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  • Oscar winner Lupita and Young star of Black Panther goes in search of the possible inspiration for the film's female army.

  • I did not expect to see you reminded me of a condom forever, which is so dope I was meeting a woman whose history has inspired a film that I'm in uncovering one of history's great untold stories in West Africa.

  • Think it's kind of a travesty that such a formidable group of women is not known about you are better equipped to face the future when you can take into account your past.

  • Marking Black History Month Warrior Women with Lupita Wednesday 10 on Channel four.

Oscar winner Lupita and Young star of Black Panther goes in search of the possible inspiration for the film's female army.


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B1 中級

TRAILER|ルピタ・ニョンオ出演の女戦士たち|全4話で見る (TRAILER | Warrior Women with Lupita Nyong'o | Watch on All 4)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日