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In today's video, I attempt my first proper build in Minecraft earth.
The brand's new a.
Our game by motion.
I've been tapping the butts out of different topples over the past few days and finally got enough resource is to build my first house.
First I selected a build plate.
Then I create it down just flat land.
And it's worth noting you do actually keep the blocks you take from this play as well.
Which is Andy.
It's all I left.
Was the water on the chicken thief first part My audio recording didn't work So you join me as I have just started construction and I'm trying to connect some stairs.
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That looks great.
Okay, let's do the same this side.
You have to really get into the build as it turns around and starts to be funky gnome in the background Giant gnome attempting to destroy our build.
Yes, my plan is working.
The only problem is I need thio kind of help this along.
So if I build some scaffolding here, I want it to turn.
I wanted to turn this way.
Yeah, I think that looks okay.
Now, if we get rid of this Duh.
Now we go this way.
This should finish it off.
I think this will work.
Not if it doesn't if it goes upside down.
Um, what's the best way to do this around this way?
Home against this is the most exercise I've got since I played.
Just dance.
Oh, yeah, buddy.
Okay, it walks.
That's fixed.
This bit here.
What kind of details do we have?
We must have some kind of bed because I know that bed is a block.
We might have to make a makeshift one.
Yeah, we don't have a bed.
And there's no crafting either.
We have a flower part Ladders.
Okay, Characters isn't gonna fit this one.
Let me just try a roof out here.
I'm gonna go.
For what?
I'm not really sure What I'm gonna go for.
I'm gonna go for a kind of diagonal roof.
I think that's a bad idea, though.
You have to get rid of all these dirt blocks as well.
Otherwise it's gonna look 10 times as bad this year.
Um, yeah, this like this.
Okay, I think I'm getting used to.
It is also difficult on an iPhone because we did play some of it yesterday or the other day on an iPad.
And I think I might get an iPad just so it's easier to build and better for you guys to see if we come around this side.
That ain't looking to shabby.
I'm actually impressed.
Who knew that Minecraft Earth would bring out the builder in me?
Does he put that?
They're sweet.
We got some eggs to pick up a cz.
Well, those are rare items.
Gimme that egg.
So we have half of our house.
I'm not quite sure what to do with this side.
I think I'm just gonna have to go like this and put I've only got 25 of these left, remember?
Which is going to be pretty difficult to manage?
Yeah, that looks awful.
That already looks bad.
I mean, I could try and style it out, but I think overall, that's the worst bit.
So the roof shock is proving to be quite tricky.
I mean, the fact that we don't have slabs community me.
Hey, I don't know what this bit is in the middle, but I don't know that roof actually doesn't look too bad, Sze.
I don't think so.
Anyway, we come down here.
I would live there some some reason it's spinning round, but I live there.
The one thing I didn't do which is going to be a pain is changed.
The is change the floor, So I'm gonna have to try and do that Now.
How close can I get in without it spinning round?
There has been Don't spin.
Okay, That's not too bad.
Remember, inside our house.
So this is gonna be merged with nature and merged with the chickens is gonna be fantastic.
No, no, no, no GTO.
Well, you go in my way, buddy.
You get in the way of my builds.
I'm afraid you're gonna have to go down.
You both want to die.
You both want to die.
I think I've already got it almost patched up.
There we go.
Open air house so far with a junkie roof accidentally knocked on my door.
But that's okay.
That's fine.
Let's turn all of this to grass.
And it's actually really interesting building in Minecraft with with such a restriction you're so restricted in this version.
It's crazy because you got limited blocks.
But you also have limited space to hold up a second.
Can we wrap this round?
Let me see if we can wrap this round.
I've only got five left.
That's tragic.
So tragic.
Can I Can I make it though?
I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this with five.
I would have looked so good as well.
I could have rounded it off.
Okay, I'm gonna have to come up with a new solution for that.
Uh, I'm not sure what it's gonna be, but hey, I couldn't move it one in, so if I do this, get rid of this.
Get rid of this.
I think I could do it.
So if we do cross cross cross, get off my foot, we go and then make this bit the logs.
Fate it face around the sides around this side.
It's not gonna work.
I mean, thing is, it's the front that lets it down.
I think the top on the back bit looks great.
Especially me.
Add some flowers and stuff.
But, man, it looks there's something wrong with it.
Let's sort this front out.
Hey, that doesn't look too bad.
I didn't know about it, so I think I've saved it.
I built on the wrong side.
Oh, no.
How did I manage that?
Actually, have no idea.
You know what?
I'm okay with this.
That doesn't look too bad, but the glass of the top doesn't know works.
Let's take that out.
Do I have any stairs left?
I've got six.
It's turned around again.
Yeah, that's cute.
I like that.
And I can change these two stairs as well.
Hey, there we go.
Side looking good.
It was the front, but now it's the side.
The roof is looking a lot nicer, and I'm terrible.
Minecraft Russa's.
Well, that's not too bad.
The chickens have in trouble, though.
Massive trouble.
Okay, the door looks terrible.
We just need to fix that.
Let's get rid off this.
And you know what?
I was gonna do the inside out house, but let's just make it so that it's all wood inside.
