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this particular Minecraft ultra hard core video is parts of Minecraft week.
Let's go three in a row and I haven't failed yet.
It's been hard already.
It's currently 10 PM I'm gonna do it for you guys.
A mine grab video every day for a week.
But that's not why you're here today.
I want a plan.
Lost time.
We broke Minecraft in a good way because instead of using your pitiful Cole on Lava Tau power of furnace, we've got ourselves electricity.
That's right, Electricity.
Look of this one.
Piece of cobblestone goes in.
You hear that?
Oh, yeah.
That's electricity right here on Dhe.
I want to work towards get one of these bad boys.
This is an electric jet pack.
Now, I don't know whether we charge this or whether we charge the battery, which we've placed inside this generator and we can craft more of them.
I don't know which is the case, but I want a crop one of these now.
We could probably get everything here.
We've got advanced circuit.
What does that cost?
It needs lap is circuit boards.
I think we could get that on.
We've made one of these last time as well as we just need iron lap is and all that good stuff.
But you also notice when he glows stone dust.
So to be able to try and get jet packs, we need to get our butts to the nether.
Now I'm a grim old grim.
I am pretty scared about going to the nether.
To be honest, we're in hardcore mode on dhe.
Well, where is it bound to be?
A mod.
It's nether, so I'm extremely terrified.
So what I'm gonna do is a box up all this stuff, See what we've got in the other house?
A cz.
Well, because we Okay, that was slightly weird, but we might have some more obsidian over here.
If not, fear not.
We can go to the, ah mining dimension and get loads.
Do we have?
I might have used it in this ob CD and none in there.
Oh, wait.
Okay, sweet.
Got nine of that.
Minds we get.
Well, you might need, though, is some words.
So let's quickly grab some of that before the beings of the night try and take our souls.
Now I do need to keep reminding myself that I'm playing hard core mode here because I don't usually play mod it hard core Atal and we have the other.
Siri's is running as well, which is normal Minecraft.
And also you guys told me that this ain't gonna work because the monsters will just be able to jump in here and have a swim all the way up to here and get in the lab.
So I need Thio Rethink that.
But I think it's gonna be okay.
More money to do is get to the nether.
I really want to put the nether portal in here, but I'm kind of not sure where.
I guess I could always move it at some point, but I don't know what kind of creatures are gonna be coming out of it, So I might just put it besides this this portal here for a seconds out cheese.
When I always fall in this supposedto, Federated's monsters know myself.
Anyway, I think I'm gonna make the port or next to this one just because I am away.
We'll wait.
We need some more obscene.
I think it's I think it's in there, isn't it?
I'm not tripping, Am I I'm slightly confused.
But today's gonna be our trip into the modern nether.
Hopefully, we don't diet.
We'll have the best offer, Atal.
Oh, yeah.
There we go.
That's amore Obsidian.
Let's put some of this trash back as well.
I need to make a couple chairs.
Actually, one chest should be fine.
Let's just shove everything that we don't need in here.
I'm I'm Loki.
I mean, thinking all I need is go, Stone.
That's literally the only thing I need.
So I should probably take some cobblestone with me.
Should take some food with me.
Do I know have food?
Gonna have to cook that Grab some mutton, make ourselves a flint on Dwight.
I'm gonna make one anyway, I think I have one.
Make one.
Anyway, let's use our new electric furnace to make a raw pork chop into a beautiful cooked version.
Let's build our port.
Or so we're going to go up like this and we can move this really any time.
So it's going to be fine as long as crazy monsters don't sport out of it.
I'm kind of okay with it, but it's here.
In here, right?
How scary is the modern.
Never going to be Blam!
Oh, we're about to find out.
But first, let me collect my bacon.
The vacant is important.
Remember the bigger picture here, guys.
The bigger picture is that we get ourselves a jet pack a beautiful jetpack and is going to be worth it.
All I need is glow stone and then get out of there as quickly as possible.
I don't know what's Could be waiting for me on the other side.
And I have a shield somewhere that could definitely come in handy.
Let me grab it.
Well, there are different types of shield, you know.
End a shield.
Hold on.
Endor Shields.
What are these?
Oh, what does this do?
Slices, heads and spices in all sorts of useful things.
