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Are you ready for the biggest mind crop?
Go up you have seen, especially in this series.
Will you come to the right place?
I got a surprise for you if you haven't been keeping up with my life Streams, what you do in?
I'm kidding.
That's quite aggressive.
We've been keeping over the live streams.
Then we embarked on a little project in the Lost one wasn't meant to happen, but it did.
And as you can see, we're missing quite a couple of things from our Minecraft ultra hardcore board which, if you know around here, is motive Minecraft in hardcore modes.
So if we die, everything is gone, and it's also super hard.
Anyway, we've been shacking up in the shack for about.
I have a few episodes now, and I've decided to upgrade myself.
As you can also see, one of my dogs is missing the ones that aren't ready for war.
Because around this corner around this left hand corner, it's a surprise.
Are you ready for it?
It's probably been sport by the title, but check it out.
Okay, is not meant to be.
The portal is maybe this We have made the old lab.
A remixed version, an improved version.
We made the old lab inside the hard core worlds.
Why did we do this?
Because someone in the chat told me to.
But also it's perfect because a lot of this more pack involves machines, and I think having it so that we have the old lab with loads, machines and pipes and tubes coming out of it.
I think that's gonna be awesome.
So I'm first up.
New improved door.
This is a new and improved model.
So think of it at the old lab version, too, because let's do a quick story.
Time is not the longest story in the world.
Basically, when I built the old lab, I built it in like an hour in a rush because I needed something for a video for a march showcase, and then it just stuck.
So this is the much improved version.
So we have new doors, which is courtesy off mod.
And then we have the Ogi walkway into Well, I broke this before the end of the stream, but into the door, then into the middle, where oh gee, grim is chilling.
We're not going to give him any armor because he's going to stay in here and keep the lab safe.
But I've made it most symmetrical.
Somehow I messed this bit up, but I just need to grab a pickaxe bill to fix it.
But other than that, things looking good's What do you guys think?
I hope you like if you do thumbs up, that'd be great.
I'd stick around, subscribe if your new, because today we're gonna be improving this and make sure it kind of fits in the environments.
It doesn't just yet.
So what I'm going to need is I'm gonna need another enchanting table because your boy mess that up and made himself an auto enchanting table, which doesn't quite work unless you have a whole plethora of machines.
So we're gonna grab two diamonds wayto have obsidian.
I made this.
It sucks.
It's so bad.
I have obsidian.
1234 I think the book might be the thing that I'm missing, actually, so we also need to bring all this stuff over at some point.
Well, it's going to start making machines because we need to get working on that to be able to make the lab work who wants to give me a book?
I don't want to use any of these books because I kind of need them.
Could I use my dreams book?
Maybe I could Let's try and use the Strange Dreams book and see what happens.
My, uh, my crafting table was in the new place.
Also randomly concrete, which is what we made this out off gives you a speed boost in this march back.
Look, I can now move super fast.
Not quite sure the reason behind that.
But I'm not complaining, to be honest with you.
When I see it, we can make it.
I don't think this is kind of work, but we could make like, a cursed table that doesn't work.
I need myself one of them book thing.
He's I need some paper this evening.
Find some ice.
Came to night time, Adam hungry?
This is not a good place to be to.
The program for today is to make myself in enchanting table.
See if I can write.
I want in shining table.
I can't even remember.
I need to fix what I did before, but I don't think I can because I messed it up so bad.
Okay, It's getting dark, slightly scared.
I'm just gonna go home.
Maybe spending the first night inside my new old lab.
Oh, no.
This creep is here already.
I have messed up badly.
All right, then let's grab.
I'm gonna leave the green bed here.
We're gonna use red bed discs.
It matches the aesthetic a little bit more money to make some red carpets to truly finish this off.
But for now, this is a start, and it feels safe enough for now.
Ah, the old lab feels good.
Of course, there are some things missing, some decorations and also the whole testing lab.
But here I ran out of time.
