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  • R: It's OK. I'll just... It's a nice interlude. [Jessica laughs]

  • J: Gonna start this video by saying: I have a terrible cold

  • J: I might sniffle a bit.

  • But I've got tissues ready.

  • J: So we're good. R: I am not sick for now.

  • J: Well, you're sitting next to me for quite a while! So we'll see how you feel at the end of this, Rowan.

  • J: This is lovely Rowan. She has come to join me on the channel today.

  • J: Because it is...

  • R: Mental Health something Day!

  • J: I should have probably clued you into that.

  • J: No, it's actually World Mental Health Day.

  • R: For the whole world? J: Yeah!

  • R: In which case, good timing on your part. J: Thanks!

  • J: People often ask me why I don't have

  • things on my channel where I talk about mental health.

  • J: And that's partly because I don't feel it's my place to

  • because I don't have any mental health stuff.

  • J: Although, if you grow up or have any kind of chronic illness or disability,

  • I think there is always going to be some kind of trauma that is attached to that.

  • J: Even if it's not itself something, like a mental health condition,

  • that you get independently.

  • R: Mm.

  • J: It's just - you go through stuff! And you feel--

  • you have some kind of trauma at the end of it.

  • J: But Rowan talks very openly

  • J: about mental heath stuff. R: I do.

  • J: So I thought you were probably the best person to talk to.

  • J: You can kind of tell me a bit about why you think it's so important that we do talk about these things.

  • R: It's useful for people to be able to talk about their mental health conditions

  • and then also for people who don't know about it

  • to feel like they can ask questions and talk to their friends about it.

  • R: A lot of mental health issues can feel quite isolating, and so talking can often help.

  • R: And it's just empowering people to talk about

  • what they're going through in the right way, but also for their friends and family

  • to be able to feel empowered to talk to them and not think they're gonna make it worse by mentioning.

  • R: 'You look kind of depressed or you seem to be depressed.' J: It's OK. It's OK.

  • R: 'I can't say it because then I'll remind you that you're depressed

  • and then you'll feel more depressed and...'

  • R: Not quite how it works. J: Yeah.

  • J: I find talking about my disabilities on my channel

  • has made the relationships that I have in real life

  • - day-to-day life -

  • with people, even my family,

  • they now find it easier to talk to me about my disabilities.

  • R: Yeah. J: Because they know what it is now.

  • J: Do you find that you've had

  • people in real life who are like, 'Oh, I watched your video about that and now I actually get it'?

  • R: So I made a video about having OCD and I think that it's one of those things where

  • people who kind of had something similar to it

  • or who had experienced it before

  • felt a little bit more confident

  • talking to me about it because they knew that I'd got it.

  • R: I think that anxiety and depression, in particular, are ones that

  • although still stigmatized, have been talked about a little bit more

  • because I think that they're extensions of emotions that everyone has.

  • J: Yes. R: So depression is like, 'Oh, I've been sad before,'

  • R: so I know it's not quite the same, but I can kind of understand what depression might feel like.'

  • R: Or, 'I've been anxious or scared before; I kind of feel what anxiety might feel like.'

  • R: Although they're not totally the same,

  • it's definitely a good kind of starting comparison.

  • R: Whereas with things like OCD,

  • because they don't make any sense

  • and they're often not related to what anyone's gone through, and similarly

  • with personality disorders, or anything that involves psychosis or

  • not being able to tell what's real and what's not,

  • a lot of people have no basis for comparison.

  • R: They have no idea what that would feel like.

  • R: You feel crazy saying it. You feel like it's like, 'This is what crazy people say.'

  • J: But also the only things that we see about OCD

  • in the media are those kind of--the same representation of the person who has to like obsessively tidy

  • and wash their hands a lot; it's that kind of 'Monica' from 'Friends'

  • R: Yeah, exactly. J: -style.

  • J: Whereas OCD isn't just that, is it?

  • R: People do have OCD where they need to tidy and they need to clean obsessively,

  • but that's the only outward thing, so all that people see is, 'Oh, OCD is just you need to clean.'

  • R: What you don't see is the process that leads up to that point,

  • which is often obsessive thoughts.

