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  • - [Kim] Hi, this is Kim from Khan Academy,

  • and today I'm learning more about Article VII

  • of the U.S. Constitution, which is the provision

  • that specified the conditions

  • for the Constitution to become law.

  • It reads,

  • The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States,

  • shall be sufficient for the Establishment

  • of this Constitution between the States

  • so ratifying the Same.

  • Although this sounds simple,

  • it reminds us that when the Framers finished

  • drafting the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787,

  • it was by no means a done deal.

  • At least nine states had to ratify the Constitution

  • in order to replace the existing government

  • under the Articles of Confederation.

  • To learn more about the ratification process,

  • I sought out the help of two experts.

  • Mark Graber is the Jacob A. France Professor

  • of Constitutionalism at the University of Maryland

  • Francis King Carey School of Law.

  • Michael Rappaport is the Darling Foundation Professor

  • at the University of San Diego School of Law.

  • Professor Graber, can you tell us a little bit

  • about the political context of ratification?

  • What was going on at this time as

  • the Framers tried to put a new Constitution

  • into the fabric of the United States?

  • - [Mark] Well, one central problem

  • of the Articles of Confederation was the Articles required

  • that all 13 states consent for any amendment.

  • And it turned out, at this time,

  • Rhode Island was a great outlier,

  • so Rhode Island wasn't going to consent to much of anything.

  • And, in fact, Rhode Island did not even send delegates

  • to the convention that drafted the Constitution.

  • So the Framers knew

  • that if you had the unanimous rule for ratification,

  • it would not work.

  • So instead, they chose nine, it's about 2/3, 3/4,

  • in part to make sure Rhode Island, one outlier,

  • could not prevent adoption.

  • - [Michael] So let's remember, there's two stages here

  • in how the Constitution gets written and ratified.

  • So first, it's written

  • in what's called the Drafting Convention

  • or the Philadelphia Convention,

  • which was held during the summer of 1787.

  • And in that convention, it was pretty much in agreement

  • that the Federal Government needed to be made stronger,

  • but that was just a proposal.

  • In order for the Constitution to be ratified,

  • it needed nine of the 13 states,

  • and so it went to the second stage.

  • And there, things were, in some ways,

  • gonna be more difficult

  • because there was a variety of viewpoints

  • in the different states.

  • And the main question that came up

  • in state after state after state was

  • was the Federal Government being given

  • too much additional power?

  • Under the previous regime of the Articles of Confederation,

  • the Federal Government had very limited powers,

  • and the Constitution was gonna

  • give the Federal Government more power.

  • - [Mark] They wanted a strategy that,

  • once the ball started rolling,

  • states that were slower

  • were going to be faced with a choice.

  • You could get in on the inside

  • and maybe effect some changes early.

  • But if you were left out,

  • whatever happened would happen without you,

  • and a lot of states, at the end,

  • were fearful of being left out.

  • - [Michael] This strategy worked.

  • And as they went through in tough states, as time went on,

  • so New Hampshire, Virginia,

  • New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island,

  • in order to get ratification,

  • each time, they promised, we'll have a Bill of Rights

  • and those states added

  • a list of amendments that they wanted

  • added to the Constitution.

  • - [Kim] So was it controversial that the Framers decided

  • that only nine states would be necessary

  • to ratify the Constitution?

  • - [Mark] Very controversial.

  • One of the central points of Anti-Federalist

  • was that this was illegal,

  • that the existing Constitution said all states,

  • and therefore only all states could change the Constitution.

  • - [Michael] So in that respect,

  • it was somewhat controversial.

  • Another way in which it departed from the Articles

  • is the Articles said you needed the state legislatures

  • to approve the amendments,

  • and the U.S. Constitution said, no,

  • we want state conventions,

  • special bodies elected by the people,

  • to approve these things.

  • Why did they say that?

  • Because they feared that the state legislatures,

  • who would be losing a lot of power under the Constitution,

  • would vote against it.

  • So they wanted sort of to go directly to the people

  • in these conventions and bypass the state legislatures.

  • - [Kim] So we know that there were some opponents

  • of this new Constitution.

  • How close did they actually come

  • to preventing its ratification?

  • - [Michael] Well, it was a very close fight.

  • We look back on it,

  • and eventually all 13 states are gonna ratify,

  • and it just looks like, oh well,

  • that wasn't too much of a trouble.

  • But it was very close,

  • and things could have easily gone in the opposite direction.

  • One of the ways in which it was close was

  • that there were just very close votes.

  • Massachusetts was

  • 187 to 168.

  • New Hampshire was 57-47.

  • New York was 30-27.

  • So very close votes involved,

  • but, you know, a couple of people changing their mind,

  • and that would've meant various states didn't ratify.

  • In addition to that,

  • some of the states actually did not ratify.

  • So the first thing that happened was Rhode Island,

  • early on in the process, says,

  • we don't like your horrible Constitution.

