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  • [Music]

  • Alex: Hola, hola Brady. Brady: Hola.

  • Alex: Hola Brady, aqui el secencia, I think that's what sequence is in Spanish,

  • de Bernardo Recamán who is a Colombian, a friend of mine actually. Hello Bernardo if you're watching

  • He is a teacher in Colombia and he invented the sequence called the Recamán sequence

  • which has got all the sequence people crazy because it's like really interesting and really fun.

  • So it's really much easier to explain how this works on a number line.

  • Okay, so just say this is naught and this is one two three

  • Four, okay, five...eleven twelve thirteen and we go on okay

  • So what we're gonna do we're gonna go in hops

  • We're going to start at zero and the first hop is one and then the next hop is two

  • Then the next hop is three.

  • So each iteration you add one to the hop. Okay dead easy and the rule is

  • "atrás siempre" always back

  • But if you can't go back because the number has already been used then you got to go forward

  • We start at zero, so then we add one, we hop one. One.

  • I've got to go two we've got to go backwards

  • Can't go backwards, so got to go forwards. Two

  • Three. Can we go backwards? One, two, three? No

  • We can't do that. Yeah, so we gotta go forwards one, two, three. We got to get to here

  • Now four

  • One two three four--yeah. We can, so we can go back there. What about five?

  • Well can't go back, so we have to go five. One, two, three, four five. Yep, and go there five

  • Six one two, three, four five six, no can't do that. So gotta go here. One, two, three, four five six

  • Okay, you can see how that's gonna go. We're kind of gonna do these little weave in and out

  • The question is, which is of interest and no one knows, is every number accounted for?

  • So will this ultimately get in every number? And it's been tested up to some like some really high number

  • But testing it's not the same as proving it. It's assumed that this will this will be the case.

  • Yeah. I think it's cause you've got to go back. So you're going back and you're kind of clearing up for yourself.

  • Now what's interesting about this is because it's very very simple. You're just jumping backwards

  • and if you can't you go forward and you get this it's not chaotic, but it is...

  • It's ordered for a bit. Then it is a little bit, not all over the place. Then it gets ordered again.

  • And this is easier to see rather than just looking at numbers.

  • Visually, and aurally.

  • Either with your eyes or with your ears.

  • Edmund Harris the mathematical artist who I work with a lot has done this gorgeous representation.

  • And to me this looks like you know in the 1950s and 60s you would get these

  • artists doing things that looked a bit like this.

  • [Music]

  • Kind of bit geometrical but also you got something a bit human in it also.

  • Brady: It looks like it should be a wallpaper in Mad Men.

  • Alex: Yeah, definitely. It totally could, you've got that mixture of something,

  • which is just a circle, you couldn't get more simple than that, and it's got circles of different sizes and they all fit in together nicely

  • But when you look in there's like a bit of a mess of how are they joining. There's a bit of chaos.

  • It's standardly beautiful, but with a little bit of the unknown.

  • [Music]

  • In fact, if you saw here, this bit here, where it starts off with a Loch Ness monster, and then doubles back and goes on

  • You've got that there. So the actual number line is the diagonal along here.

  • Well what he's done, wherever you're joined, you actually have a proper semicircle. Whereas I've just done it with a sort of,

  • I don't know what this is a kind of

  • human sort of grasping at a circle. Where as when you when you do it

  • And obviously, if it's a semicircle the radius is getting bigger. So the bit the bigger the size that the higher it's going to be.

  • It's kind of getting bigger, but then it gets smaller again, but then he gets bigger and then it has getting smaller again

  • Brady: Where does it end? It jumps out here, but it ends over here somewhere.

  • Alex: Yeah no, so we've got the end there. That would be because there you can't go back and so you'd have to go on here

  • And it's to keep it nice within the page looks like about a hundred that isn't it?

  • I'll give a free book to whoever wants to tell me exactly where it ends. I'll give them a free book.

  • Brady: They've got to buy the book to figure out where it ends.

  • Alex: No, they don't even need to buy the book, they can make a screen grab of this

  • But the thing is, you actually want to have two of these books because you want one to color in and like ruin and make your own.

  • And you want to have one to have the perfect image

  • Brady: By the way, I think Alex means he'll give a free book to the first person, not every person who does it.

  • [laughter]

  • Brady: Giving out 300 thousand books.

  • Alex: Yeah.

  • Alex: I first heard about the Recamán sequence from Neil Sloan.

