try it to rewrite this a little bit, just to make it a little bit shorter.
Try to bring it down to maybe this much tax same thing with this.
Keep them relatively the same consistent length.
And I like that you write up a rescue, the center line a lot of your text.
But I I personally feel like you had best benefit from just having this as central lines to make it kind of stylistic and draw the eye dances higher even.
But then, when it comes to this text, I would probably make it left aligned just so that it's easier to read anything with skill set about me.
Um, and probably these blocks of code here.
Maybe I would leave this central lines just again because it's kind of a stylistic like starting quick, but, you know, it's just kind of personal preference.
Uh, let's see that.
You also have my work.
Click on both of those.
And the sections, a work in progress.
So I'm not gonna, um you really think too deeply into that.
I imagine you're probably going to have, like, a couple of, uh, twitter like cards or, you know, like, a couple of blocks here for your different projects.
So that's cool.
Um, okay.
And these air, a couple of projects that you just created that I'm checking out.
Um, okay.
So, yeah, I imagine you probably use something like that down here.
I love this really nice drop shadow on these items and same thing with us.
Okay, so he developed some some decent you wise.
And overall, your user experience is really good.
Um, biggest thing.
Honestly, that I can see it's just the text throughout, but in that, uh, za great portfolio could use the color could use fonts and good use of color contrast in overall there.
All right, so let's bring this up.
And I think this is just ah, one page is just gonna bring it to you each section.
I love that animation by the way.
Okay, that just brings that up.
And, of course, we have contact.
I'm gonna just go ahead and hit F 12 on the keyboard.
Ensure that this is set to iPhone on a scroll back up to the top.
And it looks like it is a mobile first design.
Um, Yep.
Everything looks consistent here.
Uh, you probably did mobile first.
I can see why you would want to center line that, um but I would probably still go with left a line on that, uh, now, skill said, this is definitely where it would come.
I think it handy toe have, like I said, one of the two sentences and then kind of separate out some of your skills into icons or something of that nature.
Just so it's not like a huge wall of text I know on desktop not only does top it on mobile when I'm scrolling through things, I don't wanna have to read it.
A giant wall of text.
Something with that.
But again, overall, reach up.
Um cool.
Well, hey, nice job, man.
I really appreciate you sharing this portfolio with me.
Just gonna go ahead and hit at 12 again as to add a little bit more value to you because this is only a running at about 12 minutes, it's going to bring up a couple of social profiles.
Probably want to take a look at Facebook just cause I don't have a Facebook account.
Uh, come on, cool.
Looks like you're doing, you know, decent sort of social engagement.
You're posting things that are good sense.
That's a great way to market yourself.
Um, I think for these the one thing that I would do, though, is look for relevance.
They start using because that's really going to help you get additional exposure.
Excuse me for you to one of these.
So see, for example, you paste are screaming post something like this on Monday.
I believe the 31st was on Monday when you see Yeah, you could do something like motivation Monday on that for Let's see, today was Wednesday's.
You could do like a Wednesday wisdom on some of these other posts.
In addition to you know, a bunch of other things, like maybe quotes hashtag quick or what have you And that I hope, get you a little bit more exposure on Twitter.
Um, you definitely want to strike a balance between the amount of hash tags on and the overall besides the content that you have.
But since these air images you can pretty much get away with using, I would say close to 10 a hash towns, and it wouldn't really look to spam E just because the content is march again.
If you were just doing pretty much plain text without an image for, you know, doing like a video that only has, like, a little display link on it.
And then you want to kind of shorten the amount of hash tags you used to something more conservative, I would say, like for maybe five.
Just as a rule of thumb.
But yeah, overall.
Looks like you were Retweeting people engaging.
And this is just kind of a surface level analysis, but yeah, so far it looks pretty good.
So let me go and pop over Thio.
You're Lincoln.
Um, we'll definitely recommends connecting with more people.
Um, I would definitely recommend using a personalized photo, Um, and not the listing Unemployed.
Um, maybe a list freelancer or of prentiss or something of that nature.
Just showing that you're making progress on whatever you're interested in in pursuing it.
Um, now, in terms of, like, self taught, um, again, I would probably elaborate on that.
You know, if you've done things like free code camp or co academy going on the list, those they actually do have those as educational institutions on Lincoln.
Um, and now perhaps I'm not being I'm not able to see your whole profile just because of some of the settings that you have, cause we're not connected on Lincoln.
That is a possibility as well.
Um, but yeah, I would definitely recommend if you haven't done it, too.
Against that, those institutions maybe put in some volunteer work, put in some other projects that a four ton perhaps start writing some blood coaster articles that you can include in here and also include You know what you've been working on because you had mentioned that you're doing full stack reels and react, which is fantastic.
I mean, have you been doing that?
That definitely includes some projects.
Him some of those additional tools that's on your portfolio site in here.
Um, Wellington isn't the best to land a job directly with someone.
It is fantastic to connect you with recruiters.
I would say I probably get maybe 1/5 of my drug requests.
It's just Turlington, uh, technical recruiters through.
Think, Tim.
So just the consideration, but not something you have to focus on.
But, um, yeah, I just want to say it was a pleasure.
Thanks again for sure.
Your portfolio with me?
I'm excited.
Thio have the opportunity.
And, um, if you were watching you like this for you and you'd like a portfolio or resin Mary of you soon for you to check out the Lincoln description would be happy to provide that to you for free.
With the little, uh, caveat of, you know, I'm able to post it on YouTube channel.
I'm able to repost it on a free code camp and other code instructional YouTube channels as well.
Just I could provide more value to people, but I also do have a private option.
If you want to go ahead and do that, I can't do it privately for you.
However, I do church for that.
Well, once again, this is vengeance back.
Just want to say thanks for watching hands.
Who fails?