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  • do you ever You get the feeling that you're being watched like someone is just like over your shoulder watching you come back.

  • Everybody to season two of Jacks up the guy's Funniest Home Videos.

  • I'm surprised they haven't taken us off the air yet that they can't take us off the air because this is you two on all media sucks.

  • You choose the future, we can do anything here.

  • I just killed him.

  • Funniest home videos is the series where the brain goes to tickle itself.

  • Everybody else in the Internet is too busy throwing shit at each other all the time.

  • This is a safe haven is where you can go home and just relax and watch something and have fun.

  • You know, it's like a Marvel movie.

  • You know, it's not gonna be bad, you know.

  • It's going to kind of be the same thing again, but you're gonna have fun.

  • Anyway, that one really hurt my hand.

  • God damn, I need to be easier on myself.

  • I'm the white Booth.

  • I have seen a different version.

  • I've seen the original version.

  • When you're fucking happen, you have a lot of motherfucking no exception worth looking at, You know, the weird clap the Ken French guy Kent.

  • Oh, I hope he looks at me like that in the bedroom.

  • Kent, French or his?

  • His friends like to call a toast.

  • French toast.

  • He has the world record for fastest copping.

  • Or at least he did.

  • I don't know if he still has, but that was that, you know, nearly look of disdain.

  • They're actually makes me chuckle One of the few tick talks that actually make me.

  • I'm not going all the way back there to slap it again.

  • Do the fucking work yourself, Thistles.

  • The version I saw this is the first version that I saw on.

  • I like it more than any of the other versions.

  • Yeah, Yeah, my mother wouldn't have it any other way.

  • But I also hate that shark tic tac account because 99% of the other tick talks that they produce are garbage.

  • And I should know 99% of the stuff that I produce is also garbage.

  • So it takes one to know one.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, is he dead?

  • I think I saw his soul leave his body.

  • Oh, my God.

  • What a clapper!

  • I could hear that high could hear it reverberate inside my own head.

  • I want to see it at half speed.

  • You're obsessed with this clip.

  • Pampa Better, huh?

  • Good.

  • Robin, can you edit in the Special Victims Unit?

  • Sound with that twice.

  • Thank you.

  • Took my sister's Vape.

  • This only has 2300 views.

  • You guys suggested this one guy.

  • So I strongly encourage you guys to do what I'm doing.

  • I found my sister's baby, and I'm taking it away from because I saw the stuff that happened on the news with people dying.

  • And, you know, she's known attention right now, but I feel bad for laughing.

  • You know what?

  • I had asthma.

  • So I'm allowed laugh of this.

  • She just really likes the floor.

  • She'd have wanted to be closer to it.

  • Have fun.

  • Come on.

  • Keys.

  • What?

  • It's gonna happen again.

  • Just keep going.

  • That's perfect.

  • Slapstick comedy Cheese.

  • These are the best types.

  • Eclipse.

  • You know, he's not really that hurt.

  • His pride is more hurt than his actual head is.

  • It's like, OK, once shame on you.

  • Twice.

  • Shame on me.

  • But the third and fourth time it happened.

  • Hello.

  • I'm here to tell you about a revolutionary new product called Come Down.

  • What exactly is?

  • Come on.

  • Well, come.

  • Dawn is an ancient Indian herbal and wellbeing tonic, reformulated and tested for safety by NASA astronauts.

  • I think it's safe to say there's never been a better time to get come from.

  • Oh, come on.

  • I don't take my word for it.

  • Getting come down makes you smarter.

  • Come on.

  • Okay.

  • Fake advert.

  • Where can I get come down once I got come down?

  • Um, I got not one boyfriend like Okay, okay.

  • It's not that funny.

  • It's childish.

  • It's juvenile.

  • Don't suggest this shit.

  • It's stupid.

  • That tracks up the guy's funniest home.

  • Videos of the Jacks have the guy variety channel.

  • We have standards.

  • It's kids getting hit with bins.

  • Not a stinky garbage, too.

  • It's It's trying to be too far.

  • Oh, no, Nicholas.

  • Oh, no, I think I'm ready.

  • You know, reading it come down.

  • Fucking hate myself for making that joke.

  • You brought a condom?

  • No.

  • Silly kind of kinky.

  • I want this.

  • This'll go hard, right?

  • Turn into what the fuck tone happen Running held back.

  • No.

  • Oh, yes.

  • There.

  • That's good.

  • Goddamn Nick.

  • That's right.

  • Now your body is a temple.

  • Stay pure, dirty, stinky Beth, you're looking even let you hold hands, Beth.

  • That's also a sin.

  • They have more.

  • They have more.

  • I used to have dark box and hear screaming voices in my head.

  • Ben Schwartz, lovable American comedian and voices Sonic the Hedgehog in the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie.

  • But thanks to the mind melter, I feel completely pineapple, one pill a day and I no longer after tickle fritz in my pants.

  • Just remember to market your doctor and make sure it's homosexual for you.

  • Mind melter reacts to proton and balances, allowing for an infinite amount of side effects.

  • Other brand reliable, flew B boob in and hunky duty don't offer any effects.

