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  • Once upon a time, there was a very lonely lady.

  • She had always dreamed of having a child of her own,

  • so she traveled far, far away to meet with a great wizard and ask him for help.

  • The wizard gave her one seed from a magic flower.

  • Watch over this seed and nourish it with your love.

  • When it grows, you will have a child.

  • The lady thanked him and gently held the seed to her heart.

  • When she returned home, she carefully planted the seed in a pot and tended it every day.

  • She placed the pot on a windowsill so it would get plenty of warm sunlight, and watered it often so it wouldn't get thirsty.

  • As the days went on, the seed sprouted.

  • Green leaves emerged from the soil, and soon a lovely flower appeared, spreading its soft petals.

  • Oh, the flower has blossomed at last!

  • It is even more beautiful than I imagined!

  • She leaned closer to smell its sweet fragrance.

  • Suddenly, something wonderful happened...

  • Oh my goodness, how tiny she is, and how beautiful!

  • You will be my child and I will call you Thumbelina, because you are as small as my thumb.

  • The lady was delighted that the flower had given her the daughter she dreamed of.

  • Thumbelina and her mother were very happy together.

  • But then, something terrible happened.

  • A toad who had seen Thumbelina by the pond fell in love with her.

  • One night, when everyone was asleep, he snuck into the house.

  • Ah! There she is.

  • The toad approached Thumbelina.

  • Ha ha ha! I will make Thumbelina my wife!

  • Grabbing the sleeping Thumbelina in his mouth, he hopped away back to his pond.

  • The next morning, the toad left Thumbelina on a lotus leaf in the middle of the pond.

  • He went to bring his friends so he could show off his new bride.

  • Thumbelina was very frightened and began to cry.

  • Help! Is anyone there? Please help me!

  • A fish who had been swimming past heard Thumbelina's call and came to her aid.

  • I cannot let that ugly toad marry that lovely, tiny girl!

  • The fish chewed through the lotus stem so Thumbelina could float away.

  • Thank you so much for rescuing me!

  • I am glad I am free of that awful toad, but I hope I will not get swept away by the current.

  • A the lotus leaf drifted slowly down the stream and Thumbelina grew more and more nervous.

  • Just as the lotus leaf approached the edge of a roaring waterfall,

  • a beetle descended from the sky and snatched Thumbelina away to safety.

  • Please Mr. Beetle, where are you taking me?

  • Oh~ my lovely, I want to show you to my friends.

  • The beetle thought Thumbelina was very pretty and wanted to introduce her to the other beetles.

  • The beetle's friends were not impressed, and laughed at Thumbelina.

  • What's that? It's so tiny, and it doesn't even have wings!

  • She's so ugly! Definitely nothing to brag about!

  • Their taunts made the beetle angry and embarrassed.

  • He decided to abandon her in the forest.

  • But I don't even know where I am!

  • Frightened and lost, Thumbelina wandered through the forest trying to find the way home.

  • I will never see my home or my mother again!

  • As she trudged through the forest, Thumbelina came upon a lovely little cottage.

  • The cottage belongs to Mrs. Mouse

  • Mrs. Mouse could see that Thumbelina was tired and scared and felt sorry for her.

  • Oh my, you poor little girl.

  • She invited Thumbelina to come inside.

  • Please come in and rest.

  • Thank you!

  • Mrs. Mouse lived all alone, so she was glad to have Thumbelina there to keep her company.

  • She took care of Thumbelina as she would her own daughter.

  • She fed her delicious food and they played fun games together.

  • One day, Mrs. Mouse's rich neighbor, Mr. Mole came to visit.

  • Good morning, Mrs. Mouse.

  • He fell in love with Thumbelina the moment he saw her and decided to marry her.

  • I will give you a big portion of my crop in exchange for Thumbelina's hand in marriage.

  • What?

  • Mrs. Mouse felt uneasy about giving Thumbelina away to the old mole, but she gave him her promise anyway.

  • I will come back for her later.

  • When Mr. Mole left, Mrs. Mouse tried to console Thumbelina and persuade her that this was the only way.

  • Honey, Mr. Mole is very rich. He will take care of you and give you good things to eat.

  • But, I like it here! I want to stay with you. I don't want to go

  • I am so sorry, but I don't have enough food left to feed both of us anymore. I can't take care of you.

  • Thumbelina felt miserable and alone again, and she cried and cried.

  • The following morning Thumbelina was wandering through the garden thinking about her sorrows,

  • when she came upon an injured swallow lying on the ground.

  • Ms. Swallow, are you hurt? Are you okay?

  • Yes, I have hurt my ankle, and now I can't fly.

  • I can help you, wait for me!

  • Thumbelina ran back into the house.

  • Thumbelina soon returned bringing some ointments and bandages for the swallow's leg.

  • Thank you! How can I ever repay you?

  • Thumbelina was silent and sad, and the swallow could see that something was troubling her.

  • Please tell me why you are unhappy. I will help you.

  • Thumbelina told the swallow all about her adventures and troubles, and about how she didn't want to marry the rich old mole.

  • Don't be frightened. Just climb on my back, and we will fly far away from here!

  • Thumbelina climbed onto the swallow's back and flew away with her.

  • Ms. Swallow, where are you taking me?

  • I am taking you to a place where you will be very happy.

  • That sounds wonderful! Where is it?

  • It's on the other side of that hill. It is a very special place for kind little people like you.

  • Thank you, Ms. Swallow... Good-bye!

  • The place the swallow had brought Thumbelina to was called Flowerland.

  • Oh, this land is so beautiful, and the flowers smell so sweet!

  • She fell in love with Flowerland and finally felt like she belonged to.

  • At that moment, the Prince of Flowerland landed beside her.

  • Tell me, beautiful maiden, what is your name?

  • I am Thumbelina.

  • I am the Prince of the Flower Land. Will you marry me, Thumbelina?

  • Thumbelina suddenly felt bashful, but she smiled an nodded.

  • Thumbelina and the Prince of the Flower Land got married and lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time, there was a very lonely lady.


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B1 中級

おやゆび姫 - ベッドタイム・ストーリー・アニメーション|ベスト・チルドレン・クラシック HD (Thumbelina - Bedtime Story Animation | Best Children Classics HD)

  • 446 79
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日