字幕表 動画を再生する
- Hello, happy holidays, almost happy new year.
I am standing here at ITP and IMA in Brooklyn, New York,
two school of the arts in New York University
where just a few days ago this whole floor
was full of over 100 projects, student work
from the ITP and IMA programs on the fourth floor
of 370 Jay Street.
And we looked at 91 projects.
You can see that full three and a half hour live stream
by following the link in this video subscription
but what you're about to watch is a shorter
highlight reel of a bunch of projects
made by a wonderful group of students.
I hope you enjoy them.
I hope you have had a great 2019
and I look forward to seeing you
on the coding train in 2020.
(lively music)
- So, I'm Aidan Fowler.
- I'm Nicole Cabalquinto.
- And this is our lenticular portal room.
So, we're doing experiments with a lenticular lens
which is if you've seen bookmarks that have moving images
that's what we're working with here.
And it stretches and magnifies the light.
So, we're doing different experiments here.
We have a 3-dimensional box, moving lenses
that are rotating and then these flat sunrises
over the ocean.
- [Nicole] There's nothing in the box.
Shall we do the reveal, like what actually is inside?
- [Aidan] It's an empty box.
- [Nicole] It's an empty box but there's
a thousand LEDs in here.
- Hi, I'm Tina.
- I'm Christina.
- And this project is called One Amongst Many.
It's a physical data visualization representing
women in computing.
- So, as you pick up these orbs they illuminate
to full brightness and you can see every woman
that we chose as a cohort with a bunch of other women.
So, we have computer scientists, mathematicians.
As you pick an orb up and read about a certain woman,
other women in her cohort will also illuminate.
And as the orbs are interacted with over time
they get incrementally brighter.
- My name is Lu Lyu and this is an installation
that show everybody has a mountain on their ridge of hand.
I have to tell the rock what is the shape of my hand
and it will turn into a mountain which is my own mountain.
And I want everybody to have a nature connection
when they see their ridge of their hand.
- Hi, I'm Winnie and so these are from my data class.
I'm from Hong Kong so I did a lot of projects
about the protest and specifically
focusing on the narratives.
I'm really interested in non-traditional approaches
to protest and the focus on narratives is because
I feel like our ability to craft our own narrative
is something that's really powerful and healing.
These two projects are about police and protestors
and so I have these YouTube videos that I script
the transcript from and I did these generated texts
and also with the most common words
I made these fridge magnets that people could interact with.
And then this piece here is all the protest information
I have consumed from September up until now.
So, as you hover you could see the articles
and the brighter the box is the more articles
I have read in that hour of the day.
- So, my name is Themis.
My project is basically a block puzzle game
where you can build the correct sentence.
You have to use the green blocks in this case.
This is basically like a learning tool for kids.
Carrot full.
No, say that try again.
Takes a fall.
And basically that's it.
(lively music)
- I'm Andri, and so my project's a VR project
and it uses VR to tell a poetic experience
about exploring flashbacks and what it means
to have control over our own experiences and memory.
So, that man that you see is supposed to represent trauma.
So, the first time you go through this experience
it's like going and walking around and you may experience
something horrific happen.
And now this part is supposed to represent how memory
will try to understand that.
So, the memory if you've ever unfortunately experienced
something like bad happen, you might replay that memory
in your head over and over again.
And if he ever chooses to stop he can stop time
and stop everyone from moving but he can never prevent
what's gonna happen.
And so, he is like looping this memory.
(various musical tones)
- So, it's really a struggle.
It's about patience, essentially finding
where you need to be and then adjusting accordingly.
I've only had a few hours on this
so I'm still trying to figure out actually
to be able to play this but I've seen some other people
do some interesting things on this.
(various musical tones)
- I'm Jordan Rickman.
This is Web/Wall.
It's my nine project.
So, we build our own musical instrument
and then we perform with it.
As you can hear it produces a lot of different,
just an interesting and chaotic sounds.
