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So I've been told lately that one of the most important things about your electronics projects is the best sel size.
Yes, that's right.
It's not about storage or data rate speeds or anything else.
It's about the bez ALS baby.
And when you look at these LCD screens, these basil's these vessels are just so 19 nineties.
This isn't what you want for a modern art we know.
Project what you want for a modern art.
We know project is good.
Old O l e d.
Yes, That's right.
Organic L E D screens.
You can actually buy these screens four yard we know projects, and they give you a lot of great functionality of the nice things about the screens.
You can do things like animations.
So basically what you're saying scroll across right now is animations.
It's much better for text, so you can put a lot more information in there.
You could do a bit map images.
Basically, you could do a lot of fancy things that, frankly, you can't do with an LCD screen with an LCD screen, you can print out characters and, you know, with a little bit of creativity, maybe a little bit more.
But basically you can print out characters with an O led screen, even one of this size again, you could do things such as print out bit map images.
You can have a bit map image.
You can have text in different sizes.
You can have different font sizes, that type of things, and you can even do animations.
So in that, normally, whenever I do these videos or these classes, I find code that somebody else is created or I create my own code, and I hack it together in order to demonstrate to you something that I want you to see.
This particular project can dio.
One of things I am very impressed with is basically the ad of fruit demo for the oh led screen.
So if you download and install their library, they have a demonstration sketch.
So all we're going to do today is I'm going to show you how to hook up the oil and the screen, too.
We know I'm going to show you what libraries you need.
And then we're going to upload the sketch that at a fruit gives you for the oh led to show you all the capabilities because this is really cool again with this, you going to turn the back light on.
You can turn the back light off, you can adjust the contrast.
You could do a couple things with this, not LCDs, nice and all.
But there's really not a whole hell of a lot you could do with an LCD screen.
I'm going to show you the demonstration is because their little demo routine shows you all the capabilities that this little led screen could do everything from printing text to doing animations to showing a bit maps, the whole nine yards.
So in this particular video, that's what we're gonna be.
We're on Stoli libraries.
I'm going to show you the demonstration because this this is really cool, nifty need, and definitely something that you should be thinking about if you're looking to create a Arduino project that needs a display.
So let's go over the workbench.
I'll show you how this is hooked up on.
Then I'll go and show you how to download and install the libraries.
We're gonna upload the sketch and then we'll run through and show you the demonstration of what this little Lilly Deacon.
So here we go.
This is all that's required in order to set up this particular project.
We're using our word.
We know, you know, like we do for many of our projects.
And we're using a 1 28 by 64 0 l E d screen.
So it is important to remember that this is an eye to see or I squared psi screen.
And so because of that, we only need to data wires or to make this work.
So we have this connected to the five volts in the ground.
So that is for power.
And then for the data, basically, we simply have the What is it?
The SDA.
So the s d A.
Is going to a four and the S D.
L is going to a five now.
It is important whenever you're dealing with these eye to see projects is that you don't actually define the iPhone.
The A four and a five penn Within the sketch, you simply always connect in this fashion.
If you're using the eye to see so again s d A is gonna be going to a four.
S d l is going to be going to a five and then for this particular screen we're using the five hole in order to power.
And so this is all that's required in order to set this up for the project s.
So let's go over to the computer and I can show you the libraries and show you how to upload the code to this.
Aren't we Know?
So here we are at the computer, and I have opened up are we know?
And the first thing that we're going to need to do is we're going to need to add the two additional libraries for to make the O.
T o led screen work on the nice part about these libraries is you can just get them from the Arduino repositories so you don't have to download them separately.
You can simply go to manage libraries.
So click on the manage libraries, then the first thing we're gonna do is up here in the search and the search.
We're gonna type in 1306 We're going to hit, enter, and then what we're gonna be looking for is the ad A fruit S s d 12306 by at a fruit libraries version 1.3 SST 13 or six point lady Driver, Library for monochrome 1 28 64 1 28 by 32 displays S O If it's not installed pencil install button And so you will need to install this.
Do install this.
Add a fruit library.
The acrobat library.
The one that shows up initially is not what we're gonna be using for this particular demonstration.
We want the ad, a fruit library.
Then the next thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna download the G FX.
We're gonna install the G F X library.
And so there is the ad afeard Dfx library.
Simply type in the FX in the search by at a fruit at a fruit vfx library core.
Lima is a core class that all our other graphics libraries derived from.
So basically, this is just a poor library they're gonna need again.
If it's not installed, you will click the install button.
But that's the other a library that you're gonna need.
And then you were going to close out from there.
We're gonna do is we're going, going to go over to file.
We're going to go to examples, and then we're gonna scroll all the way down to find the ad a fruit SST 1306 examples to these examples here are different things that you can play with You can modify.
We're just gonna go down to the ER at fruit as us deal.
1306 library and come here and find the SSD of 13061 28 by 64 to see.
So if you have ah, 1 28 by 32 you can use that one.
This is the I squared, See the eye to see connection that we're gonna be using.
So we were simply going to open up this example, and so this is the example.
And really, we're not gonna modify much of anything in here.
The only thing we may need to modify is the eye to see address again.
Remember eating with high to see I squared.
See, you're dealing with an addressable protocol.
