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Hi, everyone, welcome back to my channel.
In this video, I will share my favorite productivity hacks.
So if you're interested, please stay tuned.
In one of my previous videos, I shared with you how I stay motivated.
But in this video, I will actually dive into my favorite hats.
That helped me achieve the goals that I want to achieve and that are very actionable and applicable.
Before we get started, don't forget to click that subscribe button down below and put the notification button on so that you know when the new content is coming.
First time for most.
What I've learned through my life is that it's very important to put any task that you have on hand on a piece of paper or in an application anywhere where it can be stored and easily accessible.
And it doesn't matter whether it's a project at work projects in university in school or just getting groceries for dinner or preparing for an event anything that you need to take action on.
You should be story in some kind of reference system.
Why is it so important?
Have you ever been in a situation where you start focusing on the task and then your brain things.
Oh my God, I should not forget to grab that chicken afterwards because I have people that I'm hosting for dinner.
Or don't forget to call Alice because I landed her a book and I need that book now and then Your brain starts throwing all these thoughts reminders at you, and as a result, he cannot focus on the task on heads.
And it's actually not surprising at all that it happens because your brain just tries to make sure that you'll remember everything that you need to do.
But as a result, as a consequence of that, you cannot fully focus your brain power on the task in the moment and in hand.
But if you store everything you need to do in some kind of reference system, it will actually be freed to focus in the moment.
Another thing that I recently learned through this book hold getting things done by David Allen, and it is this.
It's also related to tasks.
Try to split any activity that you have into the smallest task possible.
For example, recently I needed to plan my birthday party, and I just kept requested Aidan and procrastinated until I just sent down and thought, What is the number one smallest thing that I can do to kick off this activity to kick off this birthday planning?
And I realized that the number things smallest thing that I can do is to create a Facebook event to invite all my friends because that would make me committed to a date make me committed Thio actually going through with it.
And it's also really satisfying to cross things off or to check mark things off off of your to do list.
And it's so much easier to do that with smallest, smallest task tasks.
Your brain is really smart, but at the same time your brain is also really lazy.
So if you make it really, really, really easy for your brain to get started on something, and by that I mean split endure activity, project dinner, birthday planning into smallest, smallest to do list activities that you need to do to accomplish it, he will make it much, much easier.
And it will make you much more fulfilled and satisfied number three and something that I also started applying fairly recently, something that I also learned from a book, The best book I highly, highly recommend to you guys.
It's called Deep Work, and it's by Cal Newport.
This book is really, really amazing.
It talks about the importance off, being able to will and deeply focused and not be distracted.
It also offers some actionable tips on how you can get to the point where you can focus so deeply.
One of my favorite ones that I took away from here is visualization.
What I mean by visualization is this for my opera practice?
For the longest time, I had a goal to be able to practice about five times a week on average, but I wasn't able to really successful achieve that goal week after week.
So after I read this book, there was this one tip about visualization and potentially buying a calendar where you can cross off the dates where you actually did do the activity that you're planning to get better.
I do it So now Every time I practice opera, I diligently cross off this day from my calendar, and why it helps me is because this calendar is always in front of my eyes.
I put it close to my bed so that every single day and I mean it every single day.
At some point in the day it's in front of me and he just keeps reminding me that I need to practice.
And it's also really satisfying to see those rose crossed out.
So I really recommend you guys to try out visualization to achieve routines and break habits.
One of my other favorite habits to help me be productive is to plan things ahead of time and by planning things ahead of time.
I don't just mean things that are related to your immediate work to your immediate school or anything that you know someone asks you to do.
But I mean planning your free time also.
So for that I actually go into my calendar app on Google, and I would deliberately plan what I do after work on it doesn't matter whether I'm going out with friends or going to an event.
I actually planned my free alone time also so that your brain again wants to know what is common.
Otherwise you're gonna be lost in thoughts such as, Oh, I have this free our have this free time, but I have so many things to do, and as a result you don't actually know what to get started with.
And it's very natural for us to fall into this trap.
So to help you release your brain and release yourself from thinking Oh my God, what do I get started with a plunger time plunge your free time ahead of time.
That really, really helps.
One other technique that helps me stay focused and not be distracted is using the pom Adora technique.
Plumadore technique basically says that you have a certain amount of time acts where you're completely dedicated to stay focused and then you have a shorter period of time.
Where you can deliberately take a break on procrastinating, relaxed.
Do whatever you want for this technique.
There is a ton of abs that exists that help you just time yourself.
It's essentially just a simple time where I personally use focus Keeper and I usually set my focus time at 20 minutes and then my procrastinate Relax, do whatever I want.
Time to five.
So then, when I'm in this 20 minutes time, I am consciously constantly aware off the fact that this is my focus time it's gonna be up soon.
It's only 20 minutes, and the five minutes of procrastination of getting that brain satisfaction off I can do whatever I want is coming really useful unless but not least is setting routines for yourself.
Routines are super, super useful and helpful because again it helps you fall into anticipation off the same activities.
It's like eating at the same time we're sleeping and waking up at the same time.
Day today, for instance, my routine is going to the gym in the morning, and I know my body kind of expect that to happen, and it actually makes it easier for me to just be productive day today.
So I would definitely recommend you guys to try to develop proteins for yourself.
That wasn't guys.
These are my favorite productivity hats, and please don't forget about prioritization tze and set in goals and always just staying on track with whatever your priorities are and planning your time accordingly.
Thank you so much for watching this video.
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Tell me if you have any favorite productivity hacks and how they helped you achieve the goals that you wanted to achieve.
Leave that in the common section down below.
Thank you so much for watching again.
Have a wonderful rest of the day.
For now, Yeah.