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game way.
Amir, it's men.
What's up?
Seven were up in the sky for a very specific reason.
That's right.
We're gonna build on a C 1 34 you could sign.
This has been a long dream for my my craft dog.
He's always said it since day one.
And today that day is here because it's true.
I'm gonna show you just a quick run down what the idea is.
So basically, we're gonna build a bomber with through a T and t duplicate.
Er, I know you're very interested.
It's cool that I'll show you how it works.
Let me see if I remember.
Okay, So Bing bang.
And then what you use is ah, core a lot of all items a choral bubble, whatever.
That ace.
That's how you make this to duplicate.
There's old versions of of this, but this was actually works in the latest version of my crime.
No one cares for looked okay.
And then you make this.
They put a detect the rail and they put a mind card, and you just have something to push it, and that will actually let's put a sticky piston and then watch this one.
This is This is the fun part.
It duplicates the TNT Jesus.
Which means we can make a lot of bombings.
Oh, my God, That's cool, right?
So I got the design from Diamond Dozer really, really fun and cool.
I can't wait to use this properly.
Otherwise it's so satisfying.
So fast.
Oh, my God.
You see what I'm talking about?
All right, they're blowing up.
Are they blowing up before?
Okay, I see.
SC sc.
Let's build it a little further down, then.
Good thing I tested this.
00 no.
Oh, my.
Okay, well, that was that design.
Uh, cool.
A lot of people just find these random things.
Oh, yeah, The bubble coral reef.
That'll do the trick, Like, comes up with us.
The You know what?
This bill needs to work a bubble coral reef.
That'll do the trick.
I didn't build the correct this time today.
Now it works twice.
It's so satisfying.
Look at that.
So, basically, now anytime that's pushed forward, Epic explosion into soos.
So what are we going to do this?
We couldn't put observers murmur here, and I guess I put you there see if I can do this properly on this.
This ever.
It doesn't work.
One tooth.
Okay, now it worked on.
Then eventually.
Okay, so this is actually our base Now.
We're just gonna make more of that pulled up spent.
So we're just gonna repeat this pattern?
I just realized it doesn't work at all.
Uh, Marat work.
So 12123416 Also, while I'm at it, this build is inspired by I think pie.
He did a carpet bummer as well.
And I thought, Hey, that's cool.
I want to make it.
It works.
All right, We keep going.
Gamers, I don't know how big I want to make it.
That's a $1,000,000 questions.
How big you want?
It's wine.
He's clearly very invested.
This is great.
All right.
Getting hangover this during this very fast, epically.
And as I said that I stopped doing it.
Okay, I think this should be one wing, you know, that's pretty cool.
That loose school.
Oh, I made a mistake.
What did I do?
Oh, all right.
There's a lot of building that needs to be done, and we're doing it.
We're just doing it this way for me to place a TNT wrong.
And the whole thing goes, Kaboom!
Cash balloon.
Okay, works.
This is obviously a lot of work, but some men is going to be so happy that it's old.
It's just it's all going to be worth it.
Please don't blow up eyes, Gary.
This fine being bank bone being bang Pong ping phone Ping town Ping Pang pong Peng pong.
This is It's already looks ridiculous.
Uh, okay.
All right.
It work glorious.
A stupid as is already is.
I think I need to actually make it bigger because the wing is so fat now.
It needs to, like, be at least that long, I think.
All right, it's getting there.
Uh, we have 12345678 17.
The lucky number.
I think it's gonna be crazy.
Please work.
So, Lance, just work.
All right?
Looking good.
Looking good.
Oh, my God.
That was way too evil.
Come on, surrenders like I don't know if I want this.
All right, the wings air done.
Uh, just need to build the front of the ship, and we should be good to go.
Not bad.
I think maybe.
Does he work at all?
I have no clue.
I think something happened.
I think so.
I think it works.
I'm so a base.
All right.
Well, a laugh.
It looks so bad.
The weirdest part of this whole thing is that it somehow works.
Every time I try it, I'm sure it's gonna fail.
Let's just you know what?
This is not No.
I think what I need to do is I need to build it in slime first, and then figure out the Redstone.
Now, I build the thing just so I can test if it works.
I felt the last to see Avery works, and he doesn't.
Oh, my God.
03 to 1.
Police work.
Okay, I'm really glad.
I thought this might be too easy.
Okay, I think I did it.
That should be a repeatable patterns.
Makes what I felt like what I built.
It's like it's gonna be an airplane.
I think my ever seen my My.
Okay, Once I get past his hartal, it will actually be quite easy.
Just connecting these two spots have been very ill.
It works.
Okay, Now, We're just gonna make these ovals God smash, like on video, because my brain about exploded.
Explosion, drainage.
Okay, I wish I came up with this pattern before I started recording.
That's my only wish in life.
All right, so we're nearly there, aren't we?
Swim ahead.
Hopefully this through.
Pay off.
My God!
My God.
I mean, this is silly.
This is just stupid.
