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Hey everybody, welcome back to flag slash fan Friday. Hope you like the Marshall Islands episode. This is my new office. It's awesome, right?
It's uh, it's still in the works. I need to get two doors
These don't even have doors yet. One quick announcement because you guys suggested it for the school year
We now have kid-sized geography now t-shirts
You can get them now at geographynow.com anyway, as you guys know, this is the part where I kind of correct mistakes
I made in the video or I talk about stuff that I didn't get to talk about in the video for one
I accidentally said former president in Narendra Modi of India. He is actually the current Prime Minister
I don't know why I think maybe I meant to say former president, Kessai Note
was an ambassador to India, but it got messed up in the script
I have no idea why it was a mistake second of all, I got the wrong picture of Anne Marie Hepler and funny story
She actually saw the video and contacted me and she sent me the correct picture
Which is this third of all, I got the wrong picture of John Marshall
This is actually American Supreme Court Justice John Marshall from a long time ago
Uh, yeah, I couldn't find a picture but this is not him. So yeah a few things I wanted to mention
I didn't really get to talk too much about how the former president of the Marshall Islands almost always used to be Chiefs
I think as I know today was the first comma and he kind of broke that tradition also one controversy. Is that the u.s
Did kind of compensate the people who left the Bikini Atoll
But the payments haven't been completed yet and it's been going on ever since the bombing
There's of course a few other things I could have mentioned
But we don't really have too much time if you know of anything write in the comments in the meantime
We're gonna get the flag done. So without further ado you
Marshall Islands, it's good to be back in Oceania. Let's just jump into the flag
It's like it's a blue banner with to rising diagonal bands
Extending from the lower left to the upper right the flag kind of symbolizes the location of the country in the ocean the two bands
Supplies in the equator as well as the rock and rocky island chains
They also symbolize peace and courage the star above stands for the northern hemisphere as well as the twenty-four points of the star
Symbolizing the twenty-four electorial districts of the country with the four elongated points representing the cultural centres module
Jala wheat would J and FAA. Keep in mind, of course prior to this. They're under the US jurisdiction
So they're kind of under the former u.s. Flags prior to all that
They're under the American Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and a prior to all that from 1879 to
1894 they're under Germany under the German New Guinea company and after the whole German stuff the Japanese came in and of course
They're kind of technically under the Japanese Imperial flag. Yeah. Yeah. I got it
Anyway coat of arms, which is not a coat of arms
It's a seal the image depicts an angel with outstretched wings with the same diagonal bands and star pattern found on the flag above it
Above the wings are a giant clam and a fishing net to the bottom left and at toll with palm trees to the bottom
right and
Outrigger Canoe on the bottom is a traditional nautical chart all surrounded by a ring of chains and at the bottom of the motto
Japan feeling K at UConn meaning accomplishment through joint effort and that is pretty much the only
Seal that they've had and nothing product. That's pretty simple. And so yeah, we're done. You know what that means
Geography, huh? Everybody. Here we go new house and we have a guest we guest star this week. Come on, and you know him
You know we start
Postcards host perhaps so this comes from Matt who I guess visited
zakynthos Joseph from Whistler, British Columbia
Emily in the visited Thailand, thank you so much. This is really cool
Ignacio visited
Patagonia Charlie from the United States visited Corsica, by the way, guys
I was painting my back house and that's why I have a bunch of paint on my fingers Craig
The Faroe Islands aid route and it's from Aruba. All right. We got Surya Prakash from India the
Tuvalu var statue and
Vivekananda Rock Memorial, I got this postcard from Malaysia
It's from Farhan and thank you very much Fair Isle which is an island in the North Atlantic off the coast of northern, Scotland
Thank you
Adrianna JD's from Florida, but that's cool. You're visiting Cape Town and studying and
What's up, Jacob? It seems like you visited the Madeira islands recently, Mateo Islands
Fabulous. I actually know the Prime Minister over there
Can't read your name. Is it Eli?