Can you get a village ahead then?
Because what I want to do is try and make a traitorous at some point.
So we might have accidentally come across something that could do that for us.
But for now, let's carry on thinking the mission of hands and do this.
I think my shield may have passed away.
Uh, this is sad, but let's go and get a new 10 here it is.
It's right here.
I knew I had one somewhere, so let's put this on here.
I don't know if we look ready for battle.
We haven't grabbed all of our diamonds yet, which I probably should have made a priority.
But for now, we're going into the nether.
I don't care.
We're doing it.
And it might be a quick turn around and go in, but I just need a little touch of glow stone dust.
Cecil, I needs I think I've got the rest of it.
How is this gonna look?
What's going on?
Are we good?
Oh, jeez.
Why is that lava going up?
Did you see that?
The lava just went up?
Something's moving over there.
This actually a seemingly safe place.
We've got never ors Coble or we got another quartz.
We got never goals.
What is this myth?
My cell, Your nether AC some spike.
This'd is goods.
This is very good, but the problem is I don't know about you, but I am not seeing any glow stone, which is always Let's go up here.
Let me see if I can find some because it's weird stuff, our diet or me like some kind of geologist when we're finished finding out all of these names of rocks right over there.
But there's also something down there.
I'm slightly terrified off.
Let's go and make a way Point while portal.
Actually, that's Ah, that's a good start for home saved, just in case you get lost.
Yeah, there's definitely nasty is here, and I have no idea what they are.
I could deal with anything else that moves.
That is like a fire horse thing down there.
Is that a pillar of obsidian?
Wait, hold up.
I need to check out some of this stuff.
As long as the pick men are the same, then we're okay.
What is that over there?
It definitely looks like some kind of cat or something.
That's definitely an obsidian pillar.
What I want is the glow stone.
I'm just gonna make a break for it, become across something nasty.
Oh, that's a cost.
Okay, Costs fine.
Deal with those draconian or this listing looks sick.
You need at Obsidian Pickaxe to get it.
So I'm just going to go over here, not get too distracted.
I don't have a zoom in button.
I wish I did, though.
The never in the modern version of Minecraft Loki for it.
Let's smash this stuff and get out of here.
I feel like we've actually got a lucky sworn gobble this up.
Thank you very much.
Look at that 45 glow stone, Right?
I'm gonna actually grab some nether courts while I'm here.
It's gonna give me a nice chunk of experience, and I'm pretty sure we might need it for later.
To be honest, I think I'm about to be able to make a jetpack today.
I didn't think this was going to happen, but we might be able to let me check the jet pack.
I probably shouldn't do this here, but we're gonna take the jet back recipe, so we need I an item casing, which you've made last time.
A bat box, three batteries.
Hold on a second.
Fireproof woods.
How do we make fireproof?
Woods accepts any plank.
I guess we can try the out, but we need three batteries, so we need a lot of iron, some 10 and some rubber.
I think we might be able to make this, you know, I think we also need some.
Lap is asleep.
We know we've got a pretty safe never to come back to you.
We've got gold.
Don't need gold.
I wish that was Lap is, but I don't think it is.
That's cobalt.
What is this?
Well, that is another lap is or hold up.
Give me some of this.
I know I need it.
Just in case I haven't got it.
Quickly grab this.
You can get normal.
Ors in the nether, I think has more lap is above my head as well.
This is perfect.
The modern never is perfectly safe for now.
But now it's safe.
Let's see what comes to the pool and surprises us at night.
Well, you're okay.
Please give me my stuff.
All my goodness.
Like the way crashed.
Well, we're home.
It works.
Oh, let's go, Grim.
I made it.
How are you friends?
I think he's happy to see me.
Okay, so we go zirconium as well.
Not quite sure where you got that from?
Obtained along Another quartz out.
That's actually pretty cool in other courts.
In their lap is we are gonna need never act.
No gonna need we need this stuff.
We also need a CZ much iron as we can get our hands on.
Not the iron door, not the iron hammer.
I think we might have to go to the mining dimension.
I catch you remember where we got all of our iron from last time?
We found a good chunk of it, didn't weigh.
We probably should have made a quarry first.
But I haven't done that.
