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  • E=mc^2, the most famous equation in the world, describes the fact that anything with mass

  • possesses a huge amount of energy, in principlelike, a 5kg cat has enough energy in its

  • mass to power the entire country of Norway for a yearif only the energy could somehow

  • be fully extracted from the cat.

  • But it turns out that efficiently extracting energy from mass is a very hard thing to do.

  • Anti-matter is, of course, the most efficient way of extracting energy from mass since,

  • if you collide a cat with a cat made of anti-matter, 100% of the mass of the cat and anti-cat will

  • be converted into energy (powering Norway for 2 years).

  • But the universe has almost no naturally-occurring anti-matter, so it’s not a practical choice

  • for generating energy, since you’d first have to use a lot of energy to make a large

  • mass of antimatter.

  • Since we can't use antimatter, there are basically three options left to us: chemical reactions,

  • nuclear reactions, and gravitational reactions - aka stuff getting pulled together by gravity,

  • like matter falling into black holes.

  • Chemical reactions, for example, are so bad at extracting energy from mass that we don’t

  • even think about what theyre doing as converting mass to energy (even though it is).

  • As an illustration, reacting a balloon of hydrogen and oxygen gases creates a nice big

  • explosion, but the end-products of the reaction only weigh half a nanogram less than the initial

  • reactants , which amounts to a measly 0.00000001% efficiency of converting mass into energy.

  • At that rate, you’d need ten billion cats to power Norway for a year.

  • Nuclear reactions are a lot more efficient, but still pretty bad on an absolute scale:

  • splitting uranium-235 into krypton and barium converts only about 0.08% of the uranium’s

  • mass into energy, and fusing hydrogen into helium like in the sun converts about 0.7%

  • of the hydrogen’s mass into energy.

  • At that rate you’d need 150 cats to power Norway for a year.

  • This where black holes come intheyre about as good as it gets in our universe for

  • extracting energy from mass.

  • Which may sound weird, because, as youve probably heard, nothing can escape black holes

  • once inside.

  • But the efficiency of black holes comes from what stuff does while falling towards them,

  • before passing the no-turning-back point of the event horizon.

  • Anything that falls in a gravitational field speeds up, gaining kinetic energy, and if

  • it then crashes into something it can convert that kinetic energy into heat.

  • That heat can then radiate away as infrared radiation, slightly decreasing the mass of

  • the object.

  • For planets and stars, this conversion of mass into energy is pretty pathetic: an object

  • falling to the surface of the earth releases only about one billionth of its mass as energy.

  • That’s basically as bad as a chemical reaction!

  • But black holes have something special going for them: they are stupendouslysmall.

  • A black hole with the mass of the earth would be about 2 cm across, providing way farther

  • for an object to falland since gravity gets stronger and stronger the closer you

  • are to an object, objects falling into black holes get accelerated to ridiculous speeds.

  • Specifically, an object falling all the way to the event horizon of a black hole will

  • have kinetic energy equivalent to converting roughly half of its half of its E=mc2 mass

  • energy mass.

  • However, if the object continues to fall into the black hole, all of that energy will be

  • stuck inside the black hole.

  • The way to actually convert mass into energy that goes out into the universe is to have

  • the object slowly spiral into the black hole, crashing into other stuff, heating up, radiating

  • that energy away thereby losing mass and speed, slowing down more, spiraling to a yet lower

  • orbit, and so on, all the way down to the innermost possible orbit.

  • And this is exactly what accretion disks around black holes do!

  • So how good are they at converting mass to energy?

  • Well, for a non-rotating black hole, the innermost possible circular orbit is actually 3 times

  • farther out than the event horizon, and in order to spiral in to that point an object

  • has to convert around 6% of its mass into energy radiated away to the outside universe.

  • After that point if it loses any more energy itll plunge down into the black hole, after

  • which no more energy can be extracted.

  • But at this 6% rate, you’d only need to throw 17 cats into a black hole to power Norway

  • for a year.

  • Compared to the 0.00000001% efficiency of chemical reactions and the 0.7% efficiency

  • of nuclear reactions, 6% for a non-rotating black hole may seem pretty good.

  • But rotating black holes are even better, because of how they bend spacetime.

  • They literallydragthings orbiting them in the direction of their rotation, which

  • means the innermost possible orbit can be much closer to the black hole (as long as

  • youre rotating along with the black hole).

  • The details depend on how fast the black hole is rotating, but for a very quickly rotating

  • black hole the innermost possible orbit coincides with the event horizon!

  • And the event horizon itself is half as big as for a non-rotating black hole.

  • Combined together, this means that matter falling into rotating black holes can convert

  • as much as 42% of its mass into energy.

  • Or equivalently, you’d only need 2 and a half inspiralling cats to power Norway for

  • a year.

  • So, if you really want to convert the mass of an object into energy, don’t bother with

  • chemical reactions, or nuclear fission, or nuclear fusion: throw it into a rapidly rotating

  • black hole.

  • If youre wondering how I calculated the efficiencies of converting mass to energy,

  • you can just divide the energy any reaction releases by the mass energy of the things

  • involvedfor example, when radium radioactively decays into radon and helium it releases 6.6

  • MeV of energy, and the mass energy of a single neutron or proton is about 940MeV, so I’ll

  • leave it to you to figure out how efficient alpha decay is at converting mass to energy!

  • Or you can learn more about nuclear fission and fusion by finishing this quiz on,

  • which is this video’s sponsor and is full of interactive quizzes and mini courses on

  • physics and math.

  • If you really want to understand physics deeply, you have to work through calculations and

  • solve problems yourself, and Brilliant offers an interactive online way to do just that.

  • You can check out their course on black holes for free using the link in the description,

  • and if you decide to sign up for premium access to all of their courses, you can get 20% off

  • by going to

  • Again, that’s which lets Brilliant know you came from here.

E=mc^2, the most famous equation in the world, describes the fact that anything with mass


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B1 中級

ブラックホールの理不尽な効率性 (The Unreasonable Efficiency of Black Holes)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日