studying in st. Andrews, Scotland
Bobbya, it's cool that you wanted visited Texas the great state of, Texas
That's pretty crazy six countries at one point took over
Texas Jeff visited Quebec Tom you visited Mongolia Pedro visited all these national
Monuments in the u.s. I do not know how to pronounce your name. You're somewhere in Russia, and it says you're from Seattle, New York
That's awesome. I wish I could be from both those same places at once at once
Finally last but not least. We got this postcard from na meet who visited to Louisville
This is the very first anything we've gotten from Tuvalu. So that's really cool. I'm gonna cherish this postcard
Thank you so much letters Keith got a letter who's it from this is from Jarrod
I look outside in Nashville, Tennessee, which is home to country music. You're funny when you're on camera
You should really be on camera more often. Okay, I agree
Let's let's ask the subscribers. What kind of video would you want Keith to host? Like what topic should keep talked about Sophie who is
rushing Jewish from Germany
She sent this car with traditional Korean humble
Costumes because she visited Korea Thank You Sophie Solis from Alaska polar bear Neil
Visited Vermont to do this Spartan death race. He set out to keep his spirits up
He whistled the jog free now theme song
So we got this letter from the Seeley's from Greece Lilly did a huge trip all across these
A lot of them are Nordic what this is really cool. This is the very first thing we've gotten from Vanuatu. That's all that packages
Thank You, Arianna
Look like this is oh, that's yeah Peru Peru hat
Thank you d bye from Basque Country Spain Wow, hey bars, my name is Eva
I'm from a town near Bilbao Basque Country
pose a map the Basque flag
Athletic Club, all right
So we got this off all this stuff from Joe who was born and raised in New York City
book on Greece the chili flag the Nigeria flag
Guyana we're gonna have to nad Tobago flag. I guess he's just kind of showing the diversity of New York City. Yeah
Did you a picture of me? I got this thing from?
Surya Prakash from India
He literally took the geography now artwork and made official Indian stamps
You can actually use these in India. He actually went through the whole legal process. That is insane
Well, I am NOT going to use these I'm going to keep these crazy William from upstate New York son of these
Cloth flag things that came out of cigarette boxes from the in between the 1900 to 1920. These are like antique
Yeah, got this cool Mexican flag one
Mexico episode is
Coming up soon. Yeah, this is from Denmark ha ha
I think I just figured out this hat you flap it like that. I want to say something sure if anybody has a fan and
Fan shirts and they'd like to see me wear
Send them on in as long as you give us permission to wear it with your logo. So this is a Danish
Black licorice really salty. I don't think you would like this
no, I'm gonna try it you try but you're gonna spit it out this we're from
Denmark it's like yeah, you're gonna hate it.
I can handle it but Keith, um, he can't handle it it is what it is moving on
Well, hopefully this package will make you happier Keith from Mexico Oh Oh
Pica Fresca. Let's see. His name is Jesus, but everyone calls him Chuchin. He's from Puebla Mexico
He's a teacher and a filmmaker course He sends the Mexican flag Oh
Oh my gosh, I want to go back Oh last one Martin from Austria sends us this box and oh cool
no kangaroos in Austria shirt
I don't know what this is, but it has pictures of Mozart on it Mozart flavored chocolate
Why didn't Mozart like his, uh, chicken why cuz it kept on going Bock Bock Bock Bock Bock
ha ha
It is a lottery screw, okay, but what if it's like a million dollars you have a coin or something?
Alright, you just have a random buck knife on you on you at all times. Um
Florida yeah, I
Don't know did we win? What was this liquor? Oh
By the way geography now does not condone underage drinking we are both of aged. Oh, I'll do a swig
mmm, cool aftertaste
We think it's really smooth. All right, so, you know what time it is it's time for return address contest. Whoo
The winner will get this
Scratch-off map provided by geography Frederico. He sells him on his website you move over here or in the link in description
But yeah, so Keith is gonna pick out a name from this gym sach sent to us from Centennial High School in Corona, California
High School
That's cool. Yeah ready? Yep. Just pick one
Okay, so
Jonathan from
Wichita, Kansas
You just won. All right guys. Well, that was fun
Thank you for just putting all your countries and hometowns on display and you've just been flagged stay cool
Stay tuned and just remember, it's always time
to learn geography