But we can expand it when we need Thio.
There's also a bit missing here as well.
But I hated it, so I took it out and there's work on some stuff.
I need a pick axe.
Let's go and get one of those.
Yo, chill be gone.
Don't even don't even don't Even also we were talking about on stream putting a moat around this.
So if we have the water come upto like here, I think that would be awesome.
You know what maybe we could do that today.
I put on this efficiency.
Yeah, and I need to change that.
Not What are you doing here?
Is well, stop aggressing on my village.
What did I just get from you?
Is gonna be hot.
Nice, actually, there any other book shows in this world?
I feel like I stole a load, didn't I?
Very is.
There is.
Let's go.
Who's trapped in here?
Hello, Natalia.
The Wittstock toe.
Hold up.
You trade for totem basis?
That's actually really good.
Totem oven.
Dying head for 16 emeralds.
Oh, wait a second.
She's a witch Doctor.
This is great.
I did not know this could happen.
I need to trap you.
You cart leave.
You're not gonna be able to leave.
I'm gonna have to use an iron door.
I'm really sorry, but I'm also kind of No.
Um, yeah.
We're gonna have to trap you, Natalia.
Welcome to the crew.
Was scared of this.
Put down this.
This is the witch doctor, and she knows the secrets behind cheating Death.
This is great.
I just need a solid amount of emeralds and then we're good.
Natalia, I'll see you soon.
I'm also gonna you know, just borrow one of your books.
Uh, I'll replace it in the future.
Just not now.
And that keeps us safe as well.
This is good, guys.
This is good.
She sells totems oven dying.
That's actually unreal.
Or so I wanted to make.
No, I need silk touch.
That's why I wanted to get silk touch so I can get some stone like normal stone.
Also need some glasses.
I want to do the top as well.
I guess I could smell it.
It let me grab the coal that I have.
And I also need some sands.
I did get a lotus sound for the concrete, but I think I've used it all.
So wanna make some glass to be able to make the top of our lab?
I'm not gonna do a full dome today, but the idea is we got a full dome on this bad boy.
I don't want to do a moat on this as well, because there was talk about putting this in the sky.
But I feel that I was too similar to the other Siri's that we've got going.
So we're gonna make this on the ground with a moat.
So think of this as a much improved version off the old lap.
It's going to be sick, right?
64 smooth stone, please, sir.
I'm trying to think what would look best do we want the glass to start.
But if the wood is glass, do you want the glass to start there?
I kind of think we do.
I think that's gonna look good.
I've made my decision.
Never mind.
I still need a pick axe.
Why don't I make a pick axe?
I mean, I could make a diamond one because I've got six diamonds, Tabby Three for the wait.
How many toe?
I don't have good armor, do I?
I probably shouldn't make that.
I'm gonna make an iron one, so I'm not gonna use this much.
Yeah, we're gonna do an iron one.
Let me grab some wood real fast.
Make it.
I am Pick ax, and then we can start this right?
Iron pickaxe, please.
My friends do this.
Boom, boom.
Let's start making the glass around the edge.
I want to show you what it's gonna look like.
I think I do want to cover the top of this.
Not with glass, but no.
You know what?
Let's do a full glass roof.
Let's just do it.
I want to do it around this way.
I think the feel like this glass have a district has a different texture.
For some reason, I'm not quite sure why.
Actually, this might be wrong here, so I don't want to put that in just yet, But I do want to put this bit in.
So this is gonna be like, eventually I want to make a glass dome because I think that look pretty cool about you.
But I need some more sand for that.
I was always destroyed.
That's the problem with the hammer.
Sometimes I am is just a little bit to get it gets carried away.
All right, let's pop this in here.
That makes it symmetrical, right?
I'm pretty sure that makes it symmetrical.
If it doesn't make it symmetrical, you'd have to deal with it.
I'm pretty sure it's symmetrical on both sides.
That's all that needed fixing.
That's not symmetrical.
Wow, how we missed this up.
