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  • SPEAKER: Hi, everyone.

  • Thank you for joining me.

  • And today's seminar is going to be called The Wonderful World of GitHub.

  • As I'm sure you all agree, I typically come up with the best titles.

  • So let's jump right in.

  • OK so first of all, what is GitHub?

  • I recently heard GitHub being called the Google Drive of code.

  • And in many ways, I really, really like the description.

  • So let's take a step back.

  • The first thing I want to say is, congratulations.

  • If you've taken CS50, then you already have a GitHub account, so

  • congratulations.

  • And you've already used GitHub.

  • How?

  • Well, you may have not realized this, but every time

  • that you've run check50 or run submit50, what you've been doing

  • is you've been pushing your code that lives on your computer onto GitHub

  • so that it's now living in a GitHub repository, OK.

  • So how does it work?

  • How does code go from your computer onto this Google Drive of code?

  • Well, the way that you ask GitHub to connect with your computer

  • is through a series of git commands.

  • Now, Brian Yu, CS50's current head TF has a really, really great seminar,

  • which is an introduction to GitHub and basic git commands linked right above.

  • And if you are not yet familiar with git commands,

  • I highly, highly, highly recommend watching this video.

  • I know I myself have watched it many, many times.

  • OK so in the seminar we're not going to be

  • talking straight about the nitty gritty of how git works exactly.

  • But instead, I wanted to take a step back and sort

  • of have a conversation about what GitHub can do for your programming experience,

  • how GitHub can connect different computer scientists,

  • and sort of really, really get excited about using GitHub

  • throughout the rest of your CS careers.

  • So the first thing I want to talk about is something that is very, very near

  • and dear to my heart--

  • commits, and specifically, commit messages.

  • So what I mean by this, let's take a step back.

  • So essentially, every time that you push your code to GitHub--

  • every time you say, hey, GitHub, I'm about to send some code that I've

  • been working on on my computer locally.

  • Would you please go ahead and save it in my GitHub repository?

  • So again, every time you push your work to GitHub,

  • you have to attach a commit message.

  • Now, when I first started learning how to use GitHub,

  • I didn't really care about what messages I used.

  • Sometimes I'd try to submit it with no message, which GitHub doesn't really

  • like.

  • And then, sometimes I'd just really send random, random messages.

  • Really could have been anything.

  • Could've been, like, elephant or duck or something of the sort.

  • However, now that I'm deeper into my computer science experience,

  • I have realized that commit messages have this incredible power

  • and that they're actually extremely, extremely useful.

  • So I wanted to share some of my learnings about git commit messages.

  • Let's dive right in.

  • So there are a couple of reasons that making commits with really

  • nice messages is really useful.

  • So the first one is, stuff breaks, OK.

  • Stuff breaks all the time.

  • You can have code that you think is working, and you might break it.

  • And you'll likely break it.

  • And you'll likely break it again and again.

  • And it's going to be frustrating.

  • But that's completely, completely OK.

  • So what GitHub lets you do is, it lets you

  • send different versions of your code so that you don't have

  • to be worried about stuff breaking.

  • Because stuff will break.

  • And when it breaks, you can revert to an earlier commit.

  • Essentially say, hey, GitHub, I slightly screwed up.

  • Let's go ahead and change the code that is on my computer to something

  • that I had before that did work, OK.

  • So I've just included some screenshots of some funny recent commit situations

  • I've been in where stuff has broken.

  • And you'll notice that sometimes you try to fix something, and it doesn't work.

  • And you just sort of have to start from a few steps behind.

  • But CS isn't always--

  • programming isn't always a very linear experience.

  • It's sort of more like jumbled.

  • And progress doesn't always look so straightforward.

  • So that moves on to our next reason, which is

  • that it lets you try different things.

  • So I know that many times I've been coding.

  • And I think I'm, like, 80% of the way there.

  • And I think, just in the corner of my mind, that perhaps--

  • perhaps-- there is maybe a better way to do it.

  • Or perhaps one of the problems that I have might

  • be fixed by doing a certain thing.

  • But sometimes I'm nervous because I think, I'm 80% of the way there,

  • I think.

  • Not sure that this 20% is worth me potentially ruining everything, OK.

  • So this again brings us back to git, which

  • by saving different versions of your code,

  • you're sort of empowered to really, really try different things.

  • And this has happened to me many times where I will say, OK, again,

  • I think I'm 80% of the way there.

  • And I'm going to try three different strategies.

  • And I'm going to make various commits with great commit messages

  • along the way so that I can track that.

  • And then I can sort of free myself up to trying things that might not work,

  • trying things that very well might have devastating consequences on my project.

