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  • A short while ago we made a Numberphile video about a problem to do with Diophantine equations

  • when a number can be written as a sum of three cubes

  • [REWIND] We still don't know the answer to that one so we've not yet been able to find any integers which when

  • we summed their cubes you get 33.

  • Since then we've had some breaking news! There's a paper that appeared and someone has actually

  • gone away and this guy's Sander Huisman, he's gone away and he calculated a new solution to one

  • integer that was previously unknown whether it was a sum of three cubes or not.

  • Well indeed he credits the Numberphile video, he sort of found that it was kind of interesting enough to just

  • have a go at pushing the boundaries of knowledge a little bit further and he managed to sort of get this going on.

  • A computer search, and I think he was searching for something like 12.5 CPU years on a bank of computers in

  • Lyon and he was able to find a new solution for the number 74.

  • So we are interested in, suppose that we're given an integer k. Can you find integers x, y and z, and these can

  • be both positive and negative such that x³ + y³ + z³ is equal to k?

  • If we just look at all of the integers between 1 and 99, as of last time there were only three integers on that list

  • for which we didn't have an answer about whether they can be written as a sum of three cubes or not.

  • And those were 33, 42 and 74.

  • Now we know that this last number here, 74 is actually represented as a sum of three cubes.

  • Do you want me to write it down for you?

  • Of course.

  • So here we go.

  • So 74 is now known to be equal to minus 284 650 292 555 885 cubed

  • plus 6 229 832 190 556 cubed

  • plus 283 450 105 697 727 cubed.

  • And there's the new solution, he also found some new solutions for larger values of k, but kind of the

  • interesting thing is that for for k less than a hundred we now only have two more numbers to worry about here.

  • The number 33 and the number 42.

  • And are they solvable? Are they out there? Should other people be firing up their computers?

  • Well absolutely, so far, thanks to Sander we now know that if we're interested in the number 33,

  • there are certainly no solutions which the size of x, y and z are bounded by 10 to the 15, so that's a pretty big

  • range, so you're gonna have to look further than that.

  • Who knows, it may will be that if you just look up 10 to the 16 you'll find a solution.

  • And 42? Do we know any more about that or

  • No, nothing about that

  • It's not earth-shattering news, I mean if we thought for a long time that these things do have solutions in fact we

  • think that there are infinitely many solutions for each of these values of k. Our expectation is that they are very

  • very sparse, so you might come across one and then the next time you come across another one

  • might be many many years down the line before you've got computers big enough to find them

  • So I mean it's gratifying that this kind of coinciding with our belief that these things do indeed have

  • solutions, but in terms of sort of fundamental mathematics, I would say that's not the case

  • it's kind of just a more extensive computer search.

  • Not every Numberphile viewer is going to make a contribution like Sander,

  • but the people you see listed on the screen have helped us out.

  • They're among our Patreon supporters and we really appreciate it.

  • If you'd like to join their ranks with no matter how small a contribution,

  • You can go to

  • I'll put a link in the video description.

  • And by the way, you can see on the screen at the moment

  • a link to our original video, which inspired Sander's investigation.

  • But we've also got a new video, and that's all about those values of k

  • for which it's impossible to find a solution. Not even Sander's gonna find one for that.

  • And if you'd like to see the proof,

  • We've just put it on Numberphile2.

  • And by the way, while you're over on Numberphile2,

  • Why not subscribe to the channel? Because I don't always mention it here,

  • and you might occasionally stumble over something you didn't even know existed.

A short while ago we made a Numberphile video about a problem to do with Diophantine equations


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74は割れている - Numberphile (74 is cracked - Numberphile)

  • 12 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日