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  • today, I'm entering a bit of a competition.

  • We're doing Reddit voters shop battles.

  • This is actually how I learned photo shop.

  • I used to do tiny like sub community competition in, like, an e maii forums.

  • I remember how thrilling it was to submit and have people vote on what you made in photo shop.

  • I thought that was so fun.

  • Even if five people participated, it was still cool.

  • And that's what got me into a photo shop.

  • So I thought also meant to some of these I really like this sealed one that was supposed it 11 hours ago.

  • Let's have a look at our competition.

  • Okay?

  • All right.

  • All right.

  • I feel like I can I can probably make something out of this, cause it's already so funny.

  • Whenever I see chins, I just want to add more chins.

  • But then and there's not that much to work with.

  • Maybe I can try and make the background a little bigger.

  • See, I mean, already that looks I didn't mean for that.

  • All right?

  • We made it bigger.

  • This means of course, we can add more chins.

  • Nothing like a good chin.

  • You know what I mean?

  • you ever made something, and then you realize this complete garbage?

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, man.

  • That really bitter.

  • Didn't shell there.

  • I mean, this calls for blush cheeks.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • I guess uncomfortable is what we're going with here.

  • I don't care if it's good.

  • It's making me lak e one.

  • People that really, truly question their sexuality.

  • Do you think we can add a wig?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Yes, we can.

  • Yeah.

  • All freak of walrus.

  • I need something higher.

  • Resolution is all.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • Okay, girl, keep talking.

  • All right, let's lend, uh, shadows is really what makes it come alive, I think, And messing with light and stuff like that on this photo, we could see that the whites are really popped.

  • I don't know.

  • Yeah, he's He's got the blend on the the top.

  • We can't have that.

  • Just trying to create this.

  • Yeah, if we want to be like attention to detail, I guess the hair is like hitting the water or something.

  • Look at that.

  • They're not pretty good.

  • Guess we should do the lips as well.

  • It's got a little bit of that joker, uh, touch to it, But, you know, I like it.

  • I really want to hit the sparkle on the eye.

  • Yeah, the stark in the roots.

  • That doesn't lot nice.

  • She has that kind of face, you know?

  • It's a she should want to play upon more.

  • A bit.

  • It's suddenly like, oh, sent by O.

  • Yes, I'm shaving.

  • What do you think I am?

  • Shading?

  • No, I don't need you to judge me for it.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • I want to do others as well, so I'm just gonna end that there and save it.

  • This is actually the first time I post something like this.

  • So that was the start.

  • This is the result.

  • Okay, so it's uploaded.

  • I'm sorry.

  • In advance.

  • All right, let's move on to the next one.

  • Okay.

  • A blue whale pooping.

  • What?

  • People talk about plastic in the ocean, but blue whales poop.

  • Come on.

  • There.

  • That's disgusting.

  • All right, that's nice.

  • Jets garbage.

  • Uh, what would I do?

  • I would first cover up all the poop.

  • We're gonna fresh, fresh ocean, nice and clean, and then see what we can do with this, uh, done.

  • It's fun.

  • I get to do typography thing.

  • So lying.

  • I'll just go into the Al, I guess.

  • I guess it makes more sense that ends on the F.

  • Yes, if you want to be picky.

  • It should, like, fade over time or something.

  • Like he started riding.

  • Epstein should be more faded as well, I realized, but I think that's good for now.

  • It makes me lacks.

  • Ah, that's always kidding.

  • Original remake.

  • Time to comment.

  • What are the odds?

  • I can't wait to go back later and a few days to check what people are saying.

  • That's gonna be my favorite part.

  • All right, Let's Ah, pick two or three more.

  • Okay, here's an easy one.

  • Uh, you just changed the TV.

  • I mean, come on.

  • Okay, there's a couple already.

  • All right, this is extremely difficult.

  • I mean, this required immense amount of skill and technique to really properly pull off.

  • Yeah, not even worth posting.

  • I'm like, Oh, my God.

  • Novak Djokovic playing tennis.

  • Jesus, No one submitted.

  • All right, It's my turn, Gamer.

  • My time to shine.

  • What I like about this is that you can easily make it bigger Berries.

  • The background is essentially blew.

  • Anyway, there you go.

  • Pretty well blended.

  • Now we can make his limbs now we can focus on making his limbs gigantic without even having to mask a lot of it.

  • Leg.

  • You know what?

  • Let's just get rid of the tennis racket.

  • It looks funny.

  • If you don't have it.

  • I don't know what to do.

  • There's so many things.

  • Is it funny to add this girl?

  • I don't know.

  • Will it be funny?

  • Question.

  • Mark 321 go.

  • Yeah, that works.

  • That's funny that it's actually get that blue in.

  • Fixed the lying.

  • At least try and get the shadow.

  • I don't know how I think that's pretty good, to be honest, that like it, it was not what I was flying to make, but good exercise looks pretty legit.

  • I'll take it.

  • I'll pick one.

  • I'll pick it.

  • I apologize.

  • I feel like that's always Ah, good way to start.

  • Can't wait to come back in a couple of days to see when no one has commented on these.

  • Ah, come on.

  • This one is obvious.

  • Has anyone done in the floors?

  • Lama?

  • Yo, yo, yo, That really sold the deal, eh?

  • All right.

  • I guess I'll do it.

  • Old this name in the game.

  • It's about to get new meaning?

  • It's gotta put him in there.

  • Basically, that's great.

