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Welcome to watch Mojo, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 20.
Best Mitts tested on Mythbusters.
It may not look like it, but we're professionals.
Do us a favor.
Don't try this at home for this list will be looking at our favorite myths that were tested on Mythbusters throughout 17 seasons and nearly 300 episodes.
These could be the most informative, the funniest, the most fun to watch and or the most surprising.
Generally, as long as these myths are enjoyable and informative, they will be included.
Number 20 Mercury fulminate.
We all watched breaking bad, saw Walt blow up a building with a chunk of mercury fulminate and thought, I wonder if that actually works Is not meth?
Well, no, it doesn't weigh, Always loved when Mythbusters would test exaggerated scenes of action for movies or television, so points right away for doing that.
Mercury fulminate is a primary explosive, and so it is very sensitive to shock and impact friction heat as well.
A spark.
The testing of the myth was also a lot of fun, including a trip down to a rock quarry grant building a mechanical arm and throwing charges of mercury fulminate at superhuman speeds.
This is Walter White, with 50 grams of mercury fulminate in 321 Ah, unfortunately, the myth was totally busted.
Throwing the mercury did absolutely nothing, and you need way more than what Walt had to cause an explosion of that caliber number 19 Spicy Cures.
Watching the bombastic Mitz is always fun, but we also love when the team tests practical, everyday men's like how to cure the pain from spicy food.
Chile fans want us to test hot chili cures for a spicy mouth.
It's not only informative to the audience, but it puts to rest all forms of bro science you may have heard.
In other words, they're busting a myth, and that's what the show is all about.
For this test, they attempted to cure the spicy pains using milk, water, beer, tequila, toothpaste, petroleum jelly and wasabi.
Got 30 seconds to wait before, you know, it was very entertaining to watch them test all the supposed cures, and some actually worked to an extent like beer, water and tequila.
But at the end of the day, nothing beats milk When it comes to relieving intense spice.
But doesn't everybody know that milk is the best cure for Hotch Lima Number 18 year wax candle?
You really never know what you're going to get with Mythbusters.
It's what makes the show so entertaining.
In this episode, we get earwax candle, Azzan, a candle literally made out of the bill teams earwax.
The myth comes from the movie Shrek has Shrek uses what he has to mould himself a little dinner candle.
The bill team created their own disgusting candle, and while it did burn to a degree, it reacted very poorly when compared to a traditional parapet, candle tariff in and beeswax burnt normally, as I would have expected.
Really astounding thing is how well the human earwax burned.
Turns out that Shrek took some biological liberties.
Then again, maybe over your wax burns better than humans, and that's down to the composition of candle wax.
Supposed to earwax.
Long chain hydrocarbons in Arifin or bees, wax melts and in liquid form, get pulled up the wick where they burn in a slow controlled fashion number.
17 curving a bullet in the movie wanted characters managed to curve bullets around obstacles simply by swinging their arms in an arc while firing a gun.
Of course, this is absolute Hollywood nonsense, but it makes for a really entertaining segment of Mythbusters build.
Team originally tried performing defeat themselves, but unsurprisingly, no one could do it.
The bullet didn't curve, so in came the robot with superhuman speed, not vampires.
They don't use magic.
They don't have telekinetic powers to curve the bullet.
All it is is superhuman speed and strength, and that we can do in a bunch.
But even with superhuman arm speed, a deer rifle, gun barrel and on balance bullets, the bullets still flew in a pin straight trajectory.
I see the laser.
It's a straight shot.
There's no deviation whatsoever.
Superhuman strength.
And we still have a stretch at MIT, unequivocally busted.
Sometimes he just can't break the laws of physics.
We know Number 16 rockets surfing.
You know it's going to be a good time when they break out the rockets.
Is it true?
With no waves inside, you can power a surfboard with a rocket.
This myth claims that it's possible to surf on still water, using a rocket engine for propulsion.
Theo Team used Buster to help with this myth, which is probably a good thing considering the very first test saw Buster doing a somersault.
After performing some modifications, including a wider surfboard, more weight, smaller motors and timed ignitions, both Tori and Buster managed to do some rocket serving.
That was one incredible ride.
Acceleration was insane, however.
