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  • No”, when do we use the wordnoin English? Often to deny something. For example,

  • can I go for the party please?” “No.” “do you want to eat something?” “No.”

  • can I please come with you?” “No.” When do we use it? To deny. However there

  • are some phrases in English that you can use which begin with the word, ‘nobut, the

  • meaning is completely different, well that's what we are gonna learn today.

  • Hi friends, I am Niharika and welcome back, well in today's lesson we are gonna look at some phrases,

  • 7 phrases in English that begin with the wordnobut doesn't mean that we are trying

  • to deny something, that means something different altogether. So what are these phrases and

  • how do you use it in your daily conversation? Well that's what we're gonna learn so let's

  • start with the first one which is, “no big deal”. Now when do you use this phrase?

  • When something is not difficult or there's no problem or it's not troublesome. So someone

  • requests you to do something, “hey can you help me with this project please?” And you

  • think it's not a problem at all, yeah, it's not difficult, it's not troublesome for you

  • so rather than just sayingoh, noyou can say, “no big deal”, Sono big deal

  • is actually not a denial but this phrase is used in a positive sentence wherein you are

  • telling someone that yes, no problem, no big deal, I can do this for you, like if you tell

  • your husband in the night, “honey, I am so exhausted can you help me do the dishes,

  • please?” And he has no problem, he doesn't think that it's troublesome for him, so he's

  • gonna say, “No big deal honey, I'll help you with the dishes”, okay? So that's how

  • you can use this phrase, a very similar to this one isno biggieand remember both

  • these phrases are informal English phrases, okay? So either you can sayno big deal

  • or you can sayno biggie’, okay? The next one, “no hard feelings”. Nowno

  • hard feelingsthe actual meaning of this phrase is that you are not angry, okay? But

  • how do you use this phrase in your conversation? So for example, someone apologizes to you

  • for something but you're not angry that situation has not upset you or made you angry, so to

  • convey that to that other person you would say, ‘no hard feelings’. For example,

  • your friend forgot your birthday, she's your best friend and guess what, she forgot your

  • birthday, now that might upset you, but hey you know what, you're not upset, you're not

  • angry. So when she calls you the next day and she says thatoh my god, I am so sorry,

  • I forgot your birthday, how could this happen…” now since you're not upset, you're gonna say,

  • oh that's okay, no hard feelings.” So here you convey that it's okay and using the

  • phraseno hard feelingsit means that you're not upset or you're not angry, okay?

  • So that's how you will use this phrase. Let's have a look at the third phrase which is,

  • no kidding”. Nowno kiddingcan be used in three ways, it means that it has

  • three different meaningsthe first meaning. You use it to add that emphasis to a true

  • statement. So someone said something and you want to add that emphasis to it that yes,

  • this is true so you're gonna use the phrase, ‘no kidding’. For example your mom says

  • thatthis mall is so expensivenow you totally agree to it, so you want to add that

  • emphasis to this statement you're gonna say, “no kidding, I saw these denims which are

  • just fabulous but they were ridiculously priced.” So yes it means that it is expensive so that's

  • how you can use this phrase. The other way that you can use this phraseno kidding

  • is to show mild surprise, for example your friend tells you that, “hey you know what

  • I am buying a new BMW carand you are surprised you're like, “no kidding, that's amazing,

  • congratulations.” So to express mild surprise, you can use the expression, ‘no kidding’.

  • And then the third way that you can use this expression is to sound a little sarcastic,

  • okay? So now your friend tells you, “I am buying a BMW carand she has mentioned

  • this like ten thousand times, so you have heard it over and over again and now you're

  • like, “no kidding, you've told this to me like ten thousand timesso you are adding

  • some sarcasm, okay? So when you want to add sarcasm you can use the expression, ‘no

  • kiddingwhen you want to emphasize a true statement you will use, ‘no kiddingand

  • when you want to show a little bit of surprise that you gonna use the expression, ‘no kidding’,

  • wow that's great, okay? The next one, “no offense”. Now when do you use this expression

  • no offense’? When you do not intend to insult someone. So here you don't mean to

  • insult someone but you also want to make a point, so for example y'all our group of boys

  • discussing something okay and there is another girl also in your group and you want to just

  • pass a comment about girls in general, but now this girl is also in your group, so you

  • don't really want to insult her in any way, so before making your point you would say

  • that, ‘no offense’. So for example y'all are saying that, “girls can be so dumb at

  • times”, now you don't want to insult this girl in your group so you're gonna say, that

  • no offense Laura, but girls can be so dumb at times.” So you sayno offensewhich

  • means that do not get offended, but this is what I have to say or this is a point that

  • I want to make. So you kind of um want to make these insults, socially acceptable okay

  • so this is when you would use this phrase. And the next phrase that I have for you is

  • no pain no gain”. Most of the times it's your fitness instructor or you know sports

  • people love to use this saying thatno pain no gainwhich actually means that

  • until you don't suffer too much, until it doesn't hurt much, you are not gonna be able

  • to achieve something. So if you want to be successful, if you want to achieve something,

  • then it's important that you need to put in a lot of hard work and put in a lot of pain.

  • So for example, now that I have gained too much weight I go to a gym and I say that,

  • huh, I have to lose weightand then when I start exercising my muscles, my body

  • hurts too much and I say, “ouch, my muscles hurt, I am done…” so my fitness trainer

  • would say, “Niharika, no pain no gain.” So which means that it has to hurt, you need

  • to suffer if you want to look good and if you want to lose weight. So that's the saying

  • that if you want to succeed, if you want to achieve something then you have to put in

  • a lot of hard work. Alright, and then I have another expression for you which is, “no

  • way”. Sono waycan be used in two ways the first one is when something is just

  • impossible. So for example, you have a movie at 8 p.m. and guess what you are still stuck

  • in a bad traffic jam, whoops, I'm sure you're not gonna reach by 8:00 p.m. because you're

  • stuck in traffic, so you are gonna call your girlfriend's or you're gonna call your wife

  • who's waiting for you at the movie theatre and you're gonna say, “honey, guess what,

  • there's no way I'm gonna be able to make it at 8:00, because I am stuck in a bad Jam.”

  • That's how you will use this which means that it's just impossible that I'm gonna reach

  • at 8:00 and the other way that you can useno wayis when you want to show or Express

  • a strong denial. For example, your daughter comes to you and says, “Mom, can I go for

  • this party please? And your mom is definitely not gonna agree to it, so she's gonna express

  • her strong denial by saying, “no wayno way, you're going for the party.” So

  • rather than just saying it's simplenojust add it a little more and express that

  • no way you're doing that”, okay? And then the last expression that I have for you

  • is, “no wonder”. Sono wonder’, the meaning of this expression is that it's not

  • surprising. So you know there are some things when you just get the logic when you just

  • understand the logic and it's not surprising to you, you express it by sayingno wonder’.

  • So this is baby who's crying, constantly crying and then you realize that he has pooped in

  • his diaper or his diaper is too full and then you're like, “yeah, no wonder he's crying

  • so much…” So it's not surprising, he was irritated, he was annoyed because his diaper

  • was full. So that's how you would Express when something is just not surprising to you

  • and you get the logic and you understand it well, you express it by saying, ‘no wonder’,

  • okay? So these are the seven expressions that you can use in your daily conversations, use

  • them, they're very simple and quite interesting and I'll be back with a new lesson soon till

  • then you take care.

No”, when do we use the wordnoin English? Often to deny something. For example,


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A2 初級

NO」を使った上級英会話表現|英会話上達法|ニハリカ (Advanced English Conversation Expressions With ‘NO’ | Improve Your English Speaking | Niharika)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日