  • They all expected that.

  • We're not gonna hold even a convention.

  • You want us to hold a convention.

  • We're not gonna hold a convention.

  • We're just gonna have a vote in state.

  • And that vote in the state,

  • 90% of the people voted against the Constitution.

  • So, in a way, Rhode Island actually

  • voted against ratification,

  • although it didn't use the proper method.

  • North Carolina, also, they held a convention,

  • and they were very upset about there not being

  • a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

  • And they just didn't approve it.

  • They didn't disapprove it,

  • they just did nothing, and they waited.

  • So, in a way, two of the states

  • voted against ratification.

  • - [Mark] North Carolina had not yet ratified

  • when George Washington took office.

  • So, in fact, when George Washington took office,

  • there were only 11 states in the Union.

  • At the end of the day, crucial people,

  • I think, decided it was better to sign the Constitution

  • and be in on the ground floor

  • than stay out and see what happened.

  • - [Kim] Interesting, so who are some of the major players

  • involved here, and what were they arguing about?

  • - [Michael] There were the Federalists,

  • who were arguing in favor of ratifying the Constitution,

  • and the Anti-Federalists,

  • who were arguing against ratifying the Constitution.

  • So the Federalists,

  • two of the very famous ones are familiar names,

  • Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

  • Those two people, though, were also particularly important

  • because they decided, Hamilton said,

  • "We're gonna have a tough time

  • "getting ratification in New York.

  • "We need to write some essays defending the Constitution."

  • And so Hamilton and Madison cooperated together

  • and wrote what we now call The Federalist Papers,

  • which were simply essays written in the newspapers,

  • trying to urge the New York Convention

  • to ratify the Constitution.

  • Eventually, those essays were sent to other states

  • and became known, and now we come to revere those essays

  • as The Federalist Papers, but they were originally

  • just kind of advocacy pieces for ratifying the convention.

  • Now, there were also Anti-Federalists.

  • - [Mark] The Anti-Federalists, in part,

  • were simply people who opposed the Constitution.

  • And just as is the case that, say, people opposed Obamacare

  • from both the left and the right,

  • people who opposed the Constitution

  • opposed it for many different reasons,

  • and one of their problems was they were not a united bunch.

  • But, in general, these were people fearful

  • of a very strong national government.

  • They believed states were sovereign,

  • they wanted to keep power local,

  • and they were very fearful of

  • what they perceived to be an elite,

  • who would run the Constitution after ratification.

  • The names that people may know who were Anti-Federalists

  • were people like Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams.

  • - [Kim] So what were some of the major arguments made

  • in favor of adopting this new Constitution?

  • - [Michael] There were, I think, two types of arguments.

  • People felt that the Articles were not working properly.

  • They had all kinds of problems.

  • And one of the strongest arguments

  • that The Federalist Papers made was that

  • if we don't fix this and make for a stronger union together,

  • what'll happen is, we'll break apart.

  • Look at what happens when you have a bunch of states

  • all next to one another in a land area.

  • We know what that looks like, it's called Europe.

  • And what happens in Europe?

  • They fight wars with one another all the time,

  • and those wars are very problematic.

  • You have to have big armies, standing armies.

  • Now, there were also the particular arguments about

  • what powers were missing that the Federal Government had.

  • The main arguments were made was

  • the Federal Government did not have enough power.

  • So they didn't have, for example, the taxing power,

  • and they didn't have a way of enforcing treaties

  • against the states very well.

  • And some of the states were putting tariffs up,

  • so interfering with trade within the country.

  • - [Mark] So states would set tariffs on out-of-state goods.

  • States wouldn't contribute to the national government.

  • Second, we needed to present a united front

  • to foreign governments.

  • So we were very worried, what would happen

  • if South Carolina formed an alliance with England

  • and North Carolina formed an alliance with France?

  • That wouldn't be good.

  • The country needed to speak with one voice.

  • - [Kim] So those are some of the arguments made

  • for adopting the Constitution.

  • What were some of the arguments against

  • adopting this new Constitution?

  • - [Mark] Well, first argument was,

  • even though most Anti-Federalists admitted

  • the Articles needed some repair,

  • they said it's not really urgent.

  • It's not like the house is gonna fall down tomorrow.

  • It's just, you know, the wind is coming through,

  • and we can figure it out.

  • We really want a better Constitution.

  • The other arguments were the Constitution

  • put too much power in the national government.

  • It put too much power in elites.

  • The fear was if you had national elections,

  • only elites would win.

  • If you had local elections,

  • people the people actually knew would win.

  • - [Kim] So they thought a big national government

  • would be too far away from the people

  • to know what they really needed,

  • as opposed to state governments,

  • which they perceived as being sort of more personal,

  • closer to the needs of individuals?

  • - [Mark] So compare two kinds of elections.

  • First, how many people really know anyone

  • who runs for senator, who runs for president,

  • that you're on a first-name basis with?