I'm doing this the hard way.
Yeah, this is really I am.
We've got Let's grab some 10.
We must have 10 3 10 or I'll take that.
That might be the wrong stuff, though.
Bounds just near the oil near our house.
I don't actually know if the minute I mentioned has reduced us with any iron yet.
We'll put rock salt down here is well on copper or uranium Or read Get because I'm currently very flammable, so let's not go in there Any crazy flames from 10 auras.
Well, this is actually perfect.
I think we need some more copper auras.
Well, so let me grab some stuff and then hopefully we can make ourselves a jet pack.
But I do need to be super careful with the jet pack because what goes up must come down on a hard call.
What comes down dies, and then everything gets deleted.
And I don't feel like I want to do that today.
Actually, you know what?
I think I've been misunderstanding this.
I think we add she need more 10 than anything.
So let's use our renewable electric furnace that smell this.
Let's grab this because this is in the way.
We don't need this right now.
Do you want to test this at you?
Want to see if this attach is to a chests?
Oh, wow.
That's cool.
You can see what's in the chest by pressing shifts.
That's really quite, you know, you could do that.
Okay, that doesn't work.
But I think we need a different kind of pipe for that.
So she pie?
There'll be a different way to do it.
Rooted item transport.
What have we got so far?
Item transport?
Yeah, I need to figure out to do this.
It is clearly way over my head.
So instead of simple pipes were gonna make a jetpack.
You know what this thing is?
Pretty cool.
Could explode at any moment.
It's loud.
It's very, very loud.
I think as well we can smell this to make it into normal tin.
Or actually, we do this.
Yeah, There we go.
That's it instead and said you could just put it in a crafting table and then we could just smell toe up.
I don't know if we're gonna have enough.
I'm gonna move swiftly away from that concert.
My ears.
Maybe I shouldn't have made that right next to my bed.
That probably wasn't the best idea.
Oh, this feels good.
This feels science.
See, I wouldn't need the Fort Hammer Engineers hammer.
And I think I need this nippers as well.
I've got rubber.
Yes, we have.
Let's go.
Let's grab this tin ingots.
Now, let's be careful with what we need to create, because I need to focus its focus up guys.
So we need iron item casing.
So we definitely can make those because all you need to do is put on ironing in here, smash you with that?
There we go.
Then smash it again.
You get two of those.
So that is the 40 jeez.
Are throwing them?
Don't throw them.
Calm down.
That's the four iron item casings that were gonna needs.
Then we need a bat box, which needs three batteries, which needs 10 item casing on a tin cable.
So we need to smack this.
Know how many die needs four per battery.
So I'm gonna need a few more of these to smack the tin down into plates.
And if we smack it again, we get that's eight.
So we could make three.
We could make two batteries of that.
So we just need one Maur, I think tin ingots for jammer.
Bam, bam!
Smack those bam bam!
Thank you, my friend.
I'm just worried about the planks.
I think it's gonna be okay.
For some reason, it says fireproof, but I'm not quite sure why.
Ross, we're gonna need to snip up.
So if we bash one of these and then cuts one of these, that makes three of the tin cables, add the rubber on, we get the insulated ones, which much safer?
I didn't think we'd be able to do this today, but I think we're gonna be able to, so I just need to make three of these now.
This is perfect my batteries.
I need Red Stone.
I'm pretty sure we have a decent amount of Red Stones.
We should be able to make this straightaway.
Yes, that's one.
There we go on, then.
One more.
Three batches.
Ah, this is why we should have a roof.
I never noticed the island up there either.
I'm gonna sleep and get rid of this Grammy.
You're getting wet, buddy.
Shake it off.
Shake it off.
I know you want to shake it off.
You're cute enough.
Do we actually have no for?
Never mind.
Go away.
Go away.
Thank you very much.
All he did it?
He did it sitting down.
That's quite that's quite a talent there, buddy.
You are three batteries.
Next up, we need Thio.
See if we can make this bat box with normal woods.
So let's try that.
You don't need fire proof, Woods.
That would be handy.
So I don't feel like catching on fire because my back was sizzling burn.
But it's good to know that we've got that.
All of this, like stuff makes me feel smart.
Even though I know I'm not that even make sense.