  • And Neil Sloan is the guy who invented, who founded, who runs the online encyclopedia of integer sequences.

  • And there are about 300,000 different sequences.

  • And I said, can you give me some example of sequences that you really liked?

  • And one of the very first ones that he said was the Recamán sequence, and I said "Why is that?"

  • He says because it has this interesting clash between order and chaos.

  • And actually the best way to discover that is to listen to it, and on the online encyclopedia

  • there is, on each sequence, well most of the sequences, all the ones that I've looked at

  • There is a button, listen to, and if you want to listen to it you press it.

  • So what it's gonna do, is that imagine on the number line

  • Here we've got the numbers

  • Imagine if this was a scale

  • So that was the bottom of the scale and then you go up each one is a semitone going up bum-bum-bum-bum

  • And you've got a sequence of I think it's six octaves, which is what most pianos might have.

  • What you would do is that you would imagine that the first

  • Sort of six octaves, so 48 numbers are

  • These ones, going up.

  • And then the next 48 go back to the bottom.

  • So what you do is that you are playing the sequence as if it is a piece of music

  • Every number the sequence comes exactly one after the next. It's not syncopated. It's like bang bang bang bang bang. One, two, three, four five six

  • That's the world's most boring sequence. just goes 1,2,3,4,5

  • What you're gonna get is the scale [rising in pitch] doo doo doo doo doo doo

  • When you get to the top: [falling in pitch] doo doo doo

  • It goes grgrggrhrgh. I go at the bottom again, then carry on going up, really boring.

  • [notes with steady increase in pitch]

  • [sharp fall then steady increase again]

  • If you're gonna do the sequence which is one-two, one-two, one-two, that's gonna be duh-nuh duh-nuh duh-nuh

  • [rapid oscillation between two pitches]

  • This interesting sequence, and how it sounds, and then we're gonna think, well why is that interesting? And I have it prepared here

  • Brady: So here we go we're gonna listen- Alex: Just downloaded it.

  • [Rapid, somewhat chaotic notes with quick bursts of short-lived patterns]

  • Alex: It sounds like someone is playing it

  • [strange notes continue]

  • And, you've got lots of things going on.

  • You can see at the same time it's going up, but then it's going down.

  • Then there's a bit that feels kind of like order, we know where it's going.

  • And all of a sudden, just out of the blue and it's all a bit discordant.

  • [rapid switching between pitches]

  • I don't know, it's going up, it's going down and it's you know, it gives you the the chills.

  • Brady: What does it remind you of?

  • Alex: It reminds me of a horror movie or something that you know, maybe someone's going into a room.

  • They gotta find something and you're supposed to be feeling nervous and tense and you'd be listening to that.

  • There is something that feels there's a human hand behind it, but there is no human hand.

  • We've got this incredibly simple rule, which is just back, but if you can't go back go forward

  • And also the obviously the distances between the numbers are getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

  • [notes seem to fall into flourishing pattern]

  • There's a little twiddle there, where did that come from?

  • Brady: Now if you're anything like me

  • This video is gonna have sparked even more questions in your mind. And if that's the kind of person you are

  • Maybe you should check out today's sponsor: Brilliant.

  • Brilliant is a site full of quizzes and puzzles and courses, all sorts of things that are going to make you smarter,

  • change the way you think, change the way you attack problems.

  • And everything on brilliant is guided by eight principles. You can see them here and there at number eight last but definitely not least:

  • Sparks questions

  • It says the culmination of a great education isn't knowing all the answers, it's knowing what to ask.

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  • If you'd like to go and check out Brilliant, I really recommend that I especially like their kind of puzzle of the week. What have we got this week?

  • There's basic intermediate and advanced. The basic one this week's really fun. It involves this rotating rod and light being flashed on it

  • I recommend going and having a look.

  • Now if you go to brilliant dot org slash numberphile, you can sign up with Brilliant and get 20% off a Premium membership.

  • That means you get access to all the good stuff, 20% off.

  • But just a reminder, you can go to Brilliant and look at lots of stuff for free including the problem of the week.

  • So definitely go and check them out, and then I'd recommend going for the Premium Membership, so you get all the goodies.

  • Brilliant dot org slash numberphile, our thanks to them for supporting this video.



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A2 初級

ちょっと不気味なレカマン・シーケンス - Numberphile (The Slightly Spooky Recamán Sequence - Numberphile)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日