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  • Okay.

  • So last week the papal conclave met to elect a new pope.

  • What happens is the cardinals of the Catholic Church get locked into the Sistine Chapel.

  • Um, not allowed out alone any contact with the outside world until they've elected a new pope.

  • They have four boats every day after each vote.

  • They born all of the ballots, but they add some chemicals to make the smokey the white or black white.

  • If we have a new pope or black, give it its own successful, then we have to go through another vote.

  • So we have here all of the ingredients to make either black or white papal smoke.

  • We have lacked Tose.

  • We have an Tracee.

  • We have potassium chlorate, sulfur, and we have potassium chlorate on.

  • We've got some pine resin, which is this stuff here which comes out of a tree.

  • So let's start with black smoke.

  • We're gonna have an unsuccessful vote, so we need some sulfur.

  • We need so potassium chlorate.

  • And we need some unforeseen.

  • You can imagine.

  • We've counted up the ballots.

  • We don't have a majority vote.

  • Um, we're gonna born all the ballots.

  • Whatever mixture of chemicals tell the people waiting outside that we don't have a pope.

  • Here it comes.

  • Beautiful.

  • Let's go.

  • So in our in our chimney here, we've got some pretty good black smoke.

  • In previous years, there's been a little bit of trouble.

  • There's been some doubt about the color of the smoke.

  • I think in the last conclave, when Pope Benedict was elected, there was a kind of a gray smoke, and nobody was really sure if we had a pope.

  • All right, J.

  • So we generated so much heat that we've actually cracked their chimney here.

  • The funnel has cracked.

  • I'm gonna leave before Neil gets that cool down a bit.

  • Water.

  • Okay, so where a previous vote was unsuccessful, we just had a second vote.

  • Good news.

  • We have a new pope.

  • So we need to tell the outside world on the traditional way is, as I said before, white smoke.

  • So we have some potassium chlorate.

  • Eight in this case on a sugar which is lactose.

  • And then finally, we have this stuff, which is a resin from a tray.

  • Okay, so here we go.

  • White smoke.

  • How The most proper.

  • So the key differences is thea, source of the carbon in each of flames.

  • In the black smoke we have.

  • An Tracee answer scene is a ring based molecule.

  • It's three rings took together lots of carbon, lots of hydrogen but no oxygen when that molecule borns, when it combines with the oxygen in the air, it produces soot particles.

  • Right producers, bits of sort, solid carbon, which absorb light.

  • If anyone who has seen charcoal solid carbon is black, right, And that's what we're getting in the black smoke with the white smoke.

  • We have potassium chlorate and lacked.

  • Oksana.

  • Lactose is slightly smaller than andthe recede.

  • It's got carbon and hydrogen, but it's also got a lot of oxygen.

  • So in answer Seen combines with the oxygen from the passive potassium chlorate on the atmosphere.

  • We don't get these big soot particles.

  • We get seal to.

  • We get water vapor.

  • We get lots of these things.

  • We might even get a bit of potassium chloride forming from the CLO rate.

  • But the key point is, we don't have these big soot particles that the answer scene gives us, and we end up with this much clean or smoke on dhe.

  • Hopefully the difference between them, the white smoke in the black smoke is visible from ST Peter Square.

  • When people are looking up at the top of the Sistine Chapel, Pope Francis is the new pope.

  • Interestingly, Pope Francis is a chemist.

  • Study chemistry when he was younger.

  • So evidently, chemistry does prepare you for lots of different careers.

  • We tell our students this all the time, but it can't even prepare you for the highest office of the Catholic Church.



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聖なる煙と新法王 - 動画の周期律表 (Holy Smoke and a New Pope - Periodic Table of Videos)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日