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  • Hey everybody, so as you know, we are working on the scripts for the next few country episodes

  • Which means this is gonna have to be a filler week. Today's episode is gonna be one that was requested the countries of South America

  • Explained okay

  • we're not gonna talk about political issues in this episode because although government does play kind of like a big role in their portrayal to

  • The world stage governments tend to fluctuate and they don't necessarily stand for all the stuff

  • You need to know about a country and as usual when I make videos like this

  • I like to have natives in the video with me to help out

  • So without further ado you remember them the two people from the Colombia and Ecuador episode Cindy and Diego

  • Are you guys ready to make your country's proud are you are you ready to critique the other countries and possibly get criticized?

  • First country I'm Tina now a lot of Latin American countries have their opinions on Argentina

  • I heard a joke from an Argentinean wines

  • They said all the Latin American countries hate Argentina because Argentinians think they're better than everybody but then Argentina

  • Responds by saying well, we are so what's your point? No, but in all seriousness

  • Argentinians are really cool. Nice. Sweet people just they're kind of uh,

  • They're very proud of their country Argentinians tend to be way more

  • Connected to their European roots as opposed to the other countries over half. The population is either Italian or has roots from Italy

  • You're also more likely to see blond-haired blue-eyed people

  • Of course, they are known for their passionate tango steps mate' and yeah, really cool people just be careful about talking about this

  • All right, Cindy Diego. What are you gonna say about Argentina? They have the best barbecue like ever

  • The CD is beautiful. Thank you CDs is just amazing

  • Okay, so do can you do an Argentinian accent? I'll try. Hey guys. Don't judge me, please. I'll try my best

  • Chanakya, I think I said let him Dina

  • Yeah

  • Surely should be that I got Sheena. There's a shit sounds Oh Livia now, this is a unique one

  • I've actually been here Bolivia is kind of known for being like the indigenous one

  • They have the highest percentage of their population being Amerindian in descent mostly being I'm Mata or Quechua

  • They're kind of like the mysterious

  • Mountain that dressed differently at family reunions many of the women still wear the traditional dresses and the bowler hats and

  • Wrestle seriously, you gotta see truly to wrestling if you ever go to La Paz. It's like the coolest thing ever

  • La Paz is disputed ly the highest capital city in the world

  • If you go there you're gonna like run out of breath because the altitude is so high. Keep in mind though

  • Bolivia also has parts of the Amazon rainforest

  • And they also have a desert in the Atacama

  • If you go to the rainforest though, you can pass through the youngest road the world's most dangerous road

  • Sometimes it's only 3 meters wide you could die. So fun. They're kind of known for having a government

  • That's like really kind of anti outside influence, you know, all the McDonald's were banned there

  • Although they do have KFC and subway and Starbucks

  • Oh and because it is the lowest GDP per capita country in all of South America. The exchange rate is

  • Amazing not even joking. You can buy like a whole meal for 80 cents

  • I bought an entire like army sack of souvenirs for like 20 people. I ended up spending only like $80

  • Anyway, Bolivia cool place. Check it out guys. What do you think about Bolivia?

  • Yeah

  • Believe people have made their pretty cooler so down to earth brah. See you

  • I feel like I don't even really have to say too much about this but you guys all know Brazil. It's the big guy

  • It's the largest country the largest population the largest economy in all of South America South America could not function without Brazil now

  • there's really no one way to summarize all of Brazil because all the regions and states are so completely different so many different types of

  • People but overall it's kind of like the dad of South America like it plays such a key thicker role and it speaks Portuguese

  • Brazilian junk people Nadia says Spanish is like a choppier version of Portuguese. But without the ship ship and Oh,

  • Sounds country super diverse. You have white black Asian

  • they have the highest Japanese population outside of Japan and it's interesting though because it doesn't matter who you are like at the core of

  • Their hearts they're Brazilian first

  • I mean Brazilians they know how to get down to it and work really hard if they have to but I mean when you're surrounded

  • By so much natural beauty. It's really hard not to relinquish the Samba from your soul

  • That's kind of Brazil, you know, Brazil what comes to mind?