Okay, Next up, we need to make basic circuit board in a car.
Yeah, we definitely have bronze right now, so you might have to go for an advanced electron ical circuit.
Okay, we need I am plate on six insulated copper wires.
I think I can do that.
If we do the tin eyes, an iron play or a template.
I'm so confused.
It's an iron plate that smash that beautiful.
I need to smell it.
Some cop Aurora's.
Well, it's going to get really noisy in here.
We've got a lot of copy here.
I can't remember how he did this.
I think it was like this.
I think we have to do it like that to my engine.
Norma Engineers.
How much is broke?
Oh, no.
How do you cross one of these?
I stole this.
Oh, it's actually really cheap.
Never mind.
We're back again.
Some string.
I definitely need to sort out this whole ah, running backwards and forwards situation.
I don't feel like keeping this up for the long haul.
One string to iron and some steaks.
I know this is a lot of nonsense going on, but trust me, if I am just about keeping up with it.
Then you should be fine.
To be honest, right?
This makes them sticks.
Then we're gonna do this.
This double iron, get rid of this stick and that engineers hammer beautiful.
Let's crack another copy in.
Get down, then snip.
These need to work out any copper cables.
I need six.
Okay, so I just need Thio.
Engineers hammer one more of those, and then I could do this.
Then I've got rubber because of my beautiful tree tap from last time.
Makes six of those.
Now I just need this this and then that either side I am played in the middle makes an electronic circuit, but we know don't we need an advanced ones who need to add four Redstone to lap is to glow stone.
So I think we've got to glow stone to off the lap Is four red stone on that advanced circuit.
Did I just see?
I knew there was a creeper out there.
Do not Don't even think about it.
You'll see me flying over your head in no time.
You'll be so jealous.
Do I have everything I need now to i an item casings to glows.
Let's just try it by adding it way we got ourselves an electric jet pack.
I don't add She know how to charge this or use it, to be honest with you.
Can I put it on here?
I can't even see it because of my cape out.
I need to get rid of my cape.
I don't say that often.
Bodies get rid of my cape.
Cape off.
Let me see it.
Oh, it's very flat.
Isn't it way?
Couldn't you go visit the island up there?
Look at this bad boy.
It looks like I've made out of cardboard and paper and then just like colored it in with sharpies by assure you this is going to work.
So how do we charge this, though?
I'm guessing I could just put it in here.
Let's grab this and then put this in.
How do I charge the electric jet pack?
No, really?
That is mad that I smacked the table.
I'm sorry, Ellie.
It's OK.
I made a jetpack.
I figured out I could do it.
Look, it's charging.
Oh, this is beautiful.
Can do it.
Charging with Cole, this is meant to be like an environmentally friendly lab.
But for now, we're just gonna have to use cold and stuff.
Just don't breathe in the fumes around the lab.
But this is the time that my jetpack powers up.
I need to be so careful, though.
I've got 28 heart because remember, I've got that mod that adds more hearts to my hard core bar, just in case things get crazy.
But this thing is charging up on, apparently at full charge, is going to give me a about three and 1/2 minutes of flights which this early in the let's play is pretty flip in.
Grandma can't believe without she managed this.
I need to have a look at something else, because apparently there's this thing called the solar helmet on.
When you wear this, it charges whatever is on your body and we can make it with a solar panel.
But a solar panel needs to Maur off those electronic circuits.
Could we make one of these generator?
If we have enough iron, we could I've only got nine, though I don't think I have enough iron to do it yet.
But when I get MME.
Or we could wear a solar hats, and then we don't have to recharge the jet pack, which is sick.
You could wear the hats and fly around.
You're gonna see me zipping around this lab collecting things and is looking down on these peasants over here because I've advanced way mawr in, like, 35 minutes.
Then they are in the whole life.
They're still stuck in that pond over there.
Look at him.
Look at that.
Vance, you're an idiot.
I know you're gonna be just my jetpack, buddy.
I'm just gonna go and fly it right now.
I think the people who were in this one died, actually, uh, it's kind of tragic.
Is it done?
Oh, it's done.
I am really scared to try this because I could die straight up, Just die on the whole thing is ruined all of this.
It doesn't look like much progress.
