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Hey, Tech lead here and welcome to the tack Lee Show a beer host Attack lead.
Welcome to coffee Time today.
What we're going to talk about are the top things I wish I knew when I was in my twenties.
I am an influencer, and one of my jobs here is to influence.
It is coffee time in the part of me.
When I look back on my twenties, I'm just glad I made it out alive and in one piece.
And I would say that love people, they would look back on their twenties and they say it's a period of time when a lot could have gone horribly wrong and even for myself, things turned out all right for me.
And I know that a lot of people they look at me and they say, It seems like I took all the right paths.
Everything worked out and I planned so well.
But things could have easily falling apart for me as well.
During this time, I had been the love of soul searching, trying to figure out who I was, as was abandoning of any soul searching, simply not looking for anything deeper in life, a lot of misguided traveling, wasting my time and potentially career ending moves in which I could have easily ended up in the desert of Nevada.
Luckily for me, as I approached my thirties, I managed to land a job at Google and things took an upward term for me and turned out, you guys have been enjoying this video.
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Thanks and back to the show.
So here was my critical flaw that I did not realize about the twenties.
The twenties are a time where you need to start preparing for adulthood when you really need to start taking on the responsibilities of being able to become a family person.
This is your transition period from being someone who's completely single and you have no responsibilities for anyone to a period of time when you may need to start thinking about how you're going to support Ah, hold another person, plus a kid or maybe even two kids and be able to support all the housing and the food.
And this was my critical flying, which I did not think about this.
I did not want to think about any of this.
I spent a lot of my time envisioning myself traveling the world three months at the time.
Maybe I could support one other person, my wife say, my spouse.
And that's all I ever really imagined about and think that this is something that you see in a lot of young people these days, too.
They're embracing this idea where they're just traveling around doing Ventress, dangerous activities, investing in hobbies like, say, scuba diving, Motorcycling, rock climbing.
None of these are really going to be useful when you get into your thirties, when you need to start watching another person and you need to start being conscious about your own health and making sure that you're healthy, you're around and you can take care of other people not just going out having a bunch of crazy times for yourself, breaking your back, breaking your leg, traveling around, living at dirty house, those eating cheap, unhealthy meals at McDonald's.
I would just have a single pair of clothes that where I'd be pretty cheap, and I felt that what I could support myself and that's him good enough.
And then I would start doing crazy activities.
I will go scuba diving, learning how to do motorcycling.
And yeah, maybe I could afford individual health insurance for myself, but supporting health insurance and a good quality of life for another person and the kid.
None of that was really in my plans.
You know, I remember when I would go traveling.
As I sat in an airplane ready for another 10 hour flight, I would start thinking deeply and trying to think about the meaning of life, who I was, what I wanted to be.
But after doing this enough times, I just stopped thinking I stopped soul searching and I just said, You know what?
I'm just gonna go out there and have as much fun as I can, and that's it.
There's nothing more to it.
It's a shallow experience and I think that's a pretty easy thing to be doing in your twenties.
You just stop thinking stop planning and you expect at the twenties will last forever and that this could be your life.
But that's kind of a dangerous move, right?
As soon as you meet the right person, in one or two years, you'd be married.
And then you start thinking about heavy and kid, and you start having to grow up fast.
Now, My second tip here is that this is a time for you to really enjoy yourself because this is a time of luxury.
I believe that we all have four core assets.
I've talked about this before, but it is time, energy, health and money.
And in your twenties, you're going to have at least three of these time health and energy for most people.
And this is a great time to use those to the fullest.
You can explore hobbies, you can go travel, you're pretty much free to do anything that you want.
And for me, I would go train hopping in Europe on the whim.
I'll just go spend three months living in Japan just cause I felt like I would go live in New York for a while, go live in London for a while, just go around, travel whenever I felt like and I would always think to myself.
Well, it seems that all the rich people are the magazines they'd always be talking about, how travel is such a luxury.
But it seems so easy for me.
How come I could do and the windows could do it.
Wasn't I living the life?
And now I realize that the twenties were truly a special time in which I was really able to do a lot.
Because when you get married and then you have a family, then you have a lot of other people that you have to start thinking about.
I don't know when the next time will be when I can hop on the train in Switzerland and then go down into Italy, along the southern coast of friends, into Spain.
That was a fun trip that I had gone the wind.
But now I have a kid I have to think about.
You know, my kid is not going to be able to go on some crazy house.
Still train trip for a number of years at least.
Probably another 10 years, I would say.
And then even when I do go, I'm going to have other people around me that I'm going to have to be considerate about.
Doing things that I don't necessarily want to do is probably going to cost more to because other people are going to want better standards, eat better food than when I had gone.
I had just been eating McDonald's along the whole way.
I had prioritized the adventure more than food for myself.
And probably when I do go many years later, I'm not going to have the same energy.
I'm not going to have the same quality of health.
I remember I was been long time living on sailboats traveling long term.
I love these activities.
Don't really work out when you have to support a family to be able to provide the health insurance, vision benefits, dental benefits, all that good stuff, live it up a bit.
Have some fun.
If you want to travel, by all means, go travel.
It's going to be probably the best time in your life to do it.
I wouldn't overdo it necessarily because there are still many other responsibilities that you need to think about and keep on track, but it is a good time to start doing a lot of other things that you may have dreamed about doing.
When you're a kid, this is the time to do it.
My 30 for you is to take care of yourself physically, mentally and in terms of health, because I think that especially for the men out there as a young man myself, I would do all sorts of really crazy things, and I don't know why I did it.
They say that for men, brains don't fully mature until age 30 and I would tend to agree with that.
I remember I would just go driving 120 miles per hour.
I would find Mountain this curves and just go curve around, and I would be doing this in a really crappy car that I did not maintain.
