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I found out about you and I was really surprised that you opened your own school.
Like what made you want to do that?
I'm really I'm really passionate about education.
I'm really passionate about social change.
I just wanted to actually do something that really made made it a difference on.
So, yeah, I've set up a free to attend democratic creative school in South Wales is called The Hour in Project On is all about empowering young people to make their own decisions.
So, Theo, just like a big school right now is in the annex of my house yet.
So we've got 19 students age between yet just got kids in your kitchen.
In it.
I miss Can I borrow this company over in the just needed cutlery?
Nasty teacher.
Your school.
Absolute fucking lutely.
Rudy Philosophy on who'd economics?
Yeah, I was a teacher.
What type of head teacher you would you allow me for monkey?
There's no such thing as bunking in our school.
It's a democratic school, right?
So the kids are part of deciding everything to do with the school, The rules, the consequences, the rules.
Everything can decide if they want detention on.
Oh, they can think and decides they could decide everything.
So Zeke breach could be mandatory?
Not quite.
You got to stay within the letter of the law.
CBD Who can I have my own punishment?
On the thing is, is that Think about this, right.
If you're born into a system where your part of making the rules then you got ownership over it is something that you've discussed that you believe in.
You're less likely to break the rules.
Some schools that some punishments as much as there was bad ice.
A lackey.
When it's you said, get out of my class.
You know, you got to let women's leaving, buying your school.
I'll be mad because I know you.
Get out of here.
Hold on.
Hold on, guys.
Way thief.
You famous at age 12.
So being famous at the age of 12 like, did you stop going to school?
Did you home schooled in school on the road?
How did it work?
I did a bit of both.
I did a bit of a school on the road on.
I still went to school.
How is that going to school for being so famous?
You know, people cost you that shot at my mom's house tonight.
You know what I tell you?
What happened, right when I was about 10 I got a scholarship to this really posh prep school in Cardiff.
I got a scholarship for my voice is as a girl, chorister.
We were proper working class.
We didn't have no money.
All the rest of it.
Andi, I got I got bullies really badly.
Could be important on.
Then, on the day that I left, I just signed £100,000 record deal with Sony on Guy turned around in the middle in the middle of the playground, and there was a couple of the boys who had bean, you know, picking on me and whatever on one of them had said something.
And I was just like I turned around and I was like, I've just signed £100,000 record deal with Sony.
That's my money.
Nor my members.
No, my dad.
So, Theo have a great time.
That is being mental now because you've lacked performed for some amazing people.
Lack, lack, know even that celebrities like did you perform black for the pope is well, Yeah.
I perform for John Paul The second Andi I performed for Bill Clinton.
What was it Was his mother's good Lewinsky These?
No, it was just after, and I was I was I was really young.
I mean, I was criminally young.
No, I wasn't.
I'm not saying that he was left.
Lee ae I What's the matter?
You done?
I got a few.
But this one, you're gonna major the gas so magical Australia Snowboard Festival thing are?
Yeah, I'm not wrong.
I'm women dio a rave in a ski lift with, like a of my friends here.
So obviously be their party Gang, gang, gang, gang, gang, gang I bill a split for judge or like a policeman Destruction boom.
The things started moving demands like you can't smoke this on him.
That shut up first told me none puffin this tenure home.
I've got to look over the edge with his bare mountains and then my ears popped.
I've only started freaking out this bus Now imagine for you, my friends now.
Yeah, Come for anyone?
Couldn't let go of the world because I don't feel secure in the ground.
So I'm holding on to this pool and I'm trying to spit couple bucks on it.
It's got somewhere.
Get a stroke, but you're right about that, but it's what we've ever again.