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  • fandom name?

  • Yeah.

  • Why don't you just work on this name?

  • Our sweet fans who have been with us for so long?

  • What would your ages was?

  • Alien slave dares slaves on his way out of this.

  • Tell lip is gone.

  • But our little thug Hey, you guys.

  • Yes.

  • Welcome back to another creepy video.

  • Now, I don't know about you, but I think about death a lot.

  • When is it gonna happen?

  • How is it going?

  • Well, I see it coming.

  • Death is all around us, and it's inevitable.

  • Think about it this way.

  • Since you started watching this video, several people around the world have died every single day.

  • Over 100 and 50 1000 people die around the world.

  • But today we're not gonna be talking about actual death.

  • We're gonna be talking about what happens to the body's afterward.

  • Obviously, some people are buried.

  • Some people are cremated, but some people's bodies get left in very strange places.

  • I mean, I'm talking suitcases, trash cans.

  • I mean, there's even been cases where people are being buried at the cemetery and during the funeral.

  • Ah, body part from somebody else in the grave next to them will just pop out.

  • I don't even know if I explain that, right?

  • So just Sandra Butler says she didn't think losing her 85 year old father, Cleveland Butler, could be any more traumatizing than when it was on the day he died of a stroke.

  • But then a week ago, as she and her family from Brooklyn went to bury him in this picturesque New Jersey cemetery, it got worse.

  • Something invaded the burial coming out of the dirt of his grave.

  • As you see in this photo taken by a relative, it's a bare leg on another corpse.

  • All right, so let's start with death vehicles.

  • So, as I'm sure you already know, there are vehicles that have to transport dead bodies to and from different places.

  • And these are just normal vehicles, like, for example, mostly, they're just big white vans and just like any other vehicle, Sometimes there's malfunctions, and sometimes those malfunctions lead to this.

  • Some residents say they thought it was a joke, but the coroner's office says it was a problem with the vans back door.

  • Yeah, in 2014 a corner van accidentally dropped a body in the middle of a busy street in Philadelphia, cars literally had to swerve out of the way to not hit a dead body.

  • Monroe County Coroner Bob Allen says there's no state regulation on how to transport a body, just that it has to be done in a respectful and secure way now, not shockingly.

  • This happens quite a lot.

  • I mean, it happened just a year ago in the middle of a busy street in Cuba, and if you do a deep dive into the Internet, you can find a whole bunch of pictures, bodies that fell off advance now this happened so much that it's literally been parodied in like movies and TV shows all the time locally.

  • In most cases, it doesn't end that badly.

  • The driver realized that they turn around to get the body, put it back in the band, but sometimes bodies get run over and oh, I'm sorry.

  • I just thought about it.

  • It's It's a mess, all right.

  • Speaking of bodies being left in weird places, this next one is crazy.

  • Now I'm just going to start by saying, I love Wal Mart.

  • Not as much a target, but I do have love for her.

  • But this story makes me a little scared because there was a body left in a Wal Mart parking lot for weeks.

  • The Spokane County Sheriff's Office tells me they believe the body of the woman that was found in this parking lot earlier today is a woman that has been missing in Spokane County for at least the last several weeks.

  • Earlier this afternoon, This is what scene looked like.

  • How literally how can the body be left in a busy parking lot for weeks?

  • And then I did more research and no, no, no, it was months.

  • That's right.

  • The body was left there for three months or somebody discovered.

  • So apparently there was a woman who unfortunately had a drug overdose and died inside of her car.

  • Now she was parked on the outskirts of the parking lot.

  • She had her son shades down, so I guess this one time thing kind of makes sense, But it happens.

  • Officials made a horrific discovery overnight in a Wal Mart parking lot in San Antonio, Texas.

  • Eight people dead in the back of a sweltering truck.

  • Yeah, a more people dead.

  • And that's just the beginning.

  • Here's another one who's update Investigators working to identify a man whose body was found in a South Tulsa Wal Mart parking lot.

  • When officers arrived, they found the body inside, badly decomposed.

  • Now that one turned out to be a guy that was living in his car, who then died in his car, was there for a month and weirdly, a few years earlier, something very similar, like that happened.