This progress would be ruined.
Just hold down the junkie on a hold on.
I don't know if you die if you just fall all the way to the ground.
This is sick.
Apparently has ah ha ve a mode as well.
You definitely get her.
We need to be careful with this.
Maybe always landing water to be on landing pad over there.
We do.
I'm gonna go.
I'm going.
Thio already.
Want to know if there's a homer?
This definitely hover mode.
I need to be so careful.
Do you think we can gallop?
Their grimaced?
Do you thinking?
Yeah, that without dying.
I am worried, but I'm going to do it.
I wanna soar sky high.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
We go in.
I don't know if there's a limit to this.
I also don't know what is up here on a Oh, jeez.
God, I'm scared.
I can't get up there.
Oh, there's like a limit to how high up you can go.
And it's just too low.
Why would you do this to me?
Maybe I could build on it on a careful careful now.
How are we doing for power?
We doing okay?
Maybe I could build off it.
Let's see if we can do it.
Uh, no, no, no, no.
Stay up that way.
Try and like, remember, three minutes Isn't that long?
A body builds.
I'm gonna go out No.
We could make out that.
Yes, we made it.
Okay, Sweet.
Okay, so the jet pack works that used about 1/3 of the power, but we did go for way longer than we thought we would.
This is crazy.
Look how sick this is.
I need to make sure that I am.
I don't fall off.
Mind you.
As long as I'd be extremely careful and pull the trigger at the right time, I shouldn't die.
But I am me.
So that could happen.
I'm also lucky that they didn't glitch out or anything because I've been known toe play a few months before with jet packs were like, saves up your full damage.
And then when you land, it kills you, or this is gross.
This is a little bit course.
I've always wanted to see what's up here.
There are disgusting.
That noise.
No, no, no, no.
Oh, this is like, this is slime.
Why is their slime?
Here's is a slime island.
I think it actually is.
Oh, great.
We've got water.
Okay, I didn't want to use that just then, but looks like we're going to dude.
Oh, that means actually, I should be able t o get back down safely.
What is this place?
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Okay, this lion blocks that bounce me.
Oh, this is cool.
I think I'm going higher and higher.
Actually, this is like a slime block Worlds.
Oh, wait.
In one of the attempts that we made, we 100% source lines falling from the sky.
And I think it was because of this We got slimy leaves.
I guess this is like a slimy tree or something.
Yeah, Congealed slime.
I don't know what you can use those for.
Endured sly and block.
Show me the congealed stuff.
Lets you jump really high.
Is that it?
That's all it does.
Okay, Sweet.
I'm going to commandeer some of this stuff.
All of this slime is now mine.
Give me this is actually the island off gross noises.
I think there could be some fun things to do with this.
I need to find out how high this makes me jump.
Let me get off the jet pack.
Actually, I'm just trying to hold, like, whole jump and see if maybe or higher.
You know what?
After making a jet pack this stuff ain't that impressive, is it?
Makes a ridiculous noise, though.
Well, uh, okay.
I need to refer to it.
My jet pack back on.
We came.
We saw on.
We stole.
But now we must return.
Look at this.
It's ridiculous.
Um, okay.
We need to be so careful.
So I have flooded one of the houses down there.
But that's fine.
That's gonna be okay.
Let me get rid of this kind of thing.
I need this anymore.
Oh, geez.
I don't wanna fall unexpectedly.
I want to prepare myself for landing.
Ah, that's not cool, right?
We're gonna have to try and get down here without dying.
We look ridiculous with our paper jet pack on from the front.
It looks like we're in some kind of like belly supports.
What's going on here?
I'm gonna try and hover over this.
Check that I've got enough electricity to do, so just in case things go wrong, But I think we're gonna be fine.
I'm gonna try this without water.
I'm gonna try it.
This should be fine.
Oh, he's only gonna done it.
We're scientists were officially scientists.
What looking look at this house.
These guys have no idea what's going on.
Look at them.
They're so confused.
Powerful Grimm's.
Don't worry.
This is some beautiful slime water.
This is not the same as the stuff that makes you go crazy over there.
Now, let's be careful.
The jetpack, please.
This thing is so good, though.
Why I really want to do next is I'm gonna charge up back to full.
