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What's up, everyone?
It's time for my favorite Separated.
That is all about me.
We might still call this week.
Reddit Week.
Who's excited?
Lacey Contact Week Because of Min.
Let's go.
Leave your entries in the Red Rose.
Snow White Must have been like peritus.
I thought I said these names are about May this mean works perfectly as well.
Because he came back, the mean came back out of nowhere.
Hold some spook Tober.
Aw, hasn't been three.
What is it?
Four years.
I still love you, Putz.
Teacher, the test isn't bad.
Oh, God, It's a micro mean and I don't understand it.
You were the chosen.
I am sorry.
I understand now that in German like to take that and that's normal.
I understand.
Mercury Mars epically bitch lasagna Blink one year ago.
Hasn't been one year time.
Men is like going forward and stuff.
It makes no sense story, gamers.
I got a new sun coming and it's gonna make bitch lasagna.
Looked like a fish lasagna.
That's all I can say.
Felix, I'd freak.
Danny DeVito might say Who?
Just creeper and dog customs?
She's not listening.
She she saw me remember the baby who ate the camera.
This is him now.
Feel old yet?
Goddamn, that looks actually remove my teeth.
And you got the same person FitLinxx thinking he became a Minecraft veteran.
That one.
Linderman water me.
Come by.
I understand that that Anderman like to make their pinkie toes go.
People up in the water.
I can't it now.
Okay, Brooke.
Finger Peep.
Eyes of mine cry.
Role play you like.
I really look forward to make another Minecraft episode.
What's going on with Fagih?
I need to fight out.
Number one thing as soon as I get back.
October 24 Birthday.
That's right, Drake.
You can lick my nipples.
I would like that very much.
Thank you.
I never understand the Drake fascination.
Liking Drake.
It's like liking hot water.
I don't want to drink it hot.
I want a drink.
Cole, Go away.
Hot water.
You're trying to be different and I don't like it.
I may have gone a little too far on that desk.
I'm sorry, Drake, but I Someone had to say it.
Furnace dead means skeleton effect spoke Tober spect over the month of the year where means we don't have to try anymore.
Just add skeletons to anything and you've got yourself an epic up voted, mean, cut regulations, everyone.
My father, when I was smell This is so wholesome.
Adults, when they're paid, minimum wage gets, were in their bed.
Minimum wage.
It's funny because it's accurate.
Mike would ski Mike Czarsky.
Mike was out with a house key.
That's the worst name I have ever seen.
Whoever made this should be a shame of yourself.
I am down.
Vote, Felix.
I would freak a creeper, Felix.
I would freak it.
Felix, I would freak.
Danny DeVito.
Felix, our freaking Villager.
Could fear started getting when Isis, You don't want to hear about the ravioli.
Do not want to hear about the ravioli.
I found bags.
Give it back.
Give it back here.
I want I lost.
I didn't I mean, I didn't lose.
Said, Just give it back to me.
The tortoise had so much sex, he saved his entire species.
Does that species really deserved to live?
I'm sorry.
Now I'm gonna go with no on that one.
I was taking a shower and didn't know I was having a nosebleed.
So when I look down, I saw a bunch of blood and I thought I was having my period.
But then I remember I'm a 16 year old Asian boy.
What did I just all played?
If this video gets a 1,000,000 likes, why do I even say these things?
So goes for Did it?
Why you did it now It took you that long.
Took too long.
I'm sorry, gamers.
I'll consider it if you give me back.
Begs name tag.
Oh, God.
Here it is.
I want to see the most illegal thing I own.
Stop, Just stop.
This is why 2019 is a good year.
You know, I've been doing YouTube for over nine years.
The channel is also nine years old.
So you took a screenshot of your own common and posted it on subreddit.
Incredible job.
This feels like a Jax Films.
I mean, where you just keep re posting yourself?
Duck, What is all this?
I wouldn't actually frigate that Marcy who just received her creeper customs.
Hey, look, is the same joke for the fifth time.
Jesus Christ, that one.
Anderman me Felix Vet.
Stop I'm still a veteran because now I understand.
And their men first from time to time.
Nice to go in the water.
I'm just like you guys.
I bet you can't make a furnace from brain.
I think he can make four chests without looking up the recipe.
But you can't make a whole girls watching Storytime videos.
My psycho ex boyfriend story.