I don't care.
You know what?
I don't piece of McKay's OK?
I don't care that much for now, this is gonna come out.
This is gonna come out, But these iron doors are actually pretty cool.
The problem is, it's like when a slot that was a fatal floor of the old lab.
Now, I do kind of want to start using the hammer because I want to start building a moat.
So if I grabbed myself whatever stone we've got, how thick should we make it?
Like, along here.
And then we need an amount to dig down as well, since we've got the hammer.
You know, actually, this would work to be able to do three across and then two down like this, so it's gonna be a deep enough moat to keep all the nasty is away.
It's going to be a three across at all times.
So three there, let me start going 123 and then this should work.
Yeah, there we go.
Because this is gonna come down.
This is gonna have white.
Okay, let me do this.
And then we'll see if we can fill up with water as well.
This is gonna be good.
Look at the power.
The power of the AMA.
I could dig out a moat.
Super easy.
If only I had the right in Charmant on it and I didn't mess up last time, huh?
Okay, I think I'm done.
Think I'm stuck, but that's kind of Okay, So I think what I've got here is a moat that can work if I don't get too high, actually, because I want to be able to get in there.
No, that should be fine.
It should be fine, because I want to make it in line with the gray so that I can put like a bridge on top of it.
So I think I'm okay.
It's a bit deeper on some parts, but that's kind of fine.
So if we make this an unlimited water source, we should be able to just start now.
You know me.
I hate Minecraft water.
It literally sucks.
It's so weird.
But least we can kind of make a start on it right now.
This might be something that I continue off camera, but when it's give you guys an idea of what I wanted to do with this, and then we can choose a slab that can make a bridge across.
Unfortunately, the on any bridges unless I add another modern.
Because that could be quite cool.
Toe Adam model the ad.
She has bridges.
Maybe I'll do that instead.
But if you got any tips to make it so that my water isn't like this is gonna be flow in the middle.
Then please let me know because it hurts my brain.
Let's see, I was flowing between each other.
I don't know how to fix that.
Let's see what slabs we've got.
Oh, my goodness.
We have loads.
Dude, the problem is most of this we're not actually gonna have access to.
So I might just go ahead and use wooden ones just for now.
Just we have something that we can use, and I don't want the water flowing noise as well.
That's gonna be really annoying.
Is this gonna be enough grim to be able to make the water across the bridge?
It's definitely not What is this, huh?
What is this?
Do you think it's funny?
Stop this nonsense.
Only three more and then we've got our makeshift bridge.
But next time allowed in the mud so that we can make another bridge and a decent one at that, hopefully, like a rope bridge or something where we can, like, automate it somehow.
I think that'd be cool.
Kind of like these cool doors.
Well, this isn't mob safe.
Then we've got one access point and make this all flat and terror form it properly, which is gonna take forever.
But there we go.
His new lab in construction right now.
So what I want to do next is start off on the machines.
We should probably start the machines.
Now, there's gonna be a long process.
And then when we get the machines running, that means that we can get our resource is either multiplied or have, like, exchange.
You even have, like, equipment exchange in here.
I'm not too sure.
So the 1st 1 I kind of want to work on is industrial craft.
And for that, we actually need a different kind of hammer.
It's what Hammer is it?
It's the Forge Hammer.
We need one of those five iron and two sticks.
I think we could do that.
I also needed Adam mod in, which allows us to bring our chests over because actually, I could use a backpack.
Actually, I could use one of those, but I need more string first.
So let's make a four Chammah real quick and phenoms gonna make another crafting table.
They're gonna need a forge hammer.
So apparently this four Chammah allows us to make steel plates, but I'm not sure.
How could we do this?
There we go.
Yeah, we can make it.
I am plates.
So we actually need more iron.
A cz Well, which is definitely something we need thio to look at.
And luckily, we have the old mining dimension it to figure that out.
So we have no.
Or unfortunately, we have eight iron ingots.
So we can use this for is to make pliers if we do.
