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字幕表 動画を再生する

  • I spent my lord chair species out of grown between us and oh, second bears skies go from the greenest game, my boy Order Still see Booth embrace the darkness.

  • You wait.

  • Wait you No, no, no You Oh, well game.

  • What texture like that?

  • I made a mistake Generally made a mistake.

  • Yes, I too happily better One day I will pay for wasps right there next.

  • And it's hard days to seem so dark Moon stars a nothing without you not to cry But this feeling whole It's much next He's good Wait, you Lo Wei Wait, wait, wait You nomis come way good, You know, down to the o Wait, wait, wait.

  • Yeah, Wait.

  • See?

  • Fired!

  • Do it!

  • I was broken from a young chicken, so yeah, just a small town She took a train going on and smell wine for a smile San 90 What?

  • Some way.

  • Yeah.

  • Wait, that's it.

  • So suppressed by I wish they would just your presence filling this here dueling.

  • There's just too much time way all these years.

  • Wait Showed it out.

  • I can't hear what you say I'm talking but your streak Shea show me down, but I wait.

  • Sure.

I spent my lord chair species out of grown between us and oh, second bears skies go from the greenest game, my boy Order Still see Booth embrace the darkness.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ザ・ヴォイス』でハートブレイクした瞬間があったベスト10|NO TURNS (TOP 10 | NO TURNS that resulted in HEARTBREAKING moments in The Voice)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日