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Hi, everyone on this channel.
A lot of people have been asking me questions about how to write a software engineer.
Arrest May.
So here's my video about it.
In this video, I'm first gonna show you the resume I personally used.
You know, when I got myself, Brendan your job at Google and then I'm gonna show you how I would change it today, based on what I've learned since then on.
After that, I'm I'm also going to show you some dinner tips and advice on writing your own self.
Randy, near a resume.
You know, I'm not a new expert on writing software engineer a resinous or anything, but hopefully I'll be able to, you know, give you some insights based on my personal experience.
So let's get started.
Now, if you want to see my resume as you watch this video, you can just download it at CS Toshio that I Iove slash resume.
Now, let's just quickly go over.
What sections are half on this resume?
Obviously, at the top, I have my name on my email address and then I have experience education, taken, go skills, other skills, a war's on projects.
Let's talk about each of those sections in turn, first of all, experience.
This is, of course, where you're supposed to show relevant experience.
Ah, you know, I have a program that is our intern Microsoft in a size intern Microsoft founder and president at that aside Club UBC on software development in turn money Tree, which is a start up in Tokyo.
Now, in this experience section, you don't have to include every single position you've ever held, and that's why you know, personally, I didn't include my math tutoring for just right here.
And also, if you have non work experience, that's significant.
You can also include a here, and that's why I have you know, this Founder president at Data Science Club UBC the university I went to right here.
I could include it in a different section, for example, in projects, but it just stands out more in the experience section.
I think now let's take a look at the 1st 1 of these pieces of experience.
I have just as an example, this program manager intern one.
So, first of all, the headline the former over the headline is the position, name, location on the date So here I have a program monitor in turn, Mike Assault, Redmond, Washington State and the date waas May of 2015 to August of 2015 and below.
You can out a description about this position.
I add it.
Ah, I was responsible for designing and implementing a specific feature within Microsoft Dynamic serum with developers and other PM's.
And so let me just show you how I would change this part today if I was edited.
This rest meant so let me just quickly switch to another application on.
There are a few issues here.
One problem is that I mention myself dynamic serum, but I don't explain what it is, you know, maybe not.
A lot of people are familiar with Microsoft Dynamics here of them.
And there's another thing is that I say, you know, I was responsible for implementing a specific future, but I don't say what it is, so I would fix both of those issues.
So if I fix it, that might look like this.
So here I'm saying, I was in the team that was responsible for Microsoft Dynamic Serum, which is a piece of customer relationship management software and I going to say?
I let the afford to build a feature that allows users to easy to keep track of business expenses.
And I have some stuff about my responsibilities after that.
So this way, you know, this paragraph is just much more clearer than it was before.
Okay, Andi, I think one thing to sort of take away from this example is that if you want to use a term that's not, you know, understood by a lot of people, For example, you know, Mark soft anorexia M.
You should explain what it is in your resume.
Anyway, Let's go to the next section, which is education in the education section for each university.
I have the university of name, you know, University of British Columbia location, Vancouver B.
And then the type of degree Bachelors of science, or B s year on major stats major on the graduation dates December of 2015.
You can also show your G p A.
And apparently you're supposed to only show G P A.
If it's higher than 3.0 out of 4.0, that's about 80% out of 100% and that's pretty much the standard format.
I don't have too much to add here, So let's go to the next section.
Which is it gonna go?
Skills Now, in my technical skills section, I have a bunch of stuff.
But I realized you don't have to show this much.
For example, I have, you know, for design, they'll be in designed for the shop and illustrator.
They're sort of nice to have, but you don't have to show them because they're not the relevant for the software engineer position.
Uh, for the version control I have get get having big bucket.
But this is sort of a given to so you don't have to show that either.
Without, am I?
If I was adding in this resume today, this section would look like this instead.
As you can see, this is much, much shorter than what I had before on for the tool section.
I only have two sections data science and programming technologies.
And for Dada science I have are python with some pie and pandas on spark.
And I put you know, prior experience here to show that I a little bit from there with spark, but about two months a night for programming technologies.
I showed your stuff like sequel.
My lab, Ruby Rubio rails its own.
Okay, let's go to the next section, which is other skills.
I mean, you can include, you know, other skills that are not technical here if you wanted to, but you don't necessarily have to have this section in the first place.
You know, I have Japanese and public speaking here ability.
But if I was edited in this restaurant today, I would actually cut this part off because, you know, they're not that relevant for the position I was applying for.
Okay, let's go to the next section, which are, you know, a war's on projects.
So these are the sections where you want to show off.
You know, your projects that show if you're taking ghost goes.
For example, I have this project called Yam Bomb here, which I worked on in August of 2014.
Uh, it was sort of like a gaming up on.
He was a small project, but I decided to include a here because it was sort of a fun project on, you know, I got like, 70 users with this project which I thought was, you know, pretty significant.
It's not nothing, at least.
And I also showed the technologies I used for this up which were moving on rails and yammer a p I Okay, so that's pretty much everything I have on this rest May.
But there is one big issue with this resume.
You was too long.
You know this resume?
It was about two pages.
Well, ideally, it's really be just one pace.
So let's see if we can get this down to one page.
There are a number of things I would change to do that.
First of all, I would on Lee show, you know, three positions instead of four positions in the experience section.
I would just cut off Ah, this u B C section entirely because it's less relevant on the other positions and they for education.
I would just cut off Suffolk University here because I transferred out of this university technical skills section that's already shorter than what I had before on for awards and projects.
I would actually only show two out of these four projects just to make this resident shorter on with all of those changes with some or editing I was actually able to get it down to one pish on.
It looks like this.
It is just one patient.
I'm gonna put this, you know, edited version off my resume on C.
Toshio that I owe slash Resume too.
Ah, you know, feel free to use it as a template for your resume, too.
Now, here are some of the key takeaways that I got by editing my own all the resume.
First of all, put yourself in the shoes off the hiring manager on the recruiter.
So don't automatically assume that they will be familiar with all the technical terms that you're familiar with, especially the company specific ones.
So if you want to use the term that's not commonly use in your industry, just explain in your resume on number to omit anything that's not too relevant.
So for me, you know, speaking Japanese is a good skill.
I have.
But I didn't have to include it in my resume because it wasn't, you know, particularly relevant for the particular position I was applying for on number three.
It's not about the quantity, it's about the quality, you know.
For example, if you have four projects on your resume instead of two projects.
Is he always better?
Well, not necessarily because having more information on your resume, it just makes it harder to read and harder to find important information.
Okay, let me just quickly answer two of the most frequently asked questions about writing a resident first.
Little should I list educational first or work experience first?
Well, it really depends on your particular situation.
You know, I would say list whichever's more relevance on impressive first.
So if you're still in school, I would say education first, you know, would be my default choice.
But if anything from your work experience stands out, you know, say, if you have internships from Microsoft, then list that first on.
The second question is, should I include my full number and email address on location on my resume?
Well, you should always, you know, always include your email address on the arrest mint at the top.
But other than that, it's really up to you.
If you want to show your phone number, and if you want to show that you're in a certain location, you know you can do that, too.
All right, that's it.
for this video on.
Just so you guys know I'm gonna be taking some time off from this channel from the end of August till the beginning off October.
That's just because I'm planning, sort of.
Ah, one month's trip in Japan in September on dhe.
I'm gonna be moving to Toronto after that.
Anyway, I will be posting a few more videos before the trip, so I'll see you guys in those videos.