The test did not meet their specific parameters and required significant modifications.
It turns out that you can't surf on still water with a rocket engine.
Darn, we were really hoping to use the spare rocket engine we have in the basement number 15 Prison break.
Sometimes you just wanna watch the bill team dressed like old timey prisoners and scale a wall using human hair.
In this episode, the build team were trying different tactics and materials for scaling down a prison wall.
It's the moment of truth for prison escape ropes.
We got 100% human hair, toilet paper, rope and the old Skool classic bedsheet.
And what made this episode so great was not just the entertainment value but the surprising results.
Ranch quickly and successfully scaled the wall using bed sheets.
Tory found it plausible to make a rope out of toilet paper, and Kerry managed to scale the wall using a rope made from human hair looking pretty good.
So far, actually, well, the hairs it's holding up.
That's great.
Incredible, strongest.
However, this one still remains questionable, as finding that much human hair in prison would be next to impossible.
Still, the act itself can be done, that number 14 surviving inside an animal carcass, one of the most famous scenes in the Star Wars, Siri's sees Han cutting open a tauntaun and stuffing Luke inside to keep him warm.
It's certainly disgusting, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.
This myth is easily one of the show's most intriguing and entertaining, as Adam sculpt a tauntaun out of foam and garnishes it with synthetic skin and for great big gobs of grouping grimy Taunton.
Meanwhile, Jamie crafts artificial organs to react in a realistic manner.
Yeah, they went all out for this one.
In their estimation, Luke would have died of hypothermia.
After reaching an internal temperature of 82 degrees, they ended up deeming the myth plausible.
As Thermo Boy on Lee dropped 92 degrees.
Number 13 having a car with an elevator.
Seth Rogan's oft forgotten The Green Hornet contains a wickedly entertaining but ridiculously a logical seen Theo.
Characters drive the front half of a car after shearing off the back with an elevator.
Myth was immediately busted when the build teams car was crushed.
A ceiling level.
We have to shoot this car with the hopes that we weaken the structural integrity that will give us the best chance of cutting this current half with an elevator.
However, guest star Seth Rogan declared that Black Beauty had some modifications, including a self splitting mechanism and a reserve fuel tank under the hood.
From Real Joy.
Thes modifications were taken into account.
The team discovered that it was in fact, possible to drive the front half of the car and doing it on the dirt road.
We figured it would be a little bit safer, so if it did go out of control, there wouldn't be too much damage.
This myth was super entertaining to watch.
It had a fantastic guests store, and it contained a rather surprising outcome.
What's not to love?
Number 12 are elephants afraid of mice.
We love mythbusters for the variety of content.
It contains.
Sometimes they do grant movie men's.
Sometimes they do practical myths for everyday purposes.
And sometimes they test weird bits of supposed information that have you asking Wait, is that actually true?
We've brought a bucket full of mice.
I understand you have some elephants.
We've always heard that elephants are afraid of mice, but we never knew if the statement had any truth to it.
Well, it does sort of.
To test the myth, the Mythbusters traveled to a reserve in Africa and flipped elephant dung to reveal a mouse underneath.
And we're hoping that the elephants will come through here on their way to the food at the right moment, will roll over the ball of dung, release the mouse and see what happens.
They eventually deemed the myth plausible as the elephants avoided the mouse but never panicked in a fearful, war.
Exaggerated manner in what must be the most easy to anticipate outcome in mythbusters history.
But this is crazy as it seems the elephant backs away.
The Mythbusters like me, are flabbergasted.
Number 11 escaping a sinking car.
Talk about practical.
Knowing how to escape from a sinking car may just save your life one day, and it's a great piece of information to store in the memory bank.
I'm gonna try to start opening this store the moment I see the water get above my glass.
Now, if the myth is true, I won't be able to open that door until the water level inside the car gets to the same point.
The Mythbusters devoted an entire episode, commits surrounding sinking cars, and the results were both horrifying to watch and incredibly helpful.
When the pressure ultimately equalizes, he opens the door and swims to the surface.
But it was too late.
Adam busts various myths.
You can't manually roll the window down after being submerged, and you can't break it with a set of keys.
But he also confirmed a few important bits of knowledge.
You can escape the car immediately upon impact with the water.
