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  • All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's been a minute.

  • I got some new products from Diamond, but I featured this stuff in the past densely packed little boxes that created tremendous amount of sound.

  • If you're looking for some real party thumpers, these are the ones you want.

  • In most cases now they updated.

  • They got a new version.

  • They claim it's louder than before.

  • Better than before has features that the old ones didn't have.

  • So he needs two boxes.

  • Is something called the M three.

  • I believe they're not cheap.

  • All right, let's get that out of the way.

  • Straight up.

  • 599 bucks.

  • But the idea is, it replaces your home stereo.

  • It does all your audio.

  • You could even hook it up to your TV.

  • You go get up to your video games, and you could take it on the go.

  • It comes in two different models.

  • You choose your battery size with the playtime of up to 20 hours on the little guy and a play time of up to 40 hours on the bigger battery cell.

  • I assume that's probably gonna be a bit heavier.

  • Also, I can speak from personal experience.

  • I'll just say they have sounded really good in the past, and this is supposedly better.

  • They're built in the USA.

  • There is no plastic wireless stereo pairing, so maybe that's why they sent two of them.

  • I p 44.

  • Not crazy, weather resistant, but a little bit of weather resistance on there.

  • Battery charger built in so you could use these giant batteries to charge up your external devices.

  • Anyhow, let's get inside the box.

  • Let's find out for ourselves.

  • If it's really that good, let's see what's going on.

  • So the way the design works here it just suitcase style handle on the top.

  • It's all very solid, and this is new to me.

  • They include different colors of little knobs.

  • So if you don't like the blue that preinstalled, you could make a black gold Looks like there's an orange color there as well, and then they also include an auxiliary cable for a wired connection.

  • It's actually a pretty high quality auxiliary cable.

  • This is your most densely packed little portable speaker for sound reproduction.

  • You can see you get to two wolfers.

  • You got the base port in the center, tweeters up top it looks like a typical kind of timeless speaker design.

  • There's an auxiliary in as well, and we have a treble and bass setting which I think is new from the last time I tested a diamond box kind of tune your sound in there and then, most importantly, volume in the centre.

  • We flip it around to the back auxiliary to so you could actually have to input and then the auxiliary output.

  • Of course, that's gonna be useful for Daisy chaining a couple of these.

  • Let's check it out.

  • So we have the colorful knobs.

  • It's another black one.

  • Okay, so in the past, they used to get fancy multiple colors on the face plates.

  • They don't do it anymore.

  • There's just like, Look, we're gonna make one.

  • We're going to simplify the product line.

  • We're gonna make the black brushed aluminum faceplate, but we're gonna let you customize in the knob department a sw far as I'm concerned, the blue is fine with me.

  • If you wanted it to be, if you wanted it to be more stealth, you could go with the the black ones and then if you wanted to Ah, I don't know.

  • Up the bling meter and go with the gold.

  • But I'm gonna leave the blue for the purpose of this video.

  • Let's get these hooked up.

  • Let's see what they do.

  • All right, So I think in fairness, we should probably go with one first before we try to bring up any type of daisy chain scenario.

  • So we have, Ah, a big power switch on the front year.

  • And this is kind of how they got their name.

  • You see this little tiny diamond, right?

  • There is a two carat si Z diamond, but anyway, it's what gives him the name.

  • It says we're connected.

  • So I'm just gonna load up soundcloud real quick.

  • Let it wait for to beat way.

  • All right?

  • Yeah.

  • Trouble half 3/4 way.

  • If you showed up to a party, thing was into Trump and the party was already happening.

  • And everybody was on a small little portable Bluetooth.

  • And you're like, Just give me Give me one minute.

  • I'll be right back.

  • You show up with this.

  • How's it gonna feel?

  • They had the little pocket unit.

  • I feel very good.

  • So where's the ox cable?

  • I got one.

  • Here's our table.

  • Take unwrapped.

  • I'm gonna do it old school way.

  • L put there to Hillary here.

  • Wait.

  • Can I just say I mean, could you need more sound than that?

  • For what?

  • Like and not unless you want to get the noise complaint or you're in a giant field or something.

  • You're still probably all right.

  • Honestly, you don't need to.

  • One of these is fine.

  • Jack.

  • Son get carried away here.

  • He wants to.

  • When I came up, my dad had a big stereo in the house.

  • I kind of like this too.

  • Big speakers.

  • And it would we would Blast creates an environment.

  • A lot of people don't have that experience because the way music is consumed now it's personal, mostly personal thing.

  • But if you do this every so often, it reconfigures your perspective to a degree.

  • Anyway, Jack wants another track you're hearing.

  • If that's what you're looking at, you, which is usually I will tell you whether you're having a good time or not.

  • We leave with any hearing leftover.

  • It's basically household kind of permanent speaker with a handle on it.

  • As far as far as the sound volume, the caliber is concerned the performance is concerned.

  • I've been a fan of these speakers.

  • I'm still a vanity speakers.

  • That's the new version and improvement amore configurable version of the old one.

  • And that's really what you want them to do.

  • It works well.

  • It's a simple design.

  • No need to overhaul.

  • Tweak it a little bit.

  • That's what they did.

  • I like the troubling base control.

  • It's a nice little bonus, plus the extra auxiliary.

  • It's an upgrade.

All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's been a minute.


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このBluetoothスピーカーはあなたの顔を溶かします (This Bluetooth Speaker Will Melt Your Face)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日