字幕表 動画を再生する
I have a blister on my thumb from drumming.
The video has started.
I'm not even dressed properly.
God damn it all work of everybody.
Welcome back to meantime, as we say here.
No, not young.
Young me may think the means is the future, Everybody.
That's all the world is going to be about in a few years.
It just means specifically jacks up.
The guy means the whole world's gonna turn into those.
Probably not.
That's our jacks up the guy Stay in school.
Not for babies staying in school.
Sorry I spent.
That was disrespectful saying schools for big babies.
Big, small, stinky brains.
Now be a gamer.
That's what it's all about.
I don't have a controller here.
I'm a bad gamer.
I'm a gamer.
I don't go anywhere without my valve.
Index controllers all the time just sticking on my head, said, jumping into the virtual world cause my life sucks.
The real world it's only want to do is game and virtual reality.
Sorry, Mom.
I can't come to dinner right now.
I'm gaming cardboard cutouts coming for me.
Run away, everybody.
He'll catch it.
That's not that's not a nice face.
That's a smile that he has in his face.
He'll he'll get He'll comb in the night and spring forward and kill you in your sleep.
I don't have them here, though.
Um, he's back in L A.
I ran away from him.
He'll catch up with me eventually.
I tried to take his place.
That's why I cook my hair again.
I saw you.
I saw you people.
You people that this new co perch Were you people at the scene?
Slash Slash You know what?
You worry.
See what it says in the back?
More, baby.
Do you know what that says?
Can you translate that?
No new co perch.
There's another one of the new shirts is nice, right?
Check that out.
Abstract job fuckers know about coke Windbreakers, huh?
Rain gets to you because you're Irish or English and rain.
And all the time that you cook windbreaker, not rain will disappear.
Like John seen Sean when he finds the elusive end portal in the place, he forgot to check.
Well, well, well, if it ain't the invisible cunt, don't you know?
Don't you monetize me.
They said it, not me.
Blurt out bird all out.
Can we do it afterwards and just sleep it all out?
I love swearing.
I'm Irish.
Are you going?
You know, I was Irish potatoes in my veins.
Jack, when something amazing happens, the best thing that can happen to a potato.
I told you those potatoes in these veins, those potatoes in my stomach was potato in my brains.
That one.
A lot of people believe definitely a lot of potatoes in my brain from Burger King.
Proving anything that Burger King can offer could be the greatest thing that's happened to a potato lights.
But Sue Burger King.
Oh, what you got there, Potato?
E need to get Felix back Every time we play.
He just potatoes me.
But it's He started the world, so I can't go into creative and make stuff the way he did.
What was the context of this original scene?
I mean, I know he has an ostrich, and he didn't want to say there's an ostrich that much.
I get big brain.
But why?
Why did you have an ostrich?
What's he going to do with it?
What's the You know what?
I don't need to know.
I don't need to know the Entomology of my means.
I just like my means.
Right here.
Right here.
Right here.
Mimi Mean template.
Jack's computer be late.
You're not wrong.
I mean, I can see lights on they could see processors and I could see GPU is and all I kind of stuff.
But really, all I see is potato, You know, in the Matrix.
When Neo saw the green code for the first time, he was like, I finally figured it all out.
That's me.
Except always use potatoes.
It's potatoes all the time.
I have potato vision.
Top of morning.
Okay, You got this all wrong.
Top of morning, Belle.
Belle, Belle.
I didn't steal the person.
Got a right ding ding.
Irish noises.
This is all wrong.
This is backwards.
It's ding ding ding, top of mourning.
Get a right game.
Go back.
Go back!
Is that the Minecraft series?
Just go back to the very beginning.
Go back to the first episode.
Right now it is a playlist at the top of the channel.
Click that.
Go watch every episode again because clearly you're getting it wrong.
Top of morning.
Ding, ding, ding, ding ding ding ding Irish noises.
Does that sound like how I start the Minecraft?
Adios smh my potatoes this way.
I don't know if that's true, but I'm going to check.
Oh, what a great use of that former way.
Have a lot of SpongeBob means this time because I like it so much because it's my favorite mean in recent years.
Means they're just not as good as they used to be.
Used to be Great means used to stay around forever.
Now you have a mean and as soon as you see it, it's gone.
I want means to stick around, have some longevity.
I'm sick of Felix, killing them so quickly.
I want them to stick around all right, that's what we'll do.
Felix kills the means.
We'll stay here and revitalize them on, revive them and get to the way too late, because this one's about Mimi's already your elephant.
When Shawn gets jump scared by the cardboard cutouts for the last time, I I'll burn them.
Didn't they did?
There's vanished.
I woke up in the last day in L.
A, and they knew I was leaving.
I don't know where they went.
Anybody see them have no idea where they went.
That could be under your bed right now.
Check it.
Check that bed.
Last thing you want is a giant jacks up cardboard head under your bed.
Next cardboard head.
Be like I'm ahead.
Take the lead.
The truth.
David, you're not wrong.
There is a good one.
Minecraft mean exists.
I I'm a boat up, SpongeBob out in the background.
You didn't even make Steve big enough to cover.
This is going to be my life.
I mean, that takes zero effort.
There's a mean That's a mean.
And also what were you just watching?
Sponge book me Breaks one fence block my entire firm.
I I'm a head out.
That did happen.
Except in my case.
It's like creeper.
I I'm not explode my head.
It's probably better Mim in there with I'm a I'm ahead blow.
I'm a get head.
Know that Simon Theodore in Alvin Graver explodes Chunk offense gone pouring Doesn't get what he did.
Get out.
Brought him back in skeleton.
Um, and this man's whole career Minecraft is the saddest enemy of all time.
I can't handle it.
It's given me more heartbreak than my actual life when you say creeper, but she doesn't say, Ah man, I I'm ahead out that sponge septic pence.
That's disgusting looking.
That's so bad it looks like Looks like it should be on some kind of register.
Sean, I need next be Let's go to the nether Sean sees a big lava pool I I'm ahead for contentment.
It happened one time The other time in the lava crept up on me It climbed the wall and got me Man, you fall in love a 10 times and suddenly it's a trend and everyone makes fun of you.
So mean sad, sad gamer noises.
Jack sees a sign next to a large hole saying free potatoes down the hole.
Jack, I I'm Ed.
That one's true.
Changes misery.
Mmm mmm.
I I'm ahead in.
You never see the trap.
I still just have to go.
My friend and I decided we needed our own jacks up.
The guy emerged to represent around Vancouver these air what we had made Top of morning.
Oh, man.
That's actually really cool.
Top of morning.
I hope some people walk by you and just ding ning ning If they didn't sad potato noises cries in top of morning.
That's really cool, though.
Thank you.
That's really sweet of you to do.
And not for the Minecraft.
Enough of the regular means.
It's time for Big Brain Goose means we hunted up on the board earlier.
We need it back.
Make an innocent kid buy back his own toys.
Hunks, Don't make me laugh so much.
It's so stupid.
I need gold for this.
Jesus Christ!
Good job.
Good job.
Sorry that I'm not the best editor in the world.
Stocks Wall Street.
When they searched, the numbers go up again.
Stocks young didn't even use the goose of the game.
You want 123 r f and took the stock picture.
That's a good name.
That's it.
That's an epic 10 God.
Remember him?
This is him now.
Feel old yet?
I don't remember.
Happy wheels.
I remember.
Remember when Jack said the guy had green hair?
I remember, man.
That was really where The gamer days, weren't they?
When everybody had colored hair, everyone was playing happy wheels.
Everyone was like, Oh, my God, like I subscribe A lot has changed.
Speaking of which, I better like this video.
If you don't like this video, a goose will come to your house and take your toes.
I'm not even saying it for the mean.
I'm not even saying it for a joke, but legitimately What will happen?
Ah, yes, my favorite game.
Honk, honk, honk, honk, honk, honk!
I'm good.
To be fair, That is what I call my first episode.
And then the second episode was Young Kyung kyung and I just recorded the third and last episode and I don't want to call it Well, I guess you know by now By the time this video comes out mind boom, why go away?
The young king Peace was never an option.
There should be a mode like that.
All people please mod the game.
Can you mud the game that you could get an ax in your mouth and chop people's legs off?
But be so epic If there was murder in my video games, if it was murder in my goose game, my happy go Old people video games cause violence.
Me trying to gather items.
From what I just said, the video games I just said that I wanted violence in little goose game they don't cause violence.
I swear, I'm just I'm just comedically violent.
I'm not actually violent.
The thought of hurting another human person being She breaks my little Irish heart.
It breaks the little potato inside would never hurt somebody but a goose unless young question mark First footage of untitled goose getting 2090 since then Predict everything seriously.
Their stuff.
Recently, they predicted, like trump stuff.
There was another one with Greta Thornburg, uh, with Lisa and the predicted that a good 10 man.
Good, good, mean good use of it mean for a gamer, that's that's awesome.
Also realized how ridiculous that whole clippers on last but not least, I told you.
All you need is a good mean pointing to a sign, and then that's all it is.
That's the best idea for me.
Beauty pie.
Be like, yes, quite bored.
Two point.
Oh, laugh.
But we haven't had a good laugh in a while.
There's no laughs out there or we have our means to cure depression, but we don't have laughs to help lift us up and keep us.
They're coming soon.
Season two jacks up the guy's funniest home videos.
Maybe question mark like this video, if you want Season to Jack should interview Chiana Reeves.
I almost did.
I I talked about this.
I can't remember where.
But back in May, when John Wick three was coming out, I somebody from the studio came to me and asked if I wanted to interview Chiana Reeves.
I obviously said yes, because who would turn down Jesus Christ himself?
But like a week before it was supposed to happen, they said, No, sorry, it's not happening cause I think the press junket good just got smaller, or Chiana didn't do as many interviews.
Something like that happened.
It bounces back all the time, But it would have been right before the Chris Hemsworth interview, and it would have been right before E three, when Quiano means rose to the top.
Could you imagine?
We could have been in on the ground floor with Chiana Reeves in the same room with him.
I could have shook in his hand and smelled his hair.
We could have made some means of our own before they kicked off.
Sometimes a gamer just doesn't win.
Sometimes a gamer just doesn't respond.
I was I was really sad about it.
He was a really fun one that I was really looking forward to doing.
If you guys turned this into another whiteboard slash P s a mean.
I will smite you.
You're doing the exact same thing.
You're partaking.
You don't have ground to stand on.
If you're Irish Point at this sign.
Happy potato noises.
That's me.
I'm Irish.
Lets me Do you guys know I was Irish?
Have I told you guys about this because heard about this new ding ding ding Irish noises for a limited time.
What the freaky Jack said The guy's ding ding ding Irish noises.
I want those.
That's a really good edit away.
Are they actually just called?
Ding ding dings its hostess, Ding Dongs.
I get it.
No, my brain get Before I didn't get the MIM.
Now I get the mean guys.
I've gotten context.
That's that's not a bad edit.
I don't know if people make the means or if they steal the means.
I don't know what the reposted what's not.
It's higher, normal video name.
Jack said.
To get Yang Kyung Kyung, that's all you need.
YouTube, 2019.
Changing the game.
Just say Helen Keller counter everything.
My butt is down here.
If you don't know, That's what the sign originally said.
So I was like, That's a good picture.
And then Evelyn Well, actually evidence that she wanted a picture first, and then I stole her idea Big brain on.
That was her picture.
So I told her to go into that post.
Last but not least, gamers, I leave you with something amazing.
I'm gonna I'm gonna bounce out.
This has been your mean President Jacks up the guy at the Jacks up the guy Variety channel.
Mr Potato himself, the Gaelic gladiator body.
Billy Bob McGinty citing out Have fun gamers.