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  • for 180 million years as the continents slowly shift beneath them.

  • The giant dinosaurs dominate the planet.

  • But around 65 million years ago, suddenly they disappear, wiped out by a meteor strike.

  • Scientists believe another event may have contributed to their downfall.

  • In India today, there is a collection of ancient temples.

  • These incredible structures were cut from the soft rock of the Deccan traps, the remains of a massive lava eruption that spreads over 520,000 square kilometres of western India.

  • This epic eruption begins to poison the dinosaurs world, but the nail in their coffin is the sudden impact of an immense meteor.

  • Here you have, Ah, body of rock that's six miles in diameter is traveling at 20 times the speed of a rifle bullet when it hits planet Earth, which is much, much, much larger.

  • It's like driving a truck into a stone wall, and it punches a hole deep into the earth.

  • And then all that energy gets blown back out of that hole.

  • With the force of a 1,000,000,000 atomic bombs, the explosion gouges a crater 185 kilometers wide and nearly 13 kilometers But many now believe that the impact alone wasn't powerful enough to cause their global extinction.

  • Satellites designed to search for oil have recently confirmed that the impact site is a part of the earth's crust, unusually rich in hydrocarbons and sulfur.

  • When the meteor hits, volatile compounds vaporized, creating a cocktail of climate changing chemicals that mix with the countless tons of melted rock.

  • All that energy blows up it out.

  • Some of it goes out of the earth's atmosphere.

  • Some of it blows sideways.

  • Meanwhile, the earth is turning.

  • She have hot stuff flying out of the sky on the other side of the planet.

  • If you're anywhere near it, forget about it.

  • But you on the other side of the planet, forget about it also.

for 180 million years as the continents slowly shift beneath them.


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B1 中級

隕石衝突で恐竜の時代は終わった|宇宙から見た地球の生活 (How A Meteorite Crash Ended The Age Of Dinosaurs | Life Of Earth From Space)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日