One, 23 And then we should have enough to make pliers as well.
So these iron plates go here and then these go here.
So what these air used for for making wires, which is what we're gonna need for our machines.
That's grab those.
And I don't We get a road, tend to go up in here.
This isn't No.
Oh, jeez.
Need to sleep when you sleep.
The darkness is coming.
Maybe we could make a machine.
That makes the darkness go away for you to sleep?
I guess so.
Now what we should be able to do is if we make a plate and then pop it back in here, we should be out to cut it.
But we need copper to be able to do that.
Now, I might need some copper.
Or do we have any in the house?
I might have eight.
I thought you were the person I trapped before, but it turns out you have.
You are not escaped its okay.
We grab this copper or ongoing smell this on.
The idea of this is that we smack the copper or using a hammer.
Okay, Maybe not do this is complex, actually.
Think I need a different copper.
This is thermal foundation.
I need this one has two different types of copper or Mountie.
This is bad.
How'm I gonna know which one's which might have to go to the mining dimension real quick and see if we can find any of the other copper or because this is the stuff that I've been mining.
This is thermal foundation and doesn't work with my shiny new hammer.
See, Actually, I might be able to change this.
I've gone engineers, Hammer.
I think I've actually got one of those.
I think I've confused my hammers on with this mod PAC.
They obviously fixed loads of different recipes.
Um, what kind of crossover?
I'm pretty sure I stole one of those hammers from someone, right.
We got the Iron Hammer's, which is like the pick axes.
We've got the four charmer which makes the plates.
Yeah, I knew I knew it.
I knew I had it sometimes.
Thief in is great.
There we go, Copper plate.
Let's go.
This is actually not that expensive, Eva.
So that's good.
So what I'm trying to make it is copper cable so you can make cable.
We make insulated copper cable, But I do need some rubber.
I'm not quite sure where it's get the rubber from.
I knew it.
I knew it.
I knew it.
You could make a tree tap.
I need to make one of these.
I need a tree.
Tap this one.
So I need to some word.
I should be able to make that right now.
Let's make a tap that can go on a tree.
And I think we've actually got one of those trees right over here.
It's the one with the dots on, I think.
Is it these ones?
That might be a different one.
Let's try anyway.
But not this is definitely a different one.
This is the problem with having loads of mods.
Come on.
I need the right tap for my trees.
So do this tree tapas.
Well, so let's put that in a crafting table and let's use that one instead.
So I think you can use any rubber for anything.
The treetop in tree tap out.
Now we've got to treat taps.
I got advancement as well about the treetop.
So which one's which?
This is tech reborn.
So this one should go.
Oh, I got some sap.
What do I do with this?
I smelt it to get rubber.
OK, so we can just collect all this.
All this is perfects.
I'm guessing I need the rubber saplings toe Grow the trees.
Oh, this would actually work perfectly.
Okay, This is great.
This is good.
We're making progress to make machines.
Oh, my tap broke.
That should be fine.
Sorry, I do you want to make is an iron furnace and then I want to make an electric furnace.
That's the idea.
But then we're gonna have to get away to power it.
So if I grab on iron, uh, miss this one?
I need five iron plates on a normal furnace.
So your boy needs more irons.
Let's go and find some.
I got some.
Okay, Sweet.
I didn't You need to go to the minute I mentioned Atal.
I found some right here.
Um you OK, Madi?
I didn't think people actually getting stuck in here.
I didn't think you'd be that stupid to be honest, right?
Let's smell these puppies are Ah.
Where is it?
There it is.
I've got some smooth stone in here which you don't currently need.
And then eventually what we can do is when we get with the basics of the mystery, no redone.
We're just gonna take a little bit of just tryingto mine loads of wars, which I do off camera.
It's fine.
I won't bore you with it.
And then what we could do with the basic machines is then start expanding and getting everything working as quickly as possible for us.
If we if we need diamonds, diamonds quick.
So I remember there was a mark.