  • R: So, the thoughts with someone who cleans a lot might be about contracting diseases,

  • as an example.

  • R: And so a way that these thoughts that keep going on and on in your head,

  • that you kind of know aren't real but they feel like they are,

  • and the only way that you can stop those

  • is just to sort of give in and be like, 'OK, I'm gonna--' (in that case) 'I'll wash my hands again.'

  • R: It starts with these intrusive thoughts,

  • which are these obsessions

  • - which is 'obsessive' - and then the compulsions are the things that you do to alleviate the thoughts.

  • J: Oh, OK.

  • R: And so you can have something called Pure O OCD,

  • which is only obsessions.

  • R: So, it's not physical things that you can do and compulsions that you act out,

  • but everything happens mentally.

  • R: So my OCD, I have a few different ones,

  • but the one that was most recent

  • and has been the most on-going is an obsessive thought that people can hear what I'm thinking.

  • R: It's weird, because I know logically they can't, that's nonsense.

  • I--no one can hear what I'm thinking.

  • R: But the anxiety that they can keeps going

  • so a lot of my compulsions are internal in my head, where I will have to

  • actively think back at them, back thoughts as if--so I'm kind of like thinking something;

  • they'll hear my thoughts, and so I'll have to just apologise to them.

  • J: Ooh! R: Be like, 'I'm really sorry that you just heard what I was thinking.'

  • R: And intrusive thoughts can be really awful. J: Yeah!

  • R: So, you know, often they're around what will make you feel most panicked.

  • So, parents will get intrusive thoughts of killing their children.

  • R: It's people with intrusive thoughts-- J: But it's not because you want to do it.

  • R: Not at all. J: It's just because you're so scared of that.

  • R: Exactly.

  • R: So it's often you'll get the thing that you definitely wouldn't do.

  • J: OK. R: Because that's the thing that will cause the most anxiety.

  • J: Yeah.

  • R: I'm like - from our point of view, there's a really interesting one, which is

  • homosexual OCD

  • where people who are brought up in environments where being gay is like the worst possible thing

  • will have intrusive thoughts that they're gay.

  • J: But they're not gay. R: They're not gay.

  • J: They've just got intrusive thoughts about being gay. R: They've just got intrusive thoughts about being gay.

  • J: Ooo.

  • J: You were saying how people can kind of understand depression

  • because we've all had a moment where we're quite sad,

  • and we can kind of think about that magnified,

  • but with intrusive thoughts,

  • don't we all sometimes get those kind of

  • J: sort of experience? R: Yeah, so imagine that,

  • R: but imagine the--you cannot get rid of that thought.

  • J: Sure. R: You just have to keep thinking it.

  • R: And also, the level of distress that it causes is much higher.

  • R: Here's a thing that you think sometimes, but actually, you think it all the time,

  • and it really stresses you out when you think it.

  • R: That's sort of, I suppose, the equivalent.

  • R: And then I also have Seasonal Affective Disorder,

  • which is "the winter blues."

  • R: I think it probably used to be known.

  • R: Which is really funny, because it makes me sound like a sort of fainting Victorian woman,

  • where it's like, 'She's got the winter blues - quickly, we must holiday in the Mediterranean!'

  • J: 'Oh, no! Oh, no! Send her away!' R: 'We must take her--send her for sun by the coast.'

  • R: It's one of those things I got diagnosed with and I was like, "Oh, I guess I have this."

  • J: Claudia has a quite mild SAD.

  • So I had to get her a sun light.

  • J: Was advised. R: Yep, yep.

  • R: I've got the lightbox.

  • J: She--she could not wake up before it.

  • J: Her one is an alarm clock, so it slowly gets brighter, R: Ooo. That's really cool.

  • J: so that wakes her up,

  • but then also, if it's just like 4PM and it's pitch black outside in the middle of winter,

  • then I can just put it in front of her on max for twenty minutes.

  • J: All year round now the sun light to wake up.

  • Otherwise, she doesn't properly wake up.

  • R: Yeah, so, sun boxes are really interesting; they're something like 60-90% effective. Like, most people.

  • So it's a really effective way of treating it.

