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Hey, everyone, How's it going?
As Aaron, the language nerd here, I hope you're doing very, very well.
Welcome to another episode of Super Easy English.
First of all, in today's video, you will notice I am in a very different room compared to usual.
This is because right now I am in Taiwan and I'm here studying Mandarin.
So this is my room.
This is where I sleep.
This is where I do my mind.
Mandarin homework.
This is where I make my videos.
This is my This is my room.
I am living with a Taiwanese family, and overall, it has been a very, very, very, very good experience.
Sometimes my brain gets tired because I am living in Taiwan, speaking Mandarin every day, taking Mandarin classes and studying.
And so sometimes my brain, my brain gets tired.
But, you know, I think everybody watching this video maybe knows how I feel.
Everybody watching this video is learning English.
And as you know, sometimes it can be very hard.
Now, in today's video, we're going to talk about some very common movie genres.
This is the second video, the second video I have made about movie vocabulary.
If you have not seen the first video about movie about movie vocabulary, I'll put a link at the top of the screen.
I will also put a link in the video description below.
Uh, without aside, let's start.
One very common movie genre is romance.
Romance, a romance movie in Very Simple English is a movie about love.
There are two people they like.
They like each other, they love each other.
And the movie is telling the story of these two people trying to get together.
Another common movie genre that I like is comedy and very simple English.
A comedy movie is a funny movie.
It is a movie that makes you laugh.
Interestingly, we have a movie genre that combines that mixes romance so love movies and comedy.
So funny movies.
There are movies where we put both of them together, and these movies are called romantic comedies.
Often, when we're speaking in casual English, we will shorten it and we will say Romcom.
Instead of saying romantic comedies.
I don't like romance movies, as I said, but wrong calms or romantic comedies, those movies are okay.
Often I will watch wrong comes and they're fine.
I enjoy them.
They make me laugh.
They're they're fun to watch because there is a romance story.
There is a love story, which isn't very interesting to me, but there are lots of funny things that happen to and so I can watch those movies and I can.
I can enjoy them for sure.
A movie genre that I hate, absolutely hate our horror movies Horror, which is actually a little bit hard to pronounce now that I'm thinking about it.
But horror movies are movies that scare you.
Horror movies have lots of scary things.
They have ghosts, they have monsters, rock.
They have ghosts and monsters.
And they have demons and big things with big teeth, thin big ears and rough, very, very scary things.
And I do not like them at all.
One of my favorite movie genres is action movies.
Action movies are movies that have lots of fighting.
They punch and punch in the they have guns and they shoot them and their spies.
And oh, there's so much fun to watch.
Action movies are Mike, What are some of my favorite favorite movies ever?
Um, action movies?
A similar a similar movie genre action is adventure adventure movies and action movies are very similar.
They aren't exactly the same, but the close.
I think the biggest difference between adventure and action is that in adventure movies, the main characters, the actors, everybody in the movie they are.
They travel a long distance.
They go to many different places.
So a great example for me anyway, when I think about adventure movies, a really good example would be Lord of the Rings.
If you have seen Lord of the Rings, you know that they travel a lot.
They go a very long distance, and they go to many cities with with different designs and different types of people in them.
And, you know, they got the waters.
They go to scenes with waters and lakes.
They goto forest, they go to mountains.
That, to me, is the biggest difference between adventure and action.
Often, I find adventure movies have lots of action in them.
So usually, usually, adventure movies are also action movies and action movies.
Usually not always, They usually are also, um, adventure movies.
While everyone thank you so much for watching this video.
I hope you liked it.
Please let me know in the comments.
What is your favorite movie genre?
Also, if there are any questions you have about movie genres or movie vocabulary in general, feel free to ask.
You could write them in the comments below, and I will answer them.
Well, thanks again for watching, and we will talk very, very soon.
Bye for now.
I'll see you when you go inside a movie theater.
One of the first things you will see is the show times.
The showtimes is basically the schedule off what movies are playing and what time the movie's air playing.