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  • you're about to see a film that I made back in 1964 that shows a contra dance.

  • I'm David Hoffman filmmaker, and this film was made for the United States Information Agency.

  • They used to give grants to filmmakers, mostly young filmmakers like me to kind of make pictures of America, which the government would then send around the world.

  • Give a sense of America.

  • This is running the time of John Kennedy when we were kind of sending out the message in the world that we were the great White Hope.

  • And we were, um So I'm driving around New England, my home, and they come upon this small New Hampshire town and it says Contra dance tonight.

  • So I show up, set up my lights, introduced myself to the people, very friendly, a combination of old time New Hampshire folks and hippies.

  • And the dance begins.

  • And it's an incredible first of all dance and second of all music.

  • Unbelievable music I had never heard before by a terrific pan.

  • So take a look and I'll tell you what happened after I made the movie.

  • When you've seen it stop around, right?

  • No.

  • Yeah.

  • Wait, Theo So the movie you just saw I made and it ran around the world and it was unbelievably popular.

  • People love that kind of dancing.

  • It's kind of old time country dancing, a little bit of folk dancing, the people having a good time and my style.

  • My star was handheld.

  • Why was it hand held?

  • Because, first of all, I hated the tripod.

  • And second of all, I love the way these people moved.

  • So I started to dance with them.

  • And then when they got back in the editing room, I made the little movie.

  • You just saw one interesting thing.

  • Dudley Laufman L A u F A man.

  • He's the guy was calling and he became like a national heritage.

  • He's extraordinarily famous.

  • I think he's still alive on unbelievable kind of American folk artist.

  • Hope you enjoy this.

  • If you'd like to subscribe to my channel, please do.

  • And you can see more films like this on my channel by searching the word dance.

you're about to see a film that I made back in 1964 that shows a contra dance.


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B1 中級

ヒッピーとオールドタイマーのコントラが一緒に踊った時 (When Hippies & Old Timers Contra Danced Together)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日