You can have up to just like 112 of these little electronic devices connected Thio project theoretically, but the way they communicated to is with addresses.
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna scroll down, we're gonna scroll down, we're gonna scroll down, and what we're looking for is this.
This is the address that references the screen for this particular sketch s o.
My address is not zero x three d.
So I simply upload my sketch as it is now.
It will not work.
My address is actually zero x three c.
And so that's the one thing you have to make sure that you put in the right address.
If you don't know your address, we did do a project before doing the eye to see scanner.
So you still run?
I do see scanner, figure out what your addresses, and then you would plug it in their past That then all you need to dio because you need to upload the code and then we can take a look and see what the really cool demonstration looks like because it really is.
It's It's very impressive.
It's It is so impressive that I didn't want to mess with it at all.
So let's go over the workbench, and I can show you, uh, what the demonstration looks like.
Okay, so the screen has been connected to the Arduino bore, but the sketch has been uploaded.
So we will simply plug this in and see what this cool little old Italy deacon.
So that's where it got a bit map image there.
And then now this is where we start to see the animations.
Now one of things you can see what it's led screen is it's actually a monochrome screen.
The bottom is blue and the top is yellow.
So you can't adjust those with this particular screen.
So it's just something that you need to think about when you're creating display.
But look at all this different kind of like animation, e type things and graphics that you can d'oh that you simply cannot do with something like an LCD screen here triangles, we got texts.
So look at all that text that you can put on their with different size texts.
You can make scrolling texts that you could scroll like you could do like a diagonal scroll like you could do that kind of thing.
If you wanted to do that, then here is where you get to the animation.
Parts of all of these are bit maps.
And within the sketch, it says basically where to put the bit maps on the screen and then have them kind of fall down the way that they're doing.
And so you can see that you can even do like this type of animation with an O led screen.
So this is just gives you a tremendous amount of possibility that you simply cannot get in your LCD screen, no matter what you d'oh.
And so that's why these things were pretty impressive.
So there you go.
Now you can see how to make art.
We know projects that are impressive too.
The hipsters, right?
The hipsters and they really care about that vessel size.
It's all about the vessels.
Now you can get a nice tiny little basil there, you can get some animations.
You can get some cool things going on s so I really like these little O l E D screens, especially for the Arduino projects, things that I like about the oil lady screens by using the I square See protocol.
You only need to data wires in order to connect it to the Arduino board versus all the things you have to do for a standard LCD screen and then be on that with the au led screen again.
You can change.
You can do things like you can change text size.
You can change where the text is.
You can have bit map images, so it just gives you a tremendous amount of potential for your Arduino project.
And honestly, it really doesn't require much more than it does to drive one of these LCD screens.
It might actually be a little bit harder to do an LCD screen.
When you think about the code than it does the ol D, Now you may be thinking, Oh, yeah, you like.
But you know the price difference.
That's O L E d at organic led.
What's that gonna cost me?
It's really not too bad.
You, by the ad a fruit.
So add a fruit.
Of course, as they're led screens, same size cost you about $20 which is a little steep for a DWI.
No projects.
But this this one I think this is from D i Y.
Just one random Chinese companies called D I Y.
I think I purchased this for, like, six or $7.
So, you know, realistically, for looking at an LCD screen, especially like a four a four row LCD screen that's gonna cost you five or $6 this oh led screens gonna cost you six or $7 when you look at it at the end of the day, I just I think I would argue that the O led screen is just a better overall value, and again, we'll be a hell of a lot easier to use at the end of the day in one of these big things.
So again, for for the difference of a dollar I would buy, I would buy these things all day long.
So yeah, so that's basically that's all we're dealing with with these oh, led screens.
They're very nice again, like look, look at the size.
I mean seriously, like look at the size difference between these things will get a fitness again.
It's all about the defendant's right.
Look at how thick and chunky the LCD screen is, versus how tiny the ol lady screen is, um and I think you're really just get to understand how cool these are.
Now, if you are gonna be mine d o l e d screens things to keep in mind are the sizes.
So again, this is a 1 28 by 64 library show.
Today is 1 28 also does a 1 28 by 32.
So there are different sizes out there.
That's one thing to think about and then also to think about the colors.
Eso with somebody screens there just one color, just monochromatic.
One color so blue or yellow or whatever else this one again.
The bar at the top is yellow, and below that is blue.
Some of the O led screens you can actually change the color on them.
That's gonna cost you a little bit more money.
But that is something that should be thinking about.
And it's also something think about when you're looking at the code, right, because when you're when you're looking at the code, you looking to modify code.
There are some of the old lady screens where you can change the color of the texture, whatever.
Well, if you got a monocle, a little lazy scream.
I can't hear you.
So it's just one of those things to be keeping in mind with these screens.
There are a lot of them out there and you do get more options.
And you know what else?
LCD screens again with an LCD screen, you by 16 by two, you can buy 20 by four.
There's not really a whole lot of options with us with the ol lady.
You do need a look at the specifications because what you get in the mail might not be what you thought you were getting.
So just make make sure Take a look at the specifications to make sure you're getting what you actually want to get on with that These things are cool, man.
This is we.
Finally, we're finally getting our artery no projects up to the iPhone 10 era of Arduino projects.
Oh, led all the way.