  • R: I used to, when I was studying, have to just like have it next to me.

  • J: While you studied? R: While I studied.

  • R: I think it's interesting, because there must be such differences in mental health depending on

  • where you live.

  • J: Mmm. R: Because this wouldn't affect people to the same extent

  • R: in a country where it was hot for a lot longer or sunnier for longer and the days were longer.

  • R: Mental health is interesting because it's such a spectrum of something that you were born with,

  • chemical stuff, but also experiences you've had; trauma you've had,

  • and predispositions.

  • J: Like you can have something that runs in your family, R: Exactly.

  • J: but it needs to be turned on for it to actually

  • activate.

  • R: Talking about it can help in terms of treatment, so it's

  • you will still feel this way, but here's a way of alleviating those symptoms.

  • R: But then that's why, for other people, the sort of taking a drug--drug use is more useful,

  • because if it's very chemical, taking antidepressants

  • / anti-anxiety medication makes sense, because it's just fixing the chemical element

  • J: And talking to someone isn't gonna change the chemistry of your brain. R: Yeah, exactly.

  • J: When I first got diagnosed with having a genetic condition, I got sent to therapy.

  • R: I mean, did you feel like that was useful?

  • J: No.

  • J: I got sent to therapy for nine months or something, I had to go.

  • And oh, my God. I got diagnosed when I was seventeen, so I was still technically a "child."

  • R: Mmm. J: So I got sent to a child therapist!

  • J: I was like, "She talks to five-year-olds!"

  • J: "How is she gonna help me?" R: Did she have puppets, like...?

  • J: She had clown shoes. [Clown's nose honks] R: 'How do you feel, Jessica?'

  • J: She had clown shoes.

  • J: This woman is NOT going to help me.

  • J: In any way, with anything.

  • J: I probably wasn't the best person. R: You weren't ready for therapy.

  • R: You're like, 'No, I'm done.' J: I don't [inaudible]

  • J: For me, the best way for me to cope with sadness or with

  • something traumatic, like - I've been through trauma!

  • J: Bad stuff happened. Like I had a lung puncture that went wrong.

  • And for two years I had to lie down, flat on my back,

  • and I couldn't have any light or sound or touch.

  • J: So like that's probably quite a traumatic experience. R: Yeah! But

  • R: I suppose it's kind of what is, in terms of mental health,

  • a reasonable reaction to a really awful thing.

  • R: At what point does that become a mental health issue?

  • R: Or is it just a really awful thing happened to you, while it was happening and a little time afterwards

  • you were kind of messed up about it.

  • J: Yeah, and so people - I remember, at the time, they were like, "You've got to talk about it."

  • "You've got to go and see a doctor now

  • and like really feel better, and it'll help you to get it out there" - and I'd think "It will not!"

  • I would just go every week;

  • I'd cry; I'd feel bad for a few days.

  • What was the point? I don't feel like--I never felt like anything got resolved.

  • R: Yeah. J: So I kind of just, mentally,

  • J: I always - I still do this, mentally - whenever anything bad happens,

  • I put it in a box, and I put it on a little shelf

  • in my brain,

  • and then I just leave it there.

  • J: Ten to fifteen years later,

  • I go back, take the little box down, open it up and I'm like,

  • "Pfft! Why was I upset about that?"

  • R: Doesn't feel the same? J: 'Cause that's the thing about that kind of

  • J: the brain chemistry again, like we were saying, 'cause you can set it off.

  • J: Because obviously everyone has very different ways of, you know--brains are amazing things.

  • R: They are. J: And we all have really individual brains.

  • J: And the way that we cope and the way that we deal with stuff is all so different.

  • R: Mmhm.

  • R: I think some people think of it as being like an either/or. So it's like you get the drugs or

  • J: Or you go to therapy. R: you go to some hippy-dippy therapy

  • and like those are your two options.

  • R: And I think oftentimes it's a massive combination of the both.

  • R: That's, I think, an issue for a lot of people, is that you don't have those resources.

  • R: You can't afford them or your health care doesn't offer them.

  • R: And so it's quite hard to try and triangulate.

