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  • NARRATOR: And now EMC, the Emotional Movie Channel,

  • presents Mad Men.

  • MR. DRAPER: So, gentlemen, where are we with the Happy

  • Honeybear account?

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Coming right along, Mr. Draper.

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: Would you like for us to show you some ideas,

  • Mr. Draper?

  • MR. DRAPER: Yes.

  • Let's take a look, shall we?


  • Here we go.

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: We've been working very hard on this.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: How's that, huh?

  • MR. DRAPER: Let's see.

  • But this doesn't make me happy!

  • The raccoons are running off with the bear's honey This

  • makes me mad--

  • very mad.

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: Yeah.

  • It makes me mad, too.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Yeah, very mad!

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: Mad, mad, mad!

  • BOTH: We are mad men!

  • MR. DRAPER: We need to feel happy about honey.

  • Where's the picture that's going to

  • grab us with happiness?

  • You know, put a sticky smile on our faces?

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Oh, oh.

  • How about this, Mr. Draper?

  • Huh?



  • MR. DRAPER: I don't see happy here.

  • The honey is all gone.

  • The bear has nothing to eat.

  • It makes me sad.

  • I'm sad.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Me too.

  • I'm sad.

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: Very sad.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Sad, sad, sad.

  • BOTH: We're sad men.

  • [CRYING]

  • MR. DRAPER: Where is that idea that's going to pull us up out

  • of our sadness, wipe away our tears, and make

  • us happy about honey?

  • Hm?

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: How about this one?

  • MR. DRAPER: Now, this one--

  • this one gets me right here.

  • The bear is dripping with gooey honey.

  • He's smiling.

  • This makes me happy.

  • This makes me happy.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: I'm happy too!

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: So, so happy!

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Happy, happy, happy!

  • BOTH: We're happy men!

  • MR. DRAPER: It's been an emotional

  • rollercoaster, hasn't it?

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: Yeah.

  • MR. DRAPER: We've been mad, sad, and happy.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Yeah.

  • MR. DRAPER: But good work, sycophants.

  • BUSINESSMAN 1: Thanks, Mr. Draper.

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: You're the boss, Mr. Draper.

  • MR. DRAPER: Yes, I am.

  • Watch the suit.

  • BUSINESSMAN 2: Oh, I'm sorry.

NARRATOR: And now EMC, the Emotional Movie Channel,


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A2 初級

セサミストリート:マッドメン (Sesame Street: Mad Men)

  • 62 5
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日