But I broke my ass.
Why are there no cancer on Mars?
Because curiosity killed them all.
Dillon, I'm sorry.
That's a no for me, Ellen.
Me open the classroom door, the whole class.
It's so accurate and true.
You're born in Sweden, Mary, an Italian woman live in England and then moved to Japan.
I have one million in my army.
Well, I have 1.3 million in my army.
And come on America and China.
You got nothing.
Your pity pies New Minecraft pet in 360 v r.
I guess I'll die.
That is so mean for real someone Did they?
That's so cute.
Felix Starting his micro upstairs be like How do I play?
Has drawn first blood is killing.
Spree is a rampage.
It's unstoppable, is dominating its godlike dumber guys.
I figured that there I modified my tea board so my dog could play Minecraft and then spend eight hours teaching him very epic.
It looks like your dog got the hang of it.
Headed micro Kind of looks like a pause as well.
I hope you gave him the same dog skin.
So what do you do in your spare time?
I'm teaching my dog how to play Minecraft.
Only one business in the galaxy gets you this rich trading with Villagers.
I like this.
Me, the first person to remake their own mean must have been like it never stops.
This one does it.
Have you seen the origin of this?
It's from giant bomb.
There is looking at with my hoe here.
I'm kind of still kind of Ah.
So what is that?
Oh, yes, I till the grave.
It's funny.
It's funny.
Make it left.
Ha ha!
Spooked over maims.
My 1st October on Reddit.
You really just have to go back on Reddit one year and re postal.
The stuff that got up voter then epic car, my gamers, because it's the same joke.
Every time I got up to two of pity pies Leg on my arm.
Oh, my God!
That's so night, guys.
That is I am honor.
What a privilege.
Thank you guys so much.
Me and the boys at 11.
59 me and the boys at 12 a.m. I don't I don't get it.
Frickin Zoomer has taken over my subreddit.
I don't understand it anymore.
10 years from now, I'm gonna be like, I don't understand.
Like, what's gonna happen with his?
Read it.
Even when I stopped doing videos, it's not gonna be pretty.
Well, that reminds me.
What is this?
How did we get Mode's in this subreddit?
I did not want anyone feel free.
Proposed whatever you want.
There's no rules in the beauty pie.
Some bread.
Make sure you post your means down and below.
Ironically, this was last time I was in Japan ready, assigned a moderator to the Subreddit.
People have been using this clip to kind of complex conspire against him because I've been saying I don't know, I didn't assign him or whatever.
And in an ideal world, that would be no moderators and people can just post whatever they want.
We don't live in ideal world gamers.
I know it's sad.
What counts is not really It hurts.
It hurts Every day.
Sends the Peter by separated was so big red it needed and moderated for it.
So they just assigned one.
I don't care.
It saves me time.
Apparently, it's necessary that we have one.
Otherwise that read, it will be shut down.
He's done a lot of great work to to prevent from raids and other website influencing the sub.
So just back off.
He's the martyr.
Deal with the gamers.
I don't care.
I don't have time to care about ready drama.
This is all I'm gonna say, buddy.
Do you want to see the most illegal thing I own?
You can't guys, you can't actually do that.
I'm a micro veteran.
That's illegal.
If you do that, SWAT is gonna swat your house immediately.
The sauce.
You might want to delete this member.
Uh, you might want to get rid of this one.
Felix could gel brick much.
It could jeopardize husband.
It's me.
Yea, me trying a new template.
People who sort by knew you should have done the one where he's falling down.
Where's already folded good.
I got to tell you guys how to make means now, Alfred, Every page of Google You can't stop me.
21 years Age of Google.
Oh, Google sine die ski days.
Listen, kid, I don't have much Dan, but the actual villain and purifies microbe series is uh Oh, my God.
Who is it?
I need to know, Right?
Freaking Now when the mean is dying and no one is talking about you Oh, man, I don't care.
I freaked him.
I'm done.
I don't care anymore.
I freak, I say.
But by you can cry.
All your mom went all the way to Bali to get this photo.
Yeah, Okay, sure.
That's the only reason you went.
Now, this is an epic gamer moment.
They remove the X.
Now it says, Eat.
That's not epic.
That's not at all.
What are they gonna take from Spotted Bob?
Next doom?
Dude, it's booked over gamers.
Dude, Dude up.
