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  • It wasn't hard this morning, man.

  • Even our then games we've gotten too are hard.

  • It's tough seeing Burroughs streams air very hard.

  • These matches very hard.

  • No.

  • Here we go.

  • Turning the games around right here.

  • And some of these gliders are just a lot of things I've ever heard in my life.

  • Literally 27 winding up top.

  • Okay, you might be able to decipher.

  • I'm dead.

  • Grab my car that night for Cyprus Classics.

  • I prefer gay right there.

  • Good.

  • I'm really a bleed now.

  • After what?

  • You tell me what you what you need.

  • I didn't know you were bleeding out.

  • Your health wire isn't showing up on my screen.

  • And he can I don't think you could build either.

  • He's always loved.

  • Hi, little fella.

  • I may be able to get by.

  • Actually, I think we're all NBC's breaking that shit.

  • Oh, that's nice with nuts.

  • Oh, hey, Joe.

  • Ooh, Nice pumps.

  • Old RPG, bro.

  • I need that Gold refugee.

  • All right, Time for the Reds surviving out here in the vents.

  • The force, the force for that.

  • Come inside, Saigon.

  • You might be able to just toss in a straight up.

  • I'm gonna rock it.

  • I was in a rocket games on him.

  • You have to, your honor mats on a bill.

  • You found him?

  • Yeah, he fell.

  • Stay on top and watch him rest.

  • Yeah, I've got your gun distress.

  • Watch those stairs.

  • That's probably will come out of Thank you.

  • There's some scars right there.

  • Okay.

  • Does it make in here hits under me?

  • It's like two levels under me.

  • Maybe.

  • Let's see if this works out.

  • Oh, he has to have a gun to me.

  • He's right here is in these things right here on my mark.

  • Right there.

  • Right there.

  • That's my wall.

  • I'm done.

  • Never with dope.

  • Fucking where kind of that kid Get up there, bro.

  • Huh?

  • We're gonna go up in a second.

  • I get it.

  • Maybe maybe.

  • Well, that's a big boy, Johnny, that it came with the fight with a great home.

  • I got barrel territory here.

  • Yeah, I'm kind of take me, like, three seconds to get him weak.

  • All right.

  • Come here.

  • 30 seconds.

  • My card on this big, I'm gonna get no Okay.

  • Our floor for entire outside.

  • You see foreign people.

  • He's gonna blow up this wall right here.

  • I'm going up become for you.

  • A meeting someone.

  • We'll track her here.

  • Dark late.

  • Going Really got John it instantly.

  • This kid star.

  • I got him.

  • Thank you for taking me down.

  • Not meaning.

  • Like where the fuck is my groom going?

  • Hello?

  • Hit him.

  • He kept 30 feet minus is still up.

  • I think, uh, would be really good for us.

  • He's in his room.

  • You gonna kill me or is he here?

  • All right.

  • Try to get him up while you go open.

  • That Tim, your back, Right?

  • I've been here the whole time.

  • All right.

  • You're real.

  • Oh, my God, Rose.

  • Lukewarm beer Minister.

  • Everyone, Enmities.

  • No extra C for here.

  • All right, boys, we are healthy, and we are happy.

  • I love that.

  • Hold on, hold on.

  • I gotta know.

  • Way We're here.

  • We're here.

  • Voice that bull gang.

  • Gang gang.

  • They may not look for us.

  • What?

  • What is he writing?

  • I'm Sunny.

  • I don't know what this kid's riding.

  • I think this is ciphers.

  • Editor.

  • The reason I think that code Cypher B day.

  • Wow.

  • What?

  • A faithful editor will give you a scar for that voice Are gonna win this game.

  • Wait, Are we the best squad for my first win in free.

  • But God squad Oh, it's our hats!

  • Whoa!

  • What?

  • Look, her hat looking her hat right now.

  • Yeah.

  • Whoa!

  • I didn't know that that skin had that Hilton email.

  • Your recall, You rock memo 50 I don't want shields to carrying.

