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  • you're about to see a clip from a film I made called a nurse.

  • I am I'm David, often filmmaker, And in this particular moment, one of the great nurses that I filmed reads a poem that expresses who she is now.

  • How is she judged as a great nurse?

  • This is part of a competition.

  • The nurses were judged and picked on how caring they were, how they overcame challenges, how they just made people feel good.

  • Isn't that true for a good nurse?

  • Somehow, when I'm in the hospital, when I've been there, the doctors, they do their job.

  • But it's the nurses who dominate the feelings you have.

  • So there's this woman, one of the people we're filming.

  • She's a faith based nurse.

  • About 40% of the nurses that I filmed were Faith Paste, and she just is a beautiful person.

  • And at the end of filming, or she says to me, uh, I wrote a poem on how I feel.

  • Please, I said, Read it.

  • That's what you're about to see.

  • My ambition as a nurse has never been to seek fortune and thing or bye bye, good deeds to create an image where as human would ever forget my name.

  • But there's one assurance for which are proudly lay claim, and that's my choice to serve my fellow man for much more than earthly game.

  • When I chose nursing as my duty cold, I promised to render aid to my patients.

  • One and all that's right.

  • Now, regardless of weather and riches are poverty.

  • Their lives did fall as I remember the oath I promised dearly in my heart.

  • So deep.

  • Yes, a nurse with compassion and perseverance, I am, And I'm proud to say I love people and my profession in a very special way.

  • Though the job has not been easy, I made a promise to stay for many years ago.

  • I was blessed in a wonderful way.

  • A nurse I am.

you're about to see a clip from a film I made called a nurse.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

壮大な看護師は、看護師のサポートのための短い詩を書いています (Magnificent Nurse Writes Short Poem In Support Of Nurses)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日