  • Other people they're super cool like you just want to party with him

  • What are you how much Portuguese can you guys understand when they speak it?

  • I mean, I would say I will get like 20% 30% 20 30 40, maybe even 40

  • It's Spanish with an accent. Yeah. It depends analyst of the pens the region goes fertile. Is that happen heavier accents

  • how Paulo not so much

  • I gotta look this up Chile. This one's interesting because geographically speaking they are pretty isolated from the rest of the continent

  • It's like the only country in the world where you cannot do a horizontal landscape layout of the nation's image

  • Chileans are kind of like the bougie stoic Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Writers who drink wine they have like the best wine in the entire continent

  • It's been known that they are probably the fastest talkers in all of South America and they have a weird accent

  • They have a ton of weird words. Some of you guys have said that you can understand Portuguese better than you can understand Chileans

  • That's how thick their accent is and it's interesting because they're kind of like the only country that really has to deal with intense

  • Earthquakes they are right on the Pacific Rim and they get a lot of penguins but overall

  • Yeah, it's like they're kind of like the slightly rich uncle with a pipe in his hand

  • But you just can't understand what he's saying. Chewy what comes to mind for Lowell Lewis

  • And they're famous for their festival that they have a venue than mine, yeah

  • Can you do a Chilean accent palatable?

  • Sorry guys, that's that sounds so stereotypical. My bad is there such a thing as poorly are in Chile

  • I don't know like to make a boyfriend or girlfriend like a verb

  • And now

  • Diego's time to shine Cindy you're gonna have to sit this one out for a little bit

  • All right, South America was a family. How would Colombia fit into it?

  • They said we're the troublemakers, but Lenny cleared party-wise. Yes. We are the troublemakers party-wise party

  • Yeah, first of all, we're a country that you know

  • We don't give up like against or like with adversity like facing adversity. You got a lot of yeah

  • We've gone through a lot. It's interesting. You guys are kind of like the twin of Venezuela, right? You're like very similar, right? Yeah

  • It's funny. Cuz we like we have this like love and hate relationship. Yeah in the 80s and 90s

  • Colombians were going to Venezuela. Yeah, they were running away now

  • It's the opposite Venezuelans are coming into Coulomb. You know, you're right

  • There is like a unity between you guys no matter what happens exactly

  • You're always gonna be there for each other in Colombia has taken the most

  • Venezuelans out of any other country in the world young persons that you know, it surpassed like y'all the million

  • There's a lot of great food great music

  • Beautiful girls beautiful women and by the way, guys, we have the original rapist

  • Venezuelans are gonna argue about yeah so many musicians and artists, right? Yeah

  • For example, Jay bother you he's been killing it off

  • You know Shakira horn is everybody knows Shakira and Elise goes on and on

  • I don't know if it's weird to you guys were like we love to do like cheese queso Quahog is a campesino like into hot

  • Chocolate and it melts. It's the best thing ever. Alright. Well Cindy, what is it Ecuadorians perspective on Colombian?

  • Yeah, the chocolate actually was pretty good. I can't I can say that I really liked it and they're pretty cool people. I mean

  • They're pretty awesome and it's interesting to note that also these countries as well as Venezuela and Panama weren't one country at one point

  • Ron Colombia

  • so you're gonna see a lot of

  • Similarities and you know cultural traits that kind of tie in with each other within all four of those

  • Countries may be less Panama though because they're kind of a little separated Colombia Venezuela Ecuador. I call it the echo of a

  • Alliance and now Ecuador, which means Diego you gotta get out of here

  • Alright Cindy if the South America was like a family how would the Ecuador play into the mix? I don't know

  • I'm a quitter is very chill. We're very nerdy

  • We do love education and like all our schools are bilingual like everything is focused in education

  • We are a very friendly country. We don't like to fight very agricultural kind of like the

  • Sidekick best friend. I will say totally that. Yes, the second language was official

  • Um the cat to our language was in 2010. They made it a matter of fishel country

  • but yeah, now a lot of schools are actually teaching Quechua and the

  • Darwin Center is actually in the Galapagos. So it's a lot of research. She's a lot of you know a lot of science you see

  • Okay, sir. Cuenca is a very

  • Colonial place. It has become like the number one retirement place in South America

  • Well, uh Diego from a Colombian perspective. What do you guys think of Ecuadorian Chile? You know, we've never had a problem with them

  • No, they're kind of like the nerdy brother, you know who like never messes, you know you all right guys

  • Uh, what do you think about the Guyana as in Guiana and CERN em?