  • R: And that can be really difficult. J: Yeah, it's really similar to

  • J: the process of getting diagnosed

  • R: Mmhm. J; Because you go to all these different departments

  • J: and they're all like, 'Oh, that's not MY department.'

  • J: 'That doesn't fit into my box.'

  • R: So being diagnosed is really interesting, because with mental health disorders.

  • some of them still carry huge amounts of stigma.

  • J: Yeah. R: So you really wanna know what's wrong with you,

  • R: which I think is for whatever kind of health issue you have,

  • you wanna know because you want to know what's wrong so that you can start to

  • treat it, or so you can

  • R: understand that it can't be treated and accept that. J: Yes.

  • R: But sometimes being told what's wrong with you,

  • is still awful, because it's a thing that you're told, "Oh, this is..."--

  • so personality disorders are very known for people to have these reactions, because

  • oftentimes when you read about it online,

  • it's like, 'These are awful people. People who have this will not be good friends.'

  • J: 'These murderers...' R: Yeah, it's like, 'You won't be able to have good relationships with them'

  • R: 'They don't have enough empathy,' like

  • all of this kind of stuff, which can be devastating to learn.

  • R: And then there are some disorders that will last forever

  • and they are difficult to deal with because they are part of your personality.

  • R: If you have anxiety, where does that anxiety stop and your normal - "normal " -

  • worrying begin?

  • J: I got diagnosed with anxiety

  • once.

  • J: For like three months.

  • J: This is my life. I get diagnosed with something R: Just, you know, you were like, 'I had a phase.'

  • J: and then some other doctor was like...

  • R: 'No. not that.' J: 'No.'

  • J: But literally like I was living in hospital at the time,

  • and going through a really traumatic experience

  • So I didn't actually have anxiety, I was just anxious about the fact I was dying.

  • R: Makes sense. J: So I was like, "I really don't think I have anxiety, I think I'm OK."

  • J: And then I saw another doctor who was like, 'Nah.'

  • J: 'Psht, You don't have that.'

  • And I was like, 'Great...did you guys go to the same school?!'

  • J: 'How are you people trainer?!'

  • J: 'What is this?!'

  • R: Physical health and mental health stuff gets pit against each other a lot. J: Yes.

  • J: Largely, a lot of that is from doctors,

  • because there is that fear that they will say, 'Oh, that's mental health.'

  • [Sarcastically] Uh-huh!

  • R: Nope. J: Like you're in horrific pain;

  • J: you'd go to your doctor; you'd try and get it sorted; and they're like, 'Oh, I think it's depression.'

  • J: Er, I got misdiagnosed

  • with having a psychosomatic illness.

  • J: Which, by the way, is where you think something and then your body makes it happen.

  • J: I had to go and stay in a special ward

  • that I wasn't allowed to leave.

  • J: With some other people.

  • J: Who had some other interesting conditions.

  • J: And we got locked in at night, as well.

  • Each room.

  • J: And then people would run up and down the corridors, screaming.

  • J: 'Cause psych wards at night. What you gonna do?! R: Which definitely feels like it was helpful

  • R: for someone with a mental health condition.

  • R: To be treated like a prisoner

  • R: and to feel unsafe, what-- J: There was a woman in my room who thought she was a rabbit.

  • And I was like, 'I don't feel like we have the same thing."'

  • R: Not quite the same thing. J: I'm really sorry.

  • J: It was because they had this one new doctor who came in

  • and he'd just got a PhD in psychosomatic illnesses.

  • R: That's it. J: So he started diagnosing them in everyone.

  • J: And there was another girl who had kind of a similar genetic thing

  • and he was like, "I think her pain is also psychosomatic."

  • R: What a coincidence. J: Amazing!

  • J: 'Really?'

  • J: And we're like, 'We're teenage girls, so, yes, of course

  • that's what's wrong with us.'

  • J: Um, and then I managed to get out because she rolled over my hand

  • in her wheelchair.

  • J: So I was like, 'Laters!'

  • R: 'I'm out of here, I have some physical evidence of injury.' J: 'I'm injured! Off to A&E!'

  • J: Then they were like, 'Oh, yeah, you have that genetic--you have a genetic thing.'

