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Don't you find it a lifesaver?
My wife opens the champagne, Not me.
Well, all you missed while your gun was farming.
So here we are.
You still away from his computer?
Have you got you got everyone here, Watch American morning, like every season, So I do.
I do not.
I'm regularly.
I'm sorry.
Uh, they see it seems like they seem like it seems like you're eachother.
I don't have time to watch TV.
Oh, dude, hold on.
I'm sorry.
Easy there, Bob.
But there's one thing that you could d'oh.
And it's the only way I watch stuff now, too.
Download all that and then watch it on plane rides.
Like that's literally that until I catch up on all my enemies, all my shows on plane rides, eight hours to Kelly and back on Twitter Boulevard.
Dude, bro, that's your That's your mistake right there, bro.
I think one time I was on a plane literally deactivated.
Twitter Rose.
I'm gonna watch.
I don't know about it.
He talks about it for about 30 seconds about Twitter.
I don't think that's the first time he's on that either.
I think he did a few years back.
So he talks about how he talks about it for about 31st 30 seconds of video and explains how we live in is deciding now where people are encouraged to be rude and be mean to get like followers, because they want to get the attention And, like a lot of likes and tweets.
And so they are, like, negative and and then goes out of six and 1/2 minutes.
Uh, philosophy ran about the how about how to be happy and, like, how to be, like, fulfilled.
It's not wrong, is that I mean, I guess social be in general is like, That's the world we live in, man, like really super unhealthy.
How are there so many people here?
I'm get I'm getting angry.
I just showed my screen just now, so I don't know.
I just showed my eye.
I just don't show mine as well.
And I just start My strength is not really have any people watching like it's coming from that.
Is that why?
Okay, um it actually came with fudged its me, your bro.
Did I got a thing for you.
You have.
You have You know what?
You have me a great punch.
Oh, I don't need that.
Open that text already.
My God, I need healing.
What took you so long to drop that?
Here, take my blood pumped.
Come here.
All right.
We have to get Luke.
We got playing time again.
Just take your time.
Take your time.
Don't it'll look completely exposed?
Me while I'm managing was going down that there's at least two or three guys in the house are these.
They're fighting.
My mother would get them Now there's guys near Ben to grow.
I'm right with you myself.
It's go.
I don't know how to tell you this, but they have life savers.
Wait, wait, No, I have, Ah, one of my favorites.
I think if you take the high ground on the ground, what do you want?
I'm back.
12 He just wants at me, bro.
Throw your body.
Blocked me there and I couldn't get a shot.
He's weak in there.
We got him.
It's imagine I got a postcard, right?
No sense And stand and fight all that.
Throw a stone.
Bust yourself.
That way you consort 50 damage.
Uh, close.
Like I want to be still there.
There you go.
I'm not backing down from this shit.
Adam, did you guys get him?
Course he goes right for me.
How weird is that, huh?
Only 99 bullets left ever back down.
Like that one movie.
God, that ramp flip got me.
Uh huh.
He's not wrong, though.
He's just behind you.
Got a minute, Pop.
There you go.
That kid's dad.
You got to be another kid's down a second.
Get at it.
Oh, I'll study the gifts.
He swung at nothing.
You see to go a whiff of the air.
Somebody's got riveted.
I don't I'm not safety there, Ivan.
Medicaid, which is good.
Wave three in miles.
The guy you just killed you here is Get back to you.
You're good.
You're good.
Made him.
I think this guy's making a good case for me.
For you died before me last.
I don't know if we don't run the tape back.
Dude, we're like twins.
You're dying a second after me.
Doesn't mean you're holding trying to pick Axum.
All right.
You were trying to actually kill him.
And your dad?
W Coke gaming.
What is that's value right there, bro.
No pressure, Tyler.
You know absolutely no pressure in the zone pulled to your side, bro.
You're golden.
Thank you.
Check that map.
Do what?
Rotate Tim.
You're very right.
You're cutting it.
Close your chief.
I'm gonna pop the medi first.
F it, but the media grab the bandages.
I think I'm a bill any.
I could, but I got this.
Even clap your walls right there.
And there should be a boat.
I'm sure that was Trust me.
That's how comfortable I am that I got this.
You're great, man.
Oh, hello.
Oh, do I know that now?
A little unnecessary.
You know, it's kind of crazy, bro.
If you get all the way out here and you're still being held, split these amongst yourselves.
I actually can't believe that we're back.
I can't believe I'm playing again, Lou.
Right here.
A shitload allude.
I mean, I mean a lot of loot.
I mean, I'm coming right to you.
I mean, is that on me?
I'm so nervous.
I don't know its name.
And then one more load I mean, more loose on me.
The whole another.
Luke it on me.
Double barrel.
Let's go.
Shock and awe.
I don't know either.
Never mind.
We'll find it.
We'll find it.
We'll figure it out.
Cypher figured out yourself.
Holy God.
Oh, yeah.
I got you banishing dude up.
Shocking family.
Fatima three boys come to the country.
How many match?
But now?
Holy I played him 180.
No gold spat on me.
I'm coming.
Hold faster.
All right, I got you.
I got you.
I got you.
Let me out of it.
I mean, those I need, I'm healing.
I mean, white heels.
I got you.
I'm recharging my thing.
Shot your brother here, Down the story on me.
That's another guy for bus knocked on.
Okay, well, not anymore with the actual going on.
I thought that these guys were close, Miss for 69.
The one in the back booth broke.
Broke the one swimming shields one in the back.
I'm shooting it right now.
We're running in the middle of two teams, okay?
I was trying to try to get in.
I don't have any charges on my thing yet.
I've gotta have a card, though.
This is great.
We can line inside the guys left.
I got many three winter in.
I'm like, really cooking.
I mean, I want anyone more.
Drop me it up to him.
I got a shout.
My band Bazooka!
You look down, you guys!
You don't have more?
Rocket ammo and heavy among give you.
Have you Wait.
Go Gaming.
Let's rock these idiots.
I don't have any.
31 31 crack dealer got running away.
Yeah, I think we should get going.
You okay?
You push, You push.
I'm gonna hold you.
You know you go.
I'm a professional mass.
What am I doing?
Holy shit!
That scared the hell out of you!
I have I have, like, 500 mats.
Can you give me, like 100?
Here's 100 if he would.
So the solo went up there?
I'm just telling the bush.
Yeah, I must have been the rocket.
I'm all right.
How did you don't have rocket amul?
I mean, they are.
They are for me.
Relies on a shocking tell to give us all my stuff.
I'm good.
You know, I almost have a shot on this guy.
If you stay still for, like, one second, I can end suffering.
This guy's behind a tree.
Models starting child sediment.
Second, I'm going to the second peak up the second I say that he blocked out.
Okay, I have an angle on this guy.
I'm everything a shot puts a wall down where I'm looking.
I'm in a bush.
Like what?
It's down to make place off me.
I'm going to.
Here we go.
You see that?
I was quite nice in every point twice.
And I are putting the guy on top 66 night.
I mean, this guy's nomads think laughing over there?
I think there are last two on another.
They're far aside from the West.
They just rotated late.
Get out.
1 16 36 ones.
The ones of office for, like Your Highness.
Shot him.
Thanks above me.
Trying to kind of go down the field.
Good job.
Well played, guys.
Good clutching.
Let's back up the fact that he ran in from that far out.
Wait, Dr.