  • Basically these three are like the quiet kids down the hall at school that you didn't even know went to your school and like you

  • Meet them for the first time at graduation now for a Guyana Suriname and French Guiana

  • I'm just gonna kind of do them all at once cuz these three just kind of generally go together

  • Diana speaks English sir. Damn speaks Dutch

  • Although English is very prevalent there as well in French speaking French Guiana is an overseas region of France

  • Which is why some people kind of use it as like a backdoor entrance into the EU otherwise, yeah

  • Guyana and Suriname are also very similar. They're the only two countries in South America that drive on the left side of the road

  • They both have huge Indian

  • Populations people that are descended from the indentured servants that were brought over during colonial times

  • This in turn makes them some of the countries with the highest Hindu populations per capita

  • You can see Hindu shrines and Hindu temples all over basically in a nutshell

  • it's kind of like a place where a ton of different people from all over the world were dumped into one spot and had to

  • Kind of figure out what to do these three areas generally identify as Caribbean in their culture and identity rather than a South American

  • I talk to my French friend William who was born here Tom Donohue potential in Oakland is a YouTube Belle doc seven

  • Yeah, we're buddies. He was actually supposed to be in my France episode but you know life stuff happened and he couldn't make it

  • Oh, yeah, we still keep in contact

  • anyway

  • Doc seven wanted me to tell you French Guiana was started out as a prison colony where some of the worst criminals in France were

  • Sent similar to what the British did to Australia it's super diverse

  • They have whites blacks Creoles native Indian tribes surprisingly a lot of Hmong people that were brought over after allow had a big war

  • They're famous for their Space Center the shootable tam

  • He actually made quite a few videos explaining about this place most of his videos in French

  • But some of them do have English subtitles, though

  • So if you don't understand French just turn on the subtitles Paraguay Paraguay is kind of like the middle black sheep

  • Daughter that doesn't get a lot of attention putter body has two official languages Spanish and the indigenous guaraní language

  • and it's interesting because more people actually

  • Understand what I need then Spanish here

  • If you go outside of the cities into like rural areas

  • You might even have trouble communicating because the people just don't speak Spanish culturally

  • They are kind of like more rural and rustic you're known for being good horse riders. They love drinking today

  • They love playing that bouncy guy Lopez and Wadena is country music and finally the women are famous for doing the danza de la botella

  • Or the bottle dance, it looks really cool

  • Like they balanced bottles or jars on their head and sometimes they stack them up like ten I pretty cool very underrated

  • I say go visit. Alright guys. So what comes to mind when you think of park ride if I'm not mistaken?

  • They're pretty good like Lorde playing harp harps. Yeah

  • What kind of comes to mind when you like me or like see Park white people on TV or what do you think

  • Peru Peru is kind of like the big brother who took a risk played his cards right in business and marketing and

  • Exploited the crap out of all his tourism spots and made a lot of money it worked

  • He's kind of like a big-shot now

  • Keep in mind Peru is also one of the indigenous strong nations a significant portion of their population

  • Is Amerindian in descent largest one being Quechua? They are known for having really good food. Everybody knows ceviche. Hi guys, Peru

  • What comes to mind? Where'd you go?

