字幕表 動画を再生する
Dick Capex.
Get that fan on May I got suddenly.
God, welcome to Dick Fix.
Looks to me as if there's a cause yet on either side of the sentence, some kind of a marrow or something like that.
I should have really done some emoji homework before I came in through the circle.
Will send you a big pig.
No, no.
Well, I'm thinking this is potentially very rude and rather Northey take it.
Intends to describe a famous there.
Yep, The place will each have to describe a famous person or object with Dick in the Nen.
On there'll be a prize for the best dick describe.
Oh, famous digs.
What was actual Willie's?
This might be Channel four, but even there couldn't get away without Let's if Georgina likes this dick, because it's her turn to describe.
Come on, girl.
Come on, girl.
Girl message.
It's a policewoman, and I have never, ever seen her in my life.
Think, think, Think actual.
Is it somebody out of the line of duty?
Send Joe.
She's definitely a line of duty.
Watch that inside out after Gina.
Second it VIPs end message.
Is it the brunette actress off the bill.
Oh, this is it's It's some precedent.
Ex president X.
Who the hell's Cassie?
That dick?
Never ever.
Sorry casita Question Dick.
Of course I have to get myself off the hook here a bit.
I don't know where that came from.
Exclamation Mark.
I think I saw her being interviewed on breakfast television.
I interviewed her about six weeks ago.
Your back tracking Judy's not Judy.
Is Judy really very intelligent?
Blank ago?
The next player to be sent a dick pic is Judy, right?
Very, very funny.
I'm excited to see Judy Step.
Message, please.
When he's not serving up breakfast, he's probably got his nose stuck in the book.
Send clean.
So it's a chef who likes to read.
This is a breakfast presenter, I think.
Oh, Dick and Dom Exclamation mark doesn't bring gas from.
They're really struggling with something that is Richard.
Judy Richard in a day wouldn't know which Dick says Breakfast.
Which Richard Richard, Richard Madison, Richard Madison, Richard and Judy, Richard and Judy, Richard and Judy.
It's Richard and Judy.
Who's again?
It's Richard and Judy message.
It's Richard and Judy.
Richard Dunne, Madison.
Yeah, Richard Madison, No nearly two.
I don't know who Richard and Judy are.
A sign my name would be off the Christmas card list.
Message are made.
Puppets Question mark.
Georgina thinks we're puppets.
Oh, my God.
Actually, I think we did appear with the Muppets once.
Message at Georgina.
That's punching.
You likely idiot.
Now, Judy went to an awards ceremony and bits dropped out.
And she's so wonderful.
Who could it be?
This game, this tough made Lee look at those highlights.
He's handsome.
Any freeze age?
Richard, I tell you what.
If ever you wanted an object lesson into the fleeting nature off fame here, you have it in the circle message.
I thought it was quite so ironic.
Richard and Judy, Uh, the S and B semi?
Yes, indeed.