  • Insanity Benefit County sheriff's deputies found that Marine 48 year old Ron Stark dead and naked inside a car at the Wal Mart parking lot.

  • Those signs that the body had been there for extended period of time, police say, as long as a month.

  • But even creepier.

  • In another Wal Mart parking lot in Kansas City, there was a man and woman found dead together inside of their SUV.

  • Then there's another story of a body that was found behind a Wal Mart in New Mexico, and it was in or riff ic condition.

  • We can confirm that the individual was missing their head and other parts of your body.

  • Police say the man was decapitated and missing his genitalia, and if that's not enough for you, here's another one.

  • Now I know you're thinking, Shane.

  • All of these happened in a parking lot, so it's not technically Wal Mart.

  • Well, I forgot to tell you a woman's body is found inside a warm our bathroom.

  • And if you're wondering if she was in that bathroom for three days, employees literally put an out of order sign on the stall because it was locked.

  • And they just thought maybe it was broken.

  • They had no idea that there was a decomposing body inside on the toilet.

  • Now, listen, Wal Mart trying to drag you What?

  • Either way, I'm not trying to make jokes and all respect to the families of any of these Wal Mart victims, but Oh, my God.

  • How is this happening?

  • Okay, now, this next thing we're gonna talk about is almost creepier than Walmart bodies, because we're gonna be talking about the remains of a dead person that are put inside of heavy piers.

  • Hi, my name is Teddy Ruxpin.

  • Yeah, a lot of people cremate a body right and turn it into ashes and choose to put them inside of a heading there.

  • Now, first of all, that sounds like the plot of a very scary movie that I would love to see, but it is very real.

  • I mean, listen, the idea of scattering somebody's ashes in a place that they used to love is really sweet.

  • But for me personally, I would like my ashes scattered just all over a Taco bell.

  • And some people even go farther and they, like, turn ashes into jewelry, like making diamond necklaces out of persons.

  • But then it takes it just like one step too far with this teddy bear situation.

  • Now, listen, I don't want to make fun of this.

  • I think it's sweet, but it gives me the chills.

  • Now.

  • Here is a kind of scary side effect of this whole situation.

  • Sometimes these teddy bears end up at thrift stores, and then people buy them.

  • And then, later on, I realized that there's a dead body inside.

  • That's right.

  • A 15 year old boy named Joshua Scott and his mom discovered that one of the bears they bought into her store for their little sister had human remains inside another in the process of trying to find out who those remains belong to so they can give it back and then recently, an organ a mother lost her teddy bear that had her daughter inside a piece of my daughter.

  • That's weird.

  • Now she's been going door to door, even checking dumpsters for the missing bear.

  • And she posted a plea on Facebook as well.

  • But luckily, a few weeks later, they found it.

  • They But this happens surprisingly a lot.

  • I mean, this gas station owner found one of the bears that had ashes inside of it at inside the tummy of this teddy.

  • Is this a gold container holding what appears to be ashes?

  • It looks like a little urn, like it's a shiny little gold plated earned.

  • So I guess the moral of that story is, if you find it Teddy bear anywhere, just like investigate before you give it to your child.

  • Okay, so that was kind of funny and light hearted, But this next story is back in 2013 something happened to a high school boy and in Kendrick Johnson, and it all started with him losing.

  • She had no outside going out.

  • There's a dead body out here.

  • Okay, we're loud.

  • Go on.

  • Old to the body in question was dead, and it was the body of Kendrick.

  • He jumped into the huge Fitness Matic it issue, and then it got stuck.

  • He was unable to louse County, Georgia.

  • Investigators say Kendrick's death was a tragic accident that it climbed onto these roll gym mats.

  • Sory, it's for this shoe.

  • At the center of one, Matt Slipped, got stuck upside down and died.

  • County officials say the blood in this photo spilled after Kendrick hearted stop pumping hours after he died.

  • After several months of fighting going back and forth, Kendrick's parents were certain that this was a murder.

  • That's enough evidence to show that Kendall was murdered.

  • So they exhumed the body from the grave so that they could do another autopsy.

  • This is where it gets really dark.

  • During the second autopsy, they discovered that all of Patrick's organs have been taken out and replaced with newspaper.

  • So what exactly did the Herrington funeral home do with Kendrick's organs?