  • Like we're durian in Peruvian food is very very similar even like the Papas. So they have this really happy. It is very similar

  • Okay Diego introduced me to this wonderful amazing thing from Peru. What is it guys? Please? Don't hate me

  • Okay, but a hat - I love it

  • Laura is like the Jerry Springer of Peru people go on this show and they go crazy and they yell at each other and they

  • accuse who've

  • Cheating who and then some of them get a prize and apparently this lady got a hot dog stand as a prize when she was

  • Cheated on I don't get it, but I love it. I love it. I love it so much

  • Oh, my the joke is what agua is like Argentina's Canada?

  • most South Americans say that they can't distinguish the difference between

  • Argentinians and oregon's but Argentinians and water gwin's can totally tell the difference and they swear by it

  • They have like generally the same accent in the same general kind of like Eurocentric type of demographic

  • I mean order boy doesn't really have a native indigenous population the ones that were there were kind of either

  • Moved or displaced or killed off. So now it's mostly just Spanish and Italian out of all the countries in Latin America

  • They have the lowest percentage of church attendance and highest unaffiliated population at somewhere around 17%

  • Landscape wise geography. Adrian says it might be boring. We don't have mountains deserts jungles or snow

  • We are just a flat plain with lots of happy cows and sheep that eat as much grass as they can

  • Now, of course, you cannot talk about water by without mentioning soccer football

  • Now here's the thing like all Latin American countries

  • Pretty much love soccer football but wonder why it's like it's impressive how well they've done for such a small country. Nonetheless

  • They have won two World Cups and 15. Copa America wins

  • They beat Argentina a country that's like 15 times their population

  • So they take this sport really seriously order by what do you guys think what comes to mind?

  • I mean, they're cool. I mean

  • They have like a very famous label so like like yeah who's everybody that goes sergeant Gina they always want to take like there

  • Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, I've heard that and finally Venezuela

  • Hey guys

  • So just a heads up while we were filming this video all those crazy things that were happening in Venezuela literally just occurred

  • So we're gonna do a little video explaining about all that stuff later. But until then let's get back to the main video

  • Jacques Maria Fernanda says if Venezuela was a student

  • She would be like a straight-a student that got addicted to Adderall and is in and out of rehab

  • Okay. Okay jokes aside. Venezuela is actually very unique just like their neighbors

  • They have almost every single landscape. You can imagine they have deserts they have beaches they have jungles

  • They have snow-capped mountains now. I know we're not gonna talk too much about politics, but I think it's very interesting to note relationship

  • They have with Bolivia their governments kind of have similar ideologies with like minimizing outside influence

  • There's like a unique Bolivia Venezuela Cuba alliance. There's like all these little hidden gems in Venezuela. You know, Angel Falls is here

  • It's the thing that inspired the movie up

  • They have like a river slash lake where it has like perpetual lightning all year round

  • And yeah, Venezuela's though. They are super proud of their country and Venezuelans do have a lot of European backgrounds

  • It's been said that Venezuelans have like the cleanest Spanish. It's like very pure and untainted. I don't know. That's what I was told

  • they're very similar to Colombians very

  • Very outgoing and party people if they want to be apart from all the political stuff

  • we all know it but when you just meet a

  • Venezuelan, what do you think the brothers the brothers the twins?

  • By the way, yeah, they do have a little bit of an accent. Yeah, but can you do the accent?

  • Well, I think try come on. What eco?

  • Okay

  • All right, and that was it thank you guys for being in this video yes for sure -

  • Any last words you guys want to just say to the whole JA Grinnell community, you know, even though you know

  • We have a lot of differences, you know, we share a lot of similarities as well and you will find like really good people

  • Really good food, like blend escapes are some of the best ones you can ever find

  • Opportunity to travel it's just the nature is like the colors are so vibrant

  • I feel like the Andes the minerals that we have is everything is just soar again ik and anything is like process

  • maybe that's the reason why the food is also so good you want to

  • Fiber organic. Everything is organic

  • Every country has its beauty and you should visit them all. Yes, specifically which one should they visit?

  • Well, thank you so much that's it hope you guys have a good one

Hey everybody, so as you know, we are working on the scripts for the next few country episodes


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南米説明(地理の今! (SOUTH AMERICA EXPLAINED (Geography Now!))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日