Well, I want to do next is I wanna make this solar hat solar helmet.
But is this solar panel there's gonna be annoying to get I need to get coal grains.
How do I get, um, that from Cole?
I need to make pulverized coal, but you could make a call fence.
That's kind, of course.
Well, dude, I don't know how to make pulverize cold.
This is high in my brain now.
You literally just put it in a pulverize a Volvo eyes.
Ah, crushes items that's running.
It's three gears reception coil machine frames.
Okay, These aren't too bad, actually, but we need some way.
Okay, that's really easy.
Look, Quite intimidating.
I think we could make one of those.
So next time we're gonna make the solar hat.
Let me have my jet pack on real quick.
I want to go and fly around.
I just want to do it.
See you later, guys.
I'm out of here.
This is the most inefficient way to get around, to be honest, but do you have a jet pack in Minecraft?
I didn't think so.
We'll slow.
This is there must be a better way to travel.
Okay, I got this far.
And how much did it cost me?
Not too much.
Can we upgrade it?
Well, is actually like a different set of jet packs.
Simply jetpacks.
We could make an upgraded one.
That's 400,000 r f.
So we need to make sure that we get one of those.
But for now, if I see any mobs, I could just fly over them.
Look at me.
I might as well just be a bird's.
We haven't got diamond Army yet friends, but my goodness, we have a jet back.
I feel like I've accomplished something already.
This is beautiful.
And I didn't die when I landed it either.
Which is perfect on.
And we want to portals over here, which has given me diamond.
I mentions vibes.
Let's just face it.
This Siri's is Carl.
Like Diamond of Engines.
I feel like I've done a lot of talking today.
We've also made unease.
Iwase, go up here because our jet pack has a height limit.
But what I want to make it's like a quarry or something.
Because I know there's a way.
Mayan blocks from a hypothetical dimension.
The mighty existed requires actuated.
So end stone are bra a magical snow globe.
Kraft original.
I am so confused by this.
What you used to be able to do in another version of Minecraft is I think, actually, in diamond inventions we made a quarry which automatically allowed you to just mine up a massive chunk.
I need to find out how to do that in this mud pack.
Found it.
This block can quarry areas, pump liquids, move and swap structures, collect items.
Do this canoe loads of stuff.
I bet it's really expensive and appall.
Okay, meet a pump machine frame structure.
Build a vertical digger.
Yeah, this is gonna be ah, it's gonna be really hard to find empowered void crystals.
What the?
I could make this block of diamond is expensive.
Bike unmake it.
Structure maker.
I can also make a cz well accept any obsidian machine frame.
I could make a swell, but what on earth?
These Diamont een crystals and I also need empowered void crystals.
What are those?
Okay, so apparently you need on atomic reconstruct.
This thing is insane.
This is actually really cheap, but that sounds like some science that would definitely like to do.
Guys, I'm gonna make a quarry because I want a way to be able to get items on Dhe or the ors as quickly as we can.
There's also another item in here I really want to find, because all of the people that have played this mud pack before have this specific set of items like their sword there, pickaxe and everything.
So let me see if I can find it real quick.
Anyway, I could look all this stuff for absolutely ages because there's 72 pages off mods in this mud pack and we have made about one.
Well, we've made one.
No, We made a few, made a jetpack.
Andi, An electrical source of energy.
Whoa, Calm down.
Their grim control the ah lack spikes, please.
That's your job between now and next step sort.
Okay, And I'll give you this.
Good boy, be a next time.
I think I want to make the solar hat and then we need to go and make some more stuff.
I think the pole varieties or whatever it was called, could be cool, cause that involved shooting lasers, that staff, we need to make a quarry and then doing some exploring because with some really cool dimension mods in this, there's one I really want to do called.
I think it's called The Far Lands or the between Land is something like that.
But I've been looking at that board for years, so I can't wait.
It's finally out and I want to play it.
Guys, I think it starts watching this episode of Minecraft Ultra hard core.
I hope you enjoy it.
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Well, using that big red button just below the video because you should have done so by now.
What happened?
She sounds mean.
Subscribe, please.
Thanks so much for watching guys.
All of you enjoyed and I'll see in the next one.