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  • This is it.

  • I'm gonna pick one of these mountains.

  • I guess that's all that morning.

  • And from where I'm standing now upon that looks like the best bet.

  • Hell of a climb.

  • I only hope that been old can make it with me.

  • It would've been nice to get up in there, but let's see until tomorrow morning how my fit will be the Lama Warners of problems.

  • But I'd hate to think that after all we've been through, it means being on and I won't finish together.

  • Oh, it is absolutely freezing out there.

  • Sure.

  • I think this is the final mice.

  • My fullest.

  • Well, this way.

  • Just to climb a mountain.

  • Much really, isn't it?

  • But I sure would be worth it.

  • We're about to set out on the final leg tow walk the Himalayas.

  • The lama's prediction of bad weather could hardly have been more wrong.

  • I'm just hoping being on come with me to the end.

  • I didn't know.

  • Good.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • What?

  • I'm sorry.

  • I cannot get up.

  • We do issue on the best.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • These things happen.

  • Yeah.

  • You come this fall said I worry.

  • Okay.

  • The monk predicted we have obstacles.

  • And we all thought it was gonna be the weather.

  • I thought it's going to snow and ice and sleet.

  • But no, you know that instead, it was something as simple as been old uncle.

  • He's putting on a brave face, but this meant the world to both of us.

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • Yes.

  • Jam Yang seemed a little hesitant Ready, but has agreed to join me in the cameraman for the final climb to the end of my journey.

  • Ready for a summit?

  • A great day for everybody.

  • Inaugural state Come until we return top.

  • Ok, well, I'll see you on the other side.

  • Is she on the best?

  • Thanks very much for everything.

  • Okay.

  • Places its final push.

  • The summit 1000 meters of almost vertical climbing.

  • It's gonna be hell.

  • Yes, wear on a 30 degree incline.

  • But this is the easy part.

  • What concerns me is the boulder field 500 meters above us.

  • No, I would get a thing of the gets worse.

  • About 4000 700 here, get up to $5000 arrest and then push for the summit.

  • It takes two hours to reach 5000 meters on the foot of the boulder field.

  • This is where it gets dangerous because, ah, lot of these rocks about leave.

  • So I gotta be really careful.

  • And he's like this all the way to the top.

  • Looks things.

  • This is This is seriously tricky terrain, and I think the llamas prediction is playing on Jam Yang's mind stuff.

  • One small rocks, moves that holds things, words.

  • John Young's had enough.

  • I'm happy here.

  • Okay, he's got me to within sight of my goal.

  • Now it's up to me to push on to the end is about 300 meters left, and if I could get up there, we're resetting footwear nobody's ever been before that there is a mighty Ganga points, the highest unclimbed peak in the world.

  • Beyond that, the Himalayas drop off and form a Tibetan plateau.

  • Feel surreal to be here on my own.

  • I've met some incredible people on the way, and that's the most amazing guides.

  • When I've seen everything that Himmler's has to offer, it's taken me five months and four million steps to walk 1700 miles.

This is it.


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レヴィソンウッド、ついにガンカール・プエンサムに到着|レヴィソンウッド:ヒマラヤを歩く (Levison Wood Finally Reaches Gangkhar Puensum | Levison Wood: Walking The Himalayas)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日