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  • you know, calling.

  • Get off him.

  • It seems that someone's taken a shine to me.

  • I'm not entirely sure why I'm being woken up at 6 a.m. but I'm definitely not gonna be the only one.

  • Well, still, get up.

  • My new friend is called Cirillo.

  • He's leading us to morning duties.

  • Theme on Dori.

  • Believe cows connecting to God.

  • They treat them like family, starting each day with a cow dung ash muscle to keep the flies off.

  • Yeah, thankfully, only the young ones are expected to collect the freshman year.

  • Surprisingly, the mandatory hardly ever slaughter cows for meat.

  • Instead, they live almost exclusively on the milk.

  • Guys drink milk along their way.

  • Get that big.

  • You're a big strong man like Jesus.

  • Drink milk, milk.

  • It's amazing.

  • It's got in the milk diet, huh?

  • You're twice his size.

  • It's not just my arms, which seem to be an issue.

  • What do they very amused by my straight, huh?

  • I get the impression that my hair might be of particular interest, Cirillo said.

  • He wants me to go to his house for a ritual, but he's not told me exactly what it is yet.

  • Yeah, he's a very strong hunch.

  • Friend.

  • He's doing my crush a man's head.

  • You know what?

  • I can't believe I'm doing this.

  • What?

  • I'm getting a pistol in my face and e put cow urine.

  • And he said, Now, if it continues being like that for five days, they have, You know that.

  • And when you see guys out on the average and they're doing this in process, apparently the ladies like the ginger look.

  • But I think I'll give it a miss myself.

  • Thank you very much.

  • So e really appreciate it.

  • There's an endless supply of this natural resource.

  • Uric acid in the P works as an antiseptic talk about eco friendly consulate catching on back home rooming like I've never seen before.

  • Just right, just the right amount.

  • I love them on Dori.

  • Grumpy people are kicked out of camp so they don't bring everyone else down.

  • They see generosity is a virtue, and sure enough, there's some of the kind of people I've ever met.

  • Fresh milk straight from the cow rule.

  • Cheers.

  • All right, Good.

  • Unlike me, the mandatory, like few things Maur than sharing a pint with friends.

  • Okay.

  • Sitting in the sanctuary of this otherworldly land.

  • It's easy to forget that beyond these shores, the rest of the country is at war despite being a warrior tribe.

  • The mandatory apiece.

  • Living wrestling, however, is their favorite pastime.

  • E o.

  • I think it's authentic.

  • Originally used to settle disputes, wrestling is now a sport.

  • A Norman Dori initiation would be complete without about Theo about to wrestle with.

  • Yeah, the leopard skin is normally reserved for a prizefighter.

  • Clearly.

  • Mondor Ian.

  • No strangers to irony.

  • Okay, give me some of these smooth taking down a 12 year old boy.

you know, calling.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ムンダリ族は牛の尿を使ってレヴィソンウッドの髪を染める|ナイルを歩くレヴィソンウッド (Mundari Tribe Use Cow Urine To Dye Levison Wood's Hair | Levison Wood Walking The Nile)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日