Actually placed some furniture.
Otherwise, this ain't gonna work.
Chick, I'm gonna need you to move.
Please move.
Please move.
Come on, buddy.
Dough I have water to save this guy.
I do.
Give me this.
I saved him, but I had to use my water.
And no, I don't believe it.
Let's wow this bit here.
I'm gonna put glass do exactly what we did before.
Not that.
Definitely that.
And then put this up here.
Okay, Sweet.
Well, had she like, this is just the front door is gonna need some.
Some fixing, then we just rotate it.
What if we move the door back just once?
If you put the door here?
Yeah, buddy, that works way better.
It does work, right?
Go fixed.
I wanna have a different walkway on the way up.
And I think granite, which is actually kind of a rare material, could work best here.
Semi road.
Say this again.
Break this break this ground it halfway granite poff way.
Now, can I go in?
Because No, no, no, no, I can't go in.
Um how are we gonna do this?
I should have done the inside first, So I have a tip for your Minecraft Earth built ce always do the inside first, right?
I was gonna put a bunk bed in.
But anything that's going to work now, I could go in, but it's really difficult to build in there, so I'm gonna go for simple.
Lt's for my first build.
We're going to go simple.
Gonna get that.
I'm going to get white wool flowerpots, Poppy, red wool.
And I also need a pressure plate.
There we go.
Okay, so we're gonna put table in the corner.
Why'd you get moving?
Bird is gonna go here.
Just like that.
Gonna have a table in the Not there, in the corner.
Oh, that was good.
And then on the compost flower pot, on top of that, how about we grab?
What can I put a flowerpot on top of?
I guess I could do upside down stairs or do books.
Yeah, Let's use a no block.
Actually, let's use one of these.
So let's do this and then actually do some Red Stone in here.
I'm gonna be careful.
Don't want everything to explode, but no, TNT is being used when we have to block this.
That's annoying.
Break that break.
Okay, that works.
This water is being real annoyance.
If I put this down there, does that work on top.
Yeah, of course it does.
And I break these two.
I'm not to fill this up with water again, but a fence flower port.
Poppy, bro.
Okay, If you want any interior design, come at me.
That's my lost friends blockers.
Well, let me just grab a bucket of Oda.
The water is going to be used up, though.
It is annoying.
Go flat, sway.
I think our house is done.
I think it's actually don't like an open air little camping hut.
You can see inside off.
You got walls all the way around.
We can add flowers on the outside, Actually, is if we go in here What we got?
We got three of these.
Has your bullets dandy lions grab some tulips as well?
No, we should going to add these outside.
They're pretty rest.
They're quite good to show off.
There we go.
Put it down the line on the other side.
And then down this side, we're gonna put some as your bullets.
And since we killed the chickens, let's put two more in.
I'm sorry, guys.
I'm sorry.
So now what you do is you go back to map A Sure do.
And then what you can do is we can now take it out into my garden and see in life size form on DS.
Let me just top this top aboard.
I'm getting more flowers now, and I'm not sure why.
Before I go back to Bill Plates, there is.
There's Mother are no.
Why is it going invisible?
I think that's a glitch.
Yeah, that's just the stairs of turn to slap.
So maybe slap coming anyway.
There is my built.
Let's go and place it in the real world shall way.
Welcome to my garden.
It's actually ridiculously hot outside, very, very rare for the UK, possibly one of the hottest days of the year.
I'm outside spraying bankrupt because that's what it's designed to do.
I guess otherwise I would just be in my office.
So Bill plates.
What I wanna do here here is my builds.
Hopefully, it's not broken because that would be awful.
If I press play, it means it goes into like a a sandbox mode.
So everything you do is reversible, which is good.
So let's see if we can place it in this part of the garden and see what it looks like full.
Here we go.
I'm gonna place it here.
No, Les, this looks awesome.
This is the path that bit of God.
And for it to look how good that looks.
Hold on.
Let me just get a big view of this dude that looks so good.
I'm going to appoint a murder I should be able to destroy up.
Walk into the front door.
Let's see if it works.
Open the door.
Let's get going.
Come in.
Is okay.
Oh, you're leaving.
We'll see you later.
I'm having some issues trying to get in the house.
It does crash, but I think that's because there's water flowing.
There's the bed.
The chickens were having a great time, though, with the plan put over there.
Can I come around the side?
Will that work?
Yeah, I think that'll work.
Here's the water section.
It looks so cool.
Really, really.
Fits into the world.
Even though it's obviously blocks and stuff.
They got caught.
It got disconnected.
Remember, this is a beta version of the game, so it's always gonna have little glitches and stuff.
I think this is version 0.1 or something.
like that, so there's obviously going to be some glitches.
But that was my house in Minecraft and my God, it nuts.
So I did finally manage to get properly inside, and it was called to build something from third person and then view it from the first in life size.
Anyway, that's what I came up with in about an hour with the blocks available to me on with no planning, let me know in the comments section down below what you would like me to build next.
I do need show off some of those new secret mobs in Minecraft Earth to anyway, Lever like If you enjoy more videos, subscribe.
If you are brands new to the channel and I will see you all in the next one by swing back in Candle Camp four.
Problem Band.