  • Got six minutes.

  • One full to me.

  • The guy I got a full now.

  • 95 Sami Tenders, bro.

  • Just getting it going over here a little, You know, often a month before we come in and finish him off.

  • You know, I'm saying he's rotating, like over here.

  • Then would you say you're the fluffer of our team?

  • I guess, man.

  • Yeah.

  • I wouldn't say that when I say that that terms.

  • Really?

  • Obviously from kidding.

  • Do you know?

  • Do you know what that term means?

  • Yes.

  • You don't even know what it means.

  • Oh, God.

  • Okay.

  • Never mind.

  • What you guys doing.

  • Nothing.

  • Nothing.

  • Nothing.

  • Nothing like that.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Never mind.

  • Don't Even I would just diapers going that direction.

  • You really good 95 again?

  • I would say that I'm Mr John Wick shaking his teammate out, checking this ones in the water.

  • Bailed on him from above.

  • Going up?

  • Don't be shy.

  • Can you knock that kid out above me?

  • Yeah, maybe a blue.

  • I live.

  • Where's this guy?

  • Bobby?

  • Hey.

  • Oh, this guy bugging with less good, but two guys about anything.

  • There's a kid on me on here Still, but I'm turning over.

  • Oh, my God.

  • It's on you one guy.

  • That was on 22.

  • Nice to look up an inch, little bro.

  • I can't.

  • I need a big Yeah, you got one.

  • My dad gave me a little Have a long life instead of launch again.

  • But looking at the guys ninjas on, I'm coming up.

  • I got two of them.

  • It got heated 130 and then a shotgun for 20.

  • Right now, more than 50.

  • Nice.

  • Let's get some extreme things.

  • Listen, I don't want you guys ever calling out what it is.

  • You have no idea.

  • We're talking about your chest over.

  • Well, I don't know.

  • This guy strolled.

  • I don't know if there ever being seriously like it's halfway in the game.

  • These guys, we're pushing a massive fight that's going on.

  • It's not like they're taking me.

  • L above our bodies before the fight starts.

  • A Their signs.

  • It's like, uh, the body language, too, Of the player out there playing.

  • They're playing weird or anything like that.

  • I'm gonna launch.

  • You're gonna launch on top of this hill.

  • I'm doing it.

  • You go where you like, fire some rockets.

  • And before you hit it.

  • Yeah, and we're not with you, sir.

  • Leg.

  • We are not the same.

  • No, we are not the same.

  • No.

  • Oh, boy.

  • This guy never gives up.

  • There's one hiding and you're still check one down.

  • Shake the guy down.

  • Where'd you go?

  • I don't know.

  • There's two of my knocked you up top.

  • Yeah, I'm going for the shape down.

  • Finally taking it down.

  • Cover 63.

  • Where's your boys at me?

  • Adam three.

  • Is there any good shock I was on there?

  • Yeah.

  • Rare.

  • You had a lot.

  • You being put down?

  • Uh, here, guy underneath this to directly needed to solve the Just watch from here.

  • When you want to build up, you want it launches right here.

  • I'm bad.

  • I try to be cute with it.

  • It's my fault.

  • Come on.

  • One over here.

  • It's, uh it is not one on one on him.

  • So you both are gonna want anyone.

  • It was good.

  • I'm in a bush bleeding out forward.

  • Nice.

  • Did you pick me up?

  • And we can call it last guy.

  • I try to be cute.

  • Did not pay off.

  • I just want a place you down gently before survive.

  • You Well, they're caught his fucking rocket form shot.

  • I'm in a basket.

  • I was right here.

  • Right here.

  • Throw it right.

  • Here's the wall.

  • Right here, buddy.

  • Be careful where you guys are, by the way that he could see me coming when I kill him.

  • Never cranking 41.

  • Do it again.

  • Why?

  • You blew it later, bro.

  • My slice slice that would be perfect.

  • Literally caught it, bro.

It wasn't hard this morning, man.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日