  • But that's OK.

  • So again, in this fun little thing I've drawn,

  • it's just to highlight that from a specific starting point,

  • you might go in a bunch of different directions, git really,

  • really letting you do that safely and efficiently.

  • And again, this sort of opens up a whole new world

  • where you can code without the fear of things going so wrong that you won't be

  • able to get back to where you started.

  • This brings me to another really, really, really cool thing about commits

  • and your fun commit messages.

  • So I'm a big reflector.

  • And I like looking back and taking the time

  • to process and think through my different approaches

  • to different problems.

  • And one of the things that I've found in my extensive, extensive commit making

  • is that it's actually really, really, really nice

  • to be able to look back and see, oh, wow, I remember that commit.

  • I remember sitting in the library at 2:00 AM and thinking,

  • will I ever get through this?

  • I remember that moment where I made a change,

  • everything broke, and then I Control Z'd and pushed

  • my code because I was very worried that I was about to go

  • into a really crazy direction.

  • So usually, at the end of a piece at a problem set for a computer science

  • class, or just looking through some personal project I've

  • been working on, I'll often just scroll through those commits

  • and think through, wow, look how far I've come.

  • Look how hard some of those moments were.

  • Look how rewarding a lot of those parts were.

  • And I think it's a really, really, really nice thing

  • that GitHub lets us do.

  • OK so moving on.

  • The last thing is just a small note that another great, great feature

  • of GitHub-- which, again, Brian covers quite extensively-- is collaboration.

  • So GitHub and git commands really allow us

  • to collaborate quite easily with other people that

  • are working on the same project.

  • So in this screenshot, it's actually just me making all the commits.

  • But I was using someone else's slides, so I just

  • wanted to give them sort of a shout out.

  • Which brings me to one very important thing about commit messages.

  • So a metaphor I use for this often is, let's say I wrote an English paper.

  • And I give it to my teacher.

  • And when my teacher returns it, I have a grade, whatever, and then

  • I have a bunch of comments.

  • And I start reading them.

  • And the comments that I'm seeing are small change here, tiny issue here.

  • You should fix something.

  • All these very vague, short messages might not be that useful.

  • Commit messages are really similar.

  • So let's say you're working on a project where a ton of other people

  • are also going to be working on it with you.

  • Well, it's a good idea to be transparent about your progress

  • and about how different things are going.

  • And it's just very useful for other people

  • that are working on the same project to be able to see sort of what's going on.

  • So in fact, I've included these screenshots

  • as poor examples of commit messages.

  • I highly recommend taking the extra 30 seconds

  • to write a commit message that is specific,

  • that is clear so that when you go back--

  • and especially, especially, especially if someone else

  • is looking at that repository, looking through those commits--

  • that they can see exactly what's going on and maybe lend a hand if needed.

  • Or at least they'll have a better sense of how the project is going.

  • So now let's move on to my second favorite thing about GitHub,

  • which is the GitHub Explore page.

  • So there are tons of platforms out there where people come together

  • and are sharing and collaborating.

  • And those are typically some of my favorite platforms.

  • GitHub is no exception.

  • So the GitHub Explore page is essentially

  • a page where you can see repositories and projects

  • that people have made public, which is typically the vast majority of them.

  • I know that early on in my GitHub career I mainly

  • focused on my personal GitHub repository, so the personal projects

  • that would show up when I clicked on my GitHub profile.

  • And for a long time, I mainly stayed on those few pages.

  • But what I've since realized is that the GitHub Explore page is phenomenal.

  • It is so, so interesting.

  • You can read about other people's projects.

  • You can read about things that you are using, so tools that you are using.

  • I cannot stress enough how interesting it is to read about how check50 works--

  • CS50's automated tool for grading the correctness of code.

  • And in fact, many CS50 tools, all of the documentation is on GitHub.

  • And you can go and just look through the code

  • and try to make sense of how everything is fitting together.

  • It's really, really interesting.

  • And last but not least, back to this issue of collaboration.

  • So when you're exploring projects, there is this thing

  • that you can do that's called a pull request, which is essentially someone

  • has a repository project.

  • And you say something like, hey, I think there's a way you could do this better.

  • Or hey, I spotted a bug, and I'm proposing a way to fix it.

  • And essentially, you sort of clone the project, make that change.

  • And then, you create what's called a pull request, which

  • is essentially you tell the owner of that repository, hey,

  • I am proposing something.

  • Might you accept this proposal?

  • And if they do, then that change will merge.

  • And their repository will change in that way.

  • And they could say no if it's maybe not a good solution or not a good change.