  • Health risk and masturbating are encouraged but are often unappealing to small women and large Children.

  • Are we driving at large machinery?

  • If you are ugly and pregnant or risk double pregnancy, remember to consult your prescription to see if the number seven is right for you.

  • The mind melt her life.

  • My chain.

  • Millions of people use mine.

  • Melvin clean.

  • I'm taking her to behave.

  • The cables way is the syntax.

  • There are 39 Cable.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, my God.

  • It sounds like me trying to record it.

  • Let's play.

  • Sometimes my mouth just doesn't words thing I don't like about it the apparent.

  • If I don't have it to get inside, you must answer a riddle.

  • I accept.

  • Yes, This is great.

  • Welcome to the Great Wall of Sheba.

  • You have been challenged to answer our riddles.

  • If you get all answers right, you may proceed.

  • What is the Sheba's favorite drink?

  • Okay, um bonus water be piss sprint or fat?

  • I love a big, nice ice cold can of beepers in our beef is Yeah.

  • Okay, Riddle the first out.

  • What is Sheba's favorite snack?

  • Ramen Sushi?

  • No ogres or shrimp?

  • Oh, um I'm a go with the Sioux shirt because I actually called sushi sushi.

  • Sometimes we're walking by.

  • I want some sushi for dinner.

  • I'm a child.

  • It's a hard one.

  • Nooks Damn, I can't enter.

  • Okay, Final.

  • How does she feel him bamboozle?

  • Sad boy.

  • Surprise!

  • Schober!

  • He happened angry, I think.

  • Do a heck and surprise!

  • Surprise, Schober!

  • Final answer.

  • Sad boy.

  • No, you may now proceed.

  • Oh my God!

  • Does that present it?

  • The hell Did I just watch.

  • I can't proceed, though, because I got all the answers wrong.

  • I have a riddle for you at Hope in Jack's Up.

  • The Guy's Funniest Home Videos Episode four Season one What was Jacks up, the guys catch Friends wasn't a speed is key.

  • Be like a boss, see or D.

  • The fitness Crab Pacer test is a multi stage, aerobic capacity test.

  • It progressively gets more difficult as it continues.

  • 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds.

  • Leave your answer in the comments below, and you may be able to proceed to the rest of the video.

  • A lot of people sent me this one.

  • It's a New Zealand decking advert.

  • I've been sent this more than any of the other clips this week.

  • If you like, may you find it very hard to keep your dick dry.

  • I lift my dick in particular and it was walked out of shape.

  • In no time, I could barely recognize my own dick.

  • Imagined it.

  • Then I discovered Schaefer's in his evil, a style Dixieland.

  • I get it cause he's New Zealand and he says Dak like Dick.

  • I used to be too embarrassed to him like people over to see my dick.

  • What now?

  • My dick's talking instructions unclear.

  • Poured hot coffee on my dick.

  • I even have pictures of my deke.

  • Check out that, Deke.

  • Want to see Mr My Secretary?

  • Barbara always loves to receive my books.

  • Okay, Okay.

  • Once it's funny.

  • Twice is that's getting there three times.

  • Okay, you have power.

  • You're still going?

  • Okay, I get it.

  • Dick jokes are funny.

  • His wife is always on my beak, begging May to know the secret of my perfect.

  • It's one joke bumbled.

  • And while I was going to criticize it.

  • But isn't that what I d'oh all the time?

  • But you see, it's funny when I do it wireless for 20 bucks a month.

  • That's not right.

  • It's right.

  • All right now.

  • Chunky style milk.

  • That's not right.

  • I choose chunky style milk because it has the wholesome chunks brewing kids need, unlike smooth style milk chunks for May Jesus, if there's any other reason for people to already hate drinking milk more, I personally love drinking milk.

  • I love the taste of it.

  • I love the texture.

  • I love that sweet, icy cold boy.

  • Poor chunks in it, though, on your Satan himself.

  • Kind of like your wireless Bill Mobile is easy online and just 20 looks a month.

  • That's a clever at.

  • I like that.

  • A lot also isn't meant Mobile, the company that Ryan Reynolds just bought.

  • I want to see Ryan Reynolds drink chunky style milk.

  • That's my challenge to him right now, you know, because he watches all my videos.

  • This is the commercial that made up a brand new word for the English language called Gaff ing.

  • It's gagging and laughing at the same time your music out of you got boom to throw everything into a speaker.

  • Now that's hot.

  • That's hot.

  • I mean that.

  • Just put that the end of anything.

  • The Fitness Grand Pacer test is a multi stage, aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues.

  • The 20 meter Pacer test will begin in 30 seconds.

  • Now that's hot.

  • It's a speaker, a kitchen table.

  • It's a speak.

  • What is what?

  • It wasn't even your sneaker boom.

  • It's a speaker.

  • Sneaker speakers wait, but if you have a music player already play the music through that, I don't want to attach something to my phone and then stick it on something to make it a speaker when my phone has speakers in it.

  • Already, the magic is in the bloom tunes vibration pot that sticks any place and transfers crystal clear sound full of travel in base.

  • It's stick on sound that lets you now, yeah, don't play the music from your car or from your device.