What is this?
I'm a man of my word.
I promise this to a follower editor bed means that means that means that Stop.
Stop congratulating yourself.
She says Felix rating means in 2088 out of 10.
This main gate split.
If you don't understand it, the night's your problem.
Using Normie Mean format like Drake using you 10 ish cues dog because he died and he's a good football.
Rest in peace dog.
Oh, I can't trust if a pet is dead thanks to the love cat.
Mean told Anna my dying infinity.
Wait, can you do that?
He's do dangerous to be kept the life, Uh, my crab Jared And I'm pretty sure you can't do that, Man cracked Veterans rent Status restored.
Er feel scared.
Thanks, guys.
I'm not going, Bradley and myself.
I'm just saying, Thanks, guys.
When the G falls off the graveyard sign Rave yard side.
Oh, Maher says.
Real sound, Felix emulating worse.
It's what you realize that your cake day is one day before sparked Ober realizing that summer in the world it's already spooked Ober that blow my mind.
Gamers, if you don't understand something sent up and asked the teacher to repeat it.
If you would have been paying attention, you, uh, if you weren't so dumb, displays Minecraft again.
Not his single player.
It will.
It will come very soon when I'm back to slaving away at YouTube in UK Me knocks on door while trick in treating dress It's a creeper.
I kind of want to dress up as a creeper.
Wait me and my shoulder decided over dressing up.
My God, this is Mame socks.
Really good looking guy who has dreamy eyes and gets all the girls he wants.
Ronan, Ronan, stop!
I think this is the case for, like, nearly any name on urban dictionary.
Felix, that's a very warm, smiling, deep voice.
He is son Shane.
Felix is very soft person, also at going the type of guy who would want to be friends with.
He also has the Q whole universe paid it on his cheeks.
Fillers can also flex on you on his new my craft skins.
Bigger collusion feelings make me happy.
He's my sunshine.
He'll do fortnight dance until we break her ankles.
This is it.
This is this complimenting Felix, I'll do that.
I'll do the template.
Okay, right.
It's like this.
And then the other one is like Here you go, son.
Diego named Template for you Gamers saw this guy at the mall today.
What beauty pies in real life that Tasha wait Minecraft knows Hebrew mind power.
I thought he broke with the Minecraft enchantment language for a second.
Should you Fab to Lego Indiana Jones.
Humanity was a mistake.
Let's just get real here.
Yeah, that's disgusting.
Alfred A creeper and nothing else.
I'll stick to my principles, but you can't say the same Bowser bow set Brad brought et Jack.
That's a good one.
I never heard that reports remember him.
Why do I keep saying freaking?
What am I, five freak freak?
Freaky Frick.
This is him now.
Did I say stop Freaking?
Keep freaking feel gamer yet.
Oh, damn!
I'm so multi tile Talented when I mean makes me blow era of my knows me the orange house button.
Okay, so, Drake Golden Apple Enchanted Golden Apple They're the same Mean?
Is that what you mean?
I'm so confused.
I wait.
Okay, So this mean this mean it's a company?
No, wait, uh, my my brain uh Minecraft sheeps my craft.
She's with take out the week up 10 out of 10 thinking that lips that shone cat died finding out he's actually live and well, there you go.
It was all for nothing.
Our pain was for nothing.
Belle of Watership, Circuit 380 0 my God, That is also what is this, Peter Pie Spoilers.
Their shape will rise.
I can feel it might freak it, Duck.
Okay, now I understand.
I mean, I understood before, of course, but now another saying woman falls in love with D.
Who played out of her wedding weight.
Sodhi, That's hilarious.
What the heck is this?
How to get into law Wai I made this 69 hours.
That's awesome.
Say the line barred.
Spooked though.
There, uh, that should be the official language of October.
Uh, that means I'll freak a creeper.
You gotta make a painful voice when you do it.
Yeah, This isn't funny.
Introducing the ranch.
Oh, God.
Oh, whoa!
Downloadable map filled with beautifies animals.
Okay, alright.
Each of them were obtained from his world from their exact spot locations.
When What?
There she is.
You're again.
Oh, my God, Bernie.
These are not copies.
They are his animals.
Wait, I could bring them all back.
Is that what?
Is that what it is?
I Oh, Kimber to, uh uh uh uh, the penguin crap, Brad of bread to Oh, this'd the most greatest invention of planet heart friendship works.