When the water is up to your waist and when the interior of the car is completely flooded, you can also use a window breaking hammer.
We suggest buying one.
They try the underwater emergency hammer first.
Oh, number 10 bifurcated boat.
Is it possible for a boat to be split clean down the middle after hitting a channel marker.
It's an exciting question, but it's even more exciting to see attested build.
Team first tested this myth in Episode 77 found it easily busted.
However, the fans weren't having this result and demanded that they test the myth on water instead of on land, they placed a wooden channel marker in a lake and steered a boat directly into it.
Surprisingly, it was the channel marker that split in half, not the boat pillar down.
That was the wrong thing to split.
The boat itself actually sustained very little damage.
The myth was sunk once and for all, albeit in a very fun and destructive manner.
Important that shocking split second impact.
The tables on this myth Theo Marker, Bifurcated and the minute he split refused to live up to its name.
Once again, Number nine.
Shooting a hat off someone's head.
You may have seen it in Western movies or video games.
One character draws their gun with lightning speed and shoots a cowboy hat off someone else's head are Hollywood hard guys use handguns, so Adam and Jamie select an 18 60 Army Colt revolver that doesn't work.
Try a Winchester Lever action rifle.
It's a funny visual, but is there any truth to it?
Unfortunately, not.
Midst testing is fun to watch, though, particularly for the interesting period weapons.
It also had a hilarious result.
Not only that the hat not fly off the dummy's head, it barely even budged.
One shot.
But those rims hardly bunch, and the reason is simple, and it strikes the hat.
A small projectile traveling at around 1000 feet per second doesn't encounter enough resistance.
Pistol and rifle bullets do not transfer enough energy to move a hat.
Deciding to be funny.
The Mythbusters blue the hat off the dummy head with a shotgun, and it worked, but it also killed the dummy.
Now that's more like what we see on the silver screen.
Questionable busted Number eight.
Motorcycle on water.
Sometimes the Mythbusters test viral videos, most of which are obvious nonsense.
But sometimes you come across a golden nugget like a motorcycle driving across the surface of a lake.
Water seems like a catastrophic combination.
According to this myth, if you take the lake at freeway speeds, you could burn Akwa all the way to the other side, demonstrating their intelligence and meticulous scientific process.
Adam and Jamie performed a few preliminary tests, like driving a remote controlled toy motorcycle on water and hanging a motorcycle wheel off a speedboat.
It's clear that the wheel is riding the water, which is great for the myth.
Watching them work really is fascinating For the test proper, Jamie successfully rode the motorcycle over 300 feet of open water but that allow him to burn Aqua all the way.
This'd arguably one of the most surprising outcomes in the show's history, and it proves that you can never know what can be accomplished until US.
Questions Number seven Massive Lego Ball On what other television show will you find?
A seven foot diameter ball made of Lego?
The myth is that a seven foot diameter ball made from five million pieces of Lego could be pushed down a hill and hit a car without sustaining damage.
Could you really roll it so easily?
And would a collision with a car really caused no carnage?
And while it was very fun to watch the Bill team well, build a giant ball of Lego, nearly every facet of this myth was busted.
They've employed a Lego army to build 3600 super blocks to make the ball.
But with half the ball complete, they're running out of their half 1,000,000 tiny pieces of all containing five million.
Legos would weight 10 tons, so pushing it is out of the question.
Seven football they created was £3000 made of one million Legos.
Unfortunately, it broke apart shortly after launch, and the myth collapsed with it two weeks and nearly 1000 man hours to put a 1,000,000 bricks together on just 10 seconds to tear them apart.
Number six.
The Titanic Door.
Long after we're gone, the question will remain.
Why didn't Rose share the door with Jack?
The logistics of sharing the door were explored on Mythbusters, and the results were rather surprising.
Roses perched on a piece of wood and jack is not because there wasn't enough buoyancy to support both of them.
The model door sunk every single time that the Jack Dahl was added for going models.
Adam and Jamie decided to test the myth themselves.
With Jack Savage struggling to stabilize himself on the board, the myth looks destined for a watery grave.
They initially had trouble staying afloat on the board, but later tied Jamie's life jacket to the underside allow for greater buoyancy.