  • I worked out better than I thought, but the text then cover up.

  • Whatever the hell that ISS.

  • Okay, cover up this bit.

  • Fix the color through the shading.

  • And there you have it, folks.

  • A new cat mean template.

  • You're welcome.

  • I'll share it.

  • It's an old mean, but it still checks out.

  • I'm posting to quickly Wow too fast for this subreddit flooding in Venice.

  • That's crazy.

  • Yeah, I have epic sense of humor.

  • What a tragedy.

  • Our I p f c in the chat.

  • Yeah, I make myself laugh.

  • I don't care.

  • I don't care.

  • You know, it's not alway about technicality.

  • It's about a great idea.

  • What?

  • Uh, deep tragedy.

  • Get it deep.

  • Nine minutes.

  • All right.

  • I think that's my time in this video there.

  • Hope you guys enjoy it.

  • Let me know if this is fun.

  • Oh, I'll be back in a second to check out and see what people say.

  • Of course.

  • 12 seconds later.

  • Okay, we have time for one more.

  • One more gamers.

  • The test, lest cyber truck, there's definitely a lot of things I could do with this.

  • I feel like the obvious is just to put some sort of low polygon.

  • Yeah, Maybe I'll put her inside.

  • Okay.

  • Well, that's incredibly lame.

  • Yeah, that looks like shit.

  • Okay, I'll do something else this all day.

  • I can work with this.

  • Just gotta draw his body in a really nice and tight.

  • That's right.

  • Yeah, That looks very natural.

  • Yes, it's got to do the same on this guy.

  • We'll shadow it.

  • It will.

  • Look, it'll look fine.

  • Gotta get that contrast in color in it.

  • There it is.

  • Yeah, he's out in the sun is doing stuff more natural.

  • We, of course, have to make it very green.

  • That looks good.

  • I like that.

  • Okay, that's better.

  • I wonder if it's worth adding some texture put on screen.

  • Um, yeah, that's not bad, I should add.

  • So he's like, inhaler world.

  • If I can find an image.

  • Oh, yeah, This will do.

  • It's got a blending.

  • There you go.

  • There you go.

  • All right, Now we're really doing the details, and there you have it.

  • Beautiful.

  • I like it a lot, actually.

  • Can't migrate.

  • Let's post this one as well.

  • Ellen sama, I hope you like send All right Now it's time to wait a bit and we'll see it.

  • What people think of our beautiful art.

  • 3:28 a.m. Okay, it's time to see the results.

  • I am so nervous.

  • Oh, my God.

  • What if people don't like it?

  • Nine karma, that's all.

  • What does that mean?

  • I don't use Read it like I got actually posed.

  • Okay, 1st 1 which is the babe?

  • My magnum opus.

  • Gone.

  • Five up votes.

  • That's it.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Fine.

  • Who won this garbage?

  • Are you kidding?

  • May.

  • This got six up loads.

  • I got third fish.

  • Fine.

  • You know what?

  • Flying.

  • All right.

  • You know, it's like art people don't like when it questions from their own things.

  • Okay?

  • Their own BP next 17 points.

  • All right, all right.

  • It's the blue whale pooping one.

  • I got seven points toughening up 14.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Why, That's so shit.

  • I'm sorry.

  • This got four up boats this got for all right.

  • It's a controversial subject.

  • I'm pissed.

  • Dude.

  • Look, I don't mean toe say that what other people may it's not garbage.

  • I'm joking.

  • Of course, I wouldn't call other people.

  • I got one point for this.

  • This one got one point.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Dude, it's got shadows.

  • It's got color grading.

  • Oh, apparently no one else posted.

  • That means I won.

  • All right, we got one win, Gamers.

  • We got one wing.

  • I'll take it.

  • I'll take it.

  • I'll take it.

  • It's an old mean, but it's still checks out.

  • I got only two points.

  • It was the top on 17 for this shit.

  • I'm so mad.

  • I'm not gonna pretend I'm not mad.

  • What the hellis this if this whoever post first wins.

  • All right, what about this one?

  • Technicalities.

  • Two points.

  • Yeah, Unfunny.

  • What about mine?

  • Deep tragedy.

  • Hilarious.

  • There's dead pizzas in the water.

  • That's funny.

  • Dead pizzas.

  • Air.

  • Funny laugh.

  • What the hell is wrong with Reddit?

  • Dude, why can they not appreciate good creations?

  • Why can they not just up boat my shitty posts, Ellen sama.

  • No likes I am fuming.

  • I am actually fuming.

  • This has been a complete failure.

  • I will never do Photoshopped battles again.

  • I'm actually angry.

  • Delete this video.

  • All right.

  • Well, I'm kidding.

  • I actually had fun.

  • Um, you know, it's not about the results.

  • It's about having fun, right?

  • Right, guys make me feel better.

  • Smash like on this video if you liked it and I'll see you guys tomorrow.

  • Bye bye.

  • We're all excited about the new game that's coming out, and I can't wait to play it.

  • It starts with the letter P.

  • Can you guess what it is here?

  • The pi pick Selling off course what you thought it was hokum on dumb ass, you stinky brainer.

today, I'm entering a bit of a competition.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

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フォトショップコンテストに参加してみた(NOT GOOD) /r/photoshopbattles top all #55 [REDDIT REVIEW (I joined a Photoshop Competition (NOT GOOD) /r/photoshopbattles top all #55 [REDDIT REVIEW])

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日