  • And why was he stuffed with old newspaper?

  • Now?

  • The funeral home is stating that Kendrick's organs were destroyed by natural causes, so they just discard.

  • And this is something that does happen in funeral.

  • Homes tend to stuff bodies full of rice or cotton things to kind of fill the body out.

  • Kendricks family still believes that there's something going on and that their son was now.

  • Either way, one thing is for sure.

  • This was tragic and awful.

  • Kendrick will be missed, and hopefully soon the family will be okay now this next thing I have talked about before.

  • But it was like two years ago.

  • I think so.

  • A lot of you guys might not know about it, so I'm gonna go even more.

  • This is the mystery.

  • The British Columbia thing is just the latest twist in this bizarre mystery, one that forensic experts have been unable to explain.

  • The other three feet were found on Gabriel Island, Jedediah Island, and on nearby Valenti's island.

  • Now, early on, it started with just a few feet.

  • But as the years go on, well, hikers in British Columbia, Canada, found a dismembered foot inside of a running shoe.

  • Tonight, with a mystery unfolding on a B C beach, a human foot has once again been discovered 13 feet.

  • 13 separate feet have washed up on shore.

  • Now, as the mystery continues, and as feet keep appearing, people are making a lot of theories most people believe, because a lot of the feet are inside running shoes, that it is a serial killer who is targeting people who are running across the bridge.

  • We have to be aware that these could be homicide victims.

  • While the fear of a foot severing killer grips the public imagination, investigators turned.

  • As for now, the police have said it is not a serial killer and that there's no evidence if a body has been dismembered with a blade, it relieved telltale marks on the bone.

  • There are no blade marks now.

  • Police believe it's because of accidents or suicides, where people are jumping into the water, falling into the water, and then their bodies dissolve and the shoe rises to the surface.

  • And supposedly this happens worldwide.

  • It does happen on other coastlines around the world.

  • It's not unusual, so you might never know exactly what happened.

  • But either way for you get into the water, all right.

  • This next thing involves something that's very close to my heart, and that's a Jeep.

  • All right, so in 2009 a woman went missing in Detroit.

  • Now that woman was kind of reclusive, so nobody was really looking for her or realized she was gone for a while.

  • They just knew that her house was abandoned and her car.

  • It's been years since anyone living on Savannah saw the woman who owns this home.

  • When's the last time anybody saw her?

  • About six years ago.

  • Well, then the situation took a very scary.

  • But today, neighbors here in Pontiac found out the owner has been here the whole time.

  • Inside the garage, in the back seat of her jeep dead.

  • And nobody really questioned where she went when she was missing because she was always traveling.

  • People just assumed she was gone.

  • She was probably there for a couple days, and she'd likely for a week, then should come back.

  • Then she leave for a month and she'd come back.

  • But for years and years while she was doing was slowly decaying in her garage.

  • The owner has been dead for so many years that our sources say her body was mummified.

  • That's right.

  • Her body was so decayed, had been left in the garage for so long that they couldn't even do an autopsy.

  • So her cause of death is still a mystery.

  • So makes you think?

  • Did somebody kill her?

  • Did they know that nobody would be looking for?

  • Did they target her specifically because of that?

  • Because they know that.

  • Or did she just had a heart attack and die.

  • Either way, there's somebody in your neighborhood who kind of keep to themselves.

  • But you don't see them for like, I don't know, a week.

  • Please look into it, knock on their door because they might be rotting in their car.

  • There you guys go.

  • Hopefully enjoy that creepy video.

  • And once again, I just want to say no disrespect meant to families were anybody that was involved in any of these awful situations.

  • I just love talking about dark and twisted stuff.

  • And I know you guys like it too.

  • All right, you guys, I'm gonna go make sure to give this video thumbs up if you want more creepy videos.

  • Also make sure to subscribe to my channel right down below the notification Belka's that make videos every day.

  • And if you want to see my last couple creepy videos, I've done once about the scariest accounts on Instagram and a video about fangirls who murdered.

  • I'll put a link to both of those in a play list Top description below.

  • So remember whether you're on the road or in a Wal Mart parking lot or even in your own neighborhood.

  • Keep your eyes open because you never know when a dead body will appear Bye.

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日