- Hi, I'm Cy.
I'm the coding training community manager.
Also, a first year at ITP.
So, this project is called the Black Projections Project
and basically I built what I call a portal mapping device.
So, it's a map that potentially could help you
unlock a portal and it talks about or investigates space,
time and how those are all connected to a lot
of different moments that are happening.
And you basically explore it with a magnet you move
across the points and then different images
are projected on the screen.
- My name is Ada and this is my project.
It's Noise.
It's an audio enhanced optical illusion.
The visual pattern is a vortex.
The center shifts depending on where you are looking at it.
So, as the viewer moves around in space,
it triggers, also triggers the audio changes
in the headphone that corresponds to the direction
of the moving center of the vortex.
(high pitched sound)
- My name is Rita and this project is in collaboration
with Max De Silva and it's a choose your own adventure code.
You can sit your headphones and you start it
by saying, "Hi, Sailors."
And then it gives you a list of questions you can ask
and you hear a story that will change every time.
- [Female Speaker] Hi, sailors.
- [Art Project] Hi, stranger.
You can ask us the following questions in any order
and you can ask the same question more than once
until we reach our destination.
- [Female Speaker] Who are you?
- [Art Project] I am a sailor who will cross the ocean
to get where I need to get and do what I need to do.
- [Female Speaker] Why did you leave?
- [Art Project] I left because my father owned
a dark mountain of anger where he wanted me to live.
I loved freedom more than I loved him.
- Hey, so, I'm Lachlan.
I'm a first year student here at IMA
and so I made a website called Gun Funded
and it's a visualization of the gun lobby's
funding of US Congress.
Like where I'm from in Pennsylvania,
you can see the total and how the funding
is disproportionately goes to Republican men in Congress.
And so, you can go to anyone's profile.
You can share these.
You can see lists of top Senators and Representatives.
So, that's Gun Funded and it's GunFunded.com
- I'm Jake Sherwood.
My project is called ClimateScape.
It's a kinetic art installation to raise awareness
for climate change and the human effect on the climate.
It's representing four future potential
climate change scenarios going from best case to worst case.
So, as you progress through the installation
it gets more and more chaotic.
So, this is best case producing a more tranquil
softer sound and then as you get through
it gets more chaotic and becomes scary at the end.
- My name is Alvaro Lacouture.
- I'm Nicole Ginelli.
- And our project is a object tracking installation
that tracks objects to control different types
of animations in real time.
So, we have these spheres that develop
the animation tracking.
- [Nicole] So, we're using them to connect to the track
of the size of the spheres and the light,
the brightness of the spheres.
So, we're getting really smooth tracking with these
which are being sent to the 3-D part of the system in unity.
(lively music)
- I'm Sachiko Nakajima.
I did the second year and I have a light installation
which is based on the mathematics.
And so, here as you can see there is a KDB equation
which simulates a wave in a shallow water.
But it seems to be difficult but it can be also
simulated by a very simple method is like,
like I said, automatic.
So, it goes through the process vehicle space
so big wave goes faster but the small wave goes slower.
So, it's very similar to the real world.
Small wave goes slowly but this wave goes faster
and there also you can see a small wave goes slowly
and big wave goes faster.
- My name is Yongkun and here Fanyi.
- Hi, I'm also the creator of this project.
- [Yongkun] The idea of this project is to let people
to interact what they are doing in the routine life
and then be aware of what they are doing
because normally sometimes people are doing those things.
So, we made a box which can reflect what people
are doing in their daily life.
So, we set some of the interaction in the room,
in the real sighted room and every action
they do in the room will be reflecting in the small box.
- So, I'm Fernando and I'm creating this character
call The Fire Bird and to embody the character
which you put on these gloves.
And imagine here a performing arts context.
So, depending on the gestures you make
you get a different sound and also you change the position
of this 3-D object on the screen and you can change
the color of the object making different gestures
related to the narrative I'm creating.
