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  • Hello lovely people,

  • Today’s advent calendar message is toCreate a DIY gift for someone specialand I decided

  • that thesomeone specialis myself. Both because loving oneself is important and

  • because I in particular amspecial’…

  • I can call myself that. And I made a video to tell you whether you can too, it’s in

  • the card above.

  • [bell sfx]

  • This video is sponsored by Skillshare and today I’m going to be taking you through

  • making three ultra-Christmassy DIY hairpieces and the fun hairstyles you can do with them!

  • I was inspired to make this video both because I went to see Last Christmas and spent the

  • whole time staring at the lead character’s festive headbands-

  • And because I’ve been spending a lot of time browsing Skillshare recently to get inspiration

  • for crafting and learn some new skills. For those who don’t know: Skillshare is an online

  • learning community targeted at creatives, whether that’s on the amateur or professional

  • level. The tutorial videos on the site, known asclasses’, cover a wide range of skills

  • but also a whole spectrum of abilities: business, fine art, graphic design...

  • the list goes on and on.

  • I’ve personally found the creative writing course particularly interesting as they cover

  • so many essential skills that will help strengthen a story as well as any characters within them.

  • And I'm very much into writing my fiction

  • Such as their Storytelling 101 was really great

  • and the Writing Authentic Fiction classes. Those were really good too.

  • They also have

  • closed captions on all of their Skillshare Originals and Staff Picks videos.

  • [gasp] We are blessed!

  • And videos on flower crowns, which helped me a lot today!

  • [sparkle sfx]

  • As a member you also have the chance to give and receive feedback on projects through

  • the creators community which can be a huge help to anybody learning a new skill or improving

  • on an old one.

  • With premium membership comes the benefit of unlimited access to all courses on their

  • website. Meaning you can find the course and community that works best for you.

  • Whatever it is you like to do.

  • Whether you want to fuel your curiosity, creativity, or even career, join the 7-million-plus people

  • currently using Skillshare to further improve their skills. Skillshare is giving away a

  • free 2 month unlimited access trial to any of my subscribers who click the link in the

  • description box! And after that it’s only around $10 a month.

  • And it’s… genuinely worth it.

  • Which youll see as I make my very own Christmas flower crown! Technically has no flowers.

  • It’s just a Christmas crown. I just wanted a crown.

  • [cheerful Christmas music]

  • [VO:]

  • My childhood home had a huge fireplace: the ceiling in my living room was probably fourteen

  • feet high and in the middle of the room was a fireplace wide enough for six people to

  • warm themselves around. Above the fireplace was an antique cast iron double wall light

  • in which we put candles and let it stand alone as mantlepiece decoration. Butin winter

  • every year, with the trimmings from the Christmas tree, my parents would let me create elaborate

  • decorative foliage sculptures with wire and greenery above the mantle. It was one of my

  • favourite parts of Christmas decorating but since they moved house I haven’t had the

  • chance to flex my wire and fir tree muscles so I’m very excited to be making this now.

  • I measured my head and snipped some wire to lengthlater realising I should have made

  • it twice as long! I lapped each cutting halfway over the next and tied a knot with the wire

  • leaving a little extra at the two ends so they could be tied together.

  • [cheerful Christmas music]

  • Next I added my chopped up fake mistletoe (FYI, real mistletoe is poisonous so bear

  • that in mind if youre working around small animals), which I tied on using some lovely

  • gold wire with cream beads that I picked up at Hobbycraft. I’ll leave a link to that

  • in the description along with some other crafting supplies that I use in the video.

  • Since the wire is so thin this part was really quite tricky but I genuinely have the best

  • time playing with wire so I was having a GREAT time!

  • Finally, once I’d woven mistletoe in all the way around the crown I considered putting

  • these red holly berries on it but then Coco Chanel reigned me back in with: take off the

  • last thing you put on. So we skipped those- and I would say it was a success!

  • I’m really pleased with this little crown, it’s the first flower crown-adjacent thing

  • I’ve ever made but I think it turned out quite well! So thanks to Skillshare for the

  • crown tutorial!

  • [cheerful Christmas music]

  • [VO:]

  • For this piece I really wanted to build upon one of my favourite winter hairstyles: the

  • vintage roll. I don’t tend to wear my hair up much during the warmer months but I think

  • it’s lovely during the festive seasonwhich is probably a little strange as that’s

  • when your neck gets cold!

  • I love fancy hair slides but I really don’t get enough wear out of them so having one

  • that only lasts a few days seems like a great and sustainable answer. I had a couple of

  • plain slides lying around- again, I’ll link similar in the description- so wanted to jazz

  • them up for the season.

  • And yes, that does mean using a lot of wire again because wire is my friend. Remember

  • to keep that wire tight as you twist it around… I once made a meter long star out of bamboo

  • cane, decorated with tree trimmings to hang above the fireplace- it was essentially a

  • Christmas wreath in the shape of a huge star- but didn’t quite tie it tightly enough to

  • its moorings and it fell off the wall, almost smacking me on the head.

  • I say thatit probably did smack me on the head.

  • I have memory loss.

  • Genuinely anything

  • could have happened to me.

  • [VO] To get this look, first follow the hair tutorial I’ve linked in the card above and

  • then simply side your grip into place! Voila! Beautiful.

  • [cheerful Christmas music]

  • [VO:]

  • And finally, this look is deceptively simple and really quite cute. It uses just your average

  • everyday hair slides- orkirby gripsfor you Americans- I’m a fan of the matte

  • kind.

  • Grab two grips, some fake holly and a bit of bush. Clip a long length of wire and tie

  • the two grips together youre going to be attaching things to the top half of your grips

  • but having two together obviously makes them much sturdier.

  • Once youve finished wrapping around the grips, use some pretty ribbon to finish off

  • the end.

  • It’s important to make sure you leave the curved edge of the grips free at the back

  • so that you can slide in a third grip, which will be the one that actually attaches the

  • piece to your hair!

  • I hope youve enjoyed this video! Quite a few of you asked for crafty, DIY and hair

  • related things when I posted about vlogmas a few weeks ago so I really hope you like

  • what I’ve made.

  • Which one is your favourite? The Christmas Crown? The Holly Slide? Or the Berry Grip?

  • Remember to subscribe if you haven’t already, click the like button and make sure you try

  • Skillshare using my link in the description!

  • I’ll see you tomorrow for another vlogmas video

  • [kiss]

  • [Off camera] Clara: Spin slowly...

  • You mean, spin slowly so I don't vomit?

  • Clara: Yeah [laughs]

  • That's fair

  • It's probably gonna happen really soon

  • Probably when we stop filming this video

  • Clara: Focus on Jessica! Oh no, it's lost the face!

  • Clara: There we go!

Hello lovely people,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

簡単ヴィンテージヘアアクセサリーDIY // AD // Vlogmas 2019 9日目 (Easy Vintage Hair Accessories DIY // AD // Vlogmas 2019 Day 9)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日