I think it was in.
It might actually being crazy.
Craft, You know, where we were able to make something, within my view, them like blood magic or something crazy like that to build, to exchange items you don't really use for crazy other items you could exchange like five stacks of wood, for example for a diamond, which should be really handy.
I think you could do that with certain machines.
Well, if not, we'll add it.
So we need five of these plates.
There we go.
Then we just need a normal furnace.
We go.
And if I take these out so I just make another furnace, it's fine.
It's fine.
And then we do this and then this go iron furnace.
So what this does is apparently well, it matches this perfectly.
But apparently it does.
Everything twice is quick, so let's test it.
Let's put Colin here and smell the corporal.
Let's go Look at that.
Look, listen, always burning, collect experiences.
It's store the experience as well.
Look at that.
That's sick or because he made a hammer.
That's so good.
Why, I'm pleased of that.
But Now what we want to do is we wanna make copper plates, and then this is what we can cut up.
We cut this, we uncover into copper cable.
And then if we get the rubber or the sap, we need this up.
Get out of here.
Sap is going in me to make rubber so we could make cables.
Are friends smart?
My brain Get huge.
Watch out!
I'm dangerous with a big brain.
If we get copper cables, insulate them bad boys, and then we go ahead and get a electronic circuit.
Anyone I am plate to Redstone and some six insulated copper.
I don't really have any red stone yet, do we?
I'm gonna go and check.
If not, we're gonna need to go to the mine Dimension to get it.
But then we won't even need Cole to be able to power our bonuses.
And that's where we start grinding.
That's what we start grinding electricity in Minecraft crazy.
I know so much.
Red Stone, Let's do this pro.
Oh, it's already the lab is gonna look so sick when we expanded as well.
We can have, like, pipes going around.
I think you can have I don't think this has got modern.
It with has item transport.
Pipe leads gold erred.
Is that all there is to stone on dhe.
A glass pane?
Surely not.
That seems really easy.
That is occupied.
Yeah, by me, bro.
I don't know what happens out of body experience.
So now look at the sap.
I think you get more for your I think you get more fuel coal as well, because we're going down by two, which is pretty good.
So I grabbed this on.
Then let's nip up a couple more.
But we also need a lot of iron for this.
So let's do that.
And then through this insulated copper cables, old man, we going crazy.
So I want to check if this is a natural recipe.
I don't reckon it will be.
That seems too easy.
Yeah, it's definitely too easy.
So I needs chiseled stone.
Smooth stone.
Crag rock.
Red Rock.
Is it just bricks?
Maybe it's smooth stone that had to be really good.
Or it is.
It actually is.
So we can use these pipes right here.
These pipes, you could move items around.
So, actually, is that of a chest transporter.
We're piping it across.
That's right.
We're gonna point this stuff across.
It's gonna be great.
Oh, that's so good.
I just need toe Look up this modern name and then you could like changes.
Yeah, this is perfect.
I remember it.
I introduced this in diamond.
I mentioned a little bit, but not to the full extent.
Give me all this copper or our man.
We're making progress, guys.
This it's a little bit color.
Like the set up is gonna be slightly longer than a normal Let's play.
But it's going to be so beneficial in the long run.
And we got the old lab do in.
Isn't that right, old grim?
If we smack this bam bam boom.
And then we need to snip this snip, snip.
And then I think we have enough to make what we need, right?
Electric furnace Elektronik circuit.
Yeah, just be one more plate.
So four jammer smack that.
Two more of these.
Damn that Make six.
Now we could make ourselves on electronic circuit electricity in Minecraft.
And then I think we just need you to more Redstone on this iron furnace on now.
Transform that into electric furnace power.
However, to make this and power, I think we need batteries.
Yeah, there we go.
R E battery, which requires 10 item casing tin cable.
So we need 10 a cz.
Well, I think we have got a lot off, to be honest.
Also, we need to be careful once we introduce electricity and Minecraft.
