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  • Dick Capex.

  • What?

  • Get that fan on May I got suddenly.

  • God, welcome to Dick Fix.

  • Looks to me as if there's a cause yet on either side of the sentence, some kind of a marrow or something like that.

  • I should have really done some emoji homework before I came in through the circle.

  • Will send you a big pig.

  • No, no.

  • Well, I'm thinking this is potentially very rude and rather Northey take it.

  • Intends to describe a famous there.

  • Yep, The place will each have to describe a famous person or object with Dick in the Nen.

  • On there'll be a prize for the best dick describe.

  • Oh, famous digs.

  • What was actual Willie's?

  • This might be Channel four, but even there couldn't get away without Let's if Georgina likes this dick, because it's her turn to describe.

  • Come on, girl.

  • Come on, girl.

  • Girl message.

  • It's a policewoman, and I have never, ever seen her in my life.

  • Think, think, Think actual.

  • Gina.

  • Is it somebody out of the line of duty?

  • Send Joe.

  • She's definitely a line of duty.

  • Watch that inside out after Gina.

  • Second it VIPs end message.

  • Is it the brunette actress off the bill.

  • Oh, this is it's It's some precedent.

  • Ex president X.

  • Who the hell's Cassie?

  • That dick?

  • Never ever.

  • Sorry casita Question Dick.

  • Of course I have to get myself off the hook here a bit.

  • I don't know where that came from.

  • Exclamation Mark.

  • I think I saw her being interviewed on breakfast television.

  • I interviewed her about six weeks ago.

  • Your back tracking Judy's not Judy.

  • Is Judy really very intelligent?

  • Blank ago?

  • The next player to be sent a dick pic is Judy, right?

  • Very, very funny.

  • Tadic.

  • I'm excited to see Judy Step.

  • Message, please.

  • When he's not serving up breakfast, he's probably got his nose stuck in the book.

  • Send clean.

  • So it's a chef who likes to read.

  • This is a breakfast presenter, I think.

  • Oh, Dick and Dom Exclamation mark doesn't bring gas from.

  • They're really struggling with something that is Richard.

  • Judy Richard in a day wouldn't know which Dick says Breakfast.

  • Which Richard Richard, Richard Madison, Richard Madison, Richard and Judy, Richard and Judy, Richard and Judy.

  • It's Richard and Judy.

  • Who's again?

  • It's Richard and Judy message.

  • It's Richard and Judy.

  • Richard Dunne, Madison.

  • Yeah, Richard Madison, No nearly two.

  • I don't know who Richard and Judy are.

  • Atwood.

  • A sign my name would be off the Christmas card list.

  • Message are made.

  • Puppets Question mark.

  • Sudden.

  • Georgina thinks we're puppets.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Actually, I think we did appear with the Muppets once.

  • Message at Georgina.

  • That's punching.

  • You likely idiot.

  • Now, Judy went to an awards ceremony and bits dropped out.

  • And she's so wonderful.

  • Who could it be?

  • This game, this tough made Lee look at those highlights.

  • He's handsome.

  • Any freeze age?

  • Richard, I tell you what.

  • If ever you wanted an object lesson into the fleeting nature off fame here, you have it in the circle message.

  • I thought it was quite so ironic.

  • Richard and Judy, Uh, the S and B semi?

  • Yes, indeed.

Dick Capex.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日