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I'm David Hoffman, filmmaker, and I'm making this clip hoping to help my subscribers and others want to get in touch with your creative self to explode your creative self.
So I made some notes designed to help you find your creative self.
Here we go.
Number one.
Get in touch with your individual.
You Now There's a lot of debate on my YouTube channel these days about being an individual versus being part of a group I find to get in touch with your creative self.
To be able to express yourself creatively, However, you need to know what's individual about you.
How are you different?
How are you unique?
How do you see things a little bit askew?
All the creative people I have ever filmed or watched see things a little bit odd, a little bit different, their own way.
You've got to know what your own way is.
Think about yourself as an individual Number two.
You've got to open the door to your own mind and listen.
What are you hearing inside yourself?
What thoughts are you thinking?
Don't judge them.
Just notice.
I'm thinking that I'm thinking that I'm thinking that and notice your feelings.
They're very different.
As you know, feelings are not accurate necessarily.
But they would.
You feel My wife is a great, instinctual person, way more than may.
She's constantly having instinctual reactions.
Those instincts are critically important.
You know, they say there are at least nine cents is I know five Well, No.
And then the six, they say, is instinct.
It's a sense some people have it more than others, but getting in touch with your own hearing the noise in your mind.
Hearing the comments really helps when you're searching out your creative self number.
Allow yourself to hear your own judgments.
You know there's a debate on my channel about whether it's good to be judgmental.
I think it is or not.
I think it should be judgmental, but without judgment about your judgment.
Have the judgments Everyone does, I think.
But don't judge the judgments as important as correct as fair.
Did you your judgments?
In other words, what I'm really saying is, listen in, listen in because in you stands creativity waiting to express itself or creativity that has already expressed itself.
But you may not identify it as creative.
Why did you pick those particular shades for your window?
Why did you buy that plant?
Why did you tend to go towards his car?
They're all aspects of you as an expressive individual.
Number four.
Know your strengths and know your weakness is not is a.
I have a relative who wanted to be a basketball player.
He was five foot eight and he wasn't particularly good.
He didn't have a strength in that area, but he didn't care.
They tell you don't care, have your dreams and do them.
But I feel judged my skills.
For example, I am not a great writer.
Other people are.
I'm a very good camera man, but I'm not a great cameraman.
I'm not a particularly confident guy when it comes to women.
All these judgments about myself, all these feelings about myself, help me to know my strengths and my weaknesses.
A guy once said to me, You have a family I said, Yeah, he said, That's a weakness because you can't focus on what you want to do.
He said to me, Let's say you don't have a family.
That's a weakness because there's nothing really motivating you as a male, either.
way's a week, this judge, your strengths and your weaknesses to see where you likely to succeed in your creative effort.
That isn't easy to do, but it's worth doing.
Number five.
Ask a lot of questions.
I think I have a Sam Keen quote here, he says.
Nothing shapes us so much as the questions we ask.
Ask a lot of questions.
It's not frightening.
In fact, you may not have answers, but ask yourself all the way along any effort to be creative about anything as questions.
I want to know more.
I don't know about this.
This is not authentic to me.
This is not real to me.
This is real to me.
This touches me.
Ask a lot of questions.
I find questions are my greatest ally.
As you can tell, I interview a lot of people, and I interview them with a lot of questions that I genuinely have.
You became a soldier.
You experienced Vietnam.
What was that like for you?
I mean that I ask a lot of questions of myself and of everyone around me as opposed to being embarrassed about asking questions.
I'm the opposite.
You could say I'm a pain in the butt with the questions I asked.
But most people enjoy giving answers.
If they genuinely feel that you care, remember how the mind works?
He is a part of how the mind works.
It can't stand chaos.
It likes to have a reason for everything.
The mind.
So if it's chaotic and you don't really know how you think you don't really know what's going on, you will come up with a reason.
There's the classic case from the 19 fifties.
They were testing people.
I believe we had epilepsy, and they had cut the brain stem so that the left and right hemisphere would no longer connected.
Close one eye.
Sit the person down, put up a sign that says, Get up, get a glass of water from the saying Sit down and drink the water person does that doctor says, Why did you do that?
Well, because you put up the sign.
Try the other eye now block one eye.
Now they go to the eye that doesn't have language, and they say the same thing.
Do the same thing.
That person gets up, gets the water, sits down, drinks the water, doctor says.
Why'd you do.
That person says I was thirsty.
Where the mind come up with that?
It made up something because you've got to have an answer.
You can't stand chaos now, to be creative, you have to put up with a certain amount of uncertainty all the way along.
It's just not completely sure about this.
You may be sure about that degenerate.
Sure about this having that uncertainty and sitting with it is one of the strengths of being a creative person.
People who get anxious right away.
I need to find a solution right away, unless likely to reach a place where they can really paint their own painting, tell their own story, make their own home, cook their own meal with unique creativity that requires uncertainty and living with that uncertainty at that particular task.
I'm very good.
I don't break because I don't know.
Even in speaking to you right now, I don't know how good I am.
I really don't.
And I'm gonna hear it from you, I'm sure.
But I go forward with the belief that the only way to get through this thing is to have faith that I'm doing okay, maybe, Well, maybe great with uncertainty.
Okay, so you're about to begin Whatever it is you're trying to do, that would be called creative.
And I define creative, very broadly.
Creative isn't a painting sculpture?
Ah, piece of a book.
Ah, movie Creative is anything out that you know that I look at people's homes and so often they're uncreative and so often they are Somebody's done something which is completely uniquely their own.
I want to remind you of one thing before you begin.
And that is we all have, and particularly in the creative space perfectionist sides.
I haven't.
It's never good enough.
What I'm doing right now is clearly not good enough.
You've got to be able to put up with your perfectionist side and not let it stop you when the perfectionist in you stops you because you know it's not what it should be.
You stopped unfairly.
No one ever achieves perfect.
I don't think, Lise, I never have.
And when I'm all done, if I look at it too often, I've criticized the hell out of it and I'll probably remove the video.
So I'm not gonna do that.
I'm gonna let the perfectionist noise go on but I'm going to go forward towards the completion of this video, told the completion of my creative effort, because when I really desire is the creative process, I'm not just after the conclusion, the outcome, the video.
I like the process.
I like speaking with you.
I like thinking this out.
I appreciate that process, and that moves me forward when the perfectionists in me might just cut me off.
I hope this has helped you.
I'd like every person on the planet to feel creative because it feels so good to express yourself the self, this of you, the visions, the feelings, wherever you're doing it and however you're doing it.
I went to a museum exhibition just a short time ago, and I saw a guy who made a sculpture out of the fluff that's there in the clothing dryer.
You know, when your clothes dryer does this look like fluff he made foot into sculpture is a creative you bet.
Is it crazy?
You bet it was an interesting to him.
Yeah, people who collected bottle caps were the same to me.
They were paste them up and doing all kinds of things.
There's a 1,000,000 ways to express yourself creatively.
And I know this.
It's a human pleasure to do so thank you very much for hearing me.
I hope this has been helpful to you.
That's my goal.
I'm David Hoffman, filmmaker.
Please subscribe.
And if so inclined, Patri on helps me a lot to continue.
W w w dot patri on dot com forward slash old in a day, All in a day that's May.
Thank you.
Take care.