So, it can make fire and you get a red object
or you can make like a tree and you get a green object.
And you can make like this and this is bird.
So, you can fly.
You can embody The Fire Bird and you can fly around
carrying this seed that is inside
the belly of The Fire Bird.
- My name is Pippa Kelmenson.
I worked on this project with Noah Kernis.
He also has a brother.
We made a heart that beats to the beat of your own pulse.
There's a monitor on the outside
and there's a motor inside of elastic heart.
Basically you just put your index finger
on the pulse sensor and then you can see your pulse
beat in real time in a heart.
- I'm Julian Mathews.
This is the hour glass.
So, there is climate change related data
correlated to the visual on this sculpture.
So, this is a statistic related to bees.
If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth,
humans would only have four years left to live.
There's some static ones, another static one,
and then these require some user input.
This is mean to visualize rising sea levels
so you can use a slider to demonstrate that.
This is the approximate hue of the Flint River water
during peak crisis, a little bit terrifying
that was coming out of people's faucets.
So, these are two discs that I actually 3-D printed,
that once it slows down, I attached neopixel strips
on the outside and with this motor down here
it allows me to spin at 450 rotations per minute.
- My name is Jen.
This is kind of like this in shadow pattern disco.
It detects you distance.
So, if you played it, it's got a certain pattern
going to it and then you get closer.
You can really control it by every centimeters.
- There's no projector, it's just light?
- No, just light, just light.
I will be in front of us and here we can try to really
control it slowly like this here.
(lively music)
- Hello, my name is Matt Ross.
I'm a second year at ITP and I'm here to talk to you
about your relationship with your data.
What I have here today is a simple outlet
but it's not just a simple outlet.
This outlet is connected directly to the servers at Google
and what it does is it looks for any documents
that you haven't even looked at in over two years.
So, what you can do today is log in and it will find
just one single file and if you're ready
you can pull the plug and it will delete
just that single file and maybe just let you take a step
towards having data in your life
that really makes you feel good and that's important to you.
See, it's retrieving all documents
from a year and a half ago.
When I pull this I'll have six seconds to change my mind,
but yep, you see it's going gold.
And that's the whole process.
- I'm Donna, I'm a second year here in ITP
and I work together with Matt.
We developed a new thing called Purell Data
where obviously you can see healthy data starts here.
I'm going to scan this QR code, just a P5 sketch
asking me insert your phone into the container now.
All our goal today is basically to delete your,
or clear your browsing history.
So, I'm going to come here to this Purell,
lovely Purell, and if you would take of it here
my browsing history has been cleared.
- Hi, I'm Wen, I'm from Taiwan.
- Hi, I'm KJ, I'm from Korea.
- Yeah, so, this project's called Garden of Voices.
So, this is basically a garden system that is based
on word recognition, so you can choose a word
from the library we built and say into a microphone
and see how it goes.
- [Male Speaker] Revolution.
- [Wen] Yeah, so, this installation is about
the power of words because sometimes it's too,
it's not invisible so people just ignore it.
I want to emphasize that.
This is so strong as people should.
- I'm Stacy Yuan.
- Hi, I'm Monni.
- I'm Tianxu.
So, this is a live vending machine.
We want to raise people's awareness of protecting animals
and how the endangered animals are feeling right now.
Please insert the coin and start your journey.
So, here you can see an animation,
the tiger is falling into the trap.
Here you will get a product made by the tiger.
It's a leather coat.
- I'm Schuyler DeVos.
This is my project.
I called it Liquid Relationships
and it's about connecting with other people.
- [Female Speaker] Okay, and then we have to, whoa.
- Hi, I'm Gil.
I'm a first year ITP.
This is the Interactive Scroll.
So, it's designed to allow someone to interact
with an ancient scroll physically so you can use
these rods to scroll through.
And then this allows you to translate.
- My name is Nok and this project is called Liiiiiiiiiight.
It's about communication with physical separation.
(lively music)