I do not care about and I easily could have hurt myself easily, could have hurt somebody else and I would just go searching for the craziest, most dangerous adventures that I could find.
I remember that as I was getting towards age 30 I wanted to think about how I could get to Mount Everest, and I wanted to do that.
Whoever space camp stuff I remember I wanted to climb on Kilimanjaro.
I preordered a do cadi motorcycle.
You know all of these things.
They say, like, for example, motorcycling.
It's only a matter of time until you fall.
It's not if you fall, it's a matter of time.
And these are all guaranteed ways for me to get myself injured.
And now, looking back, I realized that this whole time I was a family man.
I was carrying my whole family on the back of that motorcycle.
I was carrying my whole family when I went scuba diving with a loose screw in which water could have got into my respirator and killed me right there.
I was taking my whole family when I was speeding around 120 miles per hour in a crappy car because my whole family would be in my future.
And if I had died then they would not have existed and worse if I did not die.
If I had instead just injured myself, injured my back, injured my leg, then I would not be able to enjoy good times with my kid with my wife.
What you don't realize is that we can get to age 30.
You're gonna be really happy that you still have your body intact.
You're gonna be happy that you're still be able to walk pretty well.
Still be able to take a good hike.
You still have your ears to listen to the birds with.
If you were going to crazy loud concerts and you bust your ear drums, you're not gonna be able to do that.
Watch your back.
Watcher joins careful boffins like speed car tracing, trampolines, rock climbing, anything that could cause any sort of permanent damage.
You are not invincible.
The human body is fragile.
And if you're having to suffer a lot, if you find that you need to put your by the at risk, then think about maybe you're just being too cheap.
It's quite possible that for someone their twenties, what they're truly lacking is money, money.
If you pay enough, you could make it safe.
That's when I lost someone.
My interest in motorcycles.
Now, my fourth tip is that this is when people's paths will start to vary wildly This is where heroes are born and we're old Legends die because this is when you leave the classrooms, you leave your teachers, you leave your parents.
And for the first time in your life, this is when you need to decide what you're going to do with your life, and it's going to vary.
Some people are going to focus on their careers, and Ridge is going to go all the way up that career ladder.
Other people are going to go traveling.
Other people are going to go on drugs.
Other people will go play video games.
Some will get themselves killed in some crazy adventure.
If you want to party all day long, you can.
If you want to work all day long, you can as well.
This is when you are actually in control and you need to start putting your life in order at some structure to it.
Think about what you really want to do with it.
Who are you going to be and make that happen?
Because nobody is going to have the authority to be able to tell you what you should be doing.
You're not even going to want to listen to other people, especially your family, especially your dad.
But what?
You will listen to our generally random influences that you find online people like me.
Which is why I gotta be here making this video for you because your dad actually had to phone me up and tell me to make a video for you because he knows that you follow me on YouTube.
So now I gotta do this show for you.
When you look at other people, especially in this age of social media, you're going to feel like you're missing out because other people are going to be doing so many other random things and you're going to be on your path.
Don't compare yourself to other people.
You need to focus on what you're doing.
And I want to know if you're that there's going to be a lot of inertia.
This is going to be a fundamental change in the way that you live life, because throughout most of your life throughout most of your twenties, they're being guided by other people.
This is when you actually have to put your hands on the driving wheel.
And the funny thing is, nobody actually tells you that this is what you need to do.
At some point, people just stop driving and you need to realize that, and you need to actually be the one driving your life.
So that's what I mean.
There's going to be a lot of inertia.
You're not gonna want to do things.
You're going to feel that you have to be proactive all the time.
Always be asking yourself, Is this who you want to be and that if you were the one writing the story of your life, how would you want to read now?
My fourth tip is that the twenties is also a good time to do some dating.
And it's something that you should definitely be thinking about because one of the biggest choices in your life is going to be who you choose to spend your life with.
No, I'm not a marriage counsellor, although I very well could be, and I might advise avoiding getting married too early because what marriage really does it just brings the government into your relationship.
You don't really want that in a relationship until you really need to have one.
Maybe when you have a kid or something like that.
My number one tip when you meet someone is maybe take them over to, like a something like that.
You won't be in an area conducive to disagreements where you have to pick the color and style of furniture, for example, and this will allow you to see how people act when there are tough times when things aren't necessarily going their way.
How did they build consensus?
How do they compromise when there are good times?
We take people to a new expensive restaurant.
Of course, everybody's going to be happy.
Everyone's going to be able to put a smile on their face My last time.
Finally tip would be that your twenties were in sooner than you think.
One day you'll wake up.
You'll be in your thirties.
Everybody will look at you.
All the kids will look at you and think, Oh yeah, you see mode And you imagine that when you used to look at other people in their thirties, you thought they seemed to you look at both piers oath, classmates on lengthen.
You'll see that they're pretty successful, and then you realize that you're a complete adult now, and this was your life.
It's not so much a moment of self reflection as much of a moment where you just don't care anymore.
Everything just turns to garbage.
Your old high school classmates who used to have a crush on you just don't care about them anymore.
Those stupid dreams that you had of being an instagram influencer, that you had those stupid little hobbies like rock climbing, that you seem to care so much about that motorcycle or that car that you seem to treasure so much.
All of that's gone.
All that's been sewed, washed out doesn't matter anymore.
What really matters is just the present and the future moving forward.
What do you have?
And that's why I might recommend that you invest in some of that investing yourself invested in learning your assets are going to be as some of their peak here.
You're gonna have time, health and energy and maybe even money.
If you're liking enough, make those count.
I just wanted to chime in here and mentioned that one of the best girls that you can develop early on is the ability to set up a nice clean websites such that you can actually sell products, peddle your wares to other people and that can really help you build up multiple income streams.
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Please let me know your top tips in the comments below.
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