  • Now compare, you're in a school club.

  • Chances are, when someone runs for an officer

  • of the school club, you know who they are.

  • - [Michael] Another type of argument was,

  • if you give the Federal Government this power,

  • and even if, and the Federalists will always argue

  • that the power was limited that they were being given

  • to the Federal Government.

  • And the Anti-Federalist came back and says,

  • well, you say it's limited,

  • but what we know from historical experience is,

  • is that once a government's in power,

  • it tends to seize more power.

  • There's a lot of vague phrases in the Constitution,

  • and the Federal Government will use those vague phrases

  • to assert greater and greater power.

  • - [Kim] What were some of the strategies

  • that the Framers used to entice some of the opponents

  • of a strong central government to ratify the Constitution?

  • - [Michael] So the first thing that they did was

  • to try to build up momentum.

  • So they knew there were certain states

  • which were strongly in favor of ratification.

  • Small states sometimes wanted ratification.

  • So the first state that comes in is Delaware,

  • and they vote 30 to zero for the Constitution.

  • And a bunch of early states,

  • so let's say the first five states,

  • all vote for ratification by pretty lopsided margins.

  • So that builds up a kind of momentum.

  • All right, we have five states, we only need four more.

  • Of course, the next ones that were gonna come

  • were gonna be much more difficult.

  • And they then needed to change

  • their strategy at that point.

  • - [Mark] You know, they argued like crazy.

  • The Federalist Papers are a very famous example.

  • They indicated they'd be open to amendment

  • once the Constitution was ratified.

  • Then, again, in Pennsylvania,

  • when Anti-Federalists boycotted the convention,

  • and the result is the convention didn't have a quorum.

  • They ordered the Sergeant at Arms to a tavern.

  • The Sergeant at Arms found some boycotting Anti-Federalists

  • and physically put them in the building

  • so they could count for a quorum.

  • - [Kim] (laughing) That's terrific.

  • - [Mark] That one doesn't get told in a whole lot

  • of history books. (Kim laughs)

  • - [Kim] Wow.

  • - [Mark] The Framers could play rough-and-tumble politics

  • with the best of them.

  • - [Kim] A lot of the things that pop up

  • at the time of the framing,

  • I think, we look back on today and imagine,

  • how would this work in today's era,

  • with, you know, 330 million Americans?

  • Do you think the system under the Articles of Confederation

  • with a smaller, more local government

  • could possibly work today?

  • - [Mark] Well, among other things,

  • the Articles had no great means

  • of collecting taxes or gaining revenue.

  • Given that modern government needs trillions of dollars,

  • the Articles, if you got a thousand dollars,

  • it was a miracle, so the Articles clearly don't work.

  • But the Articles were inadequate

  • for 18th-century government.

  • They were clearly inadequate

  • or would be clearly inadequate for 21st-century government.

  • Now, the Constitution appears to have been adequate

  • for 18th-century government.

  • Whether it is adequate for 21st-century government

  • is a fair question.

  • - [Michael] One of the interesting questions about

  • the Constitution is how democratic is the Constitution?

  • This debate about how democratic the Constitution is

  • actually enters into the question about ratification.

  • On one level,

  • the Constitution was democratic

  • because each state in these ratification conventions

  • voted on whether to ratify by majority vote.

  • On the other hand, at the federal level,

  • the ratification requirement required nine out of 13.

  • And the idea there would be we needed more buy-in.

  • We needed a limitation on simple majority rule

  • in order to make the system function well,

  • in order to produce a Constitution

  • that would have support from the whole country.

  • The interesting thing about that supermajority rule

  • and something that people don't often

  • make the connection with is we probably owe

  • our Bill of Rights to that supermajority rule.

  • Because if only seven of the 13 states, the mere majority,

  • had been needed to ratify the Constitution,

  • then it's quite possible that the Federalists

  • wouldn't have had to promise to put a Bill of Rights

  • into the Constitution because they wouldn't have needed to.

  • And they were initially quite opposed

  • to putting a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

  • It was only the fact that they needed nine

  • out of the 13 states that really forced their hand

  • and forced them to promise

  • that they would put the Bill of Rights in there.

  • So we see the, in terms of the ratification,

  • that there's both sort of democratic elements

  • but also republican or supermajority elements.

  • - [Kim] So we've learned that it wasn't easy

  • to ratify the Constitution.

  • The Framers bypassed state legislatures

  • and went directly to the people in state conventions,

  • hoping that momentum and arguments

  • for a stronger Federal Government would entice

  • the opponents of the Constitution to ratify it.

  • It took until 1789

  • for nine out of 13 states to ratify the Constitution

  • and finally make it law.

  • To learn more about Article VII, check out

  • the National Constitution Center's Interactive Constitution

  • and Khan Academy's resources

  • on U.S. government and politics.

- [Kim] Hi, this is Kim from Khan Academy,


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