  • 'You weren't faking it.'

  • J: I was like, 'Oh, really?'

  • J: What would--what do you think? What's the right way?

  • J: Money. Money is probably always the best answer.

  • J: Better funding. R: Yeah, spend money on...

  • R: All of these kind of problems

  • that exist are gonna have various levels to them.

  • R: Way up in the 'How do we change the entire system?' thing is always useful

  • J: Mmhm. R: Like, 'This is where funding needs to go.'

  • R: And you need to have communication between different people who might be treating you in different ways.

  • R: And you need to have these de-stigmatization

  • campaigns and kind of talking about it,

  • which I think also links to education.

  • R: From a very early age, not only are you teaching people

  • like healthy mental health coping mechanisms and stuff like that,

  • but you're talking about the kind of mental health conditions people can have

  • in a way that's just like as if you would talk about the physical conditions people can have.

  • R: You acknowledge the fact that if you're doing art and you're doing van Gogh,

  • that he had mental health conditions,

  • J: Yeah! Talk about it. R: in a way that's like, 'Hey, we're not saying that this is

  • R: what created his genius, but we're not gonna ignore it, either.'

  • J: What do you say to your friend who's just been diagnosed with something?

  • It's I talk about it?

  • Do I not?

  • J: And I think that can create quite a wall between people.

  • R: Talking about suicide with someone -

  • asking if they've thought about it or asking if it's something that they're concerned about -

  • is not gonna make them suicidal.

  • R: I think that it's that talking to someone about the way that they prefer to talk about it

  • is gonna be useful.

  • R: So, not assuming, like, 'Well, I read up that everyone loves to talk about it with people they're close to,' or,

  • 'I read that no one wants to talk about it with people they're close to.'

  • R: If there's someone in your life who you feel like

  • their mental health may have changed based on how they interact with you and other people,

  • then just bring it up. Like, have an honest conversation with them.

  • R: And that doesn't have to be face-to-face.

  • If you feel like it would be less pressure for them

  • and less awkward and stuff, and you wanna start it by just sending them a text message.

  • R: Be very, very honest.

  • R: 'I wanna be the best support to you that I can be.'

  • 'Please let me know what that is.'

  • J: And, also, if it is getting to a point where it is quite serious,

  • it is always good to reach out, as well.

  • R: Completely. Yep. J: To your GP;

  • to someone who you trust.

  • J: There are various helplines that I'm gonna put down below R: Yeah.

  • J: that you can go to.

  • J: I think also as a friend, as the partner, as the other half of someone,

  • if you're helping someone and they're going through a crisis,

  • whether that's going through trauma based on something else

  • or through a mental health crisis,

  • you can also remember it's not just on you, and if you feel like it's getting really serious,

  • and a bit out of hand,

  • and you don't feel like you can properly support them,

  • you can also contact these various helplines

  • R: Mmhm.

  • J: Because I think people forget that it's not just on you.

  • R: Like one of the worst experiences of my life was being with a friend who would not let me call an ambulance

  • when she'd been self-harming, and I was like, "We need to get you to a hospital."

  • R: And it was 'I kind of have to not care how much she hates me right now.'

  • And I had to make that decision in my head

  • to be like, 'If she never speaks to me again, will this be worth it?'

  • R: If I'd had a conversation with her beforehand, like, 'If this happens, what do you want me to do?'

  • It would have been better, because afterwards - by the time we'd got into hospital, she was like

  • R: "I'm so sorry, I take back everything I was saying." J: Yeah.

  • J: I think probably the take away message is make sure that everyone's safe.

  • J: Thank you so much for joining me, Rowan. R: Thanks for having me.

  • J: This has been a really interesting conversation.

  • R: I'm glad. J: I have really enjoyed this.

  • J: If you'd like to see more from Rowan, please go and check out her channel.

  • J: Thank you so much for joining us.

  • J: And talk to your friends

  • about everything.

R: It's OK. I'll just... It's a nice interlude. [Jessica laughs]


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ローワン・エリスとのメンタルヘルスについての率直なおしゃべり [CC] (An honest chat about mental health with Rowan Ellis [CC])

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日