字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント -Go. ♪♪ Hi, everyone. Welcome to "The Tonight Show: At Home Edition." I want to thank Franny and Winnie for being the music. Thank you guys so much. Gary the dog is here. We're all good. Alright, that's good. That's perfect. That's great. Thank you. That's perfect. Winnie drew this. Thank you very much, Winnie. This is beautiful. We have a great show tonight. We have -- Trevor Noah is on the show tonight. Doing amazing stuff over at "The Daily Show." Also, DJ D-Nice did a dance party on Instagram that everyone was talking about. So I interview D-Nice and find out all the good things he's been up to. But first, let's just start the show with some jokes. Let's go. Hi, guys. Before we get into our monologue, which is hot off the presses -- ow! -- I want to say thank you so much for watching this show. Thank you, youtube.com. YouTube has been great airing these shows so so many people can see it early. And, also, if you go to youtube.com/fallontonight, if you're there right now or if you're watching this on NBC, who also we thank, next to our link, there's a "donate" button. That will go to nokidhungry.org. So, that's the way you can donate to that, and anything can help. Speaking of helping, I was thinking about this, and if there's any way -- Your local food pantry -- Google where that is. "Where is my local food pantry?" They all need help. Right now, out where I am, East Hampton Food Pantry is desperate for anything on the shelves. So if you go stocking up, wherever you are, just get an extra can of soup and drop it off to -- What? -Or a case of soup. -Or a case of -- Yeah, well, if you can get a case of soup. I guess people are buying things by the cases. Go to Costco and get, like, a pallet of soup and drop one can off to the -- Is that what you're saying, honey? Off to the food pantry. So -- But anything you can, really, think about -- That'd be great if you could. It's weird times right now. I'm standing in front of an odd tree. I don't even know where I am in the house, but it's there, and I'm not going to talk about it. But I see true colors of people are coming out, and everyone's being very creative now. And it's kind of a heartwarming thing to see. There's also the other side of people, too, because I was walking my dog the other day with my camera operator, who's my wife. And I don't walk like this. What was I doing? So, I was walking normally. And everyone crossing the street because it's socially distancing, which is great. But just because you're doing that doesn't mean you don't have to smile or wave. You can do that. You don't have to not be a person. You can be like, "Hello." You know, you can do that, can't you? Can you say "Hello"? You can do that. "Hey, good to see you." I mean, we're far enough away. We really are. Like, I'd say more than 6 feet. 12 feet. Anyway, I'm really seeing everyone being creative on the Internet and everything, and so let's get to some monologue jokes right now. And then, after that, by the way, we'll do -- We're doing our interviews, but we also have kind of a "best of" is what we're doing. Best of the "The Tonight Show" this whole week and as long as we have to do this. So, these are clips that make you happy and maybe, like, just kind of get that balance back in life. So, you'll see Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone. What?! Yes! It's awesome. Alright, here we go. Here he is, Jimmy Fallon! [ Imitates cheering ] Thank you very much. Welcome to "The Tonight Show." Oh, I forgot. My sister gave me a joke. Gloria Fallon, I'll give you props for this. She said, "Hey, guys, a lot of us have entered our second week of quarantine and hopefully have enough food, water, and skin left on your hands...from washing. -Good one. -I know. Now here we go. Welcome to "The Tonight Show," everybody, "At Home Edition." I hope everyone is doing okay. I had a tough weekend. The governor of New York declared me the definition of nonessential. Why you do me like that? Well, it's week two of self-quarantine, and we're all feeling cooped up. Today, my Amazon Alexa asked to give me -- sorry -- asked me to give it some space. "Please back 6 feet off me." As if things aren't crazy enough, now the weather is insane, as temperatures have dropped in half. It's like the weather caught whatever the stock market has. Honestly, who cares about the weather, right? We're all inside anyway. I was watching the news today, and the weather guy turned to the sports guy and was like, "Why are we even here?" [ Laughs ] Why are we even here? To deafening silence. Listen to this, guys. I saw that Audible is now offering free audiobooks for kids stuck at home. So if Disney+ didn't hold your kids' attention, I'm sure Ben Stein reading "War and Peace" will do the trick. I heard that Best Buy announced that they're now offering curbside service with no human contact. When they heard, Best Buy's Geek Squad was like, "What's human contact?" This is cool. One of our guests tonight, DJ D-Nice, hosted a social-distancing dance party on Instagram Live. That's right -- a social-distancing dance party, or as it's also known, every middle-school dance. I read that since the increase in toilet-paper shortages, people have been buying more bidets. Yeah, it can act as a great substitute for toilet paper and, if you're really desperate, a soda stream. [ Laughs ] I learned about an online toilet-paper -- I don't know. Why is that funny? I read about -- Oh, I heard about an online toilet-paper calculator that tells you how long your supply will last. So if you think you're bored, imagine being the guy who just created an online toilet-paper calculator. [ Laughs ] This is crazy. I saw that Germany has now banned gatherings of more than two people. Yep, a two-person gathering or, as it's known in Russia, a 40th high-school reunion. [ Russian accent ] We only ones who make it. Our classmates were the foundation of this school...literally. They're in the foundation. They're in the cement somewhere. [ Normal voice ] And, finally, this is amazing. I read that the movie "Pretty Woman" hit theaters 30 years ago today. Do you remember that? Not "Pretty Woman." I mean going to a movie theater. That's our monologue, everybody. What?! -Whoo-hoo! -Now it's time to do a bit that we normally do on the show where I play a cowboy character who's kind of ignorant and just tells it like it is, and he tells things to go on and git. We're going to use a teleprompter thing, an app that I got. I don't know if it's going to work or not, so just bear with us. Here is "Go On, Git." Hey, guys. It's time for "Go On, Git." Is this Grandpa Juvonen's hat? -Dad. -It's your dad's hat. -Mm-hmm. -So, this is an actual, real cowboy's hat. -Definitely. -And I put my cowboy boots on that I got a couple years ago, and it took me about an hour to