  • But, but, but, but, but I've actually heard so many stories

  • of people that randomly made a pull request

  • to some repository of some organization far away in a different country

  • or something of the sort.

  • And they said, hey, listen, love your work.

  • I noticed a small change.

  • Here's a way you could fix it.

  • They create a pull request.

  • That organization accepts the change.

  • And then, now you've made this connection.

  • So something I sort of always like to try to do

  • is sort of go around the GitHub Explore page,

  • read about what other people are up to, see what I can learn,

  • see what I can try to collaborate on.

  • And again, it's a great place to make those connections.

  • Again, especially if you are able to find a way to improve something

  • on someone else's project, or if you find a bug

  • and have a proposal for a way to fix it, you can create a pull request

  • and make that connection in that way.

  • The last thing I want to talk about is static websites through GitHub Pages.

  • So there are so many different aspects of computer science.

  • And I think one that is particularly popular is web development.

  • We all use websites.

  • We're all on the internet all the time.

  • You probably are right now.

  • And a lot of us want to know how to build these things that we

  • spend so much of our time on.

  • So I recently have realized that there is

  • this giant, giant push towards learning a bit of web development.

  • However, if you've looked at HTML or CSS or even JavaScript,

  • you may have realized that it can get a little bit more

  • complicated than you realize.

  • And especially for me when I was just learning how to create web sites,

  • it felt like there was just a lot of moving pieces.

  • And I didn't know where to start.

  • And I didn't want to quite go so far on one extreme of building something

  • sort of from the ground up.

  • And it also seemed not that fun to just sort of input stuff

  • into a template like WordPress or something of the sort.

  • Kind of wanted something in the middle.

  • And I found that something that was really, really,

  • really great to start with was GitHub Pages.

  • So GitHub Pages is essentially a way for you

  • to create static websites that are hosted on your own GitHub repository.

  • So it's essentially a way for you to create simple websites

  • and have them sort of live right away.

  • It's all very clearly in your control.

  • You sort of are coding on your computer.

  • And you can push changes to GitHub.

  • And then they'll sort of be updated on your repository.

  • So the great, great, great, great thing about GitHub Pages,

  • they have phenomenal documentation.

  • Very much step by step walking you through how to create your first simple

  • and static website.

  • This is how I made a couple of my early first websites

  • where I didn't really know, again, where to start.

  • This is a great, great, great place to start.

  • OK so what are the big takeaways of this?

  • Git and GitHub can often sound like big, scary things.

  • But they're not.

  • OK again, if you've taken CD50, you're like 70% of the way there.

  • So just a couple notes that I want to leave you with.

  • As I said before, commit messages matter.

  • Really, commits matter for a bunch of sort of the very small-scale reasons

  • that we talked about like clarity and collaboration, but also bigger picture.

  • It's a great time to reflect on your problem solving process and a good time

  • to sort of reflect on how you are growing as a programmer.

  • And then, the second one is exploring awesome projects.

  • The internet is your oyster.

  • And Google is great.

  • And you can sort of go and Google a bunch of different things.

  • And the great thing about the GitHub Explorer page

  • is that everything that you're going to find is going to be in a format

  • that you know and are comfortable with.

  • And again, pull requests are super, super interesting and super cool

  • because, again, it gives you that chance to connect

  • with an organization, a project, that might be

  • countries or thousands of miles away.

  • And the final thing is that you can jump into simple web

  • development with GitHub Pages.

  • Again, you're 70% of the way there.

  • All you need to do is read a little bit about how

  • to set up your first basic website.

  • And then, you can send that link out to your friends

  • and get everyone really excited about how you're the next Steve Jobs, OK.

  • So last note, I just leave you with this commit message

  • that I made recently, which is by all standards

  • not the best commit message in terms of, doesn't really convey much information.

  • But what it does convey is my excitement about GitHub.

  • What it does convey is how exciting these things can be and how fun.

  • And I promise you, I promise you, I promise you that the second

  • that you dive into GitHub--

  • start with watching Brian's seminar--

  • that you're just going to find this wonderful, wonderful world.

  • And you're never going to want to get out of it.

  • OK I'm going to now wait for a few questions.

  • OK looks like no questions at the moment.

  • That's totally OK.

  • I'm probably going to stay here after for a bit if you'd like to chat,

  • or I can show you some of my projects, or something of the sort.

  • But if that is all, then I think we will conclude.

  • Thank you so much for joining.

  • Thank you.

SPEAKER: Hi, everyone.


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GitHubの素晴らしい世界 by Veronica Nutting (The Wonderful World of GitHub by Veronica Nutting)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日