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  • No, it was crazy.

  • Guys.

  • That 19 movie I went to Golden Globes last night is literally available in cinematic theatres near you right now.

  • Most importantly, on Friday comes out available for everyone.

  • Welcome.

  • Friday, 1917 tweet.

  • A picture of the ticket tweet.

  • A picture of you kids and popcorn.

  • Bad courage Tag myself.

  • Well, Favorite And Retweeted.

  • Well, you guys big kisses over the Internet.

  • I love the person.

  • I love it.

  • I watched a lot of war movies, man.

  • And I could tell you right now that the imagery dude like this is hands down the greatest picture movie ever.

  • Roger Deacon is hash tag hashtag 1917 hash tag.

  • If you don't see it, then you're you're a weird person.

  • And you know what?

  • It's okay to be weird, though.

  • So you know what?

  • You want to see that they have been so like theaters, but it's out of your front.

  • Does that shoot your walk up behind you and shoot your shit?

  • They know that they know the angle.

  • Yeah.

  • No, I got right back.

  • Right back.

  • Or quarterback?

  • Cornerback corner.

  • Yep.

  • Right.

  • I don't know.

  • A lot more left.

  • Left corner, son.

  • Son and with you're better, you're better.

  • You're telling your tracking your home Charismatic Did your wise rose loving your caring look at the time literally lost.

  • Guys, walk lost.

  • I got your back, man.

  • Back out my right.

  • My right corner.

  • You can hit him again.

  • Hit him again when it recorder.

  • Let's go.

  • You were on a better feel in 1917 would rather fight five.

  • Hamlin sized Tim's or one Tim size.

  • Hamlin's tough question.

  • Yeah, matter.

  • Back up.

  • Back up corner week I said better as I died.

  • Last love.

  • Love quarterback.

  • All corners.

  • That's right, homey.

  • 10 seconds.

  • Little Just don't let him or to the right given play.

  • Control it.

  • The windows first blood One shot, one bullet, One bullet seas on.

  • Jaime.

  • Thank God.

  • Help!

  • Look at this.

  • I can't wait to watch this homie Only obey.

  • Oh, it homies on a deadline like he is in 1917 right?

  • He thinks he's like I got to go, You know, One idiot middle censoring him.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Like left on video.

  • Hey, I watched a lot of war movies, Guys, this one, this one had me in suspect.

  • It was it was a suspense slash thriller like war movie the entire time it was crazy.

  • And you have to tell you guys have to see in theaters because I had to, like, really, really, really try and pay attention to see all like, that gruesome little Oh, man, there's so many little details here and there like I almost missed.

  • But luckily, I'm a legend and I have a big TV weird, like no prisoners.

  • This gives her cheating getting, But this did the legend, Robin, obviously the blue container.

  • Oh, my job blush.

  • Thanks.

  • Okay, back.

  • Right.

  • Crow making us fight as good.

  • But we're better.

  • No mistakes.

  • No dragon.

  • I'll go.

  • I'm nasty going.

  • I'm gonna push up.

  • Okay?

  • Right.

  • One shot dead.

  • Stunning back.

  • Left way.

  • Have advantage.

  • One round at a time.

  • You said you just got yourself pregnant.

  • Yeah, Put it away.

  • Okay.

  • I just made that.

  • Give my bitch dude burning right back middle putting back middle thrown eight over.

  • Gummy.

  • You know, take him one time.

  • You're better.

  • Better, better weapons Ready?

  • Old mine.

  • All right.

  • Even mind the study left.

  • He hits me over three.

  • Someone right pushing it.

  • One shot stop jumped out.

  • That's better.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Watch this.

  • Watch this.

  • Watch this.

  • You did.

  • You get back.

  • Shake my head.

  • Like what?

  • Shots back.

  • Left for better.

  • Yeah.

  • What just happened?

  • That's how you just happened.

  • How did you How did you just get hit there?

  • Stunning.

  • Right?

  • Heart of mulling as well.

  • Okay, starting with Bobby.

  • There, there then.

  • Right, Right, right.

  • Tag three loaded up there.

  • Up there, bro.

  • It's so weird.

  • I'm so confused that you threw a contemporary literally a container, a metal container, a deal shot like nasa's we've ever seen.

  • Nothing like a nice of them who's on me about me about us.

  • Lady Side left herself so bad.

  • Like they're talking so much shit.

  • But they're so bad.

  • It's insane.

  • Let's go, bro.

  • Like I would smack these kids in the movie 1917 like, you know, pushing up on you killed.

  • Obviously, your point is you might wanna meet your dream.

  • You ready?

  • Yeah.

  • You guys are Hands down G's 1917 in theaters Friday in select theaters.

  • Right now.

  • Go check it out.

  • One to global golden globes the whole time you're following the characters.

  • If you happen to get more tense than ever felt like that.

  • Any other type of film felt so crazy.

  • I'm having you halfway through the film.

  • I'm like, bro, I have a cut out of anything like it.

  • Tell you, like, really important.

  • A couple moments.

  • One shot back.

  • Nice.

  • Stop them!

  • Stop them!

  • Kobe's him again too.

  • You think you think, dude, where were you in World War One?

  • We needed you Like I got being brothers again Home.

  • And I'm 26.

  • God, they're no todo there.

  • No cut frames.

  • The two main actors said they had to practice for six months for the plane.

  • Seen for both of us.

  • Holding an angle.

  • Get in a tip, top my money.

  • Stop.

  • I started back, Left flashing back left.

  • Okay, back right now Tell me he's army underneath.

  • Or maybe he's on the right thesis.

  • Christ, that was difficult for there's a plane in the movie spoilers.

  • All right?

  • I don't know when you see it.

  • Yours.

  • Good.

  • We're that good job.

  • We're that good.

  • We're that good job.

  • Carly thinks with something.

  • Wait where My five gifted.

  • We just want one last game.

  • Voted middle, right?

  • Good.

  • Jessica.

  • Unfortunately, I cannot download it because I don't have the Twitter.

  • Honestly.

  • Just had a hash tag.

  • 1917 hash tag tag.

  • Give it.

  • They could give me discord, bro.

  • I don't know that early.

  • See for blow approach, man, It doesn't matter because you're there.

  • I just dropped it in.

  • Nothing happened.

  • Going left.

  • I have my guy on the right ones.

  • Are you winning?

  • Health battle?

  • You're running health.

  • Do it.

  • 10 seconds.

  • Do it.

  • Oh, my.

  • Oh, gee.

  • There it is, ladies and gentlemen.

No, it was crazy.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日