We risk if we do something wrong of things exploding.
That's right.
If we do something that's too powerful, so anything above like 32 you apparently wait, This is way higher.
Hold up anything that way too powerful in terms of electricity.
Things that go boom on dhe wreck everything.
So we need to be super careful.
Maybe test things outside to the best way to do this.
I think the basic way to get electricity is a generator.
So we need a normal one, which requires a battery iron plates and another iron furnace or machine casing.
That's cheaper.
That's way cheaper.
I just need to make the battery.
So we need to get ourselves some 10.
I'm just gonna do a quick scope and see if we got ourselves some 10 already.
But the new lab is going to live up to its name before it was Minecraft Mods.
Now it's Minecraft mods on DDE machines.
Let me see if I've got any 10.
I think I might do.
I've got tin or that's the wrong 10 though.
There it is.
We want six.
I don't think that's gonna be enough, though.
So 1 10 makes two item casing.
So that's 2 10 Yeah, I think that might be enough.
How do you think that might be Enough.
Okay, we got the rubber for it as well.
Let's see.
We make a generator.
I don't know how this is gonna go.
This could go awfully wrong.
Good result.
An explosion.
Hey, that's all part of the fun, right, Grimm?
You tow back you up a little bit, just in case you still over here protect, protect the labral costs.
Just take that out.
And then that's put the tin.
Or in that should smell that up.
Give me the tin sweet.
So let me see if I've got this right.
The tin gets four chambered.
Just make that all into that.
And then if you do it again twice, it turns into that.
But if you cut this turns into 10 cable tin cable.
Plus the rubber makes guise of a genius.
It's happening.
I'm evolving and I need eight iron plates.
Do we have enough?
I don't think we do Is make our battery real quick.
So we need this battery right here.
So hopefully the generator comm power this up.
Actually, if we make another one, then the generator compound this up.
I think it converts Cole on dhe lava.
It converts that into electric energy, and then we just need to move it across.
Oh, hold on.
I just found this.
Apparently, I could just put this in a Croft in.
Table on.
Do that.
We don't need more.
Yes, that's I think we stole that as well, along with the hammer.
This is going great again, being a thief, actually paying off the ones.
Okay, let's think about this real quick, So I need to grab this possesses part of one of the recipes.
So that's Burt's.
I need to make the electric furnace.
Otherwise, there's no point in doing this.
So there's the electric furnace boom electric furnace has been activated.
So I'm gonna pop this here.
I didn't collect the experience from the previous one.
I'm a doughnut.
Then we need a generator to generate some electricity to me.
Three iron, actually.
Just this This one right here.
So a battery machine casing and normal furnace.
Ah, let's grab this normal furnace Battery machine casing Normal furnace generator.
So if I put the generator here, I'm kind of scared of this, to be honest with you, if I put that in there, always make electricity, it's making electricity.
And now if I connect these two this work Ah, I don't want to explore though.
Can you hear the hum?
The beautiful home of electricity?
We've done it.
Listen to that.
The sound is very loud.
Let me see if I can smell something.
I'm gonna smell one Cobblestone don't explode.
Do know explodes Guy's done it that we were using electricity of Minecraft.
This is sick.
So apparently these tubes that as a loss of zero point to you per block, that's maxed out of four K.
So we have four k.
U is basically electricity units.
We have 4000 electricity units to be able to make stone Yes or anything else we want.
This is perfect.
Get out of here, you trash furnace!
You know what, guys?
I might actually be able to use my auto enchanting table, so I think this automatically in chance things.
But you have to have, like, item tubes and stuff.
So I'm gonna work on the item tubes next time.
Guys, we've learned how to do electricity and Minecraft I reveal to you that we're doing it in the old remade, new improved old lab, If that makes sense, I know if you're excited, Grimm is excited.
Guys, Thank you so much Watching Hope you enjoy it.
If you didn't even like, they were greatly appreciated.
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And I see all of you.
All of you in the next one.