  • Stick the device to the car, and now you have sound.

  • What happens if you stick it on the phone?

  • But if you stick it on, the music player itself would just keep adding feedback loop.

  • Get too powerful to destroy the world with hate bones.

  • You can't, but you can blast everywhere, but but then you can't walk anywhere.

  • The idea of headphones is that you can use them on the go and you get to listen to the music, and you don't bother anybody else while you're walking around and on the Boston stuff.

  • This does not replace that for oh, real box, a shipping buck an appliance box.

  • The bigger the box, the louder boom dude.

  • Oh gosh, she is killing it right now.

  • That's what I want to do that Let's just go down the street and stick it on everything.

  • Like a lamppost.

  • Care a dog?

  • Someone If you're sick of listening to your grandma complain about her broken hip all the time.

  • Just tick boom tunes on her on Make music out.

  • Why Kerry speakers around When?

  • With tunes you can always get awesome.

  • Sound hell, yes.

  • Ah, Whole advert off white people dancing.

  • All right, This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

  • Currently unavailable.

  • We let you know when the item is back in stock.

  • You know me by now.

  • Anytime I see something dumb and slightly gimmicky, I need to buy it out of stock, Man, Come on.

  • I want one baby.

  • Want his toy?

  • One star from a lot of people.

  • Absolutely worthless.

  • No matter what I stuck the probe onto, there was hardly any sound.

  • Don't waste your money.

  • Bad.

  • Bye bye.

  • Do not waste your money on this piece of junk.

  • Piece of junk.

  • I put it on boxes, cans, tablets, everything I was told would work.

  • Didn't worst product ever.

  • I know, man.

  • I'm pretty sure there's worse products out there was ashamed.

  • Oh, I really wanted to dunk my head into a bucket and hear music when I hear music out of you got.

  • Now, that's hot.

  • Somebody sent me this and I had to look at it because it's called front flip onto light tubes.

  • Chairs.

  • Too premature.

  • Today.

  • I'd be doing both about to, like two chairs.

  • I don't like it.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Oh, no.

  • God!

  • Jesus, Robin Sensor that You can't look at that.

  • He has an entire channel dedicated to this.

  • An entire channel dedicated to wrestle style move jumping into things.

  • Oh, no.

  • Flying elbow.

  • Drop onto microwave.

  • Oh, I was hurt just thinking about this.

  • Didn't a superteam tonto trippy onto this?

  • My great.

  • Just for two.

  • Closed and giggle.

  • It's trying to tell him.

  • I hope you like it.

  • Look.

  • Oh, no, he's not.

  • It's a defeat of this time.

  • Well, Wolf, he knows it's gonna hurt.

  • Oh, why would you do that to yourself?

  • Are you okay?

  • Oh, no.

  • Hold on, everybody.

  • There's a part two jumping into the microwave.

  • How far apart are these?

  • May 24th.

  • I know.

  • October 29th.

  • This is not that old.

  • This is to be in motivation today.

  • I'll be jumpy on my grave.

  • Just don't try some home.

  • I hope you like it.

  • I love this guy.

  • Oh.

  • Uh oh.

  • Is he okay?

  • Oh, that'll take it Really fucking hurt.

  • I applaud his dedication to the craft.

  • He's an entertainer.

  • He's a performer.

  • And you can really tell that he enjoys performing.

  • I just wish he would not hurt himself to do it.

  • Ah, superhuman.

  • Why?

  • This is three days ago.

  • Front flip onto flower pots and he seizes on breaking your oboe in a microwave both ways.

  • Oh, he was bleeding really badly after that one.

  • Getting attitude adjustment on to rat traps.

  • Thumbtacks.

  • I don't think I want to see this one superhuman TV show.

  • I'm with Paul.

  • He's gonna hurt you just to chat.

  • No, no, He's got a friend this time.

  • Like woop, Huh?

  • Bitch?

  • Oh, God.

  • Give it.

  • Oh, no, no, Don't like that.

  • Don't like that at all?

  • I do not wanna.

  • At least he says do not try this at home because yes.

  • Don't ever, ever, ever do that.

  • Ah, superhuman.

  • I want you to find another way of performing without hurting yourself because your heart is in it.

  • And it clearly you like doing it on your your go get an attitude is amazing.

  • Just please stop hurting yourself.

  • But superhuman.

  • You have a fine and me I want to be superhuman.

  • Okay, well, that does it for this episode of Jacks up the guy's Funniest Home Videos.

  • I hope that you laughed.

  • Probably not at the last ones, because they is a painful but thank you for watching another brand new episode of Season two.

  • Ah, funniest home videos were still here.

  • We're still laughing.

  • We're still kicking it.

  • Ever get to the end of a video and you just have no idea how to end it?

  • Maybe this is the end.

  • Maybe we'll just cut off the video.

  • Mid set the's like the video subscribed by the march.

  • Okay, thanks.

do you ever You get the feeling that you're being watched like someone is just like over your shoulder watching you come back.


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They're Drinking CHUNKY MILK - Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos (They're Drinking CHUNKY MILK - Jacksepticeyes Funniest Home Videos)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日