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  • you always got on.

  • People should play again.

  • Anybody reckon, Friend?

  • Hopefully enjoying my work out.

  • Like I said, it's most important for us to stay active.

  • Keep moving.

  • Keep the blood going in.

  • I'm enjoying your work.

  • Yeah, yeah, but the point that one yet listen, as long as he likes to paint one.

  • Hope you not like the one I know.

  • Let's get started.

  • Today.

  • It's abs.

  • Listen, everybody wants a six stroke eight pack.

  • Listen, you gotta put in the work Top half of your six pack.

  • That's about the work you put in.

  • The bottom part is about what?

  • The intake.

  • So you gotta work with em, both of them together.

  • So I'm gonna try and give you a couple of simple crunches accomplishing full ab exercises that we could work so the 1st 1 would use the roller.

  • So again, this is body weight stuff.

  • So I actually like anything from 20 to 25 work.

  • We'll go 123 So this bit here definitely works.

  • The top it off.

  • Your abs are s.

  • So if you're less, um, I'd say a jar you can put your hands down on do it that way because I want to feel like I'm a pro at the m E.

  • I wanted to do with no hands out here.

  • So I am so on.

  • 12 14 16 18 2022.

  • Before 25 she asked one exercise.

  • And then there's other ones that you've seen another one I'm gonna add into, which is a difficult one.

  • Recordist bicycle ones where you keep both legs going.

  • Leaning back again works the top of it.

  • You start feeling you could for 50 pence off this and catch it.

  • That's a lie.

  • I haven't really impact on my life for anyway.

  • What you're about that.

  • So we're gonna move on there again.

  • This one's a burner.

  • I'll tell you this one.

  • This one you want to try and go for again.

  • 2025.

  • Keep it going.

  • It's a burner, especially try and talk into it.

  • It's a burner.

  • That's another one you can give me old fashioned one, which I've always loved during cross crunchies.

  • Sit there and then it's up again.

  • 20 to 25.

  • Keep doing that 20 to 25.

  • Get that you do the work on the battery will have 6 to 8 pack in old time, so I'm gonna have the last one with a little bit of side plank, so I plank get that.

  • Hold this.

  • Hold this for a minute.

  • You wanna hold it for a minute?

  • It's when you get this tenant works alone, your core get your core.

  • You know, she had a strong core.

  • You're becoming fruit.

  • Hold that for like a minute.

  • I don't know course.

  • When you hold that for a minute, you're going to the other side.

  • Hold again for a minute.

  • That again, that abs workout.

  • Trust me, you're gonna feel it at the end of it.

  • Like I said, do that with the dia tree side of it.

  • 6 to 8 pack in no time.

  • Yesterday's upset.

you always got on.


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A2 初級

アデバヨ・アキンフェンワのアブワークアウト ?| アダヨ・アキンフェンワのアブエクササイズ|自宅でできる自己流エクササイズ| アダヨ・アキンフェンワのアブエクササイズ|第4回 (Adebayo Akinfenwa's Ab Workout ? | Keep Fit at Home whilst self-isolating! | Part 4)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日