He's an ass.
I hate him.
I respect a bit.
No, your epic bro.
Let's hang out sometime.
See you in hell State.
Then it's gonna be also never update.
Satan is in their captive sparkles for thick that mine crap.
Nether update.
Got that cat Wait!
Oh, so Oh, my God, There's two Obamas.
That's why Obama's life's name is Obama the second Because there's two Obamas.
Could there be three Obama's?
I don't know for sure That could be three bombers thing.
Ding dong dong Morning.
Jack would love this game.
Dignan being tougher.
Morning, How this is off this case with, uh that's so funny.
Oh, crap.
Oh, crap!
Is that sad, Mother?
Flipping hydrogen brah mixed with oxygen Broch inside a frickin water Monaco Because yeah, I'll freak a water molecule.
Do it after whatever it takes.
Come on, Don't like you would fricking mortar molecule a swell smash Like in this video if you would freak water in school suspension International Space station Oh, it's him.
Scores of special my brain So big.
Okay, so a girl posted with the merge.
Very epic Ah, guy posted with Emerge girls mostly with my guys bursting with words This is so sad.
The laws of Reddit be a harsh mistress spooked over rattled specter but SPAC topper But there should be another Here's while spect abour spec turbo I am so freaking hyper spectra Taba Beautiful, poor, ugly old, then brave old ugly Who called shrink Ugly, Disgusting on freaks.
Rick, I'm not saying I'm not saying that to make him feel better.
I'm saying I'll do it my brain in a test my brain at night that is so flip and accurate.
And it says a lot about our society.
This Minecraft mean.
Well, here we go again.
What kind of person does this on Reddit?
This better not be posted by Ryan.
No, it isn't another Nathan.
I bought a creeper custom and doc costume.
This is a goddamn So it's only gonna get worse from here.
I know it.
Some say that Andrew Garfield was the best vitamin E.
Some say it was Tom Holland, but deep down, we all know that Han Solo en trick had the exact same art for hit.
Oh, my God, my mind.
Be like E.
I've already up.
Voted this, kids.
It's so awesome.
Now that you bought a house in Japan upgrading my craft Sword.
Men so called Peachy fried.
Very cool.
Felix named a truck Jorgen four years ago.
Yeah, yeah!
While my vocabulary is literally infinite Incredible boaters, Mihm's nine year olds.
Oh, I thought you were dead.
Phoners mean my death was greatly exaggerated.
You can just make anything into skeletons and get up, dudes.
It can't be that easy.
It is that easy, Spec Tober.
Everyone where everyone gets up voted how to tame a Villager in Minecraft Epically, you have to get its cross, bro to break getting his crossbow to break and take from 15 to 20 minutes.
The pillage, er once tamed when no longer hurt you in any other moms, As you can see, I mean survival and he won't attack me.
Another thing to know it is to give him a name to stop him from these spotting.
Oh, my God.
Let's also I want to do that.
Tame a bunch of pillagers.
We could make it pillage or freak chamber can pillagers frank top comment let me know.
I need to know this e Remember this?
I told the Livestream Hey, remember to feed my dogs in 20 minutes because I knew I had to And then everyone kept saying Feed your dog and I'm like, No shut up.
Spend is fine.
Look at his tail.
Thes are strange times we live in when you're just so character isn't a cut scene That's funny.
So glad I grew up with this and not this.
Hey, don't this upside down Pyramid Australian Pyramid Girl's story on instagram $5 so get I love this me When I realized that it's parked over for me first in the world because I live in New Zealand rattled I remember the same thing.
Seeing all the spook Tober muse appear afterwards I'm like, but no, you're late.
The first guy to read the letters at the eye Doctor must have been like Okay, all right, now we've got too far my food looking at me from inside the microwave.
You should have one where it's older, back head And then when you flip the magnets around and he looks at you Yeah, that was funny, right?
I'm sorry Here's another one.
Pig went after you hit one by accident.
There it is!
All right, gamers.
Happy spec Tober!
Thanks for smashing.
And also if you're a gamer girl and one free up boats.
Clearly this works.
Check out the merch.
Sorry, guy.
Gamers, I don't make the rules.
See you guys tomorrow by what you haven't tried to per simulated Citizen E after 50 million Astros.
My, I can't do it.