And with this, they both managed to stay afloat.
Theoden Inal Buoyancy has made a massive difference.
They're no longer floundering around but sitting pretty in fact, so pretty that Rose is readyto nap her way to the 63 minute rescue.
If Rose had thought to utilize her life jacket amidst the panic and unbearably freezing temperatures, it's entirely possible that both she and Jack could have survived.
Number five Point Break Myths Episode 94 concerned various airplane minutes, specifically skydiving related.
One stemming from the movie point break.
Three myths were tested, catching up with someone in the air by streamlining your body, holding a conversation while skydiving and free falling for 90 seconds from 4000 feet.
The former was confirmed.
True, as the streamlined approach provides less surface area than the traditional skydiving position, allowing for a greater terminal velocity at the moment.
Catch up Skydiver bails.
Tory was already 3000 feet away, but by assuming the bullet position Nick, it's an incredible top speed, off 250 miles per hour.
However, the latter two minutes were busted.
The sound of rushing air made conversation impossible, and a dummy dropped 4000 feet.
Hit the ground after just 30 seconds.
You know, it's our first experiment.
We've pretty much busted the whole point break skydiving scene.
I mean, you wouldn't have much time to do anything from 4000 feet.
The results weren't super surprising, especially the conversation one, but it was a blast watching the team skydive Number four Demolition Derby to continue the Hollywood theme, Let's take a look at some car crashes.
Mythbusters loves testing car related myths, but one episode in particular, Demolition Derby is a wonderful mix of Hollywood stunts.
Talk about a toss fruit salad and most of the episode involves crashing cars into things like fruit stands, locked chain link gates and a camper trailer.
The test car was completely destroyed after crashing into the fruit stand in camper, and those mitts were undeniably busted.
I think even if you did make it through the fruit stand, you can't really see so well out the windshield.
However, they found it possible for a car to break through a chain link fence and successfully drive underneath a big rig.
Oh, it's handy to know if you ever need to drive to retain link fence.
Actually, no, don't do that.
Number three laying on a grenade You've seen it before in various action movies.
Ah, heroic character sacrifices themselves by laying on a live grenade, ensuring their own demise but the survival of their group.
It can move us to tears.
But is there any actual truth to it?
To test the myth team brought in a ballistics gel dummy and detonated a grenade under its body, our leading man is laid on the grenade, his body and the myth on the line.
If his three supporting actor survive, this tall tale will be confirmed.
The grenade obliterated the gel dummy, but the surrounding dummies were unaffected, save for one that received non lethal injuries.
Turns out that this particular Hollywood trope has some basis.
In reality.
This looks like he might have really saved his buddies here.
There's no doubt about this movie.
Myth is looking confirmed.
It's an interesting result, and seen dummies blown up by grenades will never not be enjoyable.
Number two rocket car.
The Mythbusters came literally flying out the gate, the first myth ever tested saw Adam and Jamie strapping rockets to a car in an attempt to make it fly.
They are certainly ambitious.
Myth comes from a supposed Darwin Award winner who strapped a Jato rocket to a Chevy Impala, blew out the tires and flew for 1.4 miles before striking a cliff.
Adam and Jamie created the equivalent of one Jato rocket and strapped it to an Impala, but the car never even came close to 300 miles per hour.
They later revisited the myth for the 10th anniversary special, and while they did hit 200 miles per hour, they weren't able to get the car airborne.
That was insane.
One second the car was there and the next second it was gone.
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Number one the cement truck explosion.
The myth was simple.
Clear out white concrete from a truck.
This trophy I came right off one of the first.
It started out easy enough, with the equivalent of 1.5 sticks of dynamite dislodging the dry concrete like revising my former this'll myth is busted.
A huge amount of Crete were bringing out of here, but then things got wild.
Just for fun.
The team brought in FBI experts and loaded a concrete truck with £850 of explosives.
The result was the show's most iconic explosion, as the truck was completely vaporised.
This'll segment remains a fan favorite, and for good reason.
It encapsulates everything that makes Mythbusters such a joy to experience.
There's legitimate myth testing, with interesting results Adam and Jamie goofing off and a massive boom that puts even the grandest Hollywood blockbusters to shame.
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