It's just so incredibly dumb.
I don't know what else to say.
All right, so the engine will go here.
This should power the whole thing.
Should I try it then?
That's scary.
I'm definitely backing up.
I, however I know backed up.
My house is flooding right now, and I'm building a mine.
Crashed airplane.
The irony that this country is filled with water.
All right, we're backed up.
I wish I could back up my house, but I can't.
Okay, here we go.
I forgot.
They need to move forward a little bit.
Doesn't hit.
What the fuck happened here?
Definitely broke here.
What happened?
Although it didn't break, I just kept going, okay?
It didn't work.
Probably because of this thing.
No, it stopped running for another reason, and I see the problem already?
What are you doing here?
What do you doing?
They fixed.
It's like you know you can do it.
You just have to figure it out.
And you know it's gonna pay off because it's gonna look at Damn, that looks so cool.
Why does the wings not move on?
Oh, it's affected by bad.
Fan sex.
It's already broken to begin with because it's missing a piston, bro.
It's missing one here, too.
Should work.
I Brooklyn less.
Oh, for God.
Come on.
Yes, it works.
It works.
It works.
It works.
Oh, This'd where the fun begins.
It's gonna build the engine.
Okay, there she goes.
We just gotta find a spot for spent.
I didn't think of that, actually.
Dang it.
This could be a bone.
What is what is this?
What is that?
Why do you not activate?
Oh, why?
All right.
Who's been the most patient dog in the whole world?
That's right.
You Sven!
You did it.
Hang on.
We need to find your seat.
I don't know where You Okay.
Can he fit in one of the mine carts?
because that's not a bad idea.
I'm gonna go here spent.
Come on, my main.
Come on.
Getting Yeah, that's my boy.
And then maybe I can be, like, kept the next to you.
It felt like so cool.
That looks so dope.
All right, this is the first time we try it with a full engine.
Let's see how a goats.
All right, now we're just waits.
One neighbor, go spend.
This is going to be us.
I never got Yeah, yes, I'm so happy.
It's working, men.
It's what gate?
After so much trouble, it's my computer.
Okay, Mike, I think on my computer is starting to have a little problem.
Let's have a look at that.
Looks like Oh, my God, that's so cool.
No way.
Render distance.
Computer about to explosion.
Why have I compute their social?
Come on.
It's having a bit of a problem to render.
All explosions are happening.
Explosions air definitely happening.
All right, All right.
I should stop in and see.
Kind of like with damages.
They're standing.
All right.
What's that?
Oh, God.
It's still dropping.
If it's still no.
Okay, let's see the damage we've done.
Okay, All right.
That's cool.
Not bad.
Not bad.
Not bad at all.
It'll be like, let's commit some war crimes.
Gosh, so happy.
I'm so happy.
I could It's It was so much easier than I thought.
If I didn't just build it wrong here and had to make this whole complicated thing to make it fit there and this bear, it would have been so easy.
But I didn't think in advance, and I paid the price.
But what is this?
Oh, no.
There's a village spenders of village right there.
There's a bunch of years and people.
Okay, we better turn left.
We better turn left, then kill them.
Kill them!
Oh, God, I I fell down.
Oh, God.
I don't know where I am.
Help me!
Oh, no.
They're gonna be in their pants when they Oh, that's my boy.
Let's must run, guys, hurry up.
You have to run.
No guile.
Oh, no.
Someone stopped there.
Mmm mmm.
Guys, that please do something.
Oh, no.
What a tragedy.
It's about to happen very slowly.
It's a very slow bom ber, but it gets the job done.
Oh, God.
Oh, no.
Not the town Oh, no.
With all the Villagers.
Oh, God.
But the shoes red Let the show friends in his room playing spend.
You have to stop trying to run, But there's no There's no point in running from Spence Little ship.
All right, Let's see if I can find the engine.
Oh, my God.
It's still bombing.
All right, let's look at the damage, Meritus.
Oh, this is so sad.
You people used to live here.
Now it's a ghost town.
My God!
So then how could you?
I could you my own small aircraft out completely.
Ruth Place.
Two people lived.
How ill?
Because they went underneath.
Hey, lucky you.
That's so cool that you guys made it out of line.
That's so cool.
No witness states, no witnesses.
J says.
Oh, my God, It looks crazy.
Oh, my God.
Nothing can stop us for invincible Spent.
Nothing's ever going to stop us.
We're going to bone the entire world.
Oh, God, no!
Oh, it was this a joke?
I'm so sorry.
Okay, guys, if you enjoy this video smash like subscribe, we have a Black Friday sale going on right now with brand new merch is a great way to support the channel.
Thank you guys.
And bye bye.
For too long you have been farting.
No, you're entering a new era.
But you shall craft hour of smells and poop Grades is coming Marzia, Edgar and Bucktown need you with time or you will face.
But crawler is all about when you are seated on the porcelain Throne 40 is